The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 746 Get Ready To Make Up Lessons For Us (Three In One)

Chapter 746 Get ready to "make up lessons" for us (three in one)

Seized by Xia Yan, he suddenly used the second core to force Latios to connect the whole team and beat Cynthia by surprise.

Xia Yan's purpose is very strong.

After Latios appeared and found that it had certain abilities, it was decided to cultivate it in the direction of the second core.

When Latios, Infernape and Beedrill still had a gap in their strength, Xia Yan tried to bring them together to exercise tacit understanding and running-in.

So, even if Alakazam is restricted by Gardevoir, among the five remaining Pokémons of Xia Yan, the "head" is still there.

It is still possible to take care of the tandem between Pokémon perfectly.

The only difference is that.

Previously Latios was under Alakazam.

But today, Latios has completely taken over the authority of the core of the organization and organized the partners to fight for the first time.

The role of Xia Yan's long-term intentional cultivation is reflected.

Although there is still a gap in experience between Latios and Alakazam, he played well.

And Pokémon, who has already acquired enough tacit understanding in the exercise, are also very willing and trusting in Latios' ability.

Xia Yan's so-called "infinite defense switching" system, "playing chess" style of play, mainly focuses on pertinence in defense.

On offense, the most important step is to find Rival's weak points.

Forgotten, or completely unaware of the potentially dangerous points.

Lucario and Garchomp storm, these two Pokémon will certainly not be the main target.

Spiritomb's Attribute is destined to have a very good resistance, and it is not easy to defeat it instantly.

Glaceon is a good choice. Infernape has a perfect Attribute to suppress it, and it is also the easiest point to become a breakthrough.

As for Togekiss, with its agility and air superiority, it should have a relatively low sense of presence.

So Xia Yan and his Pokémon, by attacking Glaceon, "saved" Latios with the posture of besieging Wei and saving Zhao. In fact, they targeted Togekiss, a Pokémon with strong control and turnaround ability.

The result.

Under some continuous and masterful "Ally Switch" tandem by Latios.

All the guns were pointed at Togekiss at the same time.

Cynthia's Togekiss became the breakthrough without a doubt.

"Bo, Togekiss is incapacitated!"

Host couldn't explain the extremely fast-paced and dazzling battle at all.

It just feels like in the blink of an eye, without even figuring out which Pokémon is and where, Cynthia's Togekiss has lost the ability to fight.

this process.

too fast.

Cynthia's pretty face tightened and she looked at Xia Yan.

With surprise, entanglement, thinking and a little admiration in his eyes.


Cynthia certainly understood what caused this momentary situation.

She knew that Xia Yan's full combat ability would be stronger, but she didn't expect to reach this point.

The dual-core system has been built.

Although she is not as good as the big guys like Agatha and Drake, she can see at a glance that Xia Yan's dual-core system is still very complete, and Latios has many shortcomings.

But whether it is an incomplete dual-core or a flawed dual-core, it is a dual-core.

Cynthia tries to use Gardevoir as the core, and its tactical thinking is fundamentally similar to that of Xia Yan.

So she understands how strong Latios' ability to connect will be when Alakazam is restrained.

I couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Forcefully suppressed the helplessness in his heart.

Togekiss is already incapacitated, so what should she do next?

Just as she was staring at Xia Yan's mind flashing various tactics, she saw a Psychic halo in Xia Yan's eyes.

He's going to take over the game.

Seriously? Cynthia was a little pissed.

But on second thought, this is also a respect for her, and I feel a little better.

Just, why not in the first place?

It's not that Xia Yan wanted to hide, or release water.

It was because he laid out the tactics very clearly at the beginning, and while Alakazam was bound by Gardevoir was not what he expected, Latios also presented the tactics very well.

So whether he takes over or not, the meaning is the same.

He only needs to give directions and tips at some critical moments.

For example, after Detecting Cynthia's intentions, directing Alakazam to grab the weather.

This is what a stronger Trainer should look like.


Don't tell anyone else.

Do you really think that Agatha can completely command her Ghost Corps just by speaking?

And now take over.

Because the front play is over, Latios is not as experienced as Alakazam and he feels he needs to take over.

Whether it's for a battle or to point out Latios.

After Togekiss was incapacitated, the two sides separated again.

Without a Pokémon's Cynthia side, it always makes people feel a little less interesting.

But Cynthia is Cynthia.

The sudden loss of a Pokémon puts her at a disadvantage and at a disadvantage, but she still struggles to find an opportunity to open up the situation.

Take the initiative to attack again.

Garchomp and Lucario remained on the offensive front, alongside Beedrill and Infernape.

Twineedle turned into a blade, Beedrill seized the gaps in the battle to strengthen the "Sword Dance", and the attack power surged, and at the same time, with the speed and Garchomp, there was a situation where no one could do anything for a short time.

Until the long needle unexpectedly returned to the carbine, cutting Garchomp's face in an instant.

Garchomp was furious.

Immediately use the "Dragon Claw" to turn around and fight back.

However, he met Infernape, who was holding the flames and coming in full of rage.

The powerful flames carry the scorching heat.

Lucario reacted quickly, and the "Bone Club" composed of waveguides smashed into Beedrill head-on to deal with Beedrill's sudden attack.

Compared with the battle below, Togekiss, who was Xia Yan's aerial fortress, also completely occupied the stage in the air after Togekiss of Cynthia lost his ability to fight.

Several three-color "Tri Attack" sweeps.

The place where he passed suddenly turned into dust.

In the face of Togekiss' "unreasonable" attack, Glaceon stepped forward.

"Ice Beam" cut through the void, mixed with ice crystals Icirrus condensed along the way, resisting Togekiss's attempts to intervene.

Aegislash, who transformed into a sword-wielding form, also tried to intervene.

But got caught up in one of Spiritomb's "Taunts".

"Shadow Sneak" appeared behind Spiritomb, turned to face Glaceon with his overly skilled "Foul Play" feint.

Latios spins in the center, using "Luster Purge" from time to time to contain and interfere, while trying to find the opponent's weakness.

Cynthia loses a Pokémon and lacks a clear core without Gardevoir.

But the individual strength of each of her Pokémons is not weak, and even with some "small" price, she still managed to hold on.

Available at this moment.

Xia Yan and his Pokémon showed the audience what the power of a team is.

Before the difference in individual strength has reached the level of complete crushing, the role of the team is far stronger than the strength of the individual.

The first to attack was Togekiss.

Its pressure is also the smallest among Xia Yan's Pokémon.

Stockpile, Sky Attack!

The goal is straight at Lucario.

And Lucario is entangled with Beedrill and Infernape.

If it breaks free, watch Garchomp beat up by Beedrill and Infernape, and maybe even count Togekiss.

If it didn't break free, Garchomp would stop Beedrill, but Infernape couldn't.

So it has to choose whether to take Infernape's attack or Togekiss' attack.

That's the choice that must be made after the numbers are at a disadvantage.

Cynthia looked serious.

Strictly speaking, this choice should be made by her Trainer.

But the palms and backs of the hands are full of meat, so it's really hard to judge for a while.

Togekiss' "Sky Attack" is powerful, and Infernape has Attributed restraint against Lucario.

So Cynthia quickly made a decision.

"Garchomp, Outrage!"

She chooses none!

She has to use her own method to break this situation, and the best choice and the biggest support is naturally the most powerful Garchomp.

Proud and honorable dragons, once triggered by Outrage, will retaliate to Rival with the most violent attitude.

Garchomp's eyes were instantly filled with scarlet, and his whole body was full of dark red and clear, and the violent and ferocious aura instantly overwhelmed Beedrill and Infernape's offensive.

Grumpy Garchomp has every structure on his body and is the most terrifying weapon.

Choosing with its hard-steel front is a very wrong choice when it's all-out reckless.

Beedrill withdrew at the same time as Infernape.

This gave Lucario a chance to catch his breath and greeted Togekiss, Splash, who fell from the sky.

The power of the waveguide is condensed and not released.

Clang! ! !

The god of trembling and trembling of metal, accompanied by the resonating resonance of "buzz".

Lucario looked at Aegislash in front of him with a surprised look on his face, and the touch of his tough fist was even harder metal.

Xia Yan twitched the corners of his mouth.

Another great feature of the "unlimited switch" system is that no matter who you think I'm going to use as a breakthrough, you'll never know who I'm really targeting.

The more Pokémon you have, the less guessable it becomes.

Aegislash felt the pain from the shield, but it didn't seem to feel it, and gave Lucario a smiley look.

Bang-! !

Behind him, Gardevoir, who was hanging in the sky and competing with Psychic, was bad.

Togekiss's destructive and powerful wings slammed into Gardevoir's stomach.

The Psychic threads it struggled to maintain and uphold were almost all broken in an instant.

Alakazam's eyes also changed at this moment.

Repeatedly flying silk threads and Latios silk threads instantly covered the audience.

Within the envelope of this Psychic thread is their territory.

Wherever they want Pokémon to appear, it will appear where, from whatever angle and with how much power they want, they can enter from any angle and with strength.

Like now.

The moment Gardevoir is knocked off by Togekiss.

Alakazam is behind Gardevoir with "Teleport".

The round and dark "Shadow Ball" appeared behind Gardevoir at the right time, which is called after.

boom! !

Gardevoir hadn't fully endured the impact of Porksky, and the attack was bad from behind, and his body rushed forward.

It was Latios, and the next second it was Beedrill.

The halo of "Fell Stinger" was mixed with rich Bug Type energy, and it pierced Gardevoir's chest with precision and sharpness.

Harvest complete!

this moment.

Alakazam was completely liberated, and Xia Yan's dual-core system finally showed the grandeur of this system.

A dazzling "Ally Switch", Gardevoir lost his ability to fight.

That's why Alakazam can be the No. 1 core.

Not only because it's more experienced than Latios, but also because its "Teleport" Helps the mobility of the entire team is up a notch again.

There is no martial arts in the world that cannot be broken, only fast is not broken.

As long as the exchange is fast enough, any Pokémon may encounter the Beat Up of all Pokémons in an instant.

At the same time, as long as I react fast enough, I can bear any attack from Rival with minimal cost.

This is what Cynthia feels at this time.

It looks like she is in a 6v6 unlimited battle with Xia Yan.

But the real feeling to her is

Any one of her Pokémon needs to be on guard against the attack and attack of six Pokémon at any time, and her attempts to break through the opponent's tight line will be downplayed by the defensive team headed by Aegislash.

it feels like


"Like facing a Legion, every Pokémon in Cynthia needs to put too much effort into the defense." Wataru pressed his chin, thoughtfully.

"It feels so lame, this tactic of Xia Yan Senior gives people a very lame feeling." Lorelei was deeply touched by this.

"So this is the dual core?" Steven's eyes flashed inexplicably.

"No, ordinary dual-core should not be like this." Du shook his head, "Although I don't know what the situation is, the core's role is to maximize the advantages of the team's Pokémon, but Xia Yan's lineup, It is not the greatest advantage to play out.

It feels that each of its Pokémons has the greatest effect, and I don't know if this is a dual-core effect. "

"But I always thought it was... dirty."

Watanabe still expressed his true feelings.

It has been unanimously approved by several people.

"The core Alakazam dominates the game and also serves as a support. The second core Latios accelerates the rationale of the lineup and increases the depth of transition. The attacker Infernape, the controller Togekiss, the defender Aegislash and the last reaper Beedrill."

Lorelei snapped his fingers, "Even if the early advantage is not obvious, as long as Beedrill is harvested, it is not impossible to turn the tables."

Steven smiled bitterly, "With such a lineup, it's not easy to be at a disadvantage."

They just watched it for a while and couldn't find a good breakthrough.


If you go back with the video to study and think about it, you should still be able to find some shortcomings of Xia Yan's suit.

After all, no system is truly perfect.

Just as the more common weather team can hedge against the weather, the space team can hedge against space.

Cynthia's choice to let Gardevoir entangle Alakazam is a good choice.

If she can get another Pokémon like Gardevoir, limit Latios, not without a chance of a fight.

But everyone just silently subdues Pokémon training, they are all about the same age, who has so many backup second team Pokémon?

This is Xia Yan's advantage.

Everyone else is aware of the lineup, preparing to build the lineup, finding problems, subduing the second team of Pokémon to adjust and improve the system.

But what about Xia Yan?

Recognize the role of the system, build the system.

Too many steps and tedious processes are skipped in between.

"Cynthia's Gardevoir is also incapacitated, it's too hard to restrain Alakazam and Latios."

Du still refrained from saying "you're sure to lose".

But anyone with eyes can see it.

Six Pokémon on one side and four on the other.

On the one hand, the system has a complete dual-core system, and on the other hand, there is no system or core.

Cynthia bit her lip.

Doing the last resistance.

But all she could do was delay Pokémon's defeat a little.

Glaceon was carried away by Infernape's "Flamethrower".

Spiritomb was sent away by Togekiss' "Moonblast."

Lucario was defeated by Beedrill and Alakazam.

The last remaining Garchomp is very strong. If he has Mega Evolution, he may be able to persevere.

But in the end, the two fists are invincible to the four legs, and the difference in quantity is difficult to measure.

Not to mention that it is a quasi-Elite Garchomp now, even if it is an Elite-level Pokémon, Xia Yan is confident that he can make hard steel.

Let a few little guys play with the original Hydreigon, and I am afraid that Pokémon who is a hunter will not be needed to assist.

Bang-! !

The exhausted Garchomp fell heavily to the ground, with the last of stubbornness and persistence.

Xia Yan didn't even lose a single Pokémon.

This is what happens in a 6v6 unrestricted battle of all players, unless the strength is very close and the tactics are sufficiently targeted, both Pokémons will fall one by one.

Otherwise, this is the most normal result.

When Cynthia loses two Pokémons, if Xia Yan can be defeated by one, then he has misdirected.

It wasn't until the dull sound of Garchomp's fall and the dust that kicked in that the audience finally reacted.

Whoa-! !

The biggest cheers so far from the start of the competition.

Because it's not just on the field.

Even the spectators who couldn't buy tickets and watched the huge screen outside the stadium burst into cheers.

Facts have proved that the team chose to use the rules of the Masters as the rules of the final final, which was unsuccessful.

Because except for a small number of people, most of the audience can't understand it.

Even the Host doesn't understand it very well.

After all, such a competition system is still relatively present in the Masters.


Xia Yan felt that arranging such a competition rule, he seemed to take advantage of the opportunity.

Still a big gap.


This did not hinder the enthusiasm of the audience.

They only know that such a grand event, the final final is over.

It is right to cheer, and it is right to cry.

Until several months after that, some "professional" commentaries appeared from time to time on the Internet and on TV, interpreting them in a slow-play format, excessively analyzing the inner thoughts of Xia Yan and Cynthia, and excessively analyzing their tactics. Only really understand.

Looking at it this way, it seems that there is no problem with the adjustment of the rules of the competition.

Because this made the already hot competition last longer.

"Cynthia player's six Pokémon are all incapacitated, so the winner is Xia Yan player!!! The champion of this 'Island Contest' is - Xia Yan!!!"

boom! !

The fireworks exploded with the announcement of the Host.

Even in the daytime, the gorgeous fireworks also render Soaring in the sky into bright colors.

"Golden rain" spreads everywhere.

falls on everyone.

Increased the "sense of participation" of the audience and players.

in such an atmosphere.

Xia Yan and Cynthia walked towards the middle of the venue in tacit understanding.

Both of them had smiles on their faces, Xia Yan smiled lightly, and Cynthia smiled lightly.

Anyway, the mood is not bad.

Hug gently.

Only then did Xia Yan realize that Cynthia was really tall.

Without wearing high-heeled shoes, the bag was right next to his nose, and he might even be taller than him with high-heeled shoes on.

Smell the smoke of fireworks that permeated the entire arena, and the faint fragrance from Cynthia's golden hair.

Xia Yan decisively chose this fragrance.

Take a sip to dilute the unpleasant smell of gunpowder.

Citrus reached Xia Yan's action, Cynthia blushed slightly, and let go of her embrace.

The two looked at each other and did not speak.

But he quickly smiled tacitly.

Xia Yan was more presumptuous, grinning and laughing.

Cynthia was relatively reserved, covering her mouth.

The golden pieces of paper fell on the two of them, most of them slipped to the ground, and a few stuck to one pair and their hair.

"Xia Yan."


"You're really strong," Cynthia said sincerely.

Almost everyone who was defeated by Xia Yan in this competition would say so.

Others say he doesn't feel anything, but when Cynthia says so, he seems to have a sense of accomplishment.

To ask why.

Maybe it's because Cynthia is someone who can become a champion in the future.

And is a beautiful champion.

It seemed that he understood the doubts in Cynthia's eyes, as well as the traces of Covet.

Xia Yan smiled and said, "Want to learn? I'll teach you."


Hearing this sentence, Cynthia's already crystal clear eyes became brighter.


She couldn't learn Xia Yan's dual-core system, nor was it suitable.

Because there is no Psychic to organize and command, the dual-core tactical composition cannot be commanded by the reaction speed of Normal people.

The difficulty of one plus one represents a geometric increase in collocation and tactics.

But a single core can.

Cynthia's Gardevoir and Xia Yan's Alakazam can be said to have the same goal.

Gardevoir can also awaken the Fairy department and learn "Misty Terrain", which is really carved out of the same mold as Alakazam.

So if Cynthia wants to learn, Xia Yan doesn't mind teaching her how to build a single core with Gardevoir.

But with dual cores, Xia Yan's model is not suitable for her, and she needs to find a new breakthrough.

But today Cynthia's idea is actually very good.

If Garchomp's "Sandstorm" plays out, this pseudo-duo has it.

Pseudo dual core, that is also dual core.

Xia Yan can also give 100 million constructive comments and suggestions.

It depends on Cynthia itself.

"Tsk tsk, it's decided for the time being. In the future, I would rather play a rotation game with Xia Yan than an unrestricted game. He is too much ahead of us. In terms of lineup construction, we are." Steven looked at the two hugging on the court.

Cynthia was like that, and he didn't think he would be much better.

"Brother?" Lorelei added with a smile.

younger brother?

Duan laughed twice.

"My idea is exactly the opposite of yours. The more difficult it is, the more you have to play. The more you play, the more you can understand his tactics and build your own lineup better."

"It makes sense, then let's just play unlimited."

Steven changed his tone immediately.

Lorelei: "."

so real?

Lorelei didn't realize it until he saw Steven's expression.

Steven was just joking, but what he said was true.

Everyone is not a person who admits defeat, how could they give up because of such a little backwardness.

The more setbacks the more courageous, is their direction.

Smooth sailing is not a good thing for them. Xia Yan made them clearly aware of their shortcomings today.

Don't say anything else.

When they become Champions and Elites, they will never be weaker than the original.

Lorelei clenched his fists, "Yeah! If you have nothing to do, you can find Xia Yan Senior to practice the lineup, but you can't be too far behind."

Watanabe and Steven gave her a thumbs up at the same time.

Heroes see the same thing.

Xia Yan, are you ready to "make up lessons" for us?

(End of this chapter)

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