The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 825 It's Good To Have You (7000+)

Chapter 824 It's good to have you (7000+)

It's really Ryuichi Hoshino!

Seeing that the man in black robe on the opposite side no longer concealed it, he took off the wide hood on his head, revealing that old face.

This face, Du may feel a little strange.

But Cynthia is more familiar.

After all, he is the Elite Four of his own region.

It's just that she can't think of it.

The dignified Alliance Elite Four.

It would actually be mixed with Team Galactic.

But it was precisely because of his appearance that some of the previous doubts were resolved.

Team Galactic captures the gods of the lakes in the Sinnoh Region without attracting any attention from the Alliance.

This is absolutely impossible.

Unless there are Alliance executives covering them.

And this person must have a good standing in the Sinnoh Alliance.


Ryuichi Hoshino, who is an Elite Four, absolutely possesses such power.


Cynthia murmured almost subconsciously.

When Du Du raised her doubts, she didn't really care.

But when he really saw the appearance of Ryuichi Hoshino, he fell into deep doubt and confusion just like Wattana.

If even the Elite Four of Sinnoh Alliance can do such a thing, how many people in Sinnoh Alliance can be trusted?

How many people are like Hoshino Ryuichi, doing shameful deeds?


Ryuichi Hoshino, whose hair was standing up neatly, was holding a cane with contempt and sarcasm on his face.

Glancing at Cynthia and Du, he shook his head and said:

"Still too young."


In his opinion, Du and Cynthia are just too young.

Two people who grew up under the protection of the Alliance, under the protection of their respective families and elders, looked at the problem in a way that was too simplistic.

As a veteran Elite Four, he has experienced from the establishment of Sinnoh Alliance to the current one who completely controls the Sinnoh Region.

The blood and rain he experienced was not at all what the young people who were living in the sunshine of Alliance could imagine.


Even when he came to this position of Elite Four, he didn't know how many lives were buried.

There is no absolute loyalty.

Some are just interactions of interests.

He needs the Alliance Elite Four title for his own good.

And the Elite Four title can give him what he wants.

It's that simple.

If you want to make him turn his back on this title.


Just give him a more important benefit or advantage than the Elite Four.

Ryuichi Hoshino moved his gaze, and finally landed on Xia Yan, who had a serious face.

Watanabe and Cynthia's reactions were not surprising to Ryuichi Hoshino.

Only Xia Yan, this little guy of the same age as Cynthia, reacted a little too calmly.

Involuntarily smiled.

"Compared with them, what you have experienced is probably much more."

He made no secret of his admiration for Xia Yan.


If there is no conflict between him and Xia Yan, and if there is no dispute of interests, he may appreciate Xia Yan very much.

No wonder people like Agatha and Drake, who are also veteran Elites, appreciate Xia Yan.

Because they can all see the shadow of themselves in Xia Yan.

The shadow of Struggle who worked hard to survive.


The conflict between him and Xia Yan could not be reconciled for a long time.

Xia Yan's face was sullen, staring at Ryuichi Hoshino who looked calm and determined, and his heart sank unconsciously.

He had long recognized the old fellow.

When they arrived at the control room of the Tower of Time and Space, Xia Yan guessed his identity when he saw his Flygon and the cane he was holding in his hand.

The reason why it wasn't revealed.

It's because he's gambling.

He was betting on Ryuichi Hoshino's cautious character, and he didn't dare to reveal his identity in front of his own people.

He was betting on Xingye Long, and he did not dare to use his full power.

Give him time to awaken the gods of the three lakes.

As long as Xia Yan and the three of them survive this incident, and the matter between him and Team Galactic is revealed, many things cannot stand investigation.

The influence of Xia Yan and the three of them today is not comparable to what they used to be.

If Ryuichi Hoshino does something unclean, the public opinion brought about by their words may pull this old guy down from the Elite Four position.

But now.

Hoshino Ryuichi shot without hesitation.

No longer worry about identity.

It means that he is ready to leave Xia Yan and the three here completely.

Afterwards, whether it was pushed to Team Galactic, or pushed to Dimensional Opelucid, or to find other excuses, it was up to him.

Facing Xia Yan's fearless and flinching gaze.

Hoshino Ryuichi slowly narrowed his eyes.

The smile fades.

Coldly said: "Now the old man asks you again, did you do the death of that child in Longzaki?"

The beginning of his conflict with Xia Yan started with his grandson who died at the hands of Xia Yan in the secret realm.

face his questioning.

Xia Yan grinned and didn't answer, just said to himself: "Let me guess, what conditions Team Galactic promised you."

Without any pause, he continued:

"First of all, since it involves Dialga, the god of time, and Palkia, the god of space, it means that the conditions for you and Team Galactic are also on them."

"Cyrus can't possibly give you Opelucid. Palkia, the god of space, has little effect on you, so it is estimated that the target is Dialga, the god of time."


Cynthia's almond eyes narrowed.

Xia Yan finally revealed the identity of Team Galactic leader Cyrus.

It's just that this identity also exceeded her expectations.

First up was the Elite Four Ryuichi Hoshino entangled with Team Galactic.

Next is the president of the Sinnoh Chamber of Commerce, a well-known businessman, philanthropist, and Entrepreneur Cyrus, who is actually the leader of Team Galactic!

This made young Cynthia feel that Sinnoh's water was too deep.

"It seems that your identity is not as simple as it seems, but you know a lot of things." Hoshino Ryuichi's expression remained unchanged.

He did not deny Xia Yan's words, which means that Cyrus is the leader of Team Galactic, which is not controversial.

The smile on Xia Yan's face was even bigger.

Ignore Cynthia's yet another surprise.

He also ignored the temptation in Ryuichi Hoshino's words.

"Since you are the god of time, it must have something to do with time. With your character, it is impossible to take risks for a trivial grandson, so you rule out the possibility that you want to resurrect Hoshino Ryuzaki."

Hoshino Ryuichi didn't speak again.

But the danger in his eyes was getting stronger and stronger.

"And in the way of your best interests, it also excludes the unrealistic things of fulfilling your youthful dreams, retrieving your youthful Pokémon or deceased lover."

Xia Yan held the hat and pressed it down.

He let the brim of his hat cover his eyes.

"Then the rest is actually very easy to guess, there are only two kinds left."

Hold up a finger.

"Either, you found a very powerful Pokémon. But that Pokémon is limited by its lifespan, and it has reached the end of its life. You and it agreed to give it time, it becomes your Pokémon, and its strength can be Take you to the next level."

Just finished.

Xia Yan shook his head to himself.

Tut said: "Unfortunately, in my opinion, even if there is such a Pokémon, you will not use such precious opportunities and abilities on it. After all, it is a Pokémon that has not been run in, how much time do you have left? Spend it on it?"

The danger in Ryuichi Hoshino's eyes has become real.

If eyes can kill.

Perhaps now Xia Yan has been torn to pieces by the fierceness in his eyes.

Xia Yan, who saw the change in his expression, not only did not mean to restrain himself, but instead became more and more excited.

The bigger his reaction, the more correct Xia Yan's guess was.

Then Xia Yan raised his second finger.

But he quickly laughed at himself and waved his fingers away.

Looking at Ryu Hoshino, he said word by word:

"So, your deal with Cyrus is actually pretty clear, right? You want a younger Hoshino Ryuichi Elite?"

For a successful person with half a foot in the grave.

What they lack most is not money, not power, not beauty.

Of course these things are also important.

But compared with time, it can really be regarded as dung.


It was what he needed most, and what he needed most urgently.


Dialga, the god of time who holds the authority of time.

have this ability.

And using time as a reward is something that the current Hoshino Ryuichi absolutely cannot refuse.

Hoshino Ryuichi silently watched Xia Yan take his purpose.

Just a little bit of skinny and Normal revealing.

The fierceness in his eyes completely subsided.

His deep eyes had a strange look.

Xia Yan shook his head, "sorry" and continued:

"Tsk tsk, but it's a pity, I think with your talent, even if you give you another ten, twenty, or even fifty years, you won't be able to go any further."

Facing the contempt and Taunt of Xia Yanchi Guoguo.

Hoshino Ryuichi is not angry anymore.

His wrinkled face creased even tighter in an ugly smile.

"You really look a lot like him."

He said that without thinking.

But Xia Yan frowned.

like who?

do not know.

"Anyway, the old man has lived for so many years, and there is still a little effort to nourish his qi. If you are trying to delay time, I have given you enough opportunities."

After all, he had several more Poké Balls in his hand.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yan's eyes twitched.

Tension all over.

He said that he was not angry, but the gesture of his hands did not seem to be at all friendly.

"Regardless of whether you killed Ryuzaki or not, tell me, do you have any last words?"

Hoshino Ryu opened the Poké Balls in his hand one by one.

He is not afraid of Xia Yan delaying time.

Because for this Team Galactic action, he had almost bet everything and was fully prepared.

This time.

Even when he was facing Bertha's Elite Four position challenge, he was never serious.

Now, in the face of Xia Yan and the three little guys, they don't have the slightest idea of ​​holding on to their Elite status and want to keep them.

The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength.


The hideous-looking green behemoth appeared in the control room of the Tower of Time and Space.

For a time, the yellow sand covered the sky and the sun, instantly making everyone in the control room feel like they were in the desert.

Dozens of sandstorms swirled around, wantonly destroying everything around them, and finally slowly converged, centered on the hideous terrifying giant beast.

At this time, Sandstorm's destructive power also climbed to its peak.

"what is that?"

In Baiyang Town, the residents who ran out slowly because they felt the changes in Baiyang Town, all saw the terrifying Sandstorm spreading at the top of the Tower of Time and Space at this time.

Each with their heads held high, they watched this scene in shock.

The entire Tower of Time and Space is even wrapped in Sandstorm, gradually becoming hazy and incomprehensible.

This scene really seems to be a sandstorm that covers the sky and the sun, moving towards the overwhelming cover of Baiyang Town.

It even made many people briefly forget the situation in Baiyang Town at this time.

The crystal grains of yellow sand seem insignificant, but when they are completely gathered together, this destructive force can definitely be ranked in the forefront of natural disasters.

Xia Yan and Du also saw the Sandstorm of Bishas Tyranitar not long ago.

But even if the Tyranitar got the dark energy boost, it was still more than a notch worse than the Sandstorm in front of him.

"Beyond the Elite-level Tyranitar, is this the ability of a veteran Elite to fully exert power?"

Xia Yan clenched his nose and mouth, even if it was covered by Psychic, these ferocious Sandstorms seemed to get into his seven orifices at any time.

"We are our own people!"


Not only Xia Yan and the others were baptized by Sandstorm, but also the members of Team Galactic.

Even some of the more average Team Galactic members, their Pokémon just endured the baptism of Sandstorm, and lost the ability to fight.

Team Galactic's top executive star sullen.

Ryuichi Hoshino's unscrupulous, wide-ranging and indiscriminate shots resulted in heavy losses for Team Galactic, and she was not used to it.

But no way.

She knew she was not Rival.

At most, he protected a few cronies and slowly stepped aside, away from the center of Sandstorm.

Du and Cynthia, under the protection of their respective Pokémons, approach Xia Yan.

They looked rather embarrassed.

After the baptism of Sandstorm several times, the flowing cloak behind Du was tattered and turned into strips of rags.

Cynthia wasn't much better either, and the wide black trench coat was also torn into cloth strips by Sandstorm.

She frowned and took off her jacket, revealing the black tights underneath, wrapping her graceful curves.

"Xia Yan."

The two shouted at the same time.

Xia Yan, who was squinting at Sandstorm, then retracted his gaze.

"I didn't expect him to be so strong." Cynthia's pretty face was solemn.

from their perspective.

Ryuichi Hoshino, who was defeated by Bertha and squeezed out of the Elite Four position, and Ryuichi Hoshino, who was rushed to the door by Xia Yan's Teacher Agatha, should not be very strong even for the Elite Four.

Unexpectedly, this shot made them feel a lot of pressure.

"After all, he has been sitting in the Elite Four position for so long, and he has never lost except to Bertha Elite." Xia Yan said solemnly.

Although he thinks he already takes Hoshino Ryuichi seriously.

But let's be honest.

The strength he showed was a bit beyond Xia Yan's expectations.

No Elite Four, no veteran Trainer, should be underestimated.

I really don't know how Agatha scolded Xia Yan, who was rubbing against him.

Agatha's understatement, to a certain extent, still affected Xia Yan's judgment.

"Is that scary?"

In Sandstorm, Ryuichi Hoshino's indifferent voice came.


A green-green Pokémon like a plant, the hazy outline appeared in Xia Yan's line of sight.

Seeing this Pokémon, Xia Yan's eyes shrank.

Cradily? !

see you.

As a plant, Cradily, instead of being hit in the Sandstorm, swayed comfortably along the Sandstorm.

Then, countless dense roots spread out from under its feet.

The floor tiles of the Tower of Time and Space did not cause any hindrance to its roots.

These evidences drilled into the ground.

next second.

Xia Yan and others felt that their throats were a little dry, as if the water vapor in the air was instantly drained.

at the same time.

"Drapion! What's wrong with you, Drapion?!"


"Water, give me water!"


Those Team Galactic members, and their Pokémon, were the first to be hit.

"Storm Drain Ability."

Xia Yan's dry lips moved slightly, revealing the ability of this Cradily.

This Cradily has a very high degree of mastery of the "Storm Drain" Ability. What it extracts is not just the moisture in the air, but all the water sources around it that can be extracted.

And of course those Team Galactic members and their Pokémon blood.

After absorbing the water, Cradily looked more vibrant, and the red tentacles around its head were so red that they seemed to squeeze water out.

The worst thing is.

Because the water was drained, the Ground in the control room of the Tower of Time and Space began to sand, turning into sand and blending into Tyranitar's Sandstorm.

a time.

Sandstorm becomes more ferocious and violent.


Tyranitar is the absolute first core.

And Cradily is the second core.

The two cores complement each other.

The power of the Sandstorm team of Ryuichi Hoshino has been improved by more than one grade.

"Hehe, you should feel honored, since this Cradily was resurrected by me, this is the first time it has been exposed to other people's sights."

Hoshino Ryuichi's contented voice came again.

The fossil resurrection instrument was first developed by Sinnoh Alliance. As an Elite Four, it is still very simple to use.

And his son is the master of the gym in Jubilife City. Jubilife City and Black Gold Market are the places where the most fossils of Sinnoh are mined.

I don't know how much effort he spent to cultivate such a "Storm Drain" Ability Cradily.

Even the back hand that has been hidden has been taken out.

He really has no reservations.

This is dual core.

Only two Pokémon.

The rest of his Pokémon are hidden in Sandstorm, and Xia Yan doesn't even know if he has a third core.

The three of Xia Yan opened their dry mouths slightly, and their hearts sank to the bottom.


The appearance of Team Galactic is still within the range that Xia Yan's plan can bear, and the appearance of Hoshino Ryuichi completely shreds Xia Yan's plan.

Ryuichi Hoshino and Cyrus, the leader of Team Galactic, are two Elite Four-level existences.

This is the first time since the Saffron City incident that Xia Yan felt that things were completely out of control.

At Saffron City, he wasn't strong enough.

But his strength has grown rapidly since then.

Not only did he catch up with Du, Cynthia, Steven, etc., the best among his peers, but he even surpassed him.

Building your own system early and thinking of building a roster as a core is quite proud and complacent.

Awakened Psychic and the power of waveguide.

Establish a friendly relationship with many mythical beasts.

Reached enough tacit understanding with the Rockets leader Giovanni.

Successfully killed the enemy Tom Ritchie.

One after another, things went too smoothly.

It was so smooth that Xia Yan had a feeling that he could not be afraid of most of the world's situations.

Let him think that he can handle the time and space Opelucid incident in Poplar Town perfectly, and even called two good friends.

But at this moment.

Reality changes.

Like a slap.

He slapped him hard in the face.

Then don't forget to add a few feet.

Wake him completely from the expansion that he thought he was in control of everything.


Even if Pryce finds out, it's probably too late.

Convert the strength of both sides.

Ryuichi Hoshino's Tyranitar is a champion above Elite!

That Cradily is also not weak, at least far beyond the ordinary Elite.

Plus the rest of his Pokémon who haven't shown up yet.


Triple core?

Even the tallest Executive Star of Team Galactic, who is eyeing him.

Maybe Cyrus is coming too.

And Xia Yan's side.

Even if you count Darkrai, which is not ideal for the Contest Condition, Xia Yan's biggest reliance is on Doron Bartto and their respective Elite Pokémon.

The strength gap between the two sides is still very large.

the most important is.

The gulf between uneven strength and complete system.


Xia Yan's lips moved, and a hoarse voice came.

Although the sound is very low, there is also a noisy Sandstorm next to it.

But since Watana and Cynthia were standing very close to him, they both heard.

The two were obviously taken aback.

The disbelief in his eyes was even more intense than when he saw the strength displayed by Ryuichi Hoshino just now.

They didn't expect it.

That person has the current strength as an ordinary person.

That they all think that they are not Rival a bit.

That dear friend Xia Yan, who is outstanding in terms of trainer, researcher, and even Breeder's family, actually apologized at this time?

Of course they understood what "sorry" in Xia Yan's words meant.

That's guilt for dragging them into this event.


Du punched Xia Yan on the shoulder.

That unreserved punch directly staggered him.

Seeing the anger on his face, he glared at Xia Yan.

Clenched fist.

"Are you going to tell me again?"

That posture, as if it was a little gangster who was going to fight in an alley.

Even the usually upright him swears, showing how angry he is.

Cynthia, who had taken off her coat and was wearing tight clothes, also revealed her ability at this time, looking at Xia Yan up and down with sullen eyes, kneading with a pair of show fists, as if thinking about where to start.

The excited reaction of the two surprised Xia Yan.

But don't know why.

He looked at the angry faces on their faces, but he didn't mean to be angry at all.

He even felt that there was a warm current flowing from the bottom of his heart to his limbs.

He rubbed his nose and pressed down the brim of his hat, so as not to expose his "ugly" side to the eyes of the two of them.

Heart moved.

The mouth is very "sophistry".

"You listen to me."

Watana and Cynthia put their arms around each other at the same time, and raised their chins.

"Come on, start your show."

Du learned what Xia Yan said.

Xia Yan grinned.

"The reason why I'm sorry to you is that I've kept something from you for a long time, so I'm a little embarrassed."


Cynthia showed him a delicate, high chin.

"Actually, in addition to the Fairy department, I also have a major discovery, but because this discovery is too shocking, I have kept it a secret until now."

Adversity sees the truth.

Du and Cynthia have always regarded him as their best friend.

Even in the face of this near-death situation, he didn't have the slightest intention to blame him.

Even if Xia Yan's heart is iron, to be honest, he was moved.

Heart to heart.

Give your life completely to your friends. If you don't cherish such people, you will be a failure.


Comparable to the Fairy series, or even more than the Fairy series of discoveries?

Watari and Cynthia looked at each other.

He also put away his joking appearance, and his expression became serious.

Xia Yan's solemnity made them realize that what he said next was very important and might even affect the entire Pokémon world.

The changes brought by the Fairy Department are obvious to all.

It is more important than the discovery of the Fairy department, which shows how much impact it will have.

The two said in unison:

"If you can get out alive this time, your secret is our secret!"

Xia Yan waved his hand.

He naturally had 100% confidence in their commitment.

absolute trust between them.

Built on the test of life and death.

Even life and death can be entrusted to each other, what else can't be trusted?

"Maybe this result still won't allow us to live, but it can give us a chance to survive."

Say it.

Xia Yan spread his palms.

Two colorful bright stones lay quietly in his hands.

It seemed to contain a magnificent strange energy, which could not help attracting the attention of Du and Cynthia.

"This is."

"Mega Evolution Stone."

Xia Yan's face appeared confident again.

With his strength alone, he cannot compete with the opponent.

But with two friends, there is a little hope.

"Mega Evolution stone?"

Both said they had never heard of it.

"I'm here to demonstrate to you."

Xia Yan didn't care either, but just said that they should be optimistic.

Say it.

Holding the Key Stone in his other hand, he nodded slightly to the summoned Beedrill.


Beedrill also seemed to be able to feel Xia Yan's mentality and nodded heavily.

The energy of Mega Evolution has long connected their hearts together.

Just listen to Xia Yan shouted:

"Beedrill, Mega!"

The energy of Mega Evolution spewed out of Beedrill's body.

Under the wide eyes of Du and Cynthia, Beedrill's appearance and outline have changed under the strong energy of Mega Evolution.

Evolve again!

Ferocious appearance, cold compound eyes, sharp long needles.

Mega Beedrill!

Looking at the Mega Beedrill that was completely revealed in front of the two of them.

Xia Yan suddenly felt that his hand was a little hot.

Watanabe and Cynthia's line of sight.

Make him a little "scared".

Darkrai's nightmare flashed through his mind.

These two guys, won't wait for them to fall off the horse and use Mega Evolution to kill themselves?

After a while.

Du took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Xia Yan, if you don't disclose this secret, I will bring it into the coffin."

Cynthia looked at Xia Yan, her reaction was not as big as Du, but she said word by word:

"I'll listen to you."

It doesn't matter whether Xia Yan believes them or not.

It is important that they give their own commitment.

Xia Yan smiled.

Put away the somewhat unrealistic delusions of persecution in my heart.


It is possible to make such three or four good friends in the Pokémon world.

Really good.


PS: The recent plot is a bit irritating, it was written very slowly, I thought a lot about it, and it was a little late. Seeing that the weight is enough, I ask for a monthly pass~~

(End of this chapter)

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