The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 823 As Expected Of You, Cynthia (Three In One)

Chapter 822 As expected of you, Cynthia (three in one)

The whole building began to shake violently.

Dragonite and Garchomp, two Elite-level quasi-gods, Pokémon, broke out completely, and the destructive power they brought was really terrifying.

Jin-sung and Kuo-sung were attracted by Beedrill.

Not only did Weavile lose because of underestimating Beedrill.

Because of the shock caused by Beedrill, he could not completely resist the attacks of Dragonite and Garchomp.

Don't even talk about defense.

The impact of Dragonite and Garchomp not only failed to be seized by Rival to counterattack, but completely tore the defense line they formed.

As a result, Bronzong and Skuntank of the town star, Drapion and Abomasnow of the gang star were all injured to varying degrees.

At this level of theirs, being stunned for a while is too deadly.

and this.

It's all about creating opportunities for Beedrill.

a time.

Xia Yan's three Pokémon swarmed up.

Their strength is not as strong as the other, but the role they play at this time is irreplaceable.

Alakazam's Psychic is woven into one giant Spider Web, complemented by Latios, Gardevoir, and Togekiss's Psychic.

Four Pokémons use the "Ally Switch" to fully serve a Beedrill, and the effect is terrifying.

In front of Bronzong, Haxorus was in a blur.

When it reappeared, it was already the icy Beedrill spear.

The star is cold.

Pierce out!

Bang! !

Beedrill, blessed by "Sword Dance" and a "Fell Stinger", has surpassed all the Pokémon present in terms of explosive power.

Bronzong was briefly stupefied by the feint shot.

And the price of this trance is all the attacks that have been poured on it, belonging to Beedrill.


A successful attack, Beedrill has no intention of stopping.

Ignoring the attacks that swept around, "Fell Stinger" once again completed the harvest of Bronzong.

Its speed has exceeded the speed of Bronzong flying backwards.

As for Zhenxing and the rest of the Pokémon's attacks, they were all blocked by Alakazam, Charizard, and Gastrodon.

next second.

A blink of an eye.

Beedrill's position shifted again, swapping with Latios, who was attacking the front.

An electrical attack that falls from the sky.

Lock On on Drapion, who was struggling to fend off Charizard's infestation.

X-Scissor is condensed on the tips of two sharp long needles.

Tuk Tuk-

A crisp sound.

The hard carapace on the surface of Drapion's body shattered violently under the bombardment of terrifying power and energy.

Beedrill's attack has risen to the point where the Pokémon of the star and the star can't resist.


Another spike!

And the interval between the two attacks is almost negligible.

After Drapion.

Beedrill's attacks kept coming.

It seems to have become the most competent assassin, and wherever it goes, it must be accompanied by the fall of the enemy.

Zhen Xing and Huo Xing watched this scene in disbelief, their faces stunned.

They believed that they had paid enough attention to Xia Yan and the three of them.

For Xia Yan and the others, they also gave enough respect.

But the two of them couldn't think of it.

It seems that he has completely tilted the scale of victory by himself.

It's not the Dragonite, who is swiftly attacking and moving, and it's not the Garchomp who is violent and unparalleled in Cynthia.

It's a Beedrill that they don't take seriously!

In previous contacts, Xia Yan and his Pokémon played more of an auxiliary role.

So let Huo Xing and Zhen Xing subconsciously think that the three people have a clear division of labor, Du and Cynthia are responsible for output, and Xia Yan is responsible for assisting.

How do you know.

All are paving the way for Beedrill.

What kind of speed, what kind of explosive power?

It can actually make two Elite-level quasi-gods Pokémon willing to be a foil.

Have so many Pokémons who, in their opinion, have grown quite well as supports.

And the ability and the effect Beedrill showed, also proved that their efforts were not in vain, and their trust was not wrongly paid.

This is a terrifying existence that can completely turn the situation around!

As Beedrill's figure flickered continuously, he shot several times.

The balance has already tipped completely.

Zhen Xing and Huo Xing, who were attacking strongly, were left on the defensive, and there was no possibility of launching a ferocious attack again.

In fact, it's not just Huxing and Zhenxing.

For this result, Du and Cynthia, who believed in Xia Yan's strength, were also full of surprises.

Beedrill is too fast.

The attack power is too strong.

Under the cover of these two major advantages, Beedrill's fragile defense, stretched physical strength, all these weaknesses, seem to be invisible.

Watanabe and Cynthia looked at each other involuntarily.

They all saw shock in each other's eyes.

Such Beedrill, they ask themselves, can they stop it?

The result in my mind is the same.

Can't stop!

The overwhelming speed alone made them think it would be very tricky.

Not to mention Xia Yan's tactics and system.

For Beedrill, Xia Yan's system fits it too well.

Use the positions of all Pokémons as pivot points.

Only Beedrill, which is responsible for maximizing output, further amplifies its advantages.

The weak body, the poor defense, are all left to the rest of the Pokémon.

It can be said.

Although Xia Yan's Beedrill duel is very strong, it is not to the level of invincibility.

But coupled with Xia Yan's system, Beedrill's advantages are infinitely magnified, and the disadvantages are almost negligible.

Such a fit, such a tactic, and Beedrill's fighting style and rhythm.

too fit.

It's not even an exaggeration to describe it as perfect.

And this is Xia Yan's early clarification of the advantages of his tactics and system.

He has clearly established the direction of Beedrill's development from a long time ago.

This advantage will become more and more obvious as his strength, and the strength of the Pokémon, continue to grow.

After catching up with Duo and Cynthia, he became the strongest confidence to surpass them in one fell swoop.


Duo and Cynthia found another point.

That is.

Xia Yan's system seems to have no upper limit.


A Trainer carries and directs six Pokémons.

The number of six is ​​not defined by Alliance Solaceon.

It is the conclusion that Alliance has come to after numerous tests and simulations.

A normal Trainer, when they have enough tactical literacy and tactical understanding, six is ​​the upper limit they can command Pokémon.

So many tactics and systems are built around the number of six Pokémon.

But Xia Yan is different.

Not only can he command far more than six Pokémons.

His "unlimited switch" system seems to accommodate more than six Pokémons.

After the positions of the first core Alakazam, the second core Latios, and the third pseudo core Togekiss are determined.

He can add Pokémon to it Solaceon, as long as it doesn't exceed the limit of three cores.

This system will last forever.

Just from this battle.

There are six Pokémons in Du, six Pokémons in Cynthia, and seven Pokémons in Xia Yan, a total of nineteen Pokémons, nearly twenty exist.

Their respective systems have become more difficult to maintain.

So after the command fell into the hands of Xia Yan.

His "unlimited switching" system played a huge role.

in particular.

Cynthia's lineup with Gardevoir as the core is modeled after Xia Yan's single-core system to a certain extent, and the integration process is smoother.

So even if their overall Pokémon strength is not as good as the opposite.

But relying on the role of the four cores, the confrontation can be completely unbeaten.

Add in a Beedrill whose strength exceeded everyone's expectations, and the victory was won in one fell swoop.


Watanabe and Cynthia lamented the emergence of this situation though.

They also gained a better understanding of Xia Yan's tactics and his system through this cooperation.

there is nothing.

It is possible to understand a system better than to integrate into it.

Ferry is fine.

Cynthia that really learned a lot.

Xia Yan's command and tactics were like a teacher who taught her how to solve the final big question of the exam.

Learned a lot.

If Xia Yan knew what they were thinking, he would definitely tell them generously.

That's right.

This is the prototype of the "Infinite Legion" after he expanded the "Infinite Defense" system.


Maybe not even half-finished.


He has even thought about the positions of the fourth and fifth cores of the lineup, and is working hard in this direction.

By the time.

He will be the same as his cheap Teacher Agatha.

one person.

Can represent an army.

"Good, horrible Beedrill."

"The two highest executive Pokémons couldn't stop the devastating attack."

"It's troublesome now."


Those Team Galactic members couldn't get involved, and they didn't dare to.

But it did not prevent them from sighing after seeing the situation at the scene.

Because there are so many Pokémon foils and supports, it further highlights the power of Beedrill.

They even doubted.

If Beedrill is allowed to do whatever they want, they, who may not even be able to summon Pokémon, will be harvested.

The shrill whispers of these Team Galactic members could not escape the ears of Zhenxing and Huxing.

The stars are not bad. After hearing these remarks, the already arrogant Zhen Xing's face was so gloomy that he seemed to be able to wring out water.

But he had no way out.

If you lose, you lose.

"Notify the leader." Zhen Xing said.

The star glared at him.

Even if you haven't fought three intruders before, you still need to notify the leader to ask for support?

It's a bit unacceptable to see the leader as the supreme leader in the heart.

And when they hesitated.

The situation that has been completely reversed is actually beyond their control.

With the Beedrill that other Pokémons create harvesting opportunities, its explosiveness at the moment is already terrifying.

While Alakazam and Gardevoir entangled Alakazam, it was a swift thrust.

Gives Alakazam the second who is full of Contest Condition.

The previous Pokémon Contest Condition was not good at all. After being beaten by Beedrill, Zhen Xing and Hu Xing could barely comfort themselves.

But now that they saw that even Alakazam, the prosperous Contest Condition, was undisputedly swept away, they finally let go of all the pride in their hearts.

"Hurry up and notify the leader!"

in the ruins.

Zhenxing's voice reached the ears of a group of Team Galactic members.

Naturally, they were also heard by Xia Yan.

"Hurry up."

Xia Yan, who was slightly panting, shouted in a low voice.

Dealing with two of Team Galactic's top executives will already require their full strength.

If faced with Cyrus, the leader of Team Galactic, Xia Yan can't guarantee whether they can continue to be in a rut.

the most important is.

In this way, it is impossible to inquire about the location where the gods of the lake are imprisoned from the mouths of Zhenxing and Huoxing.

"Hydreigon, Hyper Beam."


Chilled voice.

It came from the Tunnel filled with rubble and dust.

Immediately afterwards, an orange-yellow light spot suddenly lit up, flickering at a very high frequency, as if it contained a very terrifying power.

Hearing this voice, Xia Yan's eyes shrank suddenly.

Du's Dragonite and Garchomp's scales stood up abruptly, feeling the great pressure and the consequent sense of oppression.

boom--! !

There is little time for them to think.

Hydreigon has a very fast cohesion speed for "Hyper Beam", and is extremely proficient in this move.

A bunch of orange-yellow dazzling light thought, accompanied by a violent annihilation breath, suddenly passed a short distance.

Through the dark corridor, through the Pokémon of the stars and the town star, through the layers of dust and fog.


Facing such an attack, Du's Dragonite took a subconscious step forward almost immediately.

In the sudden roar, a fiery dragon energy, like a ferocious dragon, stirred up a fiery red magma fireball like dark red eyes, and went straight to meet it.

Draco Meteor!


at the same time.

Garchomp of Cynthia also gathered strength.

The golden mark on the top of the forehead lit up like a five-pointed star, and an orange energy beam roared out from the mouth.

Hyper Beam!

And quickly rendezvous with Dragonite's "Draco Meteor".

It collided with the unreasonable "Hyper Beam" on the opposite side.

However, there is no intention to calculate, hasty preparations, and the opponent's strength is indeed strong enough, the brilliant beam brought by "Hyper Beam" has already forced Dragonite and Garchomp in front of them.

With one enemy and two, they still have the absolute upper hand.

Dragonite squinted his eyes, his expression was extremely serious, and he did not dare to relax in the slightest.

Garchomp was surrounded by sand, and as his ferocious double-blade swayed, countless sands wrapped around his body, giving him support.

None of them took a step back.

Because they know that behind them are their respective Trainers and companions fighting side by side.

Such an attack, if left unchecked, would have very bad results.


They also trust each other.


The slight vibration of feather wings sounded.

He mustered up the strength of his whole body, golden light suddenly appeared, his face was full of determination, and he also rushed towards that energy.

As the wings vibrated, the current on the back became more and more surging, as if it was about to wrap the whole body.

All the strength of the whole body is gathered on the Twineedle.

Appeared beside Dragonite and Garchomp in the blink of an eye.

In the face of that terrifying energy, he did not hesitate to vent all the energy above Twineedle.

Giga Impact!

The addition of Beedrill.

Let this energy collision contest change from a pair of two to a pair of three.

And its addition effect is also obvious.

This is.

The first of the three Trump Card Pokémons to come together!

Beedrill, Dragonite, Garchomp, eye contact.

A tacit understanding has been formed.

Trust has been established.

There are no actions or verbal conventions.

The three Pokémons burst out the last force suppressed in their bodies at almost the same time.

boom--! !

The violent explosion sounded like a bomb blast.

A terrifying aftermath of energy swept through the room, the entire underground base of Team Galactic.

Countless masonry, rubble, and metal turned to dust in the aftermath of this energy collision.

Standing here, the Team Galactic members turned their backs individually.

He stared at the ruins that looked like the end of the world in shock.

It's hard to imagine that such destructive power can be brought about by a few young Trainers.

The gang star and the town star, who were protected by Pokémon, crawled out of the ruins, looking around, their eyes kept shrinking.

Da da da--

The leather shoes stepped on the broken ground covered with gravel and walked to the center of the energy explosion.

And here, it seems that Xia Yan and the three have long since disappeared.

Look up.

A huge hole is right above the ruins.

The impact and destructive force generated by the explosion just now actually opened a huge hole directly above the base deep underground.

The expressionless Team Galactic leader, Cyrus, was thinking something.

He didn't speak, and the rest of the Team Galactic members remained silent, not daring to speak.

After a while.

Cyrus's voice sounded.


"Cough cough."

An alley in Baiyang Town.

In the space crack, three figures and dozens of Pokémon fell from it.

The appearance of these three and a few Pokémons is indescribably embarrassing.

One of the men in a small black suit with dust on his body broke the silence of the alley with a cough.

And they, naturally, are the three of Xia Yan.

The arrival of Cyrus disrupted their original plans.

Especially after deeply feeling the terrifying power of Cyrus' Hydreigon, Xia Yan decisively used Alakazam's "Teleport" and fled the scene.


At this time, Baiyang Town was different than usual.

The God of Space has isolated the entire Baiyang Town in the cracks of time and space, and the turbulent flow of time and space is everywhere.

Not only have all the Psychic "anchors" Alakazam left behind have lost their directional ability, it's also much harder to break through the space barriers than before.

If it wasn't for Xia Yan's conquest of two Unowns, with their time and space capabilities as support and guidance, maybe they just left Team Galactic's base, they fell into the gap between time and space, lost their way in them, and could never return.

But this also greatly consumed Alakazam and Xia Yan's Psychic.

Obvious fatigue.

Xia Yan did not dare to stop.

Quickly stand up and take out a large amount of potions to deal with the injuries on the Pokémons.

Watanabe and Cynthia, after a brief stupor, also immediately began to deal with Pokémon's injury.

They are all senior top trainers, although they are not Breeder's family, they still understand the basics.

After a while.

The three finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Sit down on the ground.

Relying on the alley wall.

"Is that person the leader of Team Galactic?" Du's slightly dry voice sounded.

Xia Yan nodded silently.

"It's a pity I didn't get to see him."

Sorry for this.

Team Galactic has always been low-key, and the identity of the leader of Team Galactic is also a mystery.

A lot of people think Team Galactic is at best a second- or third-rate organization that doesn't really care about their leader.

Who knows if Team Galactic doesn't make a move, the strength he shows when he makes a move far exceeds his expectations.

Now it seems.

Team Galactic is not inferior to Unova's Team Plasma and Kalos' Team Flare.

Xia Yan glanced at him, pursed his lips, and finally did not say Cyrus' name.

It doesn't make much sense to say it.

"He shouldn't be so strong." Xia Yan whispered.

Cyrus is stronger than them, there is no doubt about that.

But the destructive power shown by his Hydreigon has far exceeded Xia Yan's understanding of Cyrus.

That Hydreigon has surpassed the Elite level, right?

"What?" Du didn't hear Xia Yan's whisper.

"No." Xia Yan shook his head again.

"Team Galactic's base can't be entered any more. Our Sucker Punch can't just be a slap in the face. They must have been on high alert."

Cynthia also spoke slowly.

There was a lot of dust on her pretty white cheeks, but she didn't care.

Turning to look at Du and Xia Yan.

Cal in a pair of almond eyes did not go out.

"The gods of the lake aren't in that base, are they?" Cynthia asked earnestly.

"Most likely not."

Xia Yan sat up straight.

Although they have been hit more or less, things have just begun, and it is far from the time for them to give up.

"You mean, we still have a chance to find the location of the gods of the lake?"

Du also stood up.

Cynthia pursed her lips, "Since we're not at the base, we definitely have a chance."

"But in such a big Poplar Town, how can you determine the location?"

Watari frowned.

He conceded that Cynthia was right, but unrealistic.

However, Cynthia seemed to already have a draft in her heart, and did not give up because of Du's words.

"Our presence must have alerted Team Galactic. I estimate that after we leave, the leader of Team Galactic will definitely send someone to check the situation of the gods of the lake."

Du's eyes lit up.

"Then we follow?"

Seems like a good way.

Xia Yan and Du looked at the excited Cynthia with a strange expression.

"What, what's wrong?"

Seen by the two, Cynthia's face flushed a little.

Du's elbow arched Xia Yan.

Xia Yan nodded in agreement.

Cynthia couldn't understand the dummy.

But she also has her own way.

Staring at Xia Yan's eyes.


This set is still very useful.

Xia Yan smiled and said, "Du thinks that you are very talented and that you can be an excellent investigator."

"Yes." Du nodded in agreement.

"But I still think you are more suitable for Interpol." Xia Yan opened his mouth to deny Du's words.

But he saw Du glared at him "savagely".

Stealing people at this time?

Xia Yan ignored his eyes, looked at Cynthia seriously and said, "Interpol is definitely more suitable for you."

Subconsciously, Cynthia wearing an Interpol uniform flashed through his mind.

Uniform Captivate?

Seems to be messed up!

Definitely more domineering than wearing a cape like Du.

Cynthia rolled him a sullen look.

She faintly felt Xia Yan's "bad" intentions, but she couldn't guess what Xia Yan was thinking.

"Let's talk about it. Let's settle this first."

After a few people made such a fuss.

The depressing atmosphere suddenly eased a lot.

The three regained their momentum again.

"I think so." Watt nodded.

The two looked at Xia Yan.

Then wait for him to make a decision.

Xia Yan slowly frowned, thinking seriously about Cynthia's proposal.

It appears now.

This proposal should be the best way for now.

But there is a downside.

too passive.

just in case.

If Cyrus detects their intentions, no one will be sent to check.

In other words, in order to confuse their vision, they deliberately sent a lot of people to lead them around Baiyang Town, which would be troublesome.

He didn't speak, and neither of them disturbed his thinking.

After a while.

Xia Yan sighed.

"Just give it a try."

No way, too passive.

They have nothing else to do.

The Unowns on him trembled more and more.

Dialga and Palkia are also getting closer.

Having a direction is better than spinning around like a headless fly.

The atmosphere became a little depressing again.

The advent of the gods of time and space, the intrusion of the gods of the lake, and the secret hand of Team Galactic, all these are on the shoulders of the three of them.

It concerns the fate of the entire Poplar Town and even the entire Sinnoh.

too much stress.

"If only I could listen to the performance of the Tower of Time and Space again." Cynthia stroked her hair and regretted softly.

The song of the Tower of Time and Space?

Xia Yan's head, who just stood up, felt like an electric shock.

Some kind of aura flashed in his mind.

He subconsciously looked up at the towering tower.

A smile slowly appeared.

"As expected of you, Cynthia."

Cynthia: "???"

Xia Yan took a deep breath, and confidence appeared on his face again.

He said firmly: "I think, I should know where the gods of the lake are."

What can affect his psychic fluctuations is not something that simple songs can do.

(End of this chapter)

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