The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 773 Give Zygarde To Me! (Two In One)

Chapter 773 Give Zygarde to me! (two in one)

on the ground in the distance.

A huge cobra-like creature with a body length of about five or six meters stood among the dead woods.

Its body is also black and red.

The body is covered with hexagonal scales, the head is black, and the body is dark red.

Its eyes are composed of four dark red hexagonal scales, which are quite technological. There is a Black Decorate like a pleated umbrella lizard behind the head, and the end of the tail is forked into five strands.

Zygarde 50% form!

It's just that it seems to have completely lost its ability to control itself, and it just keeps stirring up energy.

Thick dark red roots swelled out from the ground, covering a huge area and destroying the surrounding environment incisively and vividly.

The Zygarde core on Xia Yan's shoulders naturally noticed this tyrannical companion for the first time.


No matter how it shouted, Zygarde didn't respond.

"It has been controlled." Xia Yan said with a sullen face.

Whether it is Yveltal, the giant scarlet bird soaring in the sky, or Zygarde, who wields the power of order on the ground, they are all wreaking havoc.

Except for these two Pokémon.

The most eye-catching one should be standing beside the black and red Zygarde, the tall figure wrapped in jet-black special clothing, its quite technological mask makes it impossible to see the appearance of the person in it.

For some weaker Pokémon's attacks, they directly use their hands and feet to repel them.

Not Lysandre.

Xia Yan's heart sank slightly.

Lysandre is still very cautious.

He didn't show up in person, leading Team Flare was this tall figure in a special combat uniform.

Others may not know it, but Xia Yan knows it.

Beneath that dark combat uniform was Maggie Elle, who the handsome guy had been looking for.

A girl who simply went to the handsome detective agency.

He was wearing an unfinished "E battle suit" developed by Xerosic.

Under the control of the "E battle suit", Maggie Elle is just a puppet and has no self-awareness.

Maybe it's more appropriate to call her Esprit at this time.

Then don't think about it.

On the surface, Esprit is in trouble, but in fact Lysandre behind it is the one who really controls everything.

"Altaria, Dragon Pulse!!"

"Giant Mantis, X-Scissor!"

Accompanied by two different low drinks.

I saw an Altaria flapping its normal wings like a cloud, stirring up energy, and a roaring dragon composed entirely of blue-purple energy rushed towards Zygarde.

the other side.

The bright red Scizor Assist approached at the speed of the "Bullet Punch", swung sharp fists like blades, and slammed into Zygarde in a crisscross pattern.

Finally someone from Alliance got their hands on it.

Xia Yan, who was approaching quickly, looked towards the source of the sound.

The two who shot are actually the two Elite Fours in the Kalos Region today!

The dragon-type Elite Drasna, who has met Xia Yan several times, and the steel-type Elite Wikstrom as a knight.


face attack.

Esprit and Zygarde had no intention of dodging.


A low, hoarse voice came out of Esprit's mouth.

Zygarde's already bright red eyes glowed even redder, ignoring the crimson scaly beams that shot from it.

Thousands of arrows fired!

Swipe through Altaria's "Dragon Pulse" to knock it out easily, sweep over the rushing Scizor and force it back.

One against two is too easy for Zygarde.

Even the energy emitted not only neutralized the attacks of Altaria and Scizor, but also countless beams like normal threads, sweeping towards Drasna and Wikstrom.

"Gardevoir, Psychic!"

At the same time, a voice came from the other side.

An invisible psychic swept through, slightly changing the trajectory of the "A Thousand Arrows" beam, and buying Drasna and Wikstrom a little time.

Druddigon appeared in front of Drasna, and Wikstrom summoned Aegislash to resist.


Seeing the person coming, Xia Yan nodded secretly.

Although Diantha, like Malva, has a somewhat unsatisfactory ranking in the two competitions, but that is because Diantha has bad luck every time, and always encounters Xia Yan and his group.

In fact, her strength is still very outstanding.

Gardevoir's Psychic alone can change the trajectory of Zygarde's attack.

It can be seen that this Gardevoir as the Diantha Trump Card is very powerful.

With the two Elite Fours, Drasna and Wikstrom, there shouldn't be much of a problem with a Zygarde that's only 50% complete.

But if you add Yveltal.

boom--! !

A beam of dark energy swept across, targeting the three powerful men.

The green eyes of Yvelta in the sky are still hideous and ruined.


Wikstrom and Drasna responded immediately.

"Aegislash, King's Shield!"

"Druddigon, Protect!"


"Get out of the way!!"

Xia Yan's voice came from the sky.

Assisting with the blessing of Psychic, like thunder, Normal sounded in the ears of the three.

The three of Diantha looked up at the sky almost at the same time, and their expressions were also different.

Wikstrom frowned, too far away to see Xia Yan clearly.

Drasna was a little surprised, and her focus was still more on Latios.

As a Dragon-type Elite, she still pays more attention to Dragon-type Pokémon.

After a little reaction, I remembered that the only known Pokémon possessed by Radai Os is Xia Yan.

Only Diantha recognized Xia Yan's identity right away.

Although she also wondered why Xia Yan reminded him like this, out of trust in Xia Yan, she immediately asked Gardevoir to rescue her.

The end result is.

Wikstrom and Drasna avoided the sweeping "Oblivion Wing" dragged by Gardevoir's Psychic thread.

But Wikstrom's Aegislash and Drasna's Druddigon are out of Gardevoir's hands.

Wearing "absolute defense", they were hit by dark energy.

"King's Shield" and "Protect", which could have resisted any attack, had indeed successfully resisted the erosion of dark energy.

But the resistance time was too short.

The corrosiveness of the dark energy is too strong, and in just a split second, their proud defenses are dissipated under the erosion of the "Oblivion Wing".

Druddigon was relatively quick to react, dodging to the side in a timely manner.

But the wings and one foot were still swept away, and part of the body was petrified, unable to move.

Aegislash is even worse.

Carrying the "Oblivion Wing" frontally.

When the energy filled with the breath of death and annihilation disappeared, only Aegislash, which was completely petrified, fell to the ground and took a deep breath.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the three of them shrank almost at the same time.

to be expected.

If Xia Yan didn't remind him to pick up the "Oblivion Wing" this time, not only Druddigon and Aegislash would be petrified, the three people, including their Pokémon, would all be turned into stone.

Seeing that his attack was actually avoided and failed to produce the expected effect, Rage flashed in Yveltal's eyes.

Staring at Xia Yan and Latios in the air.

Stared at by Yveltal, the "God of Destruction" in a Rage manner, Latios shrank his neck subconsciously.

Xia Yan also seemed to feel Yveltal's Rage, and his heartbeat was half a beat slower.

But he wasn't particularly flustered, and even gave Yveltal a look back.

Then he patted Latios' neck and said:

"Run away."

Latios: "."

Fortunately, Latios is not as good at playing as Xia Yan.

A short body flew in the direction of the three Diantha on the ground.

Xia Yan glared at Yveltal, somewhat unresponsive.

However, it still waved its wings again, the word "Y" on its chest lit up, another dark energy surged out, and "Oblivion Wing" struck again.

"Xia Yan!"

Seeing this scene, Diantha on the ground shouted nervously.

But see.

The rays that could petrify even Drasna and Wikstrom's Pokémon were about to attack Xia Yan, but they seemed to be blocked by a special energy and scattered.

A splash of "Oblivion Wing" is scattered all around.

Immediately new stones appeared.

Only Xia Yan and Latios were not affected.

This result, let alone the three of Diantha, even Yveltal did not expect.

In the rich dark energy, Xia Yan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"There's no need for Arceus to fool me. After all, such a 'faithful' believer, it's a pity to die."

Seeing Xia Yan's palm, the Pixie Plate was spinning rapidly.

Protection against the Yveltal "Oblivion Wing" is derived from the Pixie Plate.

Since Pixie Plate represents Fairy and life, it doesn't make sense that this thing can't stop Yveltal's attacks.

This is also the biggest reliance that Xia Yan dared to rush over without waiting for Xerneas to recover.


Land on both feet.

"Xia Yan."

Seeing Xia Yan, who was fine, came to the front, all three of Diantha's faces were filled with joy.


Xia Yan stopped Diantha's support and patted his thigh.

"Sitting for a long time, it's a little numb."

No one thought about it.

Only Latios felt the same, twisted his body, and said a little softly.

"Why are you here?" Diantha asked.

"Originally, there was a mission in the Kalos Region, and it happened to involve Lysandre Labs. I didn't expect that the base of Lysandre Labs was actually Team Flare's base. When I thought of what Bratano told me about Lysandre's suggestion to Alliance, I immediately I'm here to see if I can help." Xia Yan explained.

Several people showed a sudden color.

It's no secret to Kalos Alliance that Xia Yan and Bratano are teaming up.

As soon as Xia Yan lifted Team Flare's secret base with his front foot, Yveltal with his back foot recovered, and then contacted Team Flare's secret base in the underground of Lysandre Labs.

They're not fools either, and it's easy to relate to these things.

At the end of the day.

Lysandre played everyone including Alliance.

But no way.

Regarding the data on Yveltal and Xerneas, the Kalos Alliance has only vague concepts and no accurate data.

As soon as Lysandre took it out, Kalos Alliance couldn't help it even if it didn't believe it.

"Xia Yan, thank you." Drasna said.

She knew Xia Yan.

"I've been seeing you on TV before, but I didn't expect to see a real person this time. Yes, you're handsome, and of course thank you for your reminder." Wikstrom said a little more.

As a hereditary noble under the inherent system of the Kalos Region, Wikstrom has the pride of belonging to the noble.

However, I am very grateful for Xia Yan's reminder.

"You're welcome." Xia Yan waved his hand.

No more greetings to them, just saying:

"Drasna Elite, Wikstrom Elite, and Diantha, this mythical beast is the 'God of Destruction' Yveltal, you must already know, its move 'Oblivion Wing' just now has the same level of power, or the power of ordinary Pokémon alone , there is no way to fight against the rules.”

Several people who have seen the scene just now agree with it.

"Then you just now." Diantha said hesitantly.

Xia Yan shook the Pixie Plate in his hand and opened his eyes to talk nonsense.

"This is something given to me by the 'God of Life' Xerneas. It can block Yveltal's attack a little bit, but it can only block it."

Xerneas stuff?

The three had no doubts about it.

Then Wikstrom frowned.

"But we still can't stop Yveltal, it's too powerful."

"So we must hold out until Xerneas recovers." Xia Yan said directly.

"Xerneas it."

Drasna rubbed the Poké Ball in her hand, and they didn't know how long it was.

If it's a few minutes or a little longer, they believe they can stick with it.

But if it's more than ten hours or even a few days, even if they are Elite Four, they can't resist such a long time in the face of a first-level god.

To know.

Yveltal was accelerated to recover though.

But it's not like Groudon, Kyogre, who have been sleeping for thousands of years or more.

It has only slept for a few hundred years, and when it wakes up, it is full of strength.

Xia Yan also knew what they were worried about, and affirmed: "It should be soon."

Hearing that he was so sure, the three of them were slightly relieved.

boom--! !


A thick dark red root rose from the ground and swept toward the location of the four.

A red light flashed across Xia Yan's waist.


Beedrill appeared out of thin air, fluttered out, and the sharp long needle wrapped in a fierce power, directly splitting the roots of the vines in half.

Seeing the speed of Beedrill, Altaria and Scizor were a little unresponsive.

Diantha looked at Xia Yan in surprise.

"Elite level?"

How long has it been since the "Island Contest", not a month?

Xia Yan's Beedrill actually successfully entered the Elite level from the quasi-Elite level?

And looking at Beedrill's appearance, that skilled movement and dexterous figure, it seems that it is not as simple as just entering the Elite level.

"Luck, luck."

Xia Yan smiled modestly and scratched the back of his head.

Diantha gave him a deep look.


Diantha thinks that his luck is not bad, why didn't he see his Gardevoir enter the Elite level?

On the contrary, Drasna and Wikstrom looked at Xia Yan a little differently than Mikey.

They know that Xia Yan's system has basically been formed.

And Xia Yan, who is in shape, once all Pokémon enter the Elite level, not to mention chasing the Elite Four, but at least he already had the strength to fight against the Elite Four at that time.

Now that his Beedrill has Elite-level strength, it means that Xia Yan is officially approaching in that direction, and has already crossed the threshold with one foot.

This undoubtedly makes the two Elite Fours, Drasna and Wikstrom, have to pay attention.


Wikstrom isn't very relevant to the research world, but Drasna knows it.

Xia Yan has passed the professor's application.

A well-known Pokémon Professor, not to mention the status of Elite Four, but at least it can be compared on a horizontal line.


The two no longer looked at Xia Yan with the same eyes as Diantha's juniors, but as people of equal status.

"Xia Yan, since you have been approved by Xerneas and seem to know a lot about Yveltal, why don't you arrange the battle plan?" Drasna suggested.

"Me?" Xia Yan was startled, "Is it right?"

Eyes swept over Wikstrom intentionally or unintentionally.

It turns out that Wikstrom has no objection.

Diantha was also stunned.

But after a little thought, she understood what Drasna meant.

The look in Xia Yan's eyes became more complicated.

This peer has surpassed himself so much that even the Elite Four can communicate equally?

Didn't wait for an answer.

The ground trembled violently, with the black and red Zygarde as the center, spreading wildly and turbulently all around.

Thousands of waves!

Layers of ripples surged towards them with a monstrous momentum.

Xia Yan's expression changed, he took a step forward, and the Zygarde core on his shoulder appeared.

Immediately afterwards, Xia Yan turned his head halfway and said to the three: "Give this Zygarde to me. Please help the three of you to stop Yveltal, and I will give help."

As he spoke, his palms spread out, and the Pixie Plate shone brightly.

The three Drasna looked at each other a few times.

Just now I asked if it was suitable or not, are you taking the role now?

However, after seeing the Zygarde core on Xia Yan's shoulder jumping down, countless green beams converged.

A Pokémon in the shape of a black and green Doberman pinscher, with the same "thousand-wave turbulence" in return to Zygarde.

They no longer hesitated and replied:

"it is good!"


PS: 1.1w asking for a monthly pass~~ Today is not my birthday, but thank you all~~ Thank you "Yan Ming" for another reward, and thank you for the reward of "Ambition to be Sanlu"! Thank you to all the friends for your rewards, monthly tickets and subscriptions~~

(End of this chapter)

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