The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 621 Attack! (Two In One)

Chapter 621 Attack! (two in one)

Riding the Noivern, Xia Yan left Solaceon Town again after only informing Jucai and Linghua.

If it was before, he might have to fly from Sinnoh Region to Hoenn Region.

But not anymore.

It is too troublesome to do a plane, and there may not be a ticket, and you may have to wait.

As the strength of Latios has increased to the elite level, when you leave the Sinnoh Region, you can break through the clouds and change to Latios in the sky.

At Latios' current straight-line Flying speed, Normal's master-level Pokémon can't match it.

"Blue plane" is not called for nothing.

Hoenn Region is located on the southwest side of Sinnoh Region, so Xia Yan needs to cross the Mt. Coronet vein first, then cross Jubilife City Sky, and leave Sinnoh Continent in the direction of Lake Verity.

Don't worry about the direction.

The tool that Steven's company and Silph Co. jointly created is now more and more complete.

The functions of the navigator are still very complete.

Glancing at the Mt. Coronet vein under the clouds, Xia Yan, who was standing on Noiven's back, was thinking about something.

Like his next plans and plans, or this trip to Hoenn, what the "Draconid Tribe" want him to do.

There are many things and things to consider.

Some may draw conclusions right away, while others may just think about it and clear their minds.


When passing through the high mountain Sky where Jubilife City is located, something unexpected happened.

Originally flying in the sky, and still flying above the clouds, as long as it does not enter the airspace of some Flying-type Pokémon with strong territorial awareness, basically there will be no trouble.

As a result, the Noivern carrying Xia Yan Flying suddenly stopped halfway through the flight.

If Xia Yan hadn't fixed himself with Psychic, this wave of emergency stops might have thrown him straight from the sky.

After standing still, Xia Yan didn't blame Noiven for the first time.

It must have its own reasons for doing so.

I saw it flapping its wings, hovering high in the sky, its head constantly turning, opening its mouth from time to time, making a certain sound that Xia Yan couldn't hear.

Sometimes he turned his head to the side, and the two huge ears seemed to be collecting something.

"What's the matter, Noivern?"

Noivern's reaction made Xia Yan a little puzzled and couldn't help asking.


What answered him was a low growl from Noivern and an emergency avoidance action.

Xia Yan clutched its back tightly, and saw a purple figure swept up from under the clouds at a very fast speed.

If Noivern hadn't dodged just now, he might have been attacked by this purple figure.


After hurriedly avoiding the attack and stabilizing his body, Noiven roared at the swept figure.

At this time.

Xia Yancai saw what that figure was.

The whole body is dark purple, and two pairs of wings, one large and one small, are flapping up and down, with yellow eyes and red pupils, with Taunt in his eyes, and his mouth is wide open, revealing a slightly mocking smile.


Seeing this Pokémon, Xia Yan frowned slightly.

Crobat is an evolutionary type of Golbat, and it needs to evolve after the intimacy between Golbat and Trainer reaches a certain level, so wild Crobat is relatively rare.

And the wild Crobat is actually a milder character. Rest rarely appears during the day. As long as you don't take the initiative to provoke it, it will not suddenly attack others.

It is daytime.

Just now Crobat was also clearly aimed at them, which means that this Crobat is not a wild one, but a certain Trainer's.

If it is said that Pokémon like Crobat was relatively rare before, only occasionally some Trainers made mistakes and their own Golbat intimacy evolved to a certain extent.

Then, with the publication of Xia Yan and Sakuragi's "intimacy" paper, and the confirmation that some Pokémons require intimacy to evolve, Crobat's Pokémon slowly increased.

It's just that Xia Yan can't think of it.

Sakuragi and the papers he published will one day become a tool that others will use against them.


Noivern suddenly stopped just now, and continued to emit and collect sound waves, that is, it sensed the existence of Crobat.

They are both Pokémons that can use Supersonic to perceive, and their sonic frequencies may be different, but they must be more or less sensitive.


Crobat called out to Noiven a few times, and seemed very disdainful of Noiven's dodging.

At this moment, Xia Yan, who was sitting on Noivern's back, could clearly feel Noivern's tense body.

Add to that the speed that Crobat has shown before.


This is definitely a quasi-Elite Crobat!

Xia Yan's face sank.

This further confirms that this Crobat is a certain Trainer's Pokémon.

As for why are you attacking yourself?

Xia Yan leaned down and patted Noiven's back.

Signal to go down.

Now in the sky, he's still on Noivern's back, and if there's a fight, it's going to be bad for him.

Noivern glared at Crobat viciously, then turned his head and headed straight for the underside of the clouds.

You can't run away.

Noivern's speed was not as fast as this Crobat, and he was still carrying Xia Yan. Running away would only make them a living target.

Besides, Xia Yan also wanted to see which Trainer he was going to shoot at himself.

Noiven was very fast. After breaking out of the clouds, it flew straight to the high mountain where Jubilife City was located. The dense and inaccessible jungle was also the closest land Noiven could reach right now.


Noivern moved first and rushed out of the clouds, but Crobat was only a little slower, also rushed out of the clouds, and approached them at a faster speed.

At Crobat's speed, I'm afraid Noiven will reach Xia Yan before Noiven can reach Ground.

As a last resort, Xia Yan wiped his palm on his waist.

Alakazam hovered beside him.

And Alakazam appeared and understood what he had to do, the spoon bent, and the two "Psyshocks" approached Crobat.

Although Alakazam is also the master level, Crobat is a quasi-Elite level, but after all, Psychic has restraint on the poison-type Pokémon, so Crobat has to dodge and avoid these two attacks.

Created an opportunity for Noiven.

It's just that Crobat's speed is indeed faster than Noiven, even if it avoids Alakazam's attack, he quickly catches up.


Xia Yan's lips parted lightly and spit out two.

Alakazam understood and threw one of the spoons, centering it, and a "Gravity" force field instantly took shape.

Crobat finally slowed down.

Taking this opportunity, Noiven fluttered his wings and flew to the top of the mountain.

However, seeing that Crobat was blocked, Xia Yan did not relax at all, but became more vigilant.

Since someone is going to deal with him, there must be more than one Crobat, maybe that person is already waiting for him on the ground at this time.

A person with a quasi-Elite Crobat has at least two or three quasi-Elite Pokémon.

And this Crobat, after Xia Yan's observation, can be sure that it is not the kind of formed Pokémon that is conquered in the wild. It was definitely cultivated by Trainer from a weak period.

If such a Crobat can be cultivated, Xia Yan doesn't believe it if he says there is no other quasi-Elite Pokémon.

thought here.

Frost appeared on Xia Yan's stern face, and his narrowed eyes shimmered again and again.


Don't run!

He wanted to see who was going to deal with him.

If you fly in the sky, you can be stopped by someone. If you can run the first day of the first year but not the fifteenth day, you will still be found.

If this matter is not resolved today, Rest will not feel at ease.

It was only when he was approaching Ground that Xia Yan shot Alakazam.


This distance, even without leaving a Psychic "anchor" point in advance, is enough for Alakazam to perform a precise "Teleport".


When his feet landed, Xia Yan's hanging heart also dropped a bit.

Outside Jubilife City, there are dense jungles and deep and cold winding paths.

Xia Yan didn't move, just waited silently.

His fingers lightly fiddled with the Poké Ball around his waist.

Psychic flashed in Alakazam's eyes.



With a soft whistle from Alakazam, he mustered a Psychic attack and shot into the jungle somewhere.


A very familiar feathered wings vibrated.

I saw the direction that Alakazam was attacking, and a very fast yellow voice, driven by the thin wings of a cicada behind it, flickered to avoid the attack.

But it also lost the best chance of sneak attack.


Xia Yan spit out the name of this Pokémon.

Unexpectedly, the second attack was actually a Beedrill, and the strength of this Beedrill did not seem weak at all.

This was somewhat beyond Xia Yan's expectations.

His palms rubbed his waist.

In the red light, Xia Yan's Beedrill and Togekiss appeared.


As the Beedrill appeared, its sight was quickly drawn to the Beedrill hovering in the woods.

The same kind of Pokémon, when encountered as an enemy, must be the most hostile.

The Beedrill on the opposite side also saw Xia Yan's Beedrill, the scarlet compound eyes flashed, and the two long needles slowly rubbed together, making a harsh sound of sour teeth.

The two Beedrills just glanced at each other, and their aura became out of control.

Quasi-Elite Beedrill!

It is really rare to be able to cultivate a Beedrill to this extent.


But after listening to Alakazam's low voice, Togekiss understood, his wings swayed lightly, and two arc-shaped milky white blades flew behind Xia Yan.

Tuk Tuk-

"Air Slash" sank into the tree trunk, making two muffled sounds.

I saw a blue-purple Pokémon, relying on agile and agile body, to avoid Togekiss's two "Air Slash".

A bright red pouch at the chin kept bulging, and the yellow eyes with drooping eyelids glanced at Togekiss with a little laziness.


The third one!


These three Pokémon are all quasi-Elite Pokémon!

Although Beedrill and Toxicroak's sneak attack failed because of Alakazam's Psychic perception, Xia Yan felt a huge pressure.


the other side.

Crobat, who was a little late, hovered at the other end of Xia Yan's location, and the three Pokémon formed a swaying trend, surrounding Xia Yan and the others.

It did not attack again, as if waiting for someone.

I see.

A figure walked out slowly under the shade of a dark forest with extremely low visibility.

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes and looked at the person who came.

A tall and thin figure, dressed in a black and purple tights, outlines the concave and convex graceful figure incisively and vividly.

But the whole person looks very capable.


Xia Yan frowned more and more tightly.

When the visitor completely walked out of the shade, Xia Yan still couldn't see her clearly.

Because her face was wearing a pale mask.

Only through the two holes in the mask, I could vaguely see the pair of shadowy eyes below.

In her hand she was holding a yellowed sheet of paper that seemed to have something printed on it.

I saw her glance at Xia Yan, and then compare the drawings on the paper in Rival.

"Xia Yan?"

Although the cold voice said a question, but the tone was very determined.

Xia Yan did not answer, but silently looked at the mysterious man who appeared in front of him.

In the forest, there seemed to be only a few Bug Buzz and birdsong left, and the occasional breeze stirred up green waves, making a "rustling" sound.

This kind of dress, this kind of behavior, made Xia Yan almost subconsciously match the coming and the bounty hunter.

Bounty Hunter.

When Xia Yan traveled overseas for the first time, he also did it for a while.

But what he did was to hunt down pirates for the Alliance.

And now, it seems that someone has put a bounty on his head?

Or, is someone disguised as a bounty hunter?

There are people who do this kind of work, but they are relatively few.

Because the risk is too high.

Of course, the risk is high and the reward is high.

But is a Trainer with a quasi-Elite Pokémon a bounty hunter?

Various thoughts flashed through his mind.

In the end, Xia Yan was eliminated one by one.

This situation.

Not the time to think about these things.

What follows next is a real life-and-death struggle.

a bad one.

The kind that moves your head.

As if confirming Xia Yan's identity, the man no longer waited for anything, and waved his hand gently.

Crobat, Beedrill, and Toxicroak attacked Xia Yan from three directions respectively.

Three quasi-Elite Pokémon!

On Xia Yan's side, whether it's Beedrill, Alakazam, or Togekiss, they're all at the master level.

In the case of three-on-three, the disadvantage is extremely obvious.

Xia Yan put his palm on his waist, but did not move.

Although it was a bit too big, he still wanted to try it and see how big the gap was between his three and the three on the opposite side.

After a month of precipitation, I wanted to find a few suitable Rivals for Beedrill and practice their skills.

Isn't this time an opportunity?

And with Aegislash hiding in the shadows for protection, Xia Yan felt that he could try something.

No more.

Doron Bartto wouldn't just watch him get killed.

Moreover, the quasi-Elite Pokémon he carried on his body revealed that if he failed to kill the opponent, his hunter status would no longer be safe.

This is what Xia Yan is most afraid of.


Psychic appeared in Xia Yan's eye sockets, and the telepathy was connected to Pokémon.

At the moment when the opponent's moving Pokémon moves, all three of your own Pokémon also move.


Alakazam's "Psychic Terrain" first time expansion.

Against the three Poison Pokémon, its Psychic is definitely the biggest threat.


Lightning arc jumps on Beedrill's wings.

Straight to the attacking Beedrill.

The two Beedrills knew who Rival was at first sight.


When the man saw the speed of Xia Yan Beedrill, a little surprise flashed in his eyes.

So fast?

Even though her Beedrill is quasi-Elite, she has to admit that in terms of speed, Xia Yan's Beedrill is still faster than her Beedrill.

The same kind of Pokémon, the master level is faster than the semi-elite level?

It wasn't just her, not even the Beedrill on the opposite side.

"Is it because of that current?"

at the same time.

Togekiss threw out "Air Slash" again. He wanted to help Beedrill and see if he could use Beedrill's instant burst ability to solve an enemy first.

bang bang—

The results are predictable.

Crobat on the opposite side came first, and it was also two "Air Slash", which directly resolved Togekiss's attack.


Toxicroak's footsteps were silent, assisting the speed and silent movements of "Feint Attack", quietly approaching Xia Yan.

The bright red poisonous thorn at the end of the fist glowed with a cold and severe purple awn.

Just touching Xia Yan a little is enough to kill him, a fragile human being.

But don't forget.

Now it's inside Alakazam's "Psychic Terrain"!


The positions of Alakazam and Xia Yan were instantly switched, facing Toxicroak's attack, they set up a spoon, and a transparent glass-like "Reflect" stood in front of them.

boom! !

Toxicroak's attack hits "Reflect".

Alakazam mustered all his psychic defenses, but he couldn't completely offset the impact, and he retreated again and again.

Although it seems to be very embarrassing to deal with, this first collision seems to have been successfully blocked.


The fact is

"Underground!" Xia Yan shouted in a low voice.


The ground trembled violently.

A vicious Arbok broke out from under Xia Yan's feet.

Directly attack Xia Yan, who has no Pokémon by his side at this moment.

Whether it's Beedrill, Crobat or Toxicroak, they seem to have launched a ferocious attack, but in fact they are creating opportunities for this underground Arbok.


In the face of the ferocious giant mouth breaking out of the ground.

Hidden in Xia Yan's shadow, Aegislash, who was always ready, appeared immediately.

A hard shield blocked Arbok's mouth.

At the same time, it supported Xia Yan's rapid rise, avoiding Arbok's attack range.

The fourth quasi-Elite Pokémon!

At this time, Xia Yan knew that he couldn't care anymore.

Even if it is possible, the identity of the hunter is exposed.

But if you don't even have a life, it's useless to say more.

The hand that had been clasped around his waist pressed the button on the Poké Ball when Ground trembled.


As soon as Oranguru appeared, he gently fanned and gave Arbok a "Quash".

Aegislash carried "King's Shield" and led Xia Yan back quickly.


PS: Nearly 5000 words~~

(End of this chapter)

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