The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 603 Shadow In The Snow And Aether Foundation (Two In One)

Chapter 603 Shadow in the Snow and Aether Foundation (two in one)

The same office.

Xia Yan sat behind a solid wood desk with a large number of Poké Balls on the table.


All were confiscated from those hunters just now.

Hunters are people who live with their heads pinned to their trousers belts, and naturally carry all their belongings on their bodies.

This way, it is also cheaper for Xia Yan.

There are not only Pokémon that belong to them here, but also the harvest of these days.

Four of the Poké Balls are released individually.

Here are the four quasi-Elite Pokémon of those two contenders for the seat.

"Choose two?"

Xia Yan looked at Qiao Anna.

Although it is someone else's Pokémon, it is definitely not easy to use.

But if we encounter today's situation again, at least we won't be so passive.

Provided that Joe Anna can tame these Pokémon.

in this regard.

Qiao Anna has always admired Xia Yan.

Because although his Pokémon can be seen at a glance that they are subdued in the later stage, but they listen to his orders very much, even if the tacit understanding is not good, obeying the order can still play a good battle.

Joe Anna pondered a little.

Although she didn't like Pokémon like this, she also suffered a loss today.

In the end, she picked out Drapion and Purugly.

These two Pokémons are relatively Arnold.

Then Xia Yan looked at the people below who were all injured.

"You seven, choose one from each of you."

Hearing this, the seven people suddenly showed a surprised expression.

Although it is impossible for them to choose a quasi-Elite Pokémon like Joe Anna, it is also very good to be able to get a Pokémon of the pavilion level.

Both are hunters, and the requirements for Pokémon are not that high.

It's pretty good to have a harvest.

"You keep these, deal with the ones that should be disposed of, and keep the rest." Xia Yan stood up slowly and said to Qiao Anna.


"Starting tomorrow, in the black market of Malie City, establish a Hunter Guild branch and start recruiting hunters."

Xia Yan walked to the window and looked at the pastoral scenery outside the window.

He wouldn't trust anyone who came out of the Hunter's Guild.

Rather than subdue those who may betray at any time, it is better to re-recruit quickly.


There are also many people in the Alola Region.

There are also many people who specialize in catching and selling Pokémon.

It's just that they didn't know there was such an organization as the Hunter Guild.

Recruit up.

Whether it's releasing a mission or collecting intelligence, it's all good.

Early stage.

You can use these Pokémon as rewards and rewards.

Although they won't be around for long, Alola Region will open up after a while, paving some roads early and making future plans more convenient.

"it is good."

Joe Anna had no objection.

Through today's battle, she fully realized Xia Yan's strength.

Also recognized his ability to take the seat.

To help him is to help himself, Joe Anna has always had such a voice in her heart.


Joe Anna narrowed her eyes.

When the Alola Region opens, the Hunter Guild will have the right to speak in this Region, who has the final say?

"By the way, there is news about the Skeleton Team and the Aether Foundation that you asked us to contact last time." Joe Anna finally said.

"You go and get in touch with the Skeletons, spend some money, and let them help gather information on the remaining contenders for the seats."

Xia Yan supported the hat on top of his head.

"I'm going to meet the people from the Aether Foundation."

the next day.

Xia Yan took the Pokémons to Mount Lanakila, the highest mountain in the Alola Region and a mountain completely covered in snow and ice.

Here, it will become the headquarters of the Alola Alliance after the Alliance has fully settled in.

He wanted to come and see if he could come across Alola Ninetales, or Alola Sandslash.

These two Pokémon are more practical.

The Ice and Fairy Attributes of Alola Ninetales are simply the nemesis of the Dragon Element.

The most important thing is to look good.

Think about it, in the future, when Xia Yan's Eevees have all evolved, and then get a group of Milotic and an Alola Ninetales, with Togekiss, how many cards?

How about announcing the champion directly in the Contest?

This is of course a joke.

When Xia Yan conquered Pokémon, the first thing he looked at was the fit between Pokémon and himself, the compatibility with the lineup, and then the appearance of Pokémon.

Besides Alola Ninetales, Alola Sandslash is also good.

Although the combination of Ice and Steel is defeated by Fighting and Fire, it has enough resistance to make up for this shortcoming.

The "Snowpush" ability, coupled with the "Sword Dance" that can be learned by itself, can also become a physical attacker of the Xuetian team.

I believe that Lorelei and Steven, who know this kind of Pokémon, should be very interested.

But a pity.

He turned around, but couldn't touch their shadows.

I did meet a few Snorunts.

But Xia Yan has little desire for this kind of Pokémon, and they are not strong either, so there is no need to capture them.

But after coming up, the little guys had a great time.

After looking around and not finding Xia Yan, I knew that I couldn't force it. Seeing them having fun, I decided to take a break and let them play for a while.


Latios picked up a cloud of snow and threw it at Eevee.


Eevee's little nose was bright red, and the snow held up by Latios took a bath.


He shook his body vigorously, but he couldn't shake off all the snow that was mixed in its thick hair.

Immediately gasped.

Pointing his ass at Latios, pretending to be angry.



Seeing this, Latios stepped forward cautiously, wanting to go up to see how Eevee was doing.


Eevee's eyes turned sly with his back to it.

Facing Latios's head, his hind legs slammed against Ground, and he treated the snow as sand, giving it a "Sand Attack".

Latios, who was drenched all over, blinked.


Seeing Latios' embarrassed appearance, Eevee burst into tears from laughter and rolled in the snow.


Knowing that he was being tricked, Latios was immediately "angry".

I don't know where I got the inspiration from, so I took a big breath and blew it towards Eevee.

The extremely cold breath, wrapped in a little ice ballast, spit out from its mouth.

"Icy Wind?"

Seeing this scene, Xia Yan was stunned.

Did not expect Latios to play games and learn moves?

In fact, Latios didn't even think about it himself.

Just do it subconsciously.

Then use it.

Eevee rolled around on the ground a few times.

When he stood up again, his expression was stunned, and his body was covered with ice balls.


This time, it was Latios' turn to spin happily in mid-air.

not far away.

Togekiss brushed the ice balls off his face expressionlessly.

It is considered to be affected by the pond fish.


Latios and Eevee's expressions froze at the same time.

Togekiss's eyes fell on them.

¬o( ̄- ̄)



The two Pokémon waved their hands again and again and kept backing away.

"Quite yea!!"

Togekiss flapped his wings and rolled up a large amount of snow and snow, pressing down on Latios and Eevee.

The two Pokémon saw the battle.

Immediately startled.

Run away quickly.


They found a backer.


With the huge body of Snorlax as the city wall, it has resisted the "baptism" of Togekiss's wind and snow.

It's just that Snorlax was covered with a lot of snow.

Then the three Pokémon started a snowball fight around Snorlax.

As the "war" expanded, several more Pokémon were "forced" to join their "battle".

And when a Pokémon intervenes.

Things are different.

That's when Kapoor Bears came on the scene.

Latios swallowed quietly, looking at the huge Snowball that Kapoor bears on his head, twice the size of Snorlax.

He leaned behind Snorlax.

It was followed by Togekiss, Monferno.



Eevee's eyes are full of small stars, and his reaction is a little slow.

Fortunately, Latios quickly pulled it back.

A rare expression appeared on Kapo Xiongxiong's face.


Snorlax, who was buried in the snow and almost became a large snowman: .

Played for a while.

Xia Yan saw that the little guys were tired from playing, so he clapped his palms and called them back, indicating that it was time to go.

The little guys have had enough.

Putting away the Pokémon, Xia Yan hugged and curled up in his arms, hit the little Eevee that Yawn was about to fall asleep, and left the top of Mount Lanakila.

But after they left.

A snow-white and pure figure appeared in the place where they played just now.

Cianwood-colored pure eyes blinked.

In the snow, the figure is looming.

You can faintly see that nine slender tails are flying along the wind and snow behind him.

And at its feet, followed by a round Doduo, the same snow-white little guy.

Glancing at the shadows of Xia Yan and the others in the distance.

He lowered his head and fiddled with the Snowball left on the ground, showing a happy smile.

"Ow~" Nuo Nuo cried out.

But after playing for a while, it seemed that it was not very fun to play alone, and looked at the distance with some yearning.

The bigger Pokémon, picked it up, dodged a few times, and disappeared into the snow.

Aether House.

A building complex on the west coast of Ula'ula Island, on the other side of Mount Lanakila.

This is a base of the Aether Foundation on Ula'ula Island.

There are a lot of Pokémon living in it.

There are many children who like Pokémon, and they like to go to the Aether House to play with these Pokémon before they can meet Alola's local rules and become a trainer.

Of course there are some people who have become Trainers and come here to play with Pokémon.

Like Acerola.

Xia Yan came to the door of Aether House.

He was greeted by a woman in a white coat with a pink sweater, high heels, and pink-rimmed eyes.


One of the top executives of the Aether Foundation.

this means.

Some information provided by Xia Yan attracted the attention of the Aether Foundation.

"You are the intelligence agent from outside Alola, Mr. Yan Xia, right?"

Seeing Xia Yan waiting at the door, Wicke greeted him with a smile.

Wicke is a very gentle and considerate person who treats his subordinates and others without any airs, and is highly rated in the Aether Foundation.

It can also be regarded as one of the few good people in the seemingly neutral organization of the Aether Foundation.

As for "intelligence".

But it's just a name that Xia Yan came up with casually.

Because the Alola Region is about to open.

A lot of information about the outside Region is needed by the Alola Region.

This allows for better and faster integration into the Alliance system.

Although Alliance won't be stingy in this regard.

But what the Alliance has to offer will certainly only be some good direction information.

And there is a lot of bad information about the Alliance today, such as some underground organizations, it is estimated that not much will be disclosed.

How can anyone want to pull others into the party and say that they are not good?

And these are equally important to the Aether Foundation, an organization that plays a pivotal role in the Alola Region.

Of course, the Aether Foundation will definitely send its own people to do some research.

However, in some aspects of intelligence information, Xia Yan is still very confident.

He knew some things that even the Alliance today may not be aware of.

Xia Yan thought that it would be Zaobo who came to contact him.

But thinking about Zaobo who is secretly mean, and devoted to research, Zaobo, who just wants to get ahead, probably won't pay attention to "little people" like Xia Yan.

Smiling and shaking hands with Wicke.


Hearing this, Wicke was stunned for a moment, then replied with a tight smile, "Alola."

Lead Xia Yan to go inside.

"It seems that Mr. Yan Xia has some understanding of our Alola culture."

"Hehe - as an intelligence agent, this is a required course."

"Yeah." Wicke covered his mouth and chuckled.

"I don't know which Region Mr. Yan Xia came from?" Wicke asked again.

Xia Yan held up his hat.

He felt that he should equip himself with a cane, which is more in line with his current status.

"Sinnoh Region."

Xia Yan also understood Wicke's question.

After all, in terms of identity, he is a person of unknown origin. If he can't answer some basic questions, there is no need to continue going inside.

"The Sinnoh Region? I traveled to the Kanto Region for a while, and I heard that there is a very powerful organization, it seems to be called the Rockets?" Wicke said with a smile, both intentionally and unintentionally.

Xia Yan's eyes flashed.

It's no surprise that Wicke traveled to Kanto.

Just like Dan Di of the Legal Region, isn't he wandering around the Alliance Regions now?

As the largest organization in the Alola Region, the Aether Foundation cannot fail to grant some privileges to the Alliance.

And he knows better.

Aether Foundation and Sinnoh Region are inextricably linked.

It is even possible that the current chairman of the foundation, the Lu Anita family, is not a native of Alola, most likely from the Sinnoh Region.


Artificial Pokémon Type: Null, created by the Aether Foundation.

Or Silvally.

The installed "AR system".

A large part of it was developed based on some materials recovered from the Canalave Library in Canalave City, Sinnoh Region.

Silvally, who can change the attributes of Solaceon according to the loading disc, and Arceus, the "creator of the world", whose attributes change according to the power of the slate.

No one would believe them if they said they were okay.

after all.

Arceus is known as "Little Silvally".

Maybe now Type: Null has been created.

This is enough to prove how powerful the Aether Foundation is.

Those who think that the Aether Foundation is not good are just a small group of people in the society who do not understand the difficulty of creating magical beasts.

Even if it was created based on part of the original foundation.

"Yeah, the Rockets are a very powerful organization." Xia Yan's expression remained the same, with words of admiration in his mouth.

"Really? Not sure how it compares to our Aether Foundation?"

"Miss Wicke was joking."

Aether Foundation and the Rockets?

Is this comparing yourself to an underground organization?

Wicke smiled. "I said the wrong thing."

It seems to speak, but why is it not a temptation.

Test whether Xia Yan is a serious businessman.

They Aether Foundation face it with a different attitude.

Then the two chatted a little more, it seemed very Solaceon, but they were always on the topic of edge balls.

Came to the end of the Aether House walkway.


Wicke finally asked for a message that Xia Yan asked Qiao Anna to send.

It was this information that made him knock on the door of the Aether Foundation.

"Mr. Yanxia, ​​I don't know what you said. I have seen Ultra Wormhole, and I have even seen people who came out of Ultra Wormhole. Is it true and reliable?"

That's right.

Xia Yan knows that Lusamine has an almost twisted love for Pokémon and likes to collect different kinds of Pokémon.

Under the ground of her private mansion, there are a large number of Pokémon frozen, which are her "collection".

And the ultimate beast is the existence that Lusamine has chased so far, but has not been able to see and collect.

Xia Yan knew that as soon as he said these words, it would definitely attract Lusamine's attention.

This was also the only effective and fastest way he could think of to get close to Aether Foundation and Lusamine.

Why go near Lusamine?

Near the Aether Foundation?

Because in Alola Region, the help that Aether Foundation can give him is incomparable even after Alliance has settled in Alola Region for a period of time.

What Help?

Let the Hunter Guild settle in the Alola Region!

He doesn't even have a seat now, so he began to consider letting the Hunter Guild settle in the Alola Region?

Because when the Alola Region opens, this is destined to be a place where the Hunter Guild will compete.

Because Xia Yan couldn't just be satisfied with an ordinary seat.

Because to deal with Tom Ritchie, who is the highest seat, he must have a similar identity.

Because he was in the Alola Region, he saw the possibility of earning a lot of resources.

Part of Agatha's mission is to plan for his own future.

The things that are planned for the rainy day can be unsuccessful in the end.

But can't help but try.

Moreover, his current opportunity is the best time.

The current Aether Foundation, the current Lusamine, has not been completely blackened.

Hearing this, Xia Yan said with a smile: "I don't know, can such a present be allowed to see Chairman Lusamine?"

Instead of answering Wicke's question, he asked back.

Wicke pursed his lips, thought for a moment and said, "Actually, Mr. Yan Xia, you are not the first person to provide this kind of information in these years. But after our investigation, they are all fake."

It's normal. Given the size and capability of the Aether Foundation, there are not a few people who want to try their luck.

As for their results, although Wicke didn't say anything, Xia Yan had some idea in his heart.

Laughing: "Isn't that why Miss Wicke received me?"

She was the one who checked Lusamine first.

Wicke also smiled and nodded.

The ID card is swiped on the device next to the gate.

The high-tech metal door slowly opened.

Inside is an office.

And sitting in the office facing the door, holding his head, with long golden hair, his appearance is extremely delicate, and there is no trace of the years on his cheeks.

Chairman of Aether Foundation.

Lu Anita Chennai!


PS: 5200 words~~ I changed the typo for an hour and a half last night, and I changed a lot. I calculated it carefully. I found that I am not as good as multiple code words.

(End of this chapter)

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