The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 832 Called By Their Mother To Go Home For Dinner (Three In One)

Chapter 831 Called by their mother to go home for dinner (3 in 1)


Xia Yan looked at the calm middle-aged man in front of him.

The plan that had been planned for so long was shattered, and so many links were designed to collapse at the last moment.

He clearly has full control over Dialga and Palkia.

Even assisting the power of these two existences, he can already completely disdain the entire Pokémon world.

Whatever the means, he was very successful when he drove Dialga and Palkia to a showdown with Pryce.

And such a great success was completely destroyed by the appearance of Xia Yan and Giratina.

The frustration and hatred in it can be clearly seen in the faces and eyes of the Team Galactic members next to them.

But Cyrus, who really benefited from the biggest image, had an unusually calm expression at this time.

It was as if he had once again become the leader of Team Galactic without any emotion or mood swings.

As in the original.

Cyrus's serenity as he sees his plans being wrecked by Giratina, and even himself being dragged into destroying the world.

Even Cyrus showed a relieved and sincere smile after seeing the distorted appearance of Destruction World.

"The Lord of Antimatter."

Cyrus's low, slightly hoarse voice rang out.

Antimatter lord?

Hear this title.

Xia Yan was stunned.

He'd heard that name before.

Only he thought it was what Cyrus used to call Giratina.

What surprised Xia Yan the most.

It was Giratina who didn't show any dissatisfaction after hearing him describe Xia Yan with this title.

It's just that the scarlet eyes looked at Cyrus up and down, and then there was a hint of surprise.

It seemed to recognize Cyrus too.

Facing Xia Yan's doubts, Cyrus suddenly laughed.

"It turns out that our direction has always been wrong, their choice is correct, we are wrong, all wrong."

Xia Yan frowned slowly as he watched and muttered something he didn't know to himself.

"Demon startled?"

The laughter subsided.

Cyrus looked at Xia Yan seriously, and said hoarsely, "When you are free, go and read the documentation of Team Galactic, you will understand."


With an overflowing smile, he walked step by step towards the place where annihilation, creation, and annihilation continued.

The smile is so free and easy.

The place where the rules of time, space, and antimatter meet, is simply not something that one person can bear.

Cyrus slowly dissipated in the strangulation of the rules without any resistance and Struggle.

Just as he embraced and destroyed the world with open arms in the original.

"Cyrus leader——!!"

The members of Team Galactic roared in pain.

Xia Yan's brows furrowed even tighter.

He always thought Cyrus wasn't really crazy.

There are just a lot of things that are not explained.

I don't know if it's an illusion.

Xia Yan felt like there was something wrong with him.


But he couldn't remember what it was.

What he's been through since he came to the world of Pokémon flashed through his mind, and nothing was missed.

Could it be. Xi Cui?

【where are they? 】

Giratina looked at the Team Galactic members regardless of what Xia Yan thought.

They also couldn't understand Cyrus' choice.

The most loyal and admired star of Cyrus was full of tears. She could not wait to rush into the rules with Cyrus, but was held back by Zhen Xing and a group of Team Galactic members.

Huoxing knelt on the ground and cried into tears.

It looked rather pitiful.

Zhenxing is still calm.

But his face was also gloomy, his five fingers clenched into fists, his fingertips were pale, and he made a "squeaky" sound.

He stared at Xia Yan, trying his best to restrain the hatred, Grudge, and hostility in his heart.

He is very clear.

Now the life and death of their group are in Xia Yan's thoughts.

"Lord Xia, Xia Yan, I, we can atone for our sins."

Charon, Chief Scientist of Team Galactic, rubbed his palms and walked cautiously to the front.

The first wall grass jumped out.

But Team Galactic's remaining top executives and executives didn't stop it.

They know that giving in now is the best option.

"Lord Xia Yan, we, we are also forced to be helpless, we are willing to follow the good! Willing to follow the good!"

Charon looked at Xia Yan's unresponsiveness and continued.

Although Cyrus is dead.

The highest executive year star is also dead.

But what's left of Team Galactic can still be regarded as a very large organization.

the most important is.

As the chairman of the Sinnoh Chamber of Commerce, Cyrus has close ties with the entire Sinnoh family and forces.

It is precisely because of the existence of these forces.

Such a huge organization as Team Galactic can quietly dormant in the Sinnoh Region.

Even Elite Fours like Ryuichi Hoshino can be their helpers, and it is conceivable how much influence Team Galactic has in Sinnoh Alliance.

after all.

Team Galactic had run the entire Sinnoh for thousands of years before the Alliance was formed.

The older the family, the stronger the connection to Team Galactic.

This is a force to be reckoned with.

It is undeniable that Xia Yan was a little moved.

If he can get the support of so many large and small families and forces, it will undoubtedly be much smoother and more convenient to achieve his next goal.

Xia Yan just hesitated for a few seconds.

Suddenly he turned to Giratina and said:

"Destroy it."


Giratina suddenly smiled.

That's right.

Xia Yan's choice was very much in line with Giratina's appetite.

But the members of Team Galactic who heard Xia Yan's words jumped up one by one, trying to say something.


Their existence, in front of Giratina, can't make much waves.

A simple Lock On.

The space seemed to have opened a huge gap, absorbing them all into Distortion World.

Once in Distortion World, Giratina has time to cook them up.

【You are very reluctant. 】

After doing this, Giratina looked at Xia Yan.

Xia Yan twitched the corners of his mouth.

You have no idea how heartbroken we were just now.

That is Team Galactic. It involves a lot of power and resources. If it can be obtained, Xia Yan's right to speak in the Sinnoh Region will be greatly improved.

But the problem is.

No matter how attractive something is, if it cannot be completely controlled, it may not only fail to become a help, but also become a deadly poison in the end.

Xia Yan is still very clear about his position.

What he really wants to rely on now is the Alliance.

But predictable.

With the downfall of Team Galactic, the whole of Sinnoh may be in turmoil for a while.

Without Cyrus' suppression, some people who were already restless would emerge one after another.

just for these.

Xia Yan didn't care either.

Anyway, it was Sinnoh Alliance who had a headache. He could just watch the show with his watermelon in his arms.

If the forces involved in Team Galactic, Ryuichi Hoshino, a veteran elite of Ingrain for decades, emerge one after another, it will be enough for Alliance to have a headache for a long time.

Don't know why.

Xia Yan just has a feeling of gloating.

During this time, broken incidents within the Alliance appeared one after another, causing Xia Yan's impression of the Alliance to drop again and again.

Seeing that they were devastated, it was also considered that he was relieved by the experiences brought about by the alliance's pickled things.

"Poplar Town is back!"

Baiyang Town appeared again, and Bertha Elite, who was waiting outside Baiyang Town by helicopter, told everyone the news immediately.

Immediately after.

She heard the sound of relief coming from the headset more than once.

"Where's Cynthia? How about Cynthia and the others?" The Kale Professor hurriedly asked after heaving a sigh of relief.

"I don't know, I'm passing by"

Halfway through Bertha's words, she stopped.

"What's the matter, Bertha?"

Seems to hear Bertha's pause, Professor Rowan asked.

And his words undoubtedly raised everyone's hearts again.

They were afraid to hear from the conversation that Bertha said the whole of Poplar Town was destroyed and no one survived.

Bertha froze, understanding what they meant.

With a little apology and emotion, he said:

"Sorry, Poplar Town is fine, it looks as good as ever, it's just... I just saw a few. Pokémon."


The warm voice seemed to have a unique charm, soothing the hearts of many people in this call.

Bertha took a deep breath.

"Dialga, Palkia and. Giratina."

Dialga and Palkia are the reasons for the situation in Poplar Town, and it is not surprising to hear that everyone here.

But when "Giratina" is heard, it's different.

Although Giratina has not been seen for a long time, and there are not many legends about it.

But the Sinnoh Alliance, as the force that controls the Sinnoh Region, can also find Giratina in the legends of some Sinnoh history.

Especially the kale Professor.

She is a professor of antiquity herself, and a resident of Celestic Town, and no one knows better than her what Giratina's presence means.

That's an antimatter juggernaut focused on destruction.

The appearance of Giratina, representing the events in Baiyang Town, is far from over.


Might become more dangerous and complicated.

Listening to the silent earphone, Bertha smiled helplessly again.

"Sorry, I didn't make it clear again."

Bertha is also helpless.

It was mainly the sight in front of her that made her very stunned.

She knows exactly what Giratina stands for.

And what happens when Giratina appears at the same time as Dialga and Palkia.

But in front of you.

"Forget it, the video communication should have resumed, you can see for yourself."

Bertha said she couldn't describe the scene in front of her.

Although the helicopter is still some distance away from Poplar Town, because the Giratina are not small in size and stand in the Sky of Poplar Town, the buildings cannot block their figures.

Bertha's words made everyone who maintained communication sit in front of the computer.

When looking at the screen projected on the computer, everyone was silent.

Especially the kale Professor.

She only felt that the history she dug and explored seemed to be a lie.

I see.

video projected by a computer.

Giratina, Dialga and Palkia are the three giant beasts.

They are sitting together, head down, buttocks pouted, with a very serious expression, as if listening to something being told.

What are they doing?

Are you fighting the landlord?

And in their center, where they are looking.

In a dark place where Smog is surging, there is a figure standing vaguely.

The man held the hat with one hand and spread his palm toward the three divine beasts with the other hand, as if begging for something.

Rao is Bertha, who is an Elite Four. After seeing this scene, he was also stunned by this harmonious picture.

This results in incomplete information transmission multiple times.

But after everyone saw this scene, both the mustard Professor and Professor Rowan expressed their understanding.

good guy.

Shouldn't this be teaching three divine beasts a lesson?

"That person is Xia Yan's child, right?"

It was the warm voice that broke the strange silence again. He seemed to have a special position among the people on this call.

Bertha twitched the corners of his mouth.

"If you combine the Rayquaza incident with Hoenn, the figure riding on Rayquaza's back is almost him."

"Hehe-" the warm voice chuckled lightly.

"Bertha, when you have arranged things in Baiyang Town, you can bring him to see me."

"I see, Chief Alexander Conference." Bertha nodded slightly.

The owner of this warm voice is the current president of Sinnoh Alliance, Igor Alexander!

"I still like you to call me President Igor."

"Okay, Chief Alexander Conference, I understand, Chief Alexander Conference."

Igor: "."

【We should go. 】

"Don't worry."

Xia Yan hurriedly reached out to stop Dialga and Palkia who were about to flee the "accident" scene as soon as possible.

They really don't want to stay here too much.

Giratina's eyes made them feel very uncomfortable, and they didn't dare to refute at all.

Being manipulated by humans, this stain makes them absolutely disadvantaged when facing Giratina in the future.

That is, Cyrus committed suicide, and Team Galactic was taken away by Giratina.

Otherwise, they may not be able to resist another rage to vent.

But looking at Giratina's playful eyes now, I really don't want to stay for a moment.

They have already decided.

Whenever Giratina appears in the future, they avoid it.

There is no me, there is me. I have to avoid it.

I don't know how good Giratina is now.

Not only did he completely get rid of the shackles of destroying the world, but also seized the handle of these two guys.

Any quarrel in the future.

It Giratina must be invincible!

Facing the complacent Giratina, Xia Yan glanced at it quietly with pity.

Poor Giratina can now be happy.

When the plot of the theatrical version of "Bouquet of Ice and Empty" appears, it will also be caught by humans, and I don't know what expression it will have at that time.

Although Xia Yan thinks that it is a bit exaggerated that humans want to catch magical beasts based on technology alone.

But what if.

At that time, Xia Yan not only grabbed the handle of Dialga and Palkia, but also the stain of Giratina.

If Arceus doesn't like him in the future, then hum

Darkrai didn't know what Xia Yan was thinking.

But wrapping it is the person who can feel Xia Yan's inner fluctuations most.

Under the blazing flames, as the "Nightmare God", it trembled uncontrollably.

If you mix with Xia Yan again, it will be doomed, right?

How many are these?

There is a Tsundere Dragon in Hoenn, and there is another hidden in the universe.

Here in Sinnoh, there are three anti-bone dragons who are "anti-bone" and ready to do big things.

There are also Unova's two brothers with double ponytails, Black King Kong, and the clothes of the two brothers.

Kalos Gundam, Fork Deer, Crooked Bird.

In addition, in Yu Xia Yan's nightmare, those names that he had never even heard of.

But it can't get out now.

It deeply understands what is called "God can't help himself in the rivers and lakes".

The weak, humble and helpless it has already heard all their "rebellious" plans, and "had no choice" to join in.

Now, it can only suffer silently.

Try to keep a whole body.


Xia Yan is holding a crystal clear emerald green plant, which looks like an ordinary weed, but the halo flowing on its surface shows that it is not simple.

Revival Herb!

Palkia, who had a broken red orb on one side of her arm, stared blankly at the "Revival Herb".

Xia Yanqiang endured the pain in his heart and said "generously": "Your wound is not so easy to recover, right? This thing should be able to help you."

Regular Pokémon potions don't do much with Palkia them, but "Revival Herb" is different.

He kind of misses Arceus' Pixie Plate now.

After hesitating again and again, Palkia nodded and ate the "Revival Herb" handed by Xia Yan.

With chewing, the energy of "Revival Herb" comes into play.

The cracks on the cracked red orb were slowly repaired, and the uncontrolled spillage of space power gradually subsided.

[This should be considered a reward. 】

Palkia's voice sounded in Xia Yan's mind.

Then I saw that a crimson orb slowly floated out of its body and landed in Xia Yan's hands.

It is warm and moist, and it seems to have a little warmth.

The transparent beads seemed to have five streams of red-like threads hovering in them.

"This is?"

[Space Orb, allows you to teleport five times regardless of space and distance. 】

Palkia explained the sentence simply.

Xia Yan's eyes suddenly lit up.

Good stuff!

He did not despise this so-called "Space Orb" because of its single function.

Although its role more or less overlaps with Alakazam's "Teleport".

But the stronger the strength, the more Xia Yan knew about the drawbacks of using Psychic to cast "Teleport".

For example, this time in Baiyang Town, the space was blocked, and he couldn't escape.

For example, if there are other Psychic, or special energy interference, the use of "Teleport" will also become very dangerous.

But with this thing, his life-saving ability has been greatly enhanced.

It's impossible for someone to block the space ability of the "God of Space", right?

Xia Yan's knowledge makes Palkia very satisfied.

Then I saw Xia Yan's eyes fell on Dialga.

The Sapphire halo on Dialga's chest flickered.

【I don't owe you anything. 】

Xia Yan rubbed his chin and nodded.

"You're right, I'm not the kind of unreasonable person, and of course it won't affect my construction of a shrine because of this incident, and I won't carefully carve someone's sculpture."

Not finished yet.

He saw a crystal ball similar to the "Space Orb" falling into his hands.

It's just that the red halo has turned blue.

Dialga served.

Good guy, I didn't mention threats at all, every sentence was inseparable from threats.

[This is the Time Orb, used on Pokémon to help them recover to their best Contest Condition unconditionally. 】

Dialga's voice is a little off.

Xia Yan also put it away when he saw it, and hurriedly put it away.

This is also good stuff.

Unconditionally restore Contest Condition, so as long as Pokémon still has a breath, can it be fully restored?

Almost added five lives to Pokémon.

next second.

Giratina stiffened.

It doesn't matter if Xia Yan's eyes fell on it, Dialga and Palkia's eyes also fell on it.

You can't just suffer for yourself.

Their logic is clear.

Since it is a loss, it must be eaten together.

Giratina's eyes twitched.

Looking at Xia Yan, who was smiling, and his open palm.

Giratina was secretly unlucky.

But it is not Dialga and Palkia, which can constrain the power of time and space to others.

Its antimatter cannot contain it.

Anything that touches antimatter will be destroyed.

If it can carry it, it is not called antimatter.

So it decided to Struggle again.

[I've taught it to use 'Shadow Force'. 】

Giratina emphasized.

Xia Yan pursed his lips.

not talking.

Dialga and Palkia's eyes gradually became unkind.

You don't fit in.

Giratina has grown so big, she has never suffered such a wrongful loss.

It rolled its eyes.

[My ability cannot be bound to you, but I can change the conditions. You can choose a Pokémon at any time, and I can teach it. 】

After he finished speaking, his head lifted up, anyway, it could do this at most, and it couldn't give anything else.

Dialga and Palkia narrowed their eyes.

Is this a benefit?

Who knew that Xia Yan's smile was even worse, and he pounded his fist hard.

"It's a word!"

Giratina, who was still a little complacent at first, shrank her neck subconsciously after seeing Xia Yan's reaction.


Still hit?

After getting the "voluntary" Presents from the three mythical beasts, Xia Yan finally "let them go".

Dialga and Palkia looked at each other.

Turn around without hesitation.

As if there was some kind of flood and beast here.

One escaped into a space rift, the other disappeared into a time warp.

But before they left, they all left a sentence for Xia Yan.

【I remember you. 】

"Remember? Do you remember? It's scary to have no culture." Xia Yan muttered.

Looked up.

Where is the shadow of Giratina.

He couldn't help but pouted, "It's rude, scumbag."

After all, he has been riding, and he has feelings, and he doesn't recognize people when he wears clothes.

"Xia Yan!"

After seeing Sanlong leave, Du and Cynthia pushed their wheelchairs towards him.

Seeing them, Xia Yan's face immediately filled with a smile.


Xia Yan still politely greeted Pryce first.

Take the wheelchair handle from Watana and Cynthia.

This time, if it wasn't for Pryce, even if he could find Giratina in the end, Poplar Town wouldn't be able to keep it.

After all, the true hero of Poplar Town is Pryce.

The old man who used to be very tough, is now sitting in a wheelchair with a haggard face.

It is conceivable how much the previous battle overdrafted him.

"Are you all right?"

Pryce shook his head, as if returning to his former stereotype again.

He glared at him slightly angrily.

"Not yet dead."

The circumstances took Darkrai away and nearly killed him.

Xia Yan was dumbfounded.

After this incident, Pryce may have really looked down on life and death.

Perhaps for him, he will be able to see his two Lapras after death.

It's just that he persisted tenaciously because he couldn't bear the current Pokémon.

But after this incident, Pryce will definitely enter the Alliance executives again.

His strength, as a gym owner, is indeed too subservient.

Being a senior executive of an Alliance pension is almost the same.

Xia Yan looked at the two good friends who looked embarrassed.

"Du, Cynthia, are you all right?"

The two shook their heads at the same time.


Look up to the clear blue Soaring in the sky.

A ray of sunlight shone through the Tower of Time and Space and shone on them, and they suddenly felt warm.

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes.

"They were called by their mother to go home for dinner."

Duo, Cynthia: "???"


The air flow of the helicopter hovered close.

"The one who cleans up the mess, come here." Xia Yan said with a little teasing and schadenfreude.

"Xia Yan, come with me."

Pryce motioned for Xia Yan to push him away from the scene.

(End of this chapter)

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