The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 799 Xia Yan Vs Giovanni (Three In One)

Chapter 798 Xia Yan VS Giovanni (three in one)


Seeing Xia Yan appear in front of him, Giovanni blocked the air waves of Flygon's wings and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

This was the first time he knew about Xia Yan and Pokémon like Greninja.

However, this Greninja has Elite-level strength, and it is not weak.

There is no restraint on each other's attributes.

"Dragon Claw."

Giovanni commanded in a flat tone.


Flygon swung its tail in the air, flapped its wings, made a rapid dive, and attacked Greninja.

The strong dragon-type energy covered the sharp claws, and the stern wave seemed to tear the air, and it felt painful when brushed on the face.

A Psychic halo appeared in Xia Yan's eyes.

Telepathic connection Greninja.

The tacit understanding between him and Greninja is not enough, and there are not many tactical drills. Only by establishing contact through telepathy and shortening the time of command transmission can barely make up for this deficiency.

"Greninja, Ice Punch!"

Xia Yan's voice sounded in Greninja's mind.


Greninja, who was holding hands, also felt the pressure from Flygon for a long time.

While frowning, he squatted halfway, his muscles tense.

next second.

Outright rise.

Facing the swooping Flygon, the clenched fist was instantly covered with thick ice crystals.


Greninja's own breath has also quietly changed.

The "Fate of Change" ability is triggered, and Greninja becomes an ice-type Pokémon, which is more comfortable in the mastery of ice-type energy, and the use of "Ice Punch" moves is also more convenient.

Bang-! !

Known as the "Little Earth Dragon", Flygon is quadrupled by ice-type moves.

Greninja, who has transformed Attribute, can be said to have the advantage of Attribute at once.

"Dragon Claw" and "Ice Punch" collide violently in the air.

Splashing ice crystals accompanied the disappearance of "Dragon Claw", and Flygon staggered in the air.

"Flygon, Flamethrower."

But for this scene, Giovanni was very calm, but the order followed.

Flygon was also trained quite well, even if he stumbled in the air and failed to stabilize his body, he puffed out his chest and a fiery pillar of flame came across.

The scorching temperature instantly raised the temperature of the entire venue.

Xia Yan's breathing was slightly stagnant.

Giovanni doesn't seem to be surprised by Greninja's ability to "roam freely" and the change in Attributes.

It can even be transformed right away to launch a rather targeted attack.

"Water Pulse!"

Fortunately, Xia Yan's reaction speed is also very fast.

Then see.

The moment Flygon's flames poured down on Greninja, a stream of water split and splashed.

Giovanni looked at the "just in time" stream of water and raised his eyebrows slightly.

The corners of the mouth curved slightly.


The interweaving of flames and water flow, the sound of "hiss" is endless, and countless white mists are stirred up, obscuring the sight.

the next moment.


The turbulent air flowed with Flygon's wings, scattered and climbed, and the rich water vapor also dissipated in an instant.

"Bug Buzz."

Giovanni's voice came again.

The offensive does not stop.

Flygon immediately let out a high-pitched growl, and circles of cyan energy quickly spread as the sound wave passed, covering Greninja.

Xia Yan frowned.

Giovanni's reaction was too fast.

And the tacit understanding between him and Greninja also makes them only able to parry.

It is difficult to launch an effective counterattack after a parry.

This feeling is uncomfortable.

Since he became a Trainer, although there are times when he is not as good as Rival in terms of strength.

But in terms of tactics and rhythm, Xia Yan has never been completely suppressed.

But this time.

When playing against Giovanni, Xia Yan clearly felt the pressure from Giovanni.

Not because of Flygon's strength, nor because of Giovanni's identity, but simply because the rhythm control was suppressed in the battle.

The battle of the two.

Dominance lies with Giovanni.

"Greninja, Bounce."

Although he felt awkward in his heart, it did not prevent Xia Yan from making judgments and giving directions.

Greninja bent his knees, his legs instantly straightened, and with a tremendous force it bounced up and leaped high into the air.

Not only did he evade the attack, he also appeared in Flygon's Sky for the first time.

The smile on Giovanni's face was even bigger.

"Ice Beam!" Xia Yan immediately delivered a new order.

Greninja managed to take Sky's advantage and had to take advantage of it.

If successful, his and Greninja's rhythm disadvantage could be reversed.


As soon as Xia Yan's order was delivered, Giovanni's voice sounded again in barely a fraction of a second.


Crimson pillars of fire gushed out from Flygon's mouth.

Converging with the ice-blue "Ice Beam", two energies, one cold and one hot, collided, and a roar erupted immediately.

Xia Yan's heart sank.

read first!

It was read first.

Thinking about it, Xia Yan used his rich experience to read other people's moves first, but he didn't expect that he would still be read first.

boom! ! !

There was a loud explosion.

Greninja and Flygon both retreated in the aftermath of the explosion.

"This Greninja, you captured it later, right?" Giovanni said suddenly.

"Huh?" Xia Yan frowned and responded almost subconsciously.

Giovanni smiled and shook his head, "The tacit understanding is too bad."

Xia Yan: "."

Can you fight?

Can't beat us to go!

"Go on," Giovanni said softly.

Xia Yan took a deep breath and let it out.

He calmed down all the complicated emotions that had arisen from the sudden confrontation with Giovanni.

Try to keep your mind focused and try to understand Giovanni's tactics.

"Mud Slap." Giovanni gave the order again.

"Water Shuriken!"

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes.

His emotions affected Greninja.

Greninja also recovered from the pressure he felt on Flygon at first.

The speed of reaction and the trust in Xia Yan have both improved a notch.

Several water shuriken collided with the mud ball from Flygon Fling.

Hit as accurately as possible to neutralize the "Mud Slap" attack.

Xia Yan stared closely at Giovanni and Flygon.

"Hydro Pump!"

This time, Xia Yan made the first judgment.


Giovanni's voice just sounded, and he himself showed a little surprise.


Intense and turbulent water rose from the ground, colliding violently with Flygon's flames again.

This time.

It is the current that has the absolute upper hand.

Not only the flames of Flygon were extinguished, but even Flygon itself was baptized by the water.

caused some damage to it.

Next step!

What will Giovanni do next?

Xia Yan's mind was running at high speed.

From Giovanni's point of view, what would he choose to do next.

Waiting for Greninja to make a move, then choose a break and then counter?

Do not!

With Giovanni's character, he won't wait, and will inevitably choose to take the initiative and then take the situation into his own hands again.

But the battle in the Pokémon world is different from the game, and only four moves are so easy to guess.

Various thoughts and moves flashed in Xia Yan's mind.


Xia Yan decided to fight!

Otherwise, the rhythm has always been in Giovanni's hands, and this kind of battle makes Xia Yan very uncomfortable and not used to it.

"Greninja, Shadow Sneak!"

Xia Yan roared in his heart.

"Flygon, Boomburst!" Giovanni followed.

Bet right!

Xia Yan clenched his fists.

I saw that Greninja was like a real Ninja Normal, with a ghostly figure.

Quietly disappeared in place.

When it reappeared, it was already behind Flygon.

And successfully circumvented Flygon's "Boomburst".

Layers of terrifying sound waves shattered, like the roar of a bomb, making people squeak.

Fortunately, Greninja successfully avoided this damage with the Ghost-type Attribute.


Because of Xia Yan's pre-judgment in advance, he was pinched in his hand for the first time.

Such an opportunity is rare, and it is necessary to seize this opportunity to give enough blows, or even establish a victory.

“Ice Punch!”

Xia Yan's order was issued almost after it was judged that Greninja had successfully avoided the intrusion of "Supersonic".

Solid ice crystals the color of Cianwood, and fists tangled in teeth.

"Dragon Rush!"

Giovanni frowned, feeling a little surprised.

But the order did not stop.

The cold fist and the surging dragon shadow suddenly appeared.

boom--! !

Rolling roar.


Amid the violent collision of dust, the Flygon smashed to the ground.

After Struggle twice, he still couldn't get up again.

Incapacitated to fight!


Greninja landed smoothly, hunched over his waist, his chest heaving violently, but his eyes were extraordinarily bright.

His hands trembled slightly.

It also suffered quite a bit of damage.

But won.


Giovanni smiled and put the Flygon back.

"Good prediction, how did you know I'd let Flygon use 'Boomburst'?"

"I don't know." Xia Yan shook his head and took back the tired Greninja.

"I just think that since you know that Greninja can change Attributes, you will definitely not start with Ground-type and Dragon-type moves. Besides Ground-type and Dragon-type, Flygon can learn the most moves, which is Normal.

Moreover, the combination of Ghost-type and evil-type Attributes makes Greninja's Attributes very good, even if they can't resist, they won't lose their fighting ability at once. "

"So you're taking a gamble?" Giovanni loosened the rest of the suit's buttons slowly.

"But I bet right."

Xia Yan said truthfully.

Hearing this, Giovanni was dumbfounded.

King and loser.

You don't care whether other people's choices are gambling in nature, whether it's because of luck.

The result now is that people win.

That all luck will also be a part of strength.


Xia Yan also needs to have such a sufficient knowledge reserve and tactical reserve to take these factors into account.

"But if your Pokémon are only half-baked like Greninja, even with Psychic blessing, some gaps in reaction and tacit understanding cannot be filled."

talking room.

Giovanni took off his suit and threw it on the ground beside him.

The white shirt underneath was exposed, as well as the looming strong body after rolling up the sleeves and unbuttoning them.

Pick up another Ultra Ball on the post.

Before Giovanni summoned him, Xia Yan couldn't help but ask, "Boss, I'm still very confused."

"Nothing, test your strength and ability, and decide what I will give you." Giovanni said casually.

You have to say so.

We won't be tired anymore.

Xia Yan's eyes lit up.

Does it mean that the better you play, the better you get?

Believe it or not, kill your second one too?

Seeing the expression on Xia Yan's face, Giovanni smiled without saying a word, and just threw the second Ultra Ball.

in red light.


A Pokémon stepped on the clouds, his muscles were knotted, his arms were wrapped around his face, and he appeared in the field.

Seeing this Pokémon, Xia Yan's originally excited expression froze.


Earth cat.



While for Giovanni, this Landorus may not be his strongest Pokémon, it definitely ranks in the top three.

And what about Giovanni's overall strength?

If nothing else, at least at the championship level.

After all, in theory, Giovanni's strength should not have reached the peak.

But also very likely above the championship level.

Send Landorus.

"Boss, are we being too serious?" Xia Yan said helplessly.

"You're going to admit defeat?" Giovanni asked rhetorically, raising an eyebrow.

Xia Yan: "."

It's not a question of admit defeat.

The key is.

Even if we do our best, it's not the Rival of this Landorus.

"I allow you to limit the number of Pokémons."

Giovanni narrowed his eyes and said pointedly.

Choosing Landorus naturally has his plans.

He wanted to touch Xia Yan's bottom.

But considering that other Pokémon may be uncertain, Landorus is the best choice.

at the same time.

He also wanted to try something.

Unlimited number of Pokémon?

Xia Yan took a deep breath.

Is this a matter of not limiting the number of Pokémon?

Dare he summon Beedrill and Alakazam them?

Xia Yan held his breath and pursed his lips.

Let the air in the lobes be exhausted little by little.

As long as he faintly felt the burning heat in his lungs, he let out a long breath.

"I understand."

Xia Yan nodded.

With a swipe of the palm, two Poké Balls appeared.

Staring at Giovanni and Landorus for a while before throwing the two Poké Balls.


Wrapped in Rage's roar, the sound of the dragon's roar echoed in the venue, and the ferocious aura filled the air.



Landorus on the opposite side shrugged with disdain when he saw the imposing Hydreigon.

But when it saw the second Pokémon, its eyes narrowed slightly, with a relaxed expression and a serious look.

The second Pokémon to appear silently.

There is no sound, but the sense of oppression it brings is far beyond what Hydreigon can match.


Duolong Bartto glanced at Landorus in surprise, then turned back to Xia Yan.

Xia Yan nodded calmly.

Knowing what Xia Yan meant, Duolong Bartto didn't say anything, just looked at Landorus seriously.

This guy.

Not easy to deal with.

"Doron Bartto?"

On the other hand, Giovanni showed a surprised expression when he saw Doron Bartto.

Of course, part of the surprise was Doron Bartto's strength.

As for Hydreigon.

Feel sorry.

It is now a younger brother in front of all the bigwigs here.

Hydreigon is also self-conscious.

After approaching Doron Bartto, he glared at Landorus on the opposite side.

"Do you know the boss?"

"The quasi-god of the Galar Region, Pokémon, Doron Bartto." Giovanni said slowly.

Don't forget to explain.

"Although the Galar Region has not been made public yet, there are some things that the Alliance can't hide if they want to."

"Indeed." Xia Yan did not object to this.

Dan Di is now active in all Alliance Regions.

Although Dandi's Trump Card is Charizard, there are some Pokémon that belong to the Galar Region and cannot be hidden.

Speaking of Doron Bartto, Giovanni seemed to be intrigued all at once.

"Do you know the Malokomon Group?" Giovanni asked suddenly.

Malokomon Group?

The status in the Galar Region is somewhat similar to that in the Alola Region Aether Foundation.

The only difference from the Aether Foundation is that the Malokomon Group has a stronger control over the Galar Region.

After the Alliance opened the Malokormon Group, the president of the Galar Region, Loz, was also the president of the Malokormen Group.

The first-generation champion of the Galar Region was Roz's younger brother Pioni, and then Dandi.


Even Dandi was discovered and promoted by Ross.

The man with the advertisements all over his body is inextricably linked with Loz.

The reason also involves the gigantic transformation unique to the Galar Region, as well as the Wuji Tana that caused the gigantic transformation, and the "Dark Night" event that caused the gigantic transformation.

Listen to Giovanni's tone.

It seems that not only does he know the Galar Region, he knows about the Maloko Group, and he also has contact with the Maloko Group?

"I know a little bit." Xia Yan said, "Not long ago I had contact with a trainer named Dan Di."

Giovanni had no doubts about such an explanation.

"You Doron Bartto."

Giovanni brought the topic back to the battle itself again, "Not bad."

To be able to make Giovanni say a good word, it can be seen that Duolong Bartto's strength has been recognized by him.

After all, even Greninja, who defeated Flygon before, didn't get much praise from him.

Letting Duolong Bartto play is also a choice Xia Yan made after some consideration.

As Duolong Bartto said to Mew, it was waiting for Xia Yan to really conquer it.

Xia Yan has also been thinking about how to conquer Duolong Bartto.

If accepted.

Doron Bartto doesn't have to hide in the shadows all the time.

"Just one move."

Giovanni said suddenly.

Xia Yan was stunned.

Immediately react.

"it is good!"

Giovanni twitched the corners of his mouth.

"Landorus, Earthquake!"


Xia Yan glanced at Duolong Bartto and Hydreigon suspended in the air.


But he didn't underestimate it.

In a deep voice, "Duolong Bartto, Phantom Force!"

Boom--! !

As the energy of Landorus spreads, even if it is also suspended in mid-air, it can mobilize the power of the earth.

The whole place was torn apart in an instant.

One after another huge gully suddenly appeared, the ground cracked and trembled.

A wave of ripples rang out towards where Doron Bartto and Hydreigon were.

Hydreigon glanced disdainfully at Ground's vibrations, standing still.

Doron Bartto looked serious.

Strong Ghost-type energy swelled all over the body. These energies seemed to come from Jiuyou, and the cold air caused the temperature of the entire venue to drop sharply.

next second.

Boom! !

It was only "Earthquake" that brought changes to Ground, but it mutated quietly.

An arrogant force rose from the ground.

The ground that was shaking and surging suddenly stood up, like a huge mouth of the abyss, heading towards Duolong Bartto and Hydreigon.

Feeling the rapidly approaching Ground-type energy, Hydreigon stared in disbelief.

Hastily flapped his wings to avoid it.

But found it was too late.

The built-up Rock Ground wraps it, and the roar continues to tremble in the Rock.

The "Earthquake" move can actually affect the Hydreigon with the "Float" ability.

The layers of shaking and Hydreigon's pained growl were the best proof.

As expected of the "Earth Giovanni".

Don't underestimate his use of Ground-type moves.

I can't fully trust this immunity to Ground-type moves either.

In the face of insufficient matching strength and skill, immunity is a joke.


The addition of this Rock only affects Hydreigon.

Because Doron Bartto's body disappeared quietly under the wrapping of Ghost-type energy.

Except for the ripples in the space, no trace was left.

"Phantom Force" has the ability to drive space?

the next moment.

Clothed in Ghost-type energy, Doron Bartto quietly appeared behind Landorus.

His long and narrow eyes and his triangular head were piercingly cold.

Tail twitches.

Shoot for Landorus.


Landorus, who was wrapping his arms, felt the same thing behind him, glared at him, and his orange fist wrapped the thick "Earth Power", and patted the tail of Duolong Bartto.


But he saw Giovanni frowning and drinking sharply.

Hearing that, Landorus froze suddenly, the energy in his fists quietly dissipated, and he clenched his teeth and did not stir up any more power.

Bang-! !

Doron Bart slapped Landorus hard with his almost transparent tail at the end.

Without any reservation, Landorus was shot directly to the ground.

Ground, which was already full of messes, was completely shattered after this blow.

The splattered boulders shot against the wall, leaving tiny dark holes.


Landorus narrowed one eye in pain.

The agitating airflow immediately blew the surrounding dust away.

It revealed its blue veins throbbing beneath it.

Although the anger was suppressed in the bottom of my heart.

But Landorus didn't intend to shoot again, just stared at Doron Bartto.

Doron Bartto didn't speak either, and wiggled his tail gracefully.

Fly to Xia Yan.

Then released the Hydreigon wrapped in Rock.

The embarrassed Hydreigon bared his teeth and grinned, but didn't dare to say anything, he just whimpered at Xia Yan and Duolong Bartto, with grievances in his voice.

It hangs up, big sister's head Retaliate for me!

Doron Bartto didn't bother to pay attention to it, just gestured to Hydreigon.

When Hydreigon saw the embarrassed Landorus, he grinned.

Taunt rolled his eyes at it.

Neither Xia Yan nor Duolong Bartto paid any attention to the guy who was looking for a beating.

If Giovanni had not ordered Landorus to stop, it would have been impossible for Duolong Bartto to attack the opponent. At most, it would be 55 to 50, and Duolong Bartto might even be at a disadvantage.

Landorus is a real beast.

Xia Yan didn't know that the priesthood was still there after it was captured.

If the priesthood is still there.

Doron Bartto also only had to run away.

Xia Yan looked at Giovanni.

Giovanni put away Landorus with a serious face.

Doesn't seem very happy that Landorus doesn't use only one move as he asks.

However, from Giovanni's words, it can make Landorus have condensed the offensive to give up voluntarily. It can still be seen how much control Giovanni has over Landorus.

Put away Landorus.

Giovanni took a deep look at this Duolong Bartto who used the weird "Phantom Force", and then looked at Xia Yan.

Nodding slightly.

Mouth slightly raised.

"Yes, you won."


PS: There are activities in the book circle, a monthly pass of 500 yuan~~ Ask for a monthly pass! Thank you Mr. Pi for the four thousand rewards~~

(End of this chapter)

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