The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 760 Routines Since Ancient Times Win People's Hearts (Three In One)

Chapter 760 Routines Since Ancient Times Win People's Hearts (Three in One)

Drenched in cold sweat, Xia Yan subconsciously retracted his hand.

He didn't know what Xerneas was trying to do by showing him this scene.

But it did let him witness a scene three thousand years ago.

Three thousand years ago, it was called the "final weapon" that spanned thousands of years of history, the flower that bloomed like a crystal product, and the weapon built by the legendary king AZ with all the efforts of the whole country.

With the technology at that time, building such a weapon is definitely enough to destroy the world.


Driving it is also very expensive.

Requires a lot of life energy.

Although AZ's original intention in building this weapon was to resurrect his tragically killed Pokémon Floette.

In fact he did succeed.

That Floette becomes the Eternal Floette, and AZ has an endless lifespan.

only later.

In order to Revenge the wars that cost Floette's life, AZ transformed the "Ultimate Weapon" into a real weapon, causing huge casualties throughout the Kalos Region.

Through Xerneas' perspective, Xia Yan learned.

When AZ first activated the "Final Weapon" to resurrect Floette and make himself live an infinite life, he absorbed an unknown amount of Pokémon's life energy.

At this price, it can definitely be said to be ruthless.

When he activated the "Final Weapon" for the second time, he assisted Yveltal's power, brought terrifying destruction, and indirectly satisfied Yveltal's desire.

After that, AZ came to his senses.

What Xia Yan saw was the second occurrence of the "Final Weapon" from Xerneas' perspective.

The terrifying destructive energy emitted by the huge instrument center as pure as a lotus flower gave him a huge shock.

Shocked his mind, he was dripping with cold sweat.


Even if Xerneas is asleep, what it fears most is the "final weapon"?

Also explained.

Xerneas at this time, temporarily unconscious?

Xia Yan, who had calmed down, pressed his chin.

What to do then?

Xerneas is unconscious, Yveltal is reviving, even Zygarde's core is unconscious now.

So what's the point of finding the awakening Xerneas?


But before Xia Yan could understand, Togekiss stared blankly at the dead tree.

Only now did Togekiss realize that the small horn on its head that had been completely connected to itself came from the dead tree in front of it.

Because it is close.

The sharp horn above Togekiss's head also emitted a faint glow, just like the dead tree in front of him.


It can still feel.

The hazy Fairy-type energy is pouring into its body along this sharp horn.

The Fairy line of Togekiss has long been awakened.

This Fairy-type energy blends with its own Fairy-type energy without the slightest discomfort or stumbling.

as if.

These energies are what they should be.

But there was so much energy pouring in that Togekiss had to close his eyes and try to feel and control the energy.

Retracting his hands and thinking about what Xerneas was trying to tell him, Togekiss's strangeness caught his attention.


Xia Yan frowned and shouted.

Seeing that the single horn in the feathers above his head exudes a halo, he immediately realized that this was the connection between the "horn of Xerneas" and Xerneas, which affected Togekiss.

And Togekiss's momentum, under such influence, began to fluctuate, fluctuate, climb and fall.

This is a phenomenon that only happened when Togekiss moved from the master level to the semi-elite level.

Xia Yan reacted.

Xerneas, who is recovering unconsciously, is just the life energy escaping, which has changed the appearance of this large forest, benefiting countless Pokémons.

As Togekiss who owns the "Horn of Xerneas", after approaching here, the "Horn of Xerneas", like Xerneas, obtained "revival" in silence.

A large amount of life energy mixed with rich Fairy energy is fed back to Togekiss.

This leads to the benefit of Togekiss.


Excessive intake of external energy is not entirely a good thing.

Growth is a gradual process.

But if it is like sprouting, even if it has good intentions, it will become poison because of such behavior.


Togekiss opened his eyes and spoke with difficulty.

Xia Yan's eyes softened, he gently supported Togekiss's back, and whispered: "Concentrate on dealing with these energies, and leave the rest to me."

Hearing his words, Togekiss, who was a little flustered at first, gradually stabilized his heart.

After nodding firmly towards Xia Yan, he closed his eyes again.

It can be felt that its momentum fluctuations are no longer so violent.

After comforting Togekiss, Xia Yan couldn't be as calm as it was, and turned to look at the dead tree that Xerneas had turned into again.


Still unable to get in touch with Xerneas, for Togekiss's safety, Xia Yan will choose to leave now.

Whatever Yveltal revives, the "last weapon" exploited, or even the destruction of the Kalos Region, etc., is less important than his Pokémon.

Take a deep breath.

Xia Yan summons Alakazam.

There was no need to say anything between one person and one Pokémon, Alakazam handed one of his spoons to Xia Yan.

Psychic fusion.

And under the guidance of this special spoon, Xia Yan became more handy in using Psychic.

Once again, he put his palm on the dead tree.

The withered tree, which was originally as warm as jade, has now become a little hot.

at the same time.

Xia Yan tried to use Psychic to find Xerneas' sleeping consciousness.

It's like looking for a boat in the vast ocean.

The energy in Xerneas' recovery process was too great for him or for Alakazam to be a simple matter.

But in the angle that Xia Yan did not see.

The Zygarde core lying on his back glowed green again.

Xia Yan and Alakazam's Psychic are like getting a pointer in the "sea" to guide them in the right direction.


With the help of the Zygarde core, Xia Yan and the others "saw" a colorful group of light.

As Psychic spreads closer.

【Your Excellency Zygarde? 】

A warm voice with a little laziness and exhaustion sounded in Xia Yan's mind.

[This is my representative. 】

After Zygarde said this, the voice and green light disappeared.

Just hand over the communication with Xerneas to Xia Yan.

[Well, the breath of reality and ideals, the breath of the Soaring in the sky, the sustenance of Lucas, um. And Mew, oh~~ and Arceus, plus Zygarde. Your Excellency, you are very blessed. 】

Xerneas seemed to be slowly regaining consciousness.

There was a little exclamation in his voice, and a bit of ridicule.

"Cough, I have more friends."

Xia Yan listened to Xerneas expel the divine beasts related to him, coughed to relieve the embarrassment.

Then he didn't forget to add affirmatively, "Well, making friends is more extensive."

Xia Yan seemed to be able to feel a pair of smart eyes that could detect everything falling on him.

The eyes are soft and calm, with a little scrutiny and curiosity.

[There is still mine. 】

Just "see" Xerneas with a smile.

Xia Yan pressed the hat down and used the wide brim to cover his slightly embarrassed face.

【Is that little guy on the outside? It's pretty good. But you don't have to worry anymore. 】

Xerneas' voice sounded again.

It makes Xia Yan feel like a gentle sister next door, very caring.

Hearing this, Xia Yan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Then finally got to the point.

"Xerneas, Yveltal is recovering."

[I know. 】

Only Xerneas Frillish's words came.

"Then how can we stop it?"

【Why stop it? 】

Xerneas "glanced" at Xia Yan with a hint of banter on his face.


Hearing Xerneas' words, Xia Yan was obviously stunned before he could feel its tone.

Why stop?

Because Yveltal's revival is bound to wreak havoc, many lives are lost, and countless Pokémon lose their homes

But before Xia Yan said these words, he "saw" that the joke in Xerneas' eyes became more and more obvious.

He frowned slowly.

What's the meaning?

When he was puzzled, Xerneas stopped teasing Xia Yan and started to explain with a chuckle.

[Your Excellency Zygarde didn't say that he wanted to stop Yveltal's recovery, did he? 】

Xia Yan recalled it again in his mind.

It seems that Zygarde hasn't said a word to stop Yveltal's recovery.

This is all the information that Xia Yan made up in his own brain after seeing the core of Zygarde.

It is also the information he draws from the perspective of a human, from the perspective of all ordinary Pokémon.

But divine beasts, in theory, are not the same as regular Pokémon.


Xia Yan opened his mouth.

【Do you know what the responsibilities of Lord Zygarde are? 】

Xerneas asked rhetorically.


Xia Yan answered this point without any hesitation.

Xerneas glanced at Xia Yan in surprise, then continued to ask questions with a chuckle.

【What is the key to order? 】

Xia Yan frowned.

What is the key to order?

In Xia Yan's view, to obtain order, the most basic and fundamental thing is power, and power is of course a type of power.

Otherwise, a chicken trying to keep a pack of wolves in order is nonsense.

But if "power" was the answer, Xerneas would never ask.

After pondering for a moment, Xia Yancai answered tentatively, "Balance?"

【Yes, balance! 】

Xerneas gave a very positive response to Xia Yan's answer.

Xia Yan, who was not thinking about it, continued to speak.

[Just like my recovery cannot be stopped, my appearance will bring vigorous vitality, which seems to be a good thing in the short term. If things go on like this, the Kalos Region will change back to Trackless Forest. 】

Xerneas explained his abilities indifferently, and his tone became much more lively and free.

It does have that ability.

"So the checks and balances of Yveltal are needed to maintain balance and maintain order?"

Xia Yan continued following Xerneas' words.

In fact, it was the same as what Xia Yan thought at the beginning.

Yveltal, Xerneas and Zygarde of the Kalos Region are copies of Groudon, Kyogre and Rayquaza of the Hoenn Region.

Groudon tried to create more land, and Kyogre tried to engulf the continent with the sea.

Xia Yan originally thought that Xerneas was different from them.

But now it seems.

I'm afraid Xerneas also understands the impact of his revival as the "God of Life".

Xerneas unwittingly brought forth thriving vitality, and Yveltal consciously destroyed them.

That's balance, that's order.

In the final analysis, it is essentially the same as Groudon and Kyogre.

The difference is just that one is intentional and Xerneas is unintentional.

[As expected of a person who is favored by truth and ideals, Your Excellency understands it well. 】

Xerneas made no secret of his admiration for Xia Yan.

Xia Yan pressed his chin.

Continue down this line of thought.

"Actually Zygarde didn't want Yveltal not to recover, it just wanted Yveltal to recover later?"

Xerneas smiled and nodded slightly.

Once again affirmed, Xia Yan's heart gradually became clear.

"Let Xerneas revive you first. Because you also said that the impact you have brought is a good thing in the short term, as long as your 'life energy' and Yveltal's 'destruction energy' are balanced in their recovery, I guess It won't happen?"

The feeling of Mingwu rose from the bottom of Xia Yan's heart.

In this way, it will not cause much damage to the Kalos Region, but also maintain a good balance.

after all.

Look at the current situation.

If Xerneas and Yveltal revive at the same time, the entire Kalos Region will be completely cut off.

One side is full of life, while the other is dead.

And this is obviously not Zygarde's original intention.


It tried to use its power to delay Yveltal's recovery.

It's just that the loss of contact with the other core "Z2" made Zygarde's plan fail.

Then there is only one way.

Accelerate the recovery of Xerneas.

So. the question now becomes, how to speed up the recovery of Xerneas.

When Xerneas wanted to understand what Xia Yanzheng wanted to do, Xerneas spoke up.

[Need to find something. 】

Xia Yan's heart moved.


Zygarde core also said to find Xerneas and then find another thing.

An intricate map was slowly sketched in Xia Yan's mind.

One of the places was clearly marked with a special mark.

And what Xerneas said is probably hidden here.

Hearing it chatter.

[My awakening, it also woke up, I can only trouble you to help us find it. 】

Xia Yan pursed his lips.

Instinctively, I don't want to take this job.

But since he agreed to Zygarde, especially since the core of Zygarde helped him find two Mega Evolution stones so "cooperatively", Xia Yan really couldn't refuse.

He is a typical egoist.

But he has a principle that allows him to hide this "egoism" very well.

That is, without endangering himself and not endangering his Pokémon, if he can do what he promised, he will definitely do it.

Whether it was the promise to help the little girl Miyu send back to the Xuefeng Temple, or the promise of the "Draconid Tribe" to contact Rayquaza, and some big and small things, it was probably the same.

So, after thinking for a while.

Xia Yan still sighed and nodded: "I see."

Then quickly added: "But I'm going to say the ugly thing up front. If I find that I can't do this, I have to give up."

【Well. 】

Xerneas was noncommittal.

Xia Yan and Xerneas were continuously disconnected, and his sight and consciousness slowly recovered.

Look at Togekiss next to you.

It has also returned to normal, and it is touching the top of its head with a puzzled face, and the "horn of Xerneas" between the feathers has disappeared.

Of course, Togekiss's strength has also changed significantly.

Not to mention that it is only one step away from the Elite level like Beedrill, at least in the direction of the Elite level, it is another big step.

This is a gift that belongs to Xerneas.


Xia Yan glanced at the dead tree again and greeted the Pokémons to leave.

Xerneas had given him the map.

From the description of the map, things are not on the ground, but underground.

And the entrance is not here.

After Xia Yan and the others disappeared into the dense forest, Xerneas, who had woken up, smiled and glanced at the sky.

Cianwood's bright eyes seemed to see something.

After nodding slightly, he disappeared again.

Go back to the Pokémon Center again for trimming.

The map given by Xerneas is not small, and it is intricate underground. Although Xia Yan has Alakazam's "Teleport" and can leave at any time, the preparations that should be made should be done well.

Might be spending another few days looking for that "thing".

In addition to getting the Pokémons back to the Contest Condition and buying some supplies, Xia Yan has one more thing to do.

The backyard of the Pokémon Center, a corner no one cares about.

Xia Yan threw the Ultra Ball.

In the red light, Greninja, who had recovered the Contest Condition, appeared in his sight.

Greninja's eyes were indifferent as he stood with his hands tied.

It knew that it lost to Beedrill, so it was conquered by Xia Yan.

A lot of wild Pokémon actually know this, and it's no exception.

But it is impossible to make it obey Xia Yan's orders as soon as it is subdued.

With Poké Ball in hand, he couldn't resist, he couldn't beat Beedrill, and he didn't want to be a good Pokémon, so Greninja just held his head up and looked arrogant.

Its posture made Xia Yan want to laugh.

"Aren't you convinced? You can let Beedrill and you Encore if you are not convinced." Xia Yan said with a smile.

Beedrill hovered silently beside him, but his eyes kept on Greninja.

When he heard that Xia Yan wanted it to fight Greninja again, Beedrill was a little moved.


Greninja on the opposite side was also moved when he heard Xia Yan's words.

In its view, Beedrill is obviously only a quasi-Elite class, why can it burst out beyond the quasi-Elite class.

This made it a little curious, and wanted to call again to confirm it.

But Xia Yan's movements did not stop.

He kept rubbing his waist.

A red light flashed, and Pokémon appeared in front of him.

Alakazam with a spoon, Togekiss with a triangular glider, Aegislash with his head sticking out, Latios with a curious eye, and Infernape with a bit of gusto.

Live together?

Greninja looked at Xia Yan and frowned.

What do you mean?

Summons that many Pokémon.

Notice Greninja's sight.

Xia Yan explained both intentionally and unintentionally:

"Don't get me wrong, we are all very talented, we won't swarm and beat you, we won't rub you on the ground, we won't give you food to starve you, and we will never deny you treatment. Fight with wounds."

Hearing the previous few words, Greninja's expression slowly softened.

But the more you listen, the more you feel that something is not right?

"Dang Dang Dang" Alakazam with a spoon.

Togekiss with a playful expression.

Eyes full of Taunt's Aegislash.

Latios with grinning mouth and Infernape with fists in flames

Greninja's mouth twitched.

It felt that the person on the opposite side and the group of Pokémon on the opposite side were a bit abnormal.

The ruffian is not a good person at first glance.

A red light flashed again.


The deafening roar overflowed.

The hideous-looking Hydreigon appeared beside Xia Yan, and his fierce eyes glanced up and down Greninja's body.

Seeing the appearance of Hydreigon, Greninja looked solemn.

It felt more threatened in Hydreigon than Beedrill gave it.

So it knows that this Hydreigon is also an Elite Pokémon!

But this hideous-looking Hydreigon hovered obediently beside Xia Yan.

Xia Yan's hand was also placed on its neck.

Gently stroked.

Hydreigon also showed a look of enjoyment.

What really changed Greninja's expression was Hydreigon's words.

‘Big brother, who is buried today, that guy? ’

Xia Yan smiled without saying a word, and after looking at Greninja with a deep meaning, he immediately became concerned again.

"Don't worry, we never bury it, don't listen to its nonsense."

‘Yes, we never bury. ’

The mischievous Togekiss added a sentence that seemed to emphasize, but in fact implied.


Two hot breaths Spit Up from Hydreigon's nose.

Greninja: "."

It almost believed it just now.


Then I saw Xia Yan's other hand slightly raised and placed in the void.

Doron Bartto revealed his figure reluctantly.

Seeing the appearance of Doron Bartto, Greninja's pupils shrank suddenly, his back bowed, and he took a defensive posture.

Whether it is Beedrill or Hydreigon, although the pressure on it is not small, Greninja is not afraid.

But when he saw Doron Bartto, Greninja's intuition told him.

This popped up Doron Bartto.

Can kill it!

"Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, we're friendly."

Seeing Greninja bowing up, Xia Yan showed an exaggerated comforting expression and a playful tone.

It's almost like sticking the word "good man" on his forehead.

Duolong Bartto glanced at Xia Yan helplessly.

It found that the number of times it helped Xia Yan was not many, and the most was used as a "tool" for bluffing.

It's the kind that the stronger it is, the more bluffed it can be.

Greninja's eyes twitched.

Looking at the mighty group on the opposite side, one is more powerful than the other, can it still not understand what Xia Yan wants to do?

Hearing Xia Yan slowly say:

"Don't worry, I said that if we don't play together, we definitely won't play together. I'll put it in order, Beedrill first, Alakazam second, Hydreigon third, and Doron Bart to hold you in line."

Ignore the change in Greninja's expression.

"Of course, I'm not going to deny you treatment. This is the Pokémon Center. We'll treat you right after the fight, and continue to fight when you're fully recovered."

winked at it.

"what do you think?"

Togekiss next to him blushed, wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh out loud.

Not so scary.

Didn't you see that the Greninja on the opposite side was a little paler?



Xia Yan raised his chin.

If he really wants to scare people, calling Black and White Opelucid, it is estimated that he can scare others to death.

Of course, you have to be prepared to call them for such trivial things, and be prepared to be "beaten".

Greninja's shoulders shook.

After half an hour.

Sitting on the ground like a deflated ball.

It's not stupid.

The stance on the other side is obviously to put it to death.

Beedrill and Alakazam are fine.

But if the battle goes on like this, even if the body continues to recover, the pain will still remain.

Seeing Greninja's dejected appearance, Xia Yancai finally put away his teasing smile and returned to his calm appearance.

Walk up to Greninja.

Take out the energy block.

Slowly said:

"I'm not too demanding, how about you be my Pokémon for three years and give you freedom after three years?"

three years?

Greninja raised his head slowly.


But heard a neat sound.

Xia Yan's Pokémon patted their foreheads one by one.

Another "three-year agreement".

Brother, can't you change the routine?

They have never seen a Pokémon bet against Xia Yan for "three years" and then choose to leave.

The issue is.

Routines are old, but routines are easy to use.

Didn't you see that Greninja had already shown a moving look?


Routines have been popular since ancient times.

Ask for a monthly ticket~~

(End of this chapter)

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