The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 789 Alakazam Rampage (Three In One)

Chapter 788 Alakazam Rampage (Three in One)

With Lucario added.

The effect is completely different.

After all, in Xia Yan's Pokémon.

For the ice-based Regice, only Infernape and Aegislash have an Attribute advantage.

However, the strength of Infernape and Aegislash is too different from that of Regice. They can only assume the role of support and containment. If you want to shoulder the responsibility of the main output, you still have to look at Beedrill.

Lucario is different.

It not only has a comprehensive suppression of Attribute on Regice, but also has Elite-level strength.

Although it is not as strong as Regice.

But if you add Xia Yan's tactics and Pokémon's containment, the effect it can play will be much bigger.


Lucario is not Xia Yan's Pokémon after all, even if it's quick to react and learn quickly.

But after all, there is no tacit understanding with Xia Yan, and the implementation of tactics can obviously be seen as unfamiliar.

Fortunately, the convenience of information transmission brought by Psychic barely makes up for certain deficiencies.

"Lucario, Sword Dance."

Since there are deficiencies in this regard, Xia Yan will try to find another way to make up for the deficiencies.

Let Lucario strengthen his abilities first and try to create the most damage.

The sword formation surrounded Lucario, and its momentum rose rapidly.


Claire, who was on guard and watching the battle, looked surprised.

she found.

Lucario actually slowly integrated into Xia Yan's tactical system.

Although it is still jerky, and it doesn't even look as comfortable as before, the role he has played is far more than before.

Steven and Du are still being suppressed by Registeel and Regirock, looking for an entry point to break the game, Xia Yan has actually reversed the situation and started to fight against Regice.

This is definitely a good development direction.

Claire breathed a sigh of relief.

Her stress is also much less.

Just pay attention to Steven and Watanabe.


boom--! !

The ground trembled violently.

I felt a very strong aftermath blowing from the other side of Yixiantian.

In the dust, there is the smell of gunpowder.

Xia Yan's faces sank.

The Rockets have already started.

Must hurry up!

want here.

The first to make the change was To.

He saw a dark purple light in his eyes, and the cloak behind him rattled, as if an invisible power was surging out of his body.

Dragon power!

Claire's eyes glowed with tiny stars.

The reason why the Yulong family spared no effort to invest in Du is because he is indeed talented, and this talent has been slowly realized, and the strength that has been realized is indeed worthy of the investment of the Yulong family.

But on the other hand, it also accounts for a large proportion.

That is Du's "Dragon Power"!

see you.

Du poured all his "Dragon Power" into Dragonite.

And Dragonite's already bloated body actually ushered in expansion again.

The dark red air flowed through his body, and the violent breath rushed towards his face.

It turned on "Outrage" directly!

the other side.

Steven no longer has reservations.

Relying on the tyrannical defense of steel-type Pokémon such as Metagross and Aggron, he began to exchange injuries with Registeel.

If Registeel on the opposite side is injured, that's a real injury.

But Steven pulled out a bunch of specially made recovery potions.

It is the kind of pharmaceutical spray that is very rare on the market, and its effect is even better than "healing medicine".

A simple spray can not only make Pokémon's injuries recover quickly, but also has a slightly stimulating effect, which can make Pokémon more excited.

What makes it expensive is that these effects have no side effects, and the materials required for production are extremely precious, and even if you have money, you may not be able to buy them.

But in Steven's hands, it became the most common potion, swaying freely.

Notice the outbursts of Watanabe and Steven.

The corners of Xia Yan's eyes kept twitching.

Ferry is okay to say.

If he uses "Dragon Power" like this, he will be weak for a while at most.

Steven's "money ability".

It really showed itself in this collision.

Xia Yan was usually reluctant to buy the medicines he used, or could not buy them at all.

Xia Yan even made a bold guess.

In the special chapter, Steven commanded the three gods to fight Groudon for a month. Is this mode also used?

Otherwise, if you don't eat or drink for a month, even an iron man can't handle it, right?

The battle scene of Steven holding the bottle of precious potion in his mouth and then pouring money out of his wallet kept flashing through his mind.

He also said, "As long as my money is not used up, I will be invincible!"


Shaking his head, he shook these random and sour images out of his head.

Both of them have burst out of their own abilities.

In a short period of time, the situation has really turned around.

Xia Yan gritted his teeth.

Know they are in a hurry.

No more distractions and focus.

Orders were issued one by one, and they were interlocked, but the tactics that originally focused on consumption have turned into quick fixes.

Since we want to fight quickly.

That might come at a price.

see you.

Lucario's "Aura Sphere" once again blocked Regice's "Ice Beam" for a valuable counterattack.

Just under Xia Yan's order.

The Pokémon moved.

Togekiss was the first to attack. The red, yellow, and blue beams brought by "Tri Attack" swept across the Regice, and the bulging energy caused it to stumble briefly.

In Regice's shadow, the sword-wielding Aegislash swung the imaginary blue great sword, wrapped in dark red energy, and slashed at Regice's already unstable ankle.

But Regice's reaction speed is still there after all.

Countless Ice Shards smashed into Aegislash even when they were unsteady.

However, Aegislash's body was blurred after the attack, and Infernape, who was exchanged with him, was covered in intense dark red fiery flames.

Ice crystals come into contact with flames.

Countless water vapor evaporates in a short period of time.

But Regice's ice crystals were not ordinary ice crystals. Infernape was suppressed, and the firelight went away almost nine times out of ten.

Milky white beams fall from the sky.

Another trauma to Regice's ankle.

Immediately after, the bubbles of "Yawn" flew out from the tip of Sylveon's nose.

The sound of "Boom" broke with Regice's eyes.

The drowsy consciousness affected Regice's mobility.

Lucario and Beedrill, who seized the opportunity, quickly approached one after the other.

The two Pokémon looked at each other and nodded in understanding, Xia Yan had already demarcated the attack range for them.

To end this battle with this attack!

thought here.

The two Pokémon took deep breaths at the same time, focused.

The dark red aura surrounding Beedrill's body seemed to be inspired, and in the form of a spiral, it was coiled on the sharp long needle.

This is the first time Beedrill has shown its use of the special aura of a boss and Totem aura combined.

Lucario closed his eyes.

The power of the waveguide exists in the heart!

Images like radar perception are presented in its mind.

A short squat movement, deftly dodging the icicles Regice swung.

In its perception, the Cianwood-colored Regice has a dark crack, and strands of black air spread out from it.

It's there!

Lucario thought to himself.

But next second.

Countless ice crystals Icirrus, mixed with swirling airflow, erupted from Regice's body.


Frigid temperatures, turbulent air currents, and the obscuring Icirrus made the speed of the advancing Beedrill and Lucario plummet.

Regice responded!

Xia Yan frowned.

That's the trouble you can get into in a hurry.

Because there is not enough foreshadowing, it may be countered at any time.

But he also made preparations.


Xia Yan drank lowly.

The Psychic in the body instantly merges with the Psychic of Alakazam.

Immediately after.

Ignoring the innumerable Psychic threads, I don't know when a net has been woven densely around Regice's body.

As "Blizzard" erupts and rages.

Under the control of Xia Yan and Alakazam, Blizzard did not have time to spread in the future, but was bound in Psychic's net pocket.


Regice growled wildly.

The ice energy around his body, stimulated by the dark energy in his body, actually climbed wildly again.

The breath also became more violent.

"Kookie!" Infernape, who was beside Regice, was the first to be hit.


Latios tried to swap out Infernape with the "Ally Switch".

"do not go!"

Xia Yan's voice sounded in Latios' mind.

Such a raging "Blizzard", Infernape has an Attribute advantage and may just lose his combat ability.

But if Latios of the dragon type goes in and swaps it out, Latios is not as simple as getting hurt.

Although Latios couldn't move.

But Aegislash can.

It turned into a shadow and got into "Blizzard".

Fitted to the back with the Infernape back.

While the extreme cold still left Infernape with ice crystals sticking to him, at least Aegislash relieved it.


Noticing a companion in danger.

In the depths of Alakazam's Cianwood-colored eyes, a red light flashed.

Because of Mew, Psychic has performed exceptionally well.

Actually, in the body, in countless cells, Psychic was discovered again.

Moreover, this Psychic is purer and more outrageous.

Xia Yan looked at Alakazam hovering in the air in surprise, and faintly felt that Alakazam's limbs were shrinking, and his beard was growing.

This is?

Mega Evolution without Assist Mega Evolution stone?

No, yes. Atavistic?


Xia Yan found himself out of control over Psychic.

Originally fused Psychic, Alakazam and Xia Yan have the right to control.

Although Alakazam is in the lead, Xia Yan, who is a Trainer, was handed over to him under Alakazam's deliberate relaxation.

But now.

Not only dominance, but even the Psychic within himself is out of control.

Xia Yan was shocked.

He hurriedly shouted in his heart:


Although Infernape and Aegislash are in a more dangerous situation, the two Pokémon defending against Regice's "Blizzard" together will at most be incapacitated at the same time, and will not be life-threatening.

This is also what Xia Yan expected, the price that must be paid in order to make a quick decision.

But Alakazam became extremely irritable because of it.

It seems that in its body, there is "irritability" hidden, but it has been suppressed by reason.

Perhaps it didn't even notice the presence of its own, but it's now being inspired.

This time, the situation between Infernape and Aegislash became the fuse.

His voice was like a stone sinking into the sea.

There were even bursts of tingling in my mind.

This is a manifestation of Psychic's over-consumption.

But Alakazam's Psychic outburst is also effective.

Regice's "Blizzard" is actually completely compressed within the "enchantment" established by Psychic.


The "enchantment" is constantly shrinking and compressing.


Regice was surprised.

Even if its Contest Condition is not right under the influence of dark energy, it is surprising.


Alakazam Psychic hovering in the air is like a wave, one wave after another.

Psychic grew stronger as it slowly approached Regice.

Regice was in a trance.

It used to feel that way.

That was a long, long time ago.

And the object is not the Alakazam in front of him, but a petite and cute Pokémon who seems to be harmless to humans and animals, but Psychic is extremely powerful.

Who is it?


Regice vaguely saw the figure in the dense Psychic surrounding Alakazam.


Xia Yan gritted his teeth, and sweat dripped from the corners of his eyes and the tip of his nose.

He couldn't use Psychic anymore and could only shout, "Lucario! Beedrill!"

What happened to Alakazam was an accident.

But the overall direction of the tactics remains the same.

Lucario Lock On Regice's chest.

Beedrill's body is surging with rich blue Bug Type energy, the source comes from the "bug Z" at Xia Yan's wrist

boom--! !

Hedging in tandem, squeezing by two powerful forces.

Ka-! !

There was a crisp cracking sound from Regice's body.

Accompanied by the scattering of countless black qi.


Compressed to the extreme, "Blizzard" quietly dissipated.

Regice's red eyes returned to normal, and she fell heavily to the ground.

Infernape and Aegislash let out a breath and fell to the ground, gasping for breath.


Sylveon and Latios appeared beside Xia Yan for the first time.

One left and one right supported him as he stumbled.

The rest of the Pokémon also gathered around.


Although the tactics were carried out according to plan, Xia Yan should not be this Contest Condition.

He and Alakazam just need to hold down Regice for a little while, forcing Lucario and Beedrill to create opportunities.

Even in the end, Lucario and Beedrill will be hurt a lot.

Infernape and Aegislash may be incapacitated by this.

But these are all explained by Xia Yan at the beginning, when executing the tactics.

Pokémon are also ready.

Team fighting.

There are some affordable costs to pay for victory.

This is what Lucario just learned.

But what is Xia Yan's situation now?



Didn't wait for the Pokémon to ask about the situation.

Lucario shouted loudly, and the target was Alakazam hanging in the sky.


Regice is incapacitated.

But Alakazam's Psychic didn't stop there.

The powerful Psychic that kept compressing frantically squeezed Regice's body.

From time to time there are cracks in the body, and ice crystals splash.

Go on like this.

Regice will die!

Xia Yan's attention has always been on Alakazam.

Neither need Lucario's reminder.

He looked solemn.

The Mew gene in Alakazam went wild?

Frustrated with the same situation as its mother?


Alakazam is affected by the invisible and malicious wave of power?

Perhaps both are possible.

Xia Yan's voice was a little weak, but he shouted unquestionably: "Lucario."

Lucario hesitated for a while, but in the end he didn't deal with that Psychic and came to Xia Yan's side.

The trust that belongs to them already has a certain foundation.

"The power of the waveguide, lend me."

Psychic he is exhausted, Alakazam is now wrapped in Psychic, and can no longer hear the outside world.

Only the power of the Assist waveguide.

Lucario didn't hesitate this time.

It placed its palm on Xia Yan's shoulder, closed his eyes, and shouted in his heart: "The power of the waveguide is in the heart!"

Xia Yan's vision changed for a while.

Alakazam's silhouette, in a radar-like form, came to his mind.


Xia Yan's voice entered Alakazam's consciousness.

But only a little ripple appeared.

Togekiss and Latios looked at each other.

They also closed their eyes at the same time.

A hazy wave of wave power emanated from them, overlapping with Lucario's wave power.

And Xia Yan's consciousness.

Finally with such help.

Dive into the depths of Alakazam's consciousness.

in the space of consciousness.

The tightly closed Alakazam brows furrowed, and there is a hazy petite shadow on its side, constantly whispering something in its ears.

With each syllable, Alakazam's brows tightened.

Threads and strands of thin black air were entangled towards Alakazam.


Xia Yan secretly sighed.

Alakazam, who is inextricably linked to Mew.

Since Psychic has become stronger because of Mew's appearance, it will naturally be affected by Mew's Contest Condition.

Not before, that's because of the distance from Mew.

Now that it is closer, this influence is strengthened.

"Alakazam." Xia Yan shouted again.


This time, Alakazam heard Xia Yan's words and slowly opened his eyes.

There was joy and a hint of doubt in his eyes.

How did Xia Yan appear here?

The Mew phantom next to him showed his teeth and claws at Xia Yan.

Didn't wait for Xia Yan to react.

Alakazam waved with a displeased face, and the Mew phantom dissipated.

see this scene.

Xia Yan was dumbfounded.

This is the consciousness space of Alakazam.

Here Alakazam dominates.

As Mew's phantom dissipated, Alakazam's furrowed brows relaxed.

Xia Yan sat cross-legged in front of it.

Alakazam looked at the man in front of him.

The man who has become almost everything in his life.

It used to be the object of its dependence, the man who assumed the roles of father, mother, teacher.

Gradually taught it how to be strong and how to fight.

It also grew from the weak and timid Abra that needed protection to the current Alakazam.

Don't know when it started.

Alakazam's goal has become to want to protect him, to make him proud of himself, to go to the top of the world with him, and to see a different landscape.

Seeing the trust in Alakazam's eyes, Xia Yan sighed.

With a tight smile, he said:

"Aren't you curious about what happened to you during this time?"


It doesn't really chase that much either.

"No." Xia Yan shook his head, "I'll give you the answer this time."


Alakazam in the air slowly opened his eyes.

The Psychic that wrapped Regigigas had long since dissipated.

Its eyes were slightly red.

Looking down at the ground.

When I saw Xia Yan's pale and weak face, my heart ached.

When I saw the concerns of the Pokémons and Xia Yan's relieved smile, it seemed like a warm current was flowing to the limbs.

He nodded heavily towards them.

Land slowly.

"Congratulations, Alakazam." Xia Yan said with a smile.

Alakazam was taken aback.

Feeling the surging and filling Psychic in his body, he slowly reacted.

There was a look of surprise in his eyes.

This is

Elite level? !

It's not like Beedrill.

At the beginning, Beedrill was only one step away from Elite.

And it has only just been able to see the threshold of the Elite level.

At least try for a while.

Although Alakazam felt his progress by leaps and bounds after he came to Orudelang City.

But now.

This threshold was crossed silently by it.

Beedrill is Rest, and progresses when you fall asleep.

Are you in a daze, and you have made progress even in a daze?

Xia Yan patted its shoulder.

"Maybe, because of Mew."


Xia Yan shook his head without explaining.

Mew's situation did affect Alakazam's Contest Condition.

But why can't this be understood as Mew's self-help?

Xia Yan is here to help it.

And it also understands that Xia Yan can help it better when he becomes stronger.

Affecting Alakazam's consciousness is a side effect.

But Alakazam's stronger Psychic is real.


Will Mew's influence be dispelled so easily?

Not so.

"But it can't go on like this."

Xia Yan stood up with the help of the Pokémons.

Looking in the direction of the sky.

"The impact of Mew on the World Earl Dervish Tree is definitely deeper than the impact on Alakazam. If it continues, some negative consciousness will not be so easy to clear."

Act fast!

After Xia Yan dealt with it briefly, he put away the injured Infernape and Aegislash.

Walk in the direction of Steven and Ferry.

Surrounded by Pokémons.

Lucario looked at Xia Yan with a complicated look, and Alakazam who was following Xia Yan closely.

They are the connections that Psychic brings.

At first.

Lucario and Aaron, the connection brought about by the power of the waveguide.

How similar.


Just as Lucario was about to follow, there was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

It saw a fleeting blue color on Xia Yan's body.

"Xia Yan, why are you so weak?"

Du, who was also pale, was supported by Claire and greeted him.

Xia Yan grinned.

"Say as if you're much better than me."

Watanabe couldn't help but grin.

The two smiled at each other.

"I said, are you so embarrassed?"

At this time.

Contest was still dressed neatly, and Steven, who looked calm and calm, walked over with a smile.

Looking at his light-hearted look.

Ferry: "."

Xia Yan: "."

Is it true that the poor rely on mutation, and the rich rely on throwing money?


Steven wanted to say something.

"What, Du, you said hurry up? I think it's right."

Xia Yan took the lead in walking towards the first line of heaven.

Ferry followed.

"Xia Yan, I don't know why, but my ears are not working well recently."

"Maybe it's too windy."

"Well, that makes sense."

Steven looked up at Soaring in the sky.

Soft sunlight shone on her body.

The woods are silent.

Even the leaves are stretched out to soak up the sun.

Where there is the slightest sign of wind.

"These two guys" Steven shook his head helplessly.


But soon he couldn't help but laugh out loud.

While the laughter became more and more obvious, Xia Yan and Du both stepped a little faster.

Still, he followed in stride.

(End of this chapter)

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