The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 619 Bald And Strong? (Two In One)

Chapter 619 Bald and strong? (two in one)

Togekiss is a Flying and Fairy Pokémon though.

But in fact, there are not many Fairy-type moves that it can learn and use, only "Fairy Wind", "Sweet Kiss", "Charm", "Draining Kiss", "Play Rough" and "Dazzling Gleam" can be learned. Six moves.

Among them, "Sweet Kiss" and "Charm" are also auxiliary moves.

"Play Rough" is a physical attack type move, which does not match the characteristics of Togekiss.

Although "Fairy Wind" and "Dazzling Gleam" are special attack moves, they do not have any additional effects, so it is difficult for Togekiss to bring out the biggest feature of "Tian En Plane".

"Draining Kiss" is not bad, if combined with "Big Root", it can achieve almost 100% Absorb, but it is also not so compatible with Togekiss.


Although Togekiss is a Pokémon of the Fairy series, its main attack method is still in the Flying series.

To be more precise, in the "Air Slash" move.

This is also something that can't be helped, and that's the way Pokémon is.

So even if Xia Yan has been helping Togekiss strengthen the Fairy series, the biggest purpose is to use the characteristics of Fairy series to be immune to dragon series.

There is no thought of using it as Togekiss's main attack.

But just now.

It sees an opportunity to change that.

When Xerneas' horn was connected to Togekiss, and excited by the Togekiss Fairy energy, Xia Yan's eyes completely lit up when the changes appeared, and even the moves he used.

With the feather on Togekiss's head as the center, the hazy Fairy-type energy condensed and formed on his body, if condensed into a cunning full moon.

Then the energy of the Fairy system converges on the top of its head, forming a round pink Energy Ball.

boom! !

Hit the Ground.

A small hole was blown out.

Others may not know, but Xia Yan knows it.

This is a Fairy-type move.


A move that Togekiss should never have learned.

But it just works!

Even if it's because of Xerneas' horn, not Togekiss itself.

It just gathers the Fairy-type energy into the Xerneas horn on the top of the head. This horn itself carries some of the Xerneas's weak energy. After being excited by the Fairy-type energy, it condenses the "Moonblast" move!

No matter how it is used, no matter what Assist is.

The end result is that Togekiss is used, and that's enough!

Moonblast: Attacks the target to cause damage, and has a certain probability to reduce the enemy's special attack ability.

This probability is not low, and it is similar to the probability of "Air Slash" causing the enemy to cower.

Combined with Togekiss's "Heavenly Grace" Ability to double the probability, it becomes more powerful.


Togekiss also looked puzzled.

It feels weird right now.

It was obviously a foreign "twig", and after being inspired by its Fairy-type energy, it was attached to its body.

That feeling is like being connected to Normal.

It can clearly feel that there is something in the feathers on its head, and even its own energy can interact with it. Although it is not as smooth as its own body, this is because the connection has just been constructed.

Just give it a little time to get used to it, and it can become like your own body.


It can also clearly feel the power contained in that horn.

The energy of the Fairy system is part of it.

But in addition to the energy of the Fairy system, there seems to be something else in it, something that it can't communicate or use for the time being.

If you feel it carefully, you can also feel that the mysterious energy is not completely unchanged.

Just like a battery that has been stored for an unknown time or how much it has stored, it is pumping something into its body little by little.

The speed of delivery is so slow that it might not even be noticeable if it hadn't sensed it carefully.

But what was delivered made it feel very comfortable, comfortable from the inside out, as if the cells in the whole body were cheering with the injection of this mysterious energy.

Become more energetic and more passionate.

remove these.

the most important.

It was when Togekiss injected Fairy energy into the horns that the situation just now occurred.

It's similar to how it usually feels when using moves.

It's like this move can be used in the first place, and it's not too jerky to use, and it even feels a bit skilled.

The occurrence of this situation makes Togekiss feel very novel.

It is clearly not his own thing, but it has become a part of its body.

It is obviously not a move it has learned, but it seems to have mastered it to a certain extent.

Though Eevee's words, make it feel a bit.

cough cough.

Could it really collect five pinch?

"Moonblast." Xia Yan said the move that Togekiss used just now.

He stared at it brightly.

"Togekiss, can you use it again? Or only once?"


Togekiss raised his head.

Inject Fairy's energy into the corner again.


He also successfully used "Moonblast" again, which is quite powerful, even higher than those Fairy-type moves it can.

And after using it again, Togekiss found that the energy flowing in the horns also seemed to be a point faster.

"Really will."

Beedrill can gain the ability of electric current by eating Zapdos' feathers and feathers, so as to soar in speed.

It seems that the power of the Togekiss Assist Xerneas corner makes the move "Moonblast", which is not so difficult to accept.

Xia Yan stretched out his hand, pushed aside Togekiss's feathers, and looked at the horn hidden under it.

At the end of the horn, where it meets the skin of Togekiss.

Xia Yan found.

The corner doesn't just hang or stick to it.

There seemed to be signs of a thorough connection with Togekiss' skin and flesh.

As if it was originally produced by Togekiss Growth.

His brow furrowed slightly.

I don't know if this is good or bad.

For now, at least, things are going in Togekiss's favor.

"Togekiss, do you feel any discomfort? Or is there something uncomfortable?" Xia Yan asked.

Although Xerneas' horn is a good thing, it also taught Togekiss the "Moonblast" move, but if Togekiss has to pay a certain price for this, then don't.


Togekiss tilted his head, bent the ends of his wings, and touched the top of his head lightly.

shook his head.


It doesn't seem to be uncomfortable, it can even be said to be very comfortable, the power contained in that corner makes it feel that the body is a lot lighter.

After receiving confirmation from Togekiss, Xia Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

Since nothing bad happened, let's do it for now.

But he still said: "If you feel any discomfort in the future, be sure to tell me as soon as possible."

Xerneas, as the legendary Pokémon in charge of life, shouldn't do anything to hurt the rest of the Pokémon.

After all, it is not the one corresponding to it, Yveltal, the mythical beast representing "destruction".

If this part is from Yveltal, then even if Togekiss doesn't feel anything different, Xia Yan will take it off as his first goal.

Now it seems.

After eating "Pure Golden Feather", Beedrill is still beginning to combine the aura of the leader and the aura of Totem.

A fragment of the Mew gene lurks in his body, Alakazam who absorbed the fragments of the Psychic slate.

Connected to the Togekiss at the Xerneas corner.

These Pokémons of Xia Yan seem to have a tendency to approach the "little divine beast".

Although it is impossible to grow to the level of a divine beast.

But this undoubtedly also shows that they have great potential, and there is still a lot of room for exploration and improvement.

Togekiss's small eyes were full of cunning, and he twirled twice.


Before Xia Yan could finish sighing, he saw Togekiss squinting, frowning, and making a painful sound.

Xia Yan's heart skipped a beat, and hurriedly asked, "What's wrong? Do you feel uncomfortable?"

It's really stressful.

Xia Yan is ready to call Duolong Bart over and violently take down the horn.


But I saw Togekiss flapped his wings softly twice and stuck to Xia Yan's body.

'I feel exhausted'


Just as Xia Yan opened his mouth, he heard Togekiss shout again, interrupting him.


'I'm fine, maybe just have some ice cream. ’

Xia Yan: "."

Hearing this, Xia Yan still didn't understand what the little guy Togekiss was doing.



But Duolong Bartto came to Xia Yan's side for the first time.

When approaching Togekiss, Doron Bartto glanced at Togekiss in surprise.

The Fairy-type energy emanating from it made Doron Bartto feel a little uncomfortable.

Originally, Togekiss would not give Doron Bart this feeling.

Doron Bart's gaze swept across Togekiss's plume.

It also saw the scene just now.

But the feeling of not approaching and after approaching is completely different.

That horn gives it a faint sense of threat.

But he saw Xia Yan holding Togekiss expressionlessly, and then said to Duolong Bart:

"There's something. The horn on Togekiss's head should be harmful to it. I'm going to take it down violently. You help me."


Doron Bart was taken aback.

Even if it is a dragon-type Pokémon and feels the faint threat from the horn, it can clearly feel that this horn is very gentle and should not be harmful to Togekiss.

Then I saw Xia Yan winking at it.

Now Doron Bartto understands.


Hearing that it was going to be taken down violently, Togekiss's body froze, and he slowly raised his head from Xia Yan's arms.


'No, I'm feeling better, if I had two ice creams, it should have gotten better faster. ’


However, he saw Xia Yan's stern face and a firm attitude.

Then he lowered his head and said softly to Togekiss: "Don't worry, it just grows into your skin, it will hurt a little to take it off, but it won't hurt much. At most, it may tear off a bit of skin along with it. If you are unlucky, if it grows It's normal to go deeper and have a little bone.

But it doesn't matter, these injuries are at most a pain for you, I will send you to the Pokémon center, and you will be fully recovered in ten days and a half.

Maybe that pinch of feathers on your head won't grow in the future, but it doesn't matter, it won't affect you much, and at most it will be a little uglier.

Togekiss, relax, we are professional. "

"Just yay!!"==(●●|||)

Hearing Xia Yan say this and describing it so carefully, Togekiss's whole body felt bad.

When I think of my three beautiful feathers in the future, the middle will be bald.

Heart almost stopped.

It's not even the pain to endure.

Immediately broke free from Xia Yan's arms.

flapping its wings in the air.

"Cha, just ah!"

'I-I'm fine! It was all fake just now, I lied to you, hehe——'

Seeing its Contest Condition, there is no uncomfortable look at all.

Xia Yan slowly narrowed his eyes, and the corner of his mouth unconsciously wanted to rise, but he restrained it well.

Continue with a straight face.

"No! You can't take such a risk. Togekiss, you don't have to force it. I'm not such an impersonal Trainer. I don't need this power."

Talking and talking, but also emphasizing the sentence.

"Don't worry about this hair! Trust me, you are bald, but you are strong! This is the eternal truth."

Bald and strong?

Togekiss' face turned pale.

Strong or not is a temporary thing, but baldness is a lifetime thing!

This makes it self-proclaimed to be the most lovely existence in the team, how can it stand.

"Just, just, just, ok."

'No, don't do it'

"Yes! Duolong Bart, wait for your full strength, don't hold back at all." Xia Yan said to Duolong Bart.


Doron Bartto nodded solemnly.

It was very restrained, but the corners of its mouth were still twitching.

I can't stand it anymore.

Fortunately, it quickly distracted itself.

Stir up the terrifying dragon energy.

That surging and turbulent dragon energy, Togekiss is a Fairy Pokémon, and I don't think I can stand it.


Seeing Togekiss's figure flashed, "Extrreme Speed" was launched directly.

After walking around the entire ranch, he returned to Xia Yan, panting slightly.

"Quite yea!!"

'Look, I'm fine! Really good! Ha ha--'


All right.

Xia Yan was the first to hold back.

Next up is Doron Bartto.

Then Beedrill, Alakazam, they all laughed.

Togekiss is called a fan of the authorities.

The corners of Xia Yan's mouth were almost drawn, and it didn't even notice.

It's really unbearable now.


Seeing Xia Yan laughing, Togekiss let out a long breath.


Hair saved.

But the next second, it reacted.

I was "played" by Xia Yan.

He grinned suddenly, showing a fierce look, and rushed towards Xia Yan.

"Quite yea!!"


Xia Yan was directly knocked down by Togekiss.


Togekiss is still measured, not really hard.

After throwing Xia Yan down, he kept rubbing and rubbing against him, scratching and scratching.

Express "dissatisfaction".

As a result, Xia Yan stretched out his hand.

When I touched Togekiss's neck, I found the "soft spot" when I massaged it.

Togekiss suddenly stopped moving and lost the ability to "resist".


Squinting and moaning.

She was so numb, her feathers were shaking, and she was indescribably comfortable.

After a while.

It just got up aggrieved.

The soft underbelly was caught, really.

Xia Yan patted it with a smile, then took out a box and opened it.

Twisted strands of cold air rose.

"Okay, here's ice cream. After you eat it, go to training. Two per person, and it is not allowed to exceed the standard."

Hearing this, Togekiss and the rest of the Pokémon immediately cheered.

What Togekiss eats is called a righteous one.

This is what I got with my hair!

(End of this chapter)

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