The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 805: Crouching Dragon And Phoenix Chicks Can't Have Only One (Three In One)

Chapter 804: The Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Baby Can't Have Only One (Three in One)

"Is it here?"

A figure slowly walked out of the sea.

When approaching the destination, Xia Yan gave up flying directly from the sky, which was too ostentatious.

So he chose to approach from the Underwater and go ashore.


It is a huge and lush forest. Compared with the forest outside, the plants here are not only more lush, but also many more Primal trees.


This is an undeveloped island.

Perhaps even before this, it was not an island that others could approach Solaceon.

After all, according to the map drawn by Moltres to Xia Yan, he did not know that there was an island here after comparing the sea chart of the Alliance.


The legendary Moltres, and even the entire Moltres tribe, live on this island, so it is understandable that no one can get close.

"But how do I remember, shouldn't the three islands of the Three Divine Birds be near Shamouti Island in the Orange Islands? That's their territory, and they have a way to call Lugia." Xia Yan muttered to himself.

After removing Psychic's package, many water stains also fell off.

He took out his phone and looked at it.

Make sure there is no half-point signal here.

This further confirmed his conjecture.

"No signal is a good thing, I can better hide in the dark."

Xia Yan thought to himself.

He walked out of the beach and did not go directly into the depths of the forest, but sat under a tree, thinking about what to do next.

Professor Oak asked him to find help.

But sometimes this kind of thing is more difficult to deal with when there are more people.

Moreover, if the enemy is really the Hunter Guild, then what kind of identity he wants to face, he can also operate it.

Xia Yan thought about the situation and analyzed the situation.

"First of all, I can be 90% sure that the Hunter Guild is behind it, and it can even be accurate to Miss T Tom Tengqi."

"Secondly, the attitude of Moltres, and the attitude of the Articuno I met at Mt. Coronet before, showed that Beedrill, the 'chosen one' in their mouths, is their own, so I am not an ally at all, Those three divine birds are allies."

"Furthermore, the Rockets will not intervene, neither will help me nor Tom Ritchie. Judging from Giovanni's reaction and the Rockets' reaction, it should be that Mewtwo is about to be born, and their full attention is on Mewtwo, otherwise Bishas wouldn't have dared to be so bold. Perhaps one of Giovanni's reasons for giving me the 'Silver Wing' was to use me to spoil things."

"Finally, what caused Moltres to become that irritable and trance Contest Condition, I remembered that the Dusk Ball and dark energy used by Bishas had the same effect. So the researcher who created the original Mewtwo, Are you in touch with Tom Ritchie?"

Bishas is dead, but the whereabouts of the researcher he freed is unknown.

"Maybe Bishas made a bold move on Mew with the intention of attracting the attention of the Flash Fire Arrows and the Alliance, only to be sabotaged by us inadvertently."

Just grab a branch from the side.

Write a few points on the ground.

One (most important), determine what a "chosen person" is, figure out the secrets of Beedrill, and judge whether it can be profitable according to the situation.

Second, determine what the Hunter Guild wants to do, and then do what it can according to its ability, destroy or obstruct it.

Third, to determine what happened to the population of the Three God Birds, Moltres said that Articuno is definitely not in Mt. Coronet. There must be a reason for it to be so certain.

Fourth, the second and third points may point to the same goal.

Five, Tom Ritchie owns a Zapdos.

He glanced from top to bottom.

Xia Yan quickly Lock On the key.

What are the tribes of the Three God Birds going to do?

"So, while still in the dark, gather information as soon as possible and get more information. It's best to meet a Three Divine Bird."

Moltres lost his memory.

But Xia Yan didn't think that the rest of the three divine birds were like this.

"Then start by looking for other three divine birds."

Xia Yan made a clear goal.

He stood up and patted the dust on his body.

Throw a Poké Ball to summon a Pokémon.

This forest is not simple at first glance. The wild Pokémon in it is estimated that the strength will not be weak, and the most basic preparations must be made.

Looking up at Soaring in the sky.

A thin black cloud gradually spread and enveloped.



The figure is slowly hidden in the lush vegetation.

"Togekiss, Aura Sphere."

Bang-! !

As the Cianwood-colored Aura Sphere collided, a fiery monkey fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Infernape and Latios stepped forward.

One relies on strength, the other relies on Psychic, restraining the hot monkey in Struggle.

However, it was injured a lot, and the more the Struggle was, the more painful it was, but the strength of the Struggle was not that great.


Aegislash understood, separated a shadow from Xia Yan's shadow, and fell into the shadow of Hot Monkey.

Two purple ribbons emerged from the shadows and wrapped around the arms of the hot monkey.

all of a sudden.

Hot Monkey's expression became a little dazed, and his resisting movements stopped.

At this time, Xia Yancai used Psychic to contact it using telepathy.

"Hot Monkey, where is Moltres, Zapdos or Articuno?" Xia Yan said solemnly.

What responded to it was the dazed eyes of the hot monkey.


Sylveon puffed out his mouth and walked angrily towards the hot monkey.

But Xia Yan stopped him.

"Forget it, it shouldn't know."

Having been confused by Aegislash's ability, coupled with his poor Contest Condition, Hot Monkey has no ability to lie or hide in front of Xia Yan.

This isn't the first time he's asked wild Pokémon.

But the results obtained made Xia Yan unsatisfied.

Many of these wild Pokémon have seen the Three God Birds, but none of them really know where the Three God Birds' nests are.

I thought that Pokémon like Hot Monkey would have a slightly higher IQ than other Pokémon, and might know more things.


Even a quasi-Elite wild Pokémon doesn't know the nest of the Three God Birds, and Xia Yan can't think of any other Pokémon that can know.

"and many more."

Xia Yan stopped a few Pokémons who were about to loosen their shackles.

Staring at the fiery monkey with burning eyes.

"You don't know, is there any other Pokémon that knows?"

Hot Monkey looked dazed.

seems to be thinking.

After a while, it pointed to a small hill that was not particularly high but near the coast.


Xia Yan waved his hand, indicating that the Pokémons can let go.

There will always be a wild Pokémon that knows about it, and Hot Monkey doesn't know, not because it's not strong enough, but because it doesn't pay attention.

For wild Pokémon, survival, territory, resources, and reproduction are all there is to them.

At the level of the Three Divine Birds, they have seen it, and there is nothing else they can do except look up.

Just because it doesn't care, doesn't mean the other Pokémon don't care.

There are always people who like to gossip.

There will inevitably be some empty ones in Pokémon.

And those who have eaten up are either because they have outstanding strength and don't need to rush for a living, or they are very intelligent and idle.

Finally Lock On a small goal.

Xia Yan led the Pokémons towards the hillside pointed by the hot monkey.

I don't know if it's because of the turmoil of the Three God Birds, the Pokémon on the whole island are particularly excited.

Xia Yan remembers that when he watched the theatrical version of Lugia's "Bangdan", the three divine birds were caught, causing the weather in the Pokémon world to be completely unbalanced.

At that time, Professor Oak also specially described the role of the three gods.

The main key is the undercurrent at the bottom of the sea.

I remember him saying that the temperature difference between Moltres and Articuno caused by the cold and the hot will produce an undercurrent, and the lightning of the thunderbird stimulates the amino compounds in the sea, so life is born.

Therefore, the Three God Birds are the origin of life in the Pokémon world.

He remembered that the first time he saw it, he immediately felt that he was very tall, and the Three Divine Birds were so important.

It was only later that I gradually learned.

It's not that the Three Divine Birds are powerful, but because there were only Kanto Region, Johto Region Region and the Orange Islands at that time, there were only a few powerful ones.

Let the current Xia Yan see.

The Three God Birds are important, but at most they are similar to the Three Clouds in the Unova Region.

Priesthood determines their upper limit, but also imprisons their upper limit.

"I still remember what Xiaojian, who was following something at the time, would say that the electric splitting of water H2O produces hydrogen and oxygen, which will explode under the flames."

Xia Yan approached the hillside while recalling the episodes he had watched that he still remembered.

Thanks to his awakening Psychic, he can have such a memory, and can dig out information from the depths of his memory, otherwise, after coming to the Pokémon world for so long, the ghost can still remember so many details.

The obstacles along the way were not small.

But under the protection of his Pokémon, these obstacles don't have much impact.

If it weren't for the concern that the excessive movement might attract unnecessary attention, Xia Yan would have pushed him horizontally.

Although this island is rarely occupied by humans, in a wild environment, it is quite remarkable to be able to grow to the quasi-Elite level. The Elite level is definitely a rare existence of Normal.

As for the quasi-Elite Pokémon, there are not many that can cause trouble to his Pokémon.


Latios suddenly let out a low cry.


There was a sound in a lake in front of the hillside.


Cianwood-colored body, heavy back armor, two bright cannons.

Xia Yan's eyes brightened.

I didn't expect there to be a Blastoise here.

The three Imperial Pokémons in the Kanto Region are all very good Pokémons, and Blastoise is one of the three Imperial Pokémon in the water system.

Blastoise didn't take the initiative to attack, and saw it slowly walk out of the pool, staring at them vigilantly.



As a "socialite", after hearing Blastoise's question, Togekiss stepped forward to negotiate at the first time, and at the same time expressed his intentions, not to disturb it, nor to want Snatch's territory.

But Blastoise's eyes changed when Togekiss said they were targeting the hill behind him.

boom--! !

Without warning, two turbulent water jets erupted from its gun barrel.

Fortunately, Togekiss's reaction was fast enough, turning into a white light and avoiding the two water columns at an extremely fast speed.


After dodging the attack, Togekiss looked at the Blastoise in disbelief.

"Socialite" social failure still makes Togekiss uncomfortable.

"A quasi-Elite Blastoise?" Seeing Blastoise's attack, Xia Yan also made a judgment.

He squinted at the hillside behind Blastoise.

"Looks like there really is something remarkable or something on that hillside."

After muttering, Xia Yan waved his hand.

A quasi-Elite Blastoise is not enough to cause him any trouble.

On the contrary, this Blastoise is quite well developed.

Can sell for a good price.


Missing a hit, Blastoise swept over Xia Yan and his Pokémon without flinching, but instead growled.


The water broke again.

Another Cianwood-colored Pokémon sticking to the water surface surfaced, with intertwined jagged scales, a rickety body, and an unrelenting aura.

Wrapped in the current, he hovered beside Blastoise.


Seeing that these two Pokémons, who can completely monopolize an area and dominate, are now standing side by side, Xia Yan is even more curious about the existence on the hillside.

Wild Pokémon is not okay.

But a quasi-Elite Blastoise and a quasi-Elite Kingdra live peacefully in such a small pond, Xia Yan doesn't think they are in a good relationship.

Brutal-! !

A gust of strong wind blew, the surrounding weeds bent over, and the nearby forest leaves rattled.

His eyes were sharp, his appearance was majestic, and the wind was blowing between his wings.

"A quasi-Elite-level eagle? Another one."

Xia Yan became more and more curious.

But Blastoise's call doesn't seem to stop there.

The fire flickered, the spark flickered.

An orange Pokémon came from the wind, dressed in flames, but did not ignite the surrounding plants and trees.


The sturdy limbs are still burning with flames, stepping on the wet grass, but their steps are very firm.


The "Intimidate" Ability is coming.

"Four, are there any more?"

Xia Yan turned to look to the other side.

I saw the lush grass soared, and a huge and bright flower stalked. Under the huge flower, the purple body was like a root, and the two red eyes were scrutinized.


All are quasi-Elite Pokémon.

After waiting for a few more breaths to make sure that no wild Pokémon came over, Xia Yan grinned and chuckled.

"It's getting more and more interesting."

Five quasi-Elite Pokémon of completely different races are united.

Just because Togekiss said they wanted to go see that hillside.


Among the five Pokémons, except for Blastoise and Pidiao, Kingdra, Arcanine and Vileplume all require special props to evolve.


Blastoise took a big step forward, growling.

It is saying that as long as Xia Yan and the others retreat and do not approach, they will not attack.

Xia Yan supported his hat and shook his head.

"I originally just had the idea of ​​giving it a try, but your behavior completely aroused my curiosity, sorry."

Fall with this sentence.

Xia Yan's Pokémon moved for the first time.


Seeing that Xia Yan and the others didn't mean to step back, Blastoise let out a low growl.

The five wild Pokémons also acted.

Infernape led the way.

Roaring flames, rolling heat waves.

"Enhanced Fire Punch" headed straight for Arcanine.

The dark red fist collided head-on with Arcanine's flaming mouth.

Bang-! !

Arcanine staggered under her feet.

Some surprises.

But then two water jets swept from behind it.

Infernape's body blurred briefly.

Clang! !

The giant shield stood horizontally, Aegislash appeared in Infernape's position, and the surging water first passed through "Reflect" and then swept over the shield.

Except for the sound, Aegislash didn't take a step back.

Taunt brushed the shimmering shield towards Blastoise as the water washed away.

Togekiss turned into a white light and shot towards Blastoise.

Bibi Diao's eyes were sharp, and he fluttered his wings and rolled up the air, merging and converging into a hurricane, trying to stop Togekiss's advance.

But Togekiss's speed was somewhat beyond Bidio's prediction.

Succeeded in dashing into Blastoise with "Extrreme Speed".

Standing beside Blastoise, Kingdra puffed out her belly, and a fiery Dragon Breath rolled in.

But next second.

With Sylveon as the center, the hazy pink field instantly enveloped all Pokémon, Kingdra felt the suppression, her body trembled slightly, and the power of the "Dragon Pulse" spewed out was halved.

But in the end it hit Togekiss.

But Togekiss directly ignored the attack, and once again enjoyed the joy of Longbo taking a bath,


Kingdra was briefly stunned.

Togekiss seized the opportunity and double-edged on Blastoise.

Blastoise flinched in response to the Contest Condition.

Vileplume frowned, the huge flowers kept stirring, and the powder was scattered.

But Togekiss's body was also blurred at this moment.

In his place is the poised Infernape.

The fists were scattered, the limbs were full of weapons, and the power of "Close Combat" was all tilted on Blastoise's body.

Bang-! !

Blastoise was smashed to the ground, becoming the first Pokémon to leave the field.

A neat and tidy attack was very effective.

Returning to his senses, Arcanine counterattacked towards Infernape, and the Dual Wingbeat floodlight also rushed towards Infernape.

Available in the next second.

Infernape's figure disappeared again, and Aegislash came up again.

Why so fast?

A few wild Pokémon were overwhelmed by this tactic of trading back and forth.

No one knows which Pokémon will attack next, or which one will endure their attack.

The heavenly Togekiss and Latios looked at each other, winked playfully at each other, and understood.

Sylveon blows a kiss and hits the majestic Arcanine, leaving her in a trance for a while and her feet stagnant.

Chong——! !

The long sword of Aegislash, which had drawn the sword, clashed with the wings of the eagle, making a clanging sound.

the next moment.

Togekiss and Latios appeared at the same time beside Arcanine, who was in a trance.

"Air Slash" and "Clean Beam" sweep out.

Arcanine fell to the ground.

The second one.


Kingdra recovered from the "Longbo Bath" and attacked again, and the "Hydro Pump" swept towards Togekiss and Latios with water.

But see.

The figures of Togekiss and Latios are blurred at the same time.

The Hydro Pump pierced through the air and slammed into the big tree next to it.

The tree was overwhelmed and collapsed.

Xia Yan smiled.

Indeed, actual combat is the best way to run in.

Togekiss's proficiency in using the "Ally Switch" move has skyrocketed.

Although the control of the situation is not as exquisite as Alakazam, or even not as good as Latios, it can learn quickly.

That's right.

Togekiss has also mastered the "Ally Switch" move.

It's just that it hasn't been run-in, it's not completely integrated into Xia Yan's system as the core.

But now that Alakazam is not playing, with Latios as the first core to control the overall situation, Togekiss can barely take on the role of the second core.

The effect is obvious.

There are also five Pokémons. In a five-on-five situation, the five on the opposite side are completely powerless.

This is an excellent break-in opportunity.

As long as you give Togekiss a little time, with Alakazam's guidance, Latios teaching by example, and its own important role in this system, it is only a matter of time before you become familiar with the role of the core.

This is what Xia Yan had planned for a long time.

The third core is Togekiss!

Because Togekiss can also learn the "Ally Switch" move.

The reason not to choose it as the second core.

It's because it's not as talented in Psychic as Latios.

But being the third core is more than enough.

When most of the trainers of the same generation had not yet built their lineups, and when Du and Steven were also rushing for their respective first cores, Xia Yan had already determined the position of the third core.

And a big step has been taken.

Now he can say that he is a two-and-a-half system.

The things he started to accumulate early began to show up as he got closer to the Elite level.

After the Hydro Pump.

Aegislash's figure emerged from the shadow.

Blastoise, Arcanine have been defeated.

With Vileplume, Bidiao and Kingdra left, it is even more difficult to turn up the storm.

It doesn't even take much time to beat them.



A powerful but soft Psychic swept towards them.

The Pokémons froze in their hearts, and immediately gave up entangling the three Pokémons, backed away in unison, and surrounded Xia Yan's side.

Be wary of the powerful Psychic that suddenly appears, the Psychic that makes them feel palpitations.

Stronger than Alakazam's.

Elite Pokémon!

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes.

Looking at the hillside not far away.

A Doduo-pink Pokémon, with hands on his back and a crown on his head, walked towards them step by step.

The other party's expression was flat, and the depths of his seemingly dull eyes were full of depth.

Wisdom is stupid.


Xia Yan showed a slight look of surprise.

The existence that originally lived on the hillside was Slowking.

This wisdom is not lost to the existence of Oranguru.

Originally in the La Rolla Region, Oranguru was commanding a group of wild Pokémon, and Slowking, who could sit down and talk with Oranguru, had a group of wild Pokémon guards, which is understandable.

The Psychic it exudes is not hostile.

"Little brother, how about stopping?"

A lazy voice sounded in Xia Yan's mind.

Xia Yan looked strange.

Little brother?

Slowking really dared to shout.

I saw it walking slowly, one step at a time.

Seeing that Xia Yan didn't reply, Slowking was not angry, and continued: "They are all for me, and I apologize to you on their behalf."

Slowking came closer.

Xia Yan slowly licked his lips and narrowed his eyes.

"What if I say no?"

Slowking wasn't annoyed, just said calmly, "Then you can try."

Xia Yan nodded.

"it is good."

Slowking thought that Xia Yan chose to stop, and said quite old-fashioned: "Little brother, know the current affairs"

Before the words were finished, Xia Yan threw two Poké Balls.

in red light.

Beedrill and Alakazam appeared by his side.

"Try and die."

Xia Yan raised the corner of his mouth.

In the world of Pokémon, it is a pity to have only one of them.

Although this is a fake phoenix in front of him, it is still a phoenix.

Under Beedrill's sharp gaze, Slowking's smile froze in Alakazam's surging Psychic.

"Cough, little brother, listen to me, civilized people don't move swords. Listen to me! Listen to me. Ah!"


PS: Please guarantee the end of the monthly pass~~

(End of this chapter)

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