The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 721 Fighting The Heat Of The Competition With One's Own Strength (Two In One)

Chapter 721 Fighting the heat of the competition with one's own strength (two in one)

"New Attribute?!"

"Although Mr. Xia Yan has proved many times that his conjecture is correct, isn't it a bit exaggerated this time?"

"It's a bit exaggerated, but I still want to stand by Mr. Xia Yan, what if it's true?"

"Out of line, I dare not stand."

"Indeed, the previous conjecture and this conjecture are not at the same level at all, right?"


With the publication of Xia Yan's paper "Conjecture and Analysis of Partial Arguments about the Eighteenth Attribute", the forum on Alliance's official website was completely blown up.

More and more people are participating in the discussion.

Among them, many of the supporters who originally supported Xia Yan inevitably had doubts.

Not to mention some people who were already jealous and jealous of Xia Yan's achievements.

It's just that Xia Yan really didn't make many mistakes in research before, so even if these people are jealous, they can only choked in their hearts and dare not say it.

But once this paper was published, these people couldn't sit still.

"Funny! Is this trying to attract attention with such exaggerated papers?"

"I'm a fan of Mr. Xia Yan, but this time Mr. Xia Yan's behavior is really not much different from some clowns."

""The genius researcher finally faded into a mortal and fell into a routine"."

"How is it possible that the eighteenth attribute has not been discovered until now? Could it be that he discovered it after all the other professors had not discovered it for so many years?"

"Anyway, I think it's fake, just wait and slap in the face."


Regardless of where Xia Yan went before, there were a large number of fans and supporters, and even a person who said that he was a fan of Xia Yan appeared from time to time.

But at this time, there are still a lot of black fans who jumped out.

As the saying goes, as many people like you, as many people hate you. .

No, it all jumped out.

Actually, you can't blame them all.

After all, Xia Yan's conjecture this time is indeed a bit exaggerated.

Before the Alliance was established, the conclusion of the seventeen Attributes had almost become an accepted fact in the Pokémon community.

There have been so many professors and researchers, but none of them have done anything on Pokémon's Attribute.

Even if there is, it is mostly in the interpretation of Attribute.

Only no one has questioned the number of Attributes.

But now the appearance of Xia Yan's paper has shaken this "fact".

It makes many people unacceptable for a while.

Even if.

Professor Oak, Professor Sakuragi, Professor Rowan and others all gave positive comments to the proposal of this "conjecture".

But before this matter is completely finalized, it is impossible for most people to reverse their inherent thinking.

a time.

Alliance has two of the hottest and most topical things right now.

One is the "Island Contest" being held in the Alola Region, which has attracted the attention of trainers and residents of the seven regions of the entire Pokémon world.

another piece.

It is the new Attribute conjecture proposed by Xia Yan.

His identity, his previous achievements, and the attention paid to him have made the popularity of this paper continue to rise, and it seems that it has already competed with the popularity of the "Island Contest".

Fight the heat of the entire "Island Contest" by yourself!

Some TV shows that really like to attract people's attention will immediately grab the heat as soon as the paper is published.

and said.

In fact, Xia Yan has already succeeded, and the popularity he has brought is incalculable. Even if the final argument fails, who doesn't know Xia Yan?

This statement has won the support of many people.

What about our client Xia Yan?

After publishing the paper, I lay on the bed and fell asleep.

I don't care about the impact of the paper in the slightest.

Because the premise of all these bad speeches is based on the absence of the new Attribute.

But now.

Togekiss has Fairy type, Ice Vulpix has Fairy type, and even the gods of the four islands in Alola Region have Fairy type, what is the dispute?

At most, the Fairy-type energy is not full, and the Fairy-type Pokémons have not awakened yet, which makes people think that he is talking nonsense.

But the energy of the Fairy system has actually begun to become abundant, and it is not far from the appearance and birth of the Fairy system, which is an established fact.

Time is enough to prove it all.

Moreover, even if most of the Pokémon are not good, the Pokémon raised by Xia Yan in the Solaceon Town Fairy Ranch is also one of the conditions to prove it.

What's more, he also has a "Fairium-Z" in his hand.

Instead of wasting words, spend more time with Pokémon.

Professor Oak revealed.

The top prizes of this "Island Contest" seem to be not only the material rewards Steven and the others mentioned, but also some non-material but more effective rewards.

Although Professor Oak did not disclose what exactly.

But Xia Yan thinks he shouldn't just talk about it casually.

And on this night.

Xia Yan's mobile phone received countless missed calls and messages, and almost killed his mobile phone.

at the same time.

There are also many people, many institutions, and many organizations that held a conference overnight because of his paper.


Also includes Alliance.

Those TV Stations were right.

This time, Xia Yan really earned enough popularity.


This operation is actually what Professor Oak asked Xia Yan to do.

Does Professor Oak understand operations?

Of course he didn't understand.

But it doesn't mean he hasn't seen it.

His student Soragi, and most recently Sakuragi, knew exactly how he became a professor.

The key is to get the results that are available and have sufficient influence, and public opinion can only be regarded as a help at most.

Publishing the conjecture paper in advance is on the one hand so that he can help Xia Yan apply to the Alliance at this time, on the other hand, so that everyone has a time to adapt and not be too abrupt.

The only thing that limits Xia Yan now is his age.

the next day.

"What are you doing? Didn't all of you sleep well?"

on the breakfast table.

Xia Yan looked at the listless companions in front of him, a little surprised.

Du glared at him angrily.

"Would you mind saying that?"

Xia Yan looked at him with a little surprise, "Is it related to me?"

"It's not because of your thesis!" Watari nibbled at the bread.


Cynthia, Steven and Lorelei read the paper and Xia Yan knew, and Du also read it?

Lorelei reluctantly pressed his glasses and lowered his head, "Senior Xia Yan, it's because you didn't answer the phone, they all came to us."

Xia Yan was stunned.

Looking at Steven.

He was talking on the other end of the phone with his cell phone, and it seemed that it was his father, Zvuch Hibiscus, the president of the German company.

Look at Cynthia.

She is the only one with a good spirit among them.

Slowly and slowly, I tore the bread into strips and stuffed it into my mouth.

Noticing Xia Yan's gaze, he smiled and said; "I took a few calls and found that I couldn't stop, so I turned off the phone."

Xia Yan gives a thumbs up!

"Smart, as expected of Cynthia."

look at people, look at you

All right.

Du has a family, and Lorelei even has a Silver Academy, and Steven will not talk about it. It seems that Cynthia can stay out of the way like Xia Yan.

"Xia Yan, seriously, how confident are you about that paper? The reputation you have built up with great difficulty."

At this time, Steven hung up the phone and threw the phone into the sink next to him.

Seeing how he threw the latest phone into the sink without changing his face, the corner of Xia Yan's mouth twitched.

But still said: "Ninety percent."

"so tall?!"

For Steven, what's the difference between ninety percent and one hundred percent?

"Then Xiayan Senior, this new Attribute." Lorelei also chose to shut down.

"Fairy, I call it the Fairy department." Xia Yan did not shy away.

"Fairy" Lorelei chewed on these words thoughtfully.

"Anyway, if there are no accidents, you should be able to see this competition, which is the best proof for my conjecture." Xia Yan drank the milk in one gulp.


For breakfast, white porridge and pickles are the best. Milk and bread are too light for Xia Yan.

"Xia Yan, your subject, can you hit the 'Professor' degree?"

Cynthia, biting the bread, said suddenly.

Professor? !

Several people were shocked, and their eyes fell on him again.

Xia Yan pressed his forehead.

"There's a chance, but it's difficult, and Professor Oak says you can try it."

That means there is a real chance!

A Pokémon Professor under 20?

"I see." Steven said.

Then stand up.

I don't know where I took out a new mobile phone and made a call.

This. You still have so many new mobile phones on the go?

Du also got up, patted Xia Yan on the shoulder, and went outside to make a phone call.

at the same time.

Cynthia and Lorelei boot at the same time.

Xia Yan looked at the empty dining table.

My heart is a little warm.

he knows.

These few of my friends are going to use their energy.

Since Xia Yan's project results are almost 100% sure, and there is a certain chance to obtain a "Professor" degree.

Of course they have to exert their influence.

Even they don't know how much energy they can exert.

The Yulong family of Du, although they are usually relatively low-key, their influence is not small.

Not to mention the Silver Academy to which Lorelei belongs.

In the beginning, almost all of Alliance's scientific research talents went out from here.

As one of the representatives of almost the next generation of "academics", Lorelei has a very good relationship with many tutors and professors in the academy, and the influence brought by his voice will not be small.

Not to mention Steven's Devon company.

Devon and Silver are now also known as the two giant companies of Alliance. Their business covers almost all regions, and their influence is definitely beyond what Xia Yan can measure.

As for Cynthia.

Don't talk about anything else.

Just talking about those fans of Cynthia is a terrifying number.

Adding up the titles that Xia Yan has now obtained, the number of fans may be on a par with Cynthia at most.

Good-looking people, plus outstanding strength, and excellent temperament, this is really a great advantage.

The help of so many friends is definitely a huge help for Xia Yan.

While they were on the phone.

Xia Yan also turned on his mobile phone.

Respond to the above information one by one.

"I'll prove it in the game."

This sentence is enough.

But the phone rang again.

Caller ID reads "Aether Foundation".

After a little hesitation, Xia Yan pressed the answer button.

There was a gentle female voice on the other end of the phone, "Mr. Xia Yan? Please wait a moment, I will transfer you to the chairman right away."


In order to contact Xia Yan, Lusamine exaggeratedly asked the information department of the Aether Foundation to call him continuously.

When I got through, I immediately transferred it to Lusamine.

"Xia Yan?"

"Chairman Lusamine, it's me." Xia Yan pressed the bridge of his nose.

"I read the thesis. Judging from the current influence, do you want to hit the 'Professor' degree?"

Lusamine was very sensitive to smell the key.

Don't underestimate a strong woman's sense of smell.

In all fairness.

If the 18th Attribute really appears, its influence on the Alliance and even the entire Pokémon world can make a good researcher become a Professor.

The focus is still on Xia Yan's age.

Not yet twenty years old.

It's a bit of an exaggeration indeed.

"Teacher let me try it." Xia Yan said bluntly.

"I see."

Lusamine is not much nonsense.

If Xia Yan becomes a professor, the possibility of joining the Aether Foundation will become very low.

But Lusamine takes a long-term view.

It was also her arrangement to make Glagio and Lillie Xia Yan's students, and she also obeyed the wishes of the two children.

For Xia Yan to become a professor, the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages for the Aether Foundation.

She also wants to mobilize the influence of the Aether Foundation.

Put away the phone.

This morning alone, you can see how much influence Xia Yan's paper has brought.

Either for or against.

Manaro Stadium.

No matter how influential Xia Yan's paper is, the competition will continue.

Starting today is the round of thirty-two.

Rules change.

It became a 6v6 full battle.

This is a new test for Trainer's tactical arrangement, command and various abilities.

To be honest, Xia Yan seems to have never seriously played a 6v6 full battle.

After getting rid of the entanglement of Daye and the others, he exchanged a few words with the people he knew, and sat down in his contestant seat without too much entanglement on the paper.

However, Xia Yan could still feel that many eyes swept over him intentionally or unintentionally.

Xia Yan didn't care.

Listening to Host's excited opening as usual, he looked at the heads of thirty-two people listed on the screen.

The avatars were scrambled under computer control.

But Xia Yan knows almost all of the remaining people, and they will definitely be the leading figures in their respective Regions in the future.

No matter which one you encounter, it will not be easy to fight.


The battle list was sorted out.

Xia Yan also saw his Rival.


A well-known chef from the Kalos Region.

He's also an amazing Trainer who is proficient in water-based Pokémon.

One of the Elite Four in the future Kalos Region.

Xia Yan discovered that the Elite Four in the Kalos Region in the future, Elite Four is really just their sideline.

Zhimi’s main business is chef and sideline Elite Four, Yankai’s main business is Knight’s sideline Elite Four, Malva’s main business is undercover and sideline Elite Four, Drasna’s main business is Shaman’s sideline Elite Four.

True · per capita sideline Elite Four!

Even champion Diantha did.

Main business Actor, side business champion.

Just out of line.

In this round of 32, Xia Yan and the others finally met Island kahuna in Alola Region.

Today's first game, the Rival of the crossing is the Island kahuna of Melemele Island, the fighting master Hala.

Compared with yesterday, the intensity of the game has suddenly increased.

Cynthia's Rival is Will from Johto Region, Steven's Rival is Malva from Kalos Region, and Lorelei's Rival is Phoebe from Hoenn Region.

Even if you just look at these names, you can feel that no game is easy to play.

More or less likely to fail.

On the contrary, Du, who should have been under the most pressure, was the most excited.

Clenched fist.

He was excited to play against Alola Region's veteran Island kahuna Hala.

Although Rival can't use Elite-level Pokémon, it has already given up and is very satisfied.

Looking at Du, who flipped his cape and walked towards the player channel with a confident face.

Lorelei couldn't help but ask, "Senior Xia Yan, do you think there is a good chance of crossing over?"

Xia Yan rubbed his chin, "Seventy or eighty percent."

"Huh? So high?" Cynthia showed a little surprise, "You wouldn't say that because his Pokémon are all Flying-type, do you have restraint on Fighting-type Pokémon?"

Xia Yan was dumbfounded.

Although he always ridiculed the transition, he never underestimated the transition.

"Yes, but not all of them." Xia Yan couldn't help but chuckle and said, "Because of him, who is the one who has played against him the most times, do you know?"

"Who?" Steven rubbed the ring.

"Bruno." Xia Yan said.


Everyone was stunned.

No wonder.

Bruno is also very good at Fighting Pokémon.

Watanabe has fought Bruno so many times, so he should have enough experience against Fighting-type Pokémon.

This is Du's biggest reliance when facing Hala.

Because Fighting-type Pokémon's Trainer, no matter how the tactics change, relying on Fighting-type Pokémon's excellent Fighting skills is always the same.

There is only one battle field today.

So the game will be played with all the spectators watching.

With cheers, the game began.


PS: 1.1w, ask for a monthly ticket~~Thanks to the emperor~The reward of the wine tycoon~~

(End of this chapter)

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