The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 818 Master (Two In One)

Chapter 817 Master (two in one)

to be frank.

When he learned from Agatha that Pryce was also in Sinnoh, Xia Yan didn't expect it.

After all, as far as he knew.

After stepping down from his position as the Kanto Region Elite Four, Pryce returned to Mahogany Town in the Johto Region and became the Gym Master with peace of mind.


I didn't think much of it.

After all, as an old man like Pryce, he was bored at home, and it was reasonable to go out and see the world.

There is Pryce.

Xia Yan's confidence was much stronger.

Regardless of whether the Pryce in front of him is the Pryce in the theatrical version, his strength is beyond doubt.

Back in Saffron City, Xia Yan had also seen the tip of the iceberg of Pryce's strength.

It's no exaggeration to say that if Pryce's Pokémon is at full force, the entire Saffron City may become a frozen city.

"How is your teacher?"

Pryce led the three into the room.

There was a fire burning in the classical fireplace, and every now and then there was a "crackling" sound.

Looking at the white smoke slowly rising in front of me, I sniffed the faint fragrance mixed with a little bitterness.

Pryce smiled and said, "When I'm old, I like to drink some tea, and there's nothing else here."

Xia Yan and the three hurriedly said it was okay.

"Teacher is very good, and his body is very strong. I went to Professor Oak's place before and chatted with me." Xia Yan said.


Pryce blinked, slightly taken aback.

Seeing that Xia Yan wasn't joking, the smile on his face became even bigger.

"That must be fun, right?"

Recalling the scene when Professor Oak and Agatha met, it was like a scene of staring at the Shura field.

Xia Yan couldn't help showing a knowing smile.

"That's not normal fun."

Nearly Professor Oak won't see the sun the next day.

As a contemporaneous with Professor Oak and Agatha.

Pryce is no stranger to their feud.

Because of the "interesting stories" of Agatha and Professor Oak, several people started chatting.

Xia Yan was okay. After chatting with Pryce for a while, because of Agatha as the link between them, plus they used to fight together, and his generous personality, it was not bad to chat with Pryce.

Cynthia and Watana seemed more reserved.

It was because Cynthia met Pryce for the first time that as a junior, it was more respectful.

Ferry is different.

He knew a lot about Pryce.

I know that the old man Pryce has a very eccentric character.

In addition, Mahogany Town where he worked after leaving office was next to Blackthorn City where the Yulong clan was located. He was barely a neighbor. In addition to the respect of the juniors for the seniors, there was also a trace of jealousy towards his temper.

So most of the time, Xia Yan was chatting with Pryce, and they just listened silently.

Xia Yan was very interested in Pryce.

Because he knows more about Pryce, and he has a certain understanding of Pryce's preferences.

When choosing Present, I followed Cynthia and Du's suggestion and chose a Lapras crystal sculpture, which was based on Pryce's preference.

"By the way, Pryce Teacher, why did you travel to Sinnoh?"

Chatting and chatting, Xia Yan asked this topic.

As for why he was "Mr. Pryce" before and became "Pryce Teacher" now.

In Xia Yan's words.

Pryce is friends with Professor Oak and Agatha.

And Professor Oak and Agatha are both Xia Yan's Teachers.

He called Pryce as Teacher should.

In this regard, Pryce originally wanted to decline, but seeing that Xia Yan didn't mean to stop, he just let it go.

Call him "Teacher".

Xia Yan did not suffer.

Du, who was sitting next to him, couldn't help showing a little envy.

He is an honest man and speaks more directly.

I envy Xia Yan's ability to chat with anyone and quickly get closer.

In his view, this is a kind of ability.

But in Xia Yan's view, this is actually very simple.

without him.

Only cheeky.

Hearing this, Pryce's expression changed slightly.

It's just that he has always been lukewarm, so he didn't notice these slight changes in expression.

Moreover, he quickly got under control.

Taking a sip of hot tea, he said slowly:

"Nothing, I just want to see more of the world at the end of my life."

Xia Yan was actually just asking casually, not really wanting to know the answer.

In fact, there are many elderly people in this world who are like this.

After financial freedom, able-bodied elderly people like to travel around the world.

"Tell me about this time, Agatha didn't make it clear, and said let me ask you in person."

Pryce finally brought the topic back to the matter itself.

Then Xia Yan told about Darkrai's dream, and then they came to Baiyang Town.

Except for some of the things that Xia Yan knew based on the original work, the rest of the things they had come into contact with and experienced were all told in detail.

After listening.

There was a brief silence in the room.

Only the fire in the fireplace was still dancing.

After a while.

Pryce just nodded, "Well, as you say, Darkrai doesn't see you, there are two possibilities."

"Teacher, you said."

Pryce organizes the language a bit.

"The first is that Darkrai is likely to be controlled by someone, or by some existence, and there is no way to escape."

Xia Yan frowned.

"I thought about it, but Darkrai's strength is not weak, I can't think of anyone who can control it."

At the beginning, Darkrai brought Xia Yan to find Rayquaza. When facing Rayquaza, he could do a few tricks, and then facing Dialga and Palkia, he could do a few tricks.

Even if someone wants to control it, there shouldn't be any movement.

Pryce raised his hand and pressed it down, signaling Xia Yan to stay calm.

Continues: "Second, Darkrai understands what will happen next, so it secretly accumulates Stockpile, and it may realize that such behavior will not gain your approval, so it avoids you."


Xia Yan stood up.

This second possibility made him feel very close to the truth.

He turned his head to look at Baiyang Town, which was shrouded in darkness.


Nightmare Comes

Seeing Xia Yan's reaction, Pryce took a sip of bitter tea without a trace, and said nothing.

Pryce nodded slightly until Xia Yan's eyes came to him again.


"Xia Yan, what are you doing?" Du also stood up.

Cynthia stood up after him.

Xia Yan pursed his lips.

"You guys wait here for my news first, and I'll verify one thing."

"No, let's go together." Du said solemnly.



The communicator on Xia Yan remembered.

I took it out and found it was Tonyo.

Temporarily put down the persuasion and connected to the communication.

"Xia, Xia Yan, the next collision of time and space is coming, ten or ten seconds, no, five seconds later."

As his voice fell.

After a brief calm.


The four people in the room suddenly fell into a trance.

As if there was an invisible ripple passing by at an extremely fast speed.

It feels weird.

It's like the heart stopped for a beat, and the consciousness was in a trance for a moment.

"Is this the collision of time and space?" Du looked solemn.

Xia Yan took a deep breath.

"No, just the aftermath of the collision."

When the real collision of time and space occurred in Baiyang Town, Baiyang Town was not far from annihilation.

Xia Yan suddenly thought about it, touched his waist, and comforted the two Poké Balls.

"Teacher, I want to ask you something." Xia Yan said suddenly.


Pryce lifted his sullen eyes.

But I saw Xia Yan grinning.

Take out the Poké Ball.


Along with the red light, a snow-white ice Vulpix appeared in front of him.

After Bing Vulpix appeared, he first stretched his waist long, and then happily pressed against Xia Yan's trousers, rubbing affectionately.

Seeing the ice Vulpix, Pryce's deep eyes flashed with light.

Looking at Xia Yan with a bit of surprise.

"Is this Vulpix from the Alola Region? Ice type."


Xia Yan rubbed his nose and sneered: "Teacher, this little guy has always wanted to become stronger, he wants to see and see the powerful Ice-type Pokémon, he has been pestering me for a long time, but unfortunately I only have an Ice-type Pokémon, and I have seen it. Shallow, I wonder if you are interested in giving pointers?"

Pryce's hand holding the teacup stopped.

Todo and Cynthia also looked at him in surprise.

Don't say it's them.

Even the little Vulpix looked up at Xia Yan with a puzzled face.

Does it have?

Little Vulpix asked himself.

But it happened to meet Xia Yan's wink.

Little Vulpix reacted immediately.


The little heads are connected, like pounding garlic.

An "I'm serious" expression.

There are no fools here.

Xia Yan and Xiao Vulpix looked at each other in their eyes.

But Xia Yan didn't care at all, pretending not to be seen.

Anyway, as long as he doesn't feel embarrassed, it's others who are embarrassed.

This open-minded behavior of rubbing against the teacher made several people speechless.

Pryce's gaze stayed on Xia Yan for a few seconds, and finally stopped on little Vulpix.

Those pure white eyes made Pryce seem to recall something.

With a stiff smile, he nodded and said:

"The little guy is very talented."

This is like a promise.

The master was successful!

I saw Pryce stroking in his arms.

I took out a light blue object that I don't know what it was, and it exuded wisps of Mist.

Seeing this, little Vulpix's eyes lit up instantly.

With Xia Yan's consent.

Three steps and two steps ran to Pryce.

He ate what Pryce handed him in one bite.

Showing an intoxicated look.

Xia Yan hurriedly arched his elbow to Cynthia next to him, and said to Pryce:

"Teacher, in fact, Cynthia also has a Glaceon, and the talent is also very good. You can see that one or two is not bad for you"

Hearing this, Pryce didn't react yet, but Cynthia's face flushed.

She is not as thick-skinned as Xia Yan.

The teacher is so open and honest.

Unexpectedly, Pryce said: "Yes, call it out and see."

Is this also possible?

The man next to him had a messy expression.

Cynthia blushed and bit her lip, but in the end she couldn't stand Pryce, the Captivate who could be said to be the first person in the Pokémon world to teach ice, and summoned her Glaceon.

Glancing at Glaceon, Pryce nodded slightly, "It's really good."

Anyway, one is to teach, and the other is to teach, it is really not bad.

"Thank you, thank you Teacher."

Cynthia seemed much more polite than Xia Yan, bowed and said.

Pryce waved his hand, not paying much attention.

After doing this, Xia Yancai looked at Cynthia and Du again.

"Cynthia, you are studying here, I will go out, and when you come back, you will tell me the knowledge taught by the Teacher again."

Cynthia pursed her lips, and finally nodded without refusing.

"Xia Yan, I."

Just as Du was about to speak, Xia Yan stopped him.

"Du, you're here too." Then he looked at Pryce, "Teacher, Du is a good sparring partner. His Pokémon are all Flying. You should need some templates to teach."


Du opened his mouth, didn't expect Xia Yan's arrangement to wait for him here?

I treat you as a brother, you treat me as a tool man?

Wait, what is the Flying system?

Pryce looked at Ferry, "Not bad."

At the same time, doubts flashed in his eyes.

What is the relationship between the Royal Dragon family and the Flying family?

Crossing is a hundred words.

Xia Yan squinted at him.


No. 2 tool man, please play the role of a tool man.

But he still said:

"Du, this is an opportunity, Teacher is an ice master, don't you want to learn some skills on how to deal with ice Pokémon Trainer from Teacher?"

Xia Yan is very hard on "Ice Pokémon Trainer".

means something.

Ferry was a little moved.

Xia Yan was close to Du and whispered in his ear: "Pryce Teacher, veteran Elite Four, aren't you excited?"

This sentence really hit the heart of the cross.

He couldn't refuse Captivate from the strong.

"You want to find Darkrai yourself?" Du asked in a low voice.

"No, I'll buy you some oranges."

After saying something that the three people in the room couldn't understand.

Xia Yan walked straight out of the house.

Looking at the back of him leaving, Cynthia and Du had a complicated look.

Pryce, who was sitting in the chair, looked at their appearance and sighed:

"If it's true that Darkrai is accumulating Stockpile, as guessed, it's not safe outside. He's connected to Darkrai, and Darkrai won't hurt him, but you can't be sure."

"I know." Watt nodded.

Cynthia is the same.

They are not stupid and can understand the intention of Xia Yan's arrangement.

He sat down and looked at Pryce with a wry smile.

"I just feel that I can't help him as a friend, and I feel a little uncomfortable."

"When he really needs it, he won't forget you, otherwise he won't bring you to Poplar Town. Since he chose so, he must have his own confidence." Pryce said.

"Du, let's fight."

Cynthia suddenly said seriously.

Learn Pryce's skills, battle habits, rhythm, and when it's time for Pryce to make a move, they can better assist and not become a burden.

Ferry looked at Cynthia.


"Okay! I heard Xia Yan say that both Dialga and Palkia can be regarded as dragon-type Pokémon."

Since I can't provide help to my friends now.

Then just wait patiently, and when he needs it the most, give all of yourself.

Both of them thought so.

Pryce looked at Cynthia and Watari who smiled at each other.

It was as if they saw a shadow of him, Samuel Oak, and Agatha.

Go out of Pryce's residence.

Xia Yan summoned Togekiss and Latios.

Walking on the still lively streets.

Looking at the smiles on the faces of all kinds of people, I walked quickly.

If true as Pryce guessed.

Before time and space collided, it was time for Darkrai to act.

However, no one suddenly fell asleep on the street.

The lively people didn't notice.

A layer of light mist slowly appeared around Baiyang Town.

It's just because Baiyang Town is still brightly lit, and the bright light prevents them from noticing this happening.

Xia Yan didn't notice either.

In fact, even if he noticed it, he wouldn't care.

The fluctuations of space and time turned into substance.

Go to a deserted alley.

Xia Yan took out two Poké Balls.



There are two Unowns, the letter "D" and the letter "P".

They have long been subdued by Xia Yan, but they have been sleeping because of excessive energy consumption.

But just now.

When the time and space fluctuations created by Dialga and Palkia came, the two little guys woke up.

as soon as it appears.

The two Unowns seemed a little anxious.

Flying up and down, very restless.

As a last resort, Xia Yan released the power of the waveguide to finally allow the two Unowns to hear him.

"Dialga and Palkia are here, can you feel it?" Xia Yan asked.

The impatient "P" makes small syllables from time to time.

Xia Yan said angrily: "Speak human words."

At this time, the relatively leisurely "D" chose to use Psychic to communicate with Xia Yan.

There seems to be some kind of connection between Unown.

"D" projected some hazy fragments in the space-time gap into Xia Yan's mind.

And Xia Yan was not surprised by what happened in the gap between time and space.


He "hears" the faint metallic clang from the gap after Dialga and Palkia left.

Xia Yancai finally opened his eyes.

He suddenly realized what key information he had missed before.

It's time!

It stands to reason that Dialga and Palkia meet when the idiot travels to Sinnoh.

Although this kind of thing is not easy to say, maybe it is because of the changes brought about by his butterfly flapping its wings twice.

But this time point cannot be completely ignored.

It's very likely that it's an accident, a coincidence.

But Xia Yan didn't believe this so-called coincidence for a long time.

He prefers to believe.

It was some temporarily unknown cause that led to the early collision between Dialga and Palkia.

Because it meant that things didn't develop exactly as he knew about the theatrical version.

The disappearance of Darkrai is one aspect.

Pryce's presence in Poplar Town is another manifestation.

That being the case.

Then why can't there be more changes.

For example.

Giratina? !


PS: 1.1w, ask for a monthly pass~

(End of this chapter)

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