The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 707 Giovanni Teaching (Two In One)

Chapter 707 Giovanni Teaching (two in one)

Solaceon Town.

Xia Yan returned to Solaceon Town again.

There is still a little time left before the opening of the Alola Region, and he also needs to seize this last time node to improve and stabilize the strength of Pokémon.

Four quasi-Elite-level and two main-level halls, Xia Yan didn't think that such a strength would give him much advantage in the next competition.

In the "Lily of the Valley Youth Contest", he took the advantage of the youth contest and fought against three out of six.

But this "Island Contest" must require all members to participate in the battle, and even in the final victory, the unrestricted battle rules may be used.

In such a short time, it is unrealistic to give Infernape and Latios another huge boost in power.

It is more critical to practice several tactics and increase the cooperation and tacit understanding of Pokémon.


The training and exercise that should be there is still not left behind.

He can't just focus on one competition, but also after the competition.

In the ranch outside Solaceon Town.

Xia Yan looked at the pink mist that shrouded the forest, and the efforts of the Shiinotics finally paid off. .

The scale of Fairy Forest is beginning to take shape.

The energy recovery of the Fairy system in the entire Pokémon world is also filling up day by day, and the appearance of the Fairy system is getting closer and closer.

This is going to be an event that will have a big impact on the entire Pokémon world.

Fortunately, Xia Yan still has some time to prepare.

"Xia Yan!"

Ono ran towards him, jumped and hung directly on his body.

Kommo-o, who followed behind, looked helpless.

"You've been gone for a long time."

Ono's head rubbed against him.

Xia Yan smiled and pulled her off her body like an octopus.

"Did you study hard during this time? I'm going to test you tonight."

Ono stuck out his tongue, but still said quite complacently: "Of course! I'm amazing, I can learn it as soon as I learn it!"

"Oh, really?"

Xia Yan's eyes brightened.

Ono raised his head.

"That is, if I pass your exam, you can let me travel, right? I heard from those who came to challenge the gym, travel is fun."

"Okay, if you really learned it, it's time to go out for a walk."

Xia Yan took a developmental attitude towards this.

After all, he couldn't keep Ono by his side all the time.

Whether she's human or Latias, she should go out and meet the world.


Excited, Ono took Kommo-o to the side to exercise.

The euphemism is to prepare for travel.

Xia Yan summoned the Pokémons and told them about the possibility of participating in the competition in the future.

The attitudes of Pokémon are very uniform.

To sum it up in Togekiss' words, fuck them!

The words are not rude.

"And these."

Sitting on the ground, the Pokémon gathered around, Xia Yan carefully took out a few boxes.


When Togekiss smelled the smell, his eyes lit up immediately, and his index finger moved.

Energy cube.

But not an ordinary energy block.

But top quality energy cubes!

Xia Yan wanted to replace them for a long time, but was always delayed by big and small things.

As a result, Xia Yan directly asked Steven and Cynthia to contact several Breeder families who were well-known throughout the Alliance through their relationships.

Passing some data of Pokémon to them, according to the characteristics of Pokémon and the direction that Xia Yan needs to strengthen, these valuable top-level energy blocks are customized.

each one.

All are expensive.

But now Xia Yan can be considered affordable.

However, if you can afford it, you can afford it, and it still hurts.

The most expensive.

In fact, it is still the research fee for these Breeder masters to customize the formula of the energy block according to Pokémon.

According to them, it is not yet the best ratio, and continuous research and production requires continuous funding.

And as Pokémon's strength changes and abilities change, the formula also needs to be constantly adjusted.

That is to say.

To customize a top-level energy block, you not only need to bear the production cost, consumption, labor cost, etc., but also the cost of developing the formula.

In short.

Not only is the price high, but it is also an ongoing expense.

As the Unova Region is not yet stable, Xia Yan can only bear the consumption of the main Pokémon.

at the same time.

Xia Yan also needs to improve his energy block making ability, and also needs to consume a lot of resources.

Fortunately, his Psychic has been improved a lot, and he has a great advantage in this aspect of learning.

When he can make the top energy block himself, the pressure will be much less.

He also makes super energy cubes, and of course he knows how big the benefits are.

"These are all prepared for you, the most suitable energy block for you at present."

Xia Yan gave boxes of energy cubes to the Pokémons.

In Xia Yan's explanation, after understanding its value, Pokémon eats it carefully, for fear of wasting it.

Even Togekiss and Eevee are the same.

After eating.

Xia Yan rolled up his sleeves and started training Pokémon.

After seeing the battle between Giovanni and Landorus, Xia Yan deeply felt the strength gap between him and the real top Trainer in the world.

The more you understand, the more you can understand the changes brought about by small gaps when your strength reaches a certain level.

Just like in a game.

A little more speed is enough to overwhelm a slower Pokémon.

The real world is not as rigid as games.

But in high-level Pokémon battles, the effort required to gain even the slightest edge is unimaginable.

Beedrill's foundation, Xia Yan, played fairly well, and now the advantages are gradually exerting.

Even if it reaches the quasi-Elite level, the progress of strength has obviously slowed down, but the improvement is still accumulating little by little.

Beedrill's speed and attack power are advantages and the direction it needs to keep improving.

Alakazam's Psychic strength and quick thinking.

Aegislash's terrifying defense and ability to switch between offense and defense.

The dexterity and control of Togekiss.

Latios and Infernape learned something from Reshiram.

Although it is not enough to calculate all of Reshiram's signature things, Reshiram's experience and use of energy have given them a lot of inspiration.

There is one point to make.

After a Pokémon reaches a quasi-Elite level, the use of energy becomes critical.

Whether it is the amount of energy, the accuracy of use, the control of output, etc.

According to Xia Yan's observation and communication with Hydreigon and Duolong Bartto.

If Pokémon wants to cross the threshold of the quasi-Elite level and enter the Elite level, energy is probably the key.

This is also the reason why he has to replace the top energy blocks for Pokémons even if he bears this huge pressure, which will be their help to a certain extent.


During this period of time, in addition to practicing tactics, more training tasks arranged by Xia Yan were all energy-related training.

Keep experimenting and making adjustments to find the way that works best for each Pokémon.

And at this time.

The relationship that Xia Yan has established in Alliance over the years has played a big role.

His Cheap Teacher Agatha, Hoenn's Elite Four Drake, Sinnoh's Elite Four Bertha, Unova's Champion Alder, Battle Frontier's Shi Lan, UB Countermeasures Minister Anabel

These people have provided Xia Yan with a lot of experience.


Xia Yan also called Giovanni.

He's also one of the few Rockets executives who knows Giovanni's personal phone number.

"Boss Giovanni."

Xia Yan held the communicator and stood on a cliff somewhere on Mt. Coronet, feeling the howling cool wind.

"Yan Xia, what's the matter? Got trouble with Unova?"

Giovanni's voice was quite calm, but with a little surprise to Xia Yan's call.


Immediately, Xia Yan raised some of his doubts.

Giovanni, who was training Landorus with his sleeves rolled up in Team Rocket's underground base in Vibran City, blinked twice before he could react when he heard Xia Yan's words.

Can not help but dumbfounded.

to be frank.

Served as the head of the Rockets for so many years.

It's the first time he's ever met someone who asks him how to train Pokémon.

I Giovanni, when did you talk so well?

He took the towel handed by his assistant, Mayu, and waved at Landorus, signaling him to rest first.

Sitting on the lounge chair, he took a sip of red wine.

"You mean Bug Type Pokémon? I'm a Ground Trainer"

Giovanni smacked his mouth.

Listening to Xia Yan's explanation on the other end of the communicator, Giovanni's expression gradually became serious and his eyes narrowed slowly.

"Did you notice that day?"

At the time, Giovanni was trying to summon Beedrill.

"Yes, I can teach you a little something, but since you are a partner, you should show some sincerity, right?" Giovanni said without exception.

"You don't need to pay anything. I'll give you a task. It's not a difficult task, but it will last for a long time."

The assistant Mayorori, who was standing behind Giovanni, stared.

When did a Rockets executive talk to Giovanni like that?

in a friend-like way.

She even saw the corners of Giovanni's lips raised.

Yan Xia on the other side of the phone, what is it that makes Boss Giovanni pay so much attention?

Even Sabrina, who is known to everyone in the Rockets today, and Sabrina who is admired by Giovanni and even has a little connivance, rarely speaks like that to Giovanni, right?

Zhen Bird silently wrote down the words "Yan Xia".

After Sabrina, the Rockets have another red man in the eyes of Giovanni's boss.

In the future, you have to be careful.

After a while.

Giovanni frowned slightly.

"Who said speed is not energy? Don't just focus on Bug Type energy or Poison energy, although this may not be the key to Elite, but if you want to continue to go up, you must not be swayed by inherent thoughts. shackled."

It's too late, Giovanni's boss is actually teaching. The real bird's heart is sour.

"What is the advantage of energy? For example, will the power of Elite-level Pokémon and quasi-Elite-level Pokémon be different when using 'Bug Bite' moves at the same time?"

"Since it's different, what's causing this gap? Proficiency? Strength? Speed? Energy? Every point is critical. Leaving aside proficiency, energy is the most important thing. Do you understand? There is no Bug Type energy. , how do you cast 'Bug Bite'?"

"Some of my methods are not suitable for you, but even as I said before, you must be attentive when training. Not all Pokémon can undertake this level of training. It will hurt the root at every turn, and cause the root of the disease that will never be reversed."

For over an hour.

Boss Giovanni finally took time out of his busy schedule to train the newly conquered Landorus, and was willing to spend so much time teaching a person?

True Bird, Giovanni's assistant, knows best how precious Giovanni's time is.

Finally hang up the phone.

Giovanni didn't say anything yet, but his assistant Maya was relieved first.

Seeing the increasingly strong smile on Giovanni's face, the real bird couldn't hold back, and couldn't help reminding:

"Chief, Time"

Giovanni glanced down at his watch and laughed dumbly.

"It doesn't matter, it's a good seedling, and his ability is also good. I'm happy to see the hunter."

Saying that, pick up the suit.

It is quite domineering and handsome to wear.

in mind.

What emerges is that when he was still young, even though his mother was the leader of Team Rocket, which was already considered an underground organization at the time but not very large, he joined the Alliance and haunted the images of those Alliance executives who were constantly looking for answers.

"It's really like it."

Mt. Coronet.

Xia Yan, who hung up the communicator, stood silently on the cliff, recalling the content of his communication with Giovanni in his mind.

From each elder, he has learned a lot of experience.

But no one speaks as intuitively as Giovanni.

It's not that they didn't teach them seriously and comprehensively, but only Giovanni told them accurately enough.

Because Giovanni really used his Beedrill as a reference sample to explain to Xia Yan.

Although Xia Yan only revealed that he had a Bug Type Pokémon and did not reveal the Beedrill accurately, Giovanni still used his Beedrill as a reference.

Giovanni has the "power of Vibrant", so some of his methods are not applicable to Xia Yan and his Beedrill, but there are still many points to learn from.

It is precisely because of these that Xia Yan has a feeling of being stunned.

comprehend by analogy.

After understanding the difficulties of Beedrill's progress and training, the rest of the Pokémon combined with the teachings of other people, and Xia Yan gradually had some clues and directions.


After Giovanni retired, it was a good choice to become a teacher at Pokémon Academy.

Because if you want to teach, you must first understand everything.

And Giovanni was undoubtedly the one who had the most thorough knowledge among the people Xia Yan asked for advice.

His strength is not only because of the endless accumulation of resources.


Leaders like Lava, Team Aqua, and Team Plasma, like Maxie, Archie, Ghetsis, don't have as many resources as Giovanni, but if you're talking about individual Pokémon, they're pretty much the same.

Why haven't they produced a few particularly good Pokémon?

Not to mention Beedrill, from Xia Yan's point of view, there is no Nidoking or Nidoqueen sent by Giovanni before.

Xia Yan let out a long breath.

knowledge, he has learned.

But trouble, he also received.

a month later.

Xia Yan in the black market of Jiayuan City looked at the three people in front of him with a headache.



It's two people and a cat.

The famous Rockets trio!

White hole, white tomorrow is waiting for their scumbag.

When Xia Yan heard the task given to him by Giovanni, he really refused in his heart.

It never occurred to him that Giovanni would throw these three guys to himself.

Did not expect.

Before Ash Barrier began to travel, the trio had already started to "disturb the storm" within the Rockets.

"My lord! Rocket recruit, Jessie!"


"Meowth! Report to you! Meow~~"

Xia Yan, who was sitting in a chair, pressed his forehead.

These three guys who have "privileges" in the Rockets, Xia Yan can't just dismiss them.


"Mr. Executive! We will definitely help you occupy the Sinnoh Region and expand the territory for the Rockets!" Jessie was the most excited.

Boss Giovanni said they were excited when they were dispatched to assist an Executive who was alone.

what is this?

This is the trust of Giovanni boss!

Xia Yan: "."

Counting them, even adding themselves, the Rockets are four in Sinnoh. Oh, three and a half.

Also occupies Sinnoh.

Now what Xia Yan wants to do most is to call Professor Oak.

Ask, how old is Ash Barrier this year and when will he start traveling.


PS: Have a loot Valentine's Day! Get up! 1.1w~~Ask for a monthly pass~

(End of this chapter)

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