The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 855 Give Me Some Face In Xia (Two In One)

Chapter 854 Give me some face in Xia (two in one)

Xia Yan finally got off Giratina's back.

It's not that Giratina didn't give him a ride, it was just because of the conversation with Giratina just now that Xia Yan fell into contemplation and felt a chill.

Dialga and Palkia's rampage was not caused by Giratina?

Although at the beginning, Xia Yan doubted the authenticity of this matter.

After all, as Giratina said.

If it really has the ability to affect Dialga and Palkia so much, is it necessary to keep shrinking in Distortion World?

It can completely force Arceus out by inflicting endless damage, and then go heads-up with it.

But as soon as it leaves Distortion World, Dialga and Palkia will come to you.

Proper alpaca loyal fans.

If it dares to wreak havoc, it's not just Arceus that greets it, but Dialga and Palkia as well.

No matter how arrogant it is, it understands that a dozen or three only get beaten.

So who else, besides Giratina, could bring such influence to Dialga and Palkia?

Xia Yan thought about it.

There are actually many answers. For example, the super devil Hoopa can do it.

But Xia Yan felt that there was actually an answer.

God of creation, Arceus!

But here comes the problem.

He came to Xicui, which was the task given by Arceus.

Could it be that.

Is it the Arceus of this plane?

boom! ! !

The violent collision forcibly interrupted Xia Yan's thinking.

Giratina, Palkia, and Dialga, in their original form, are engaged in a world-destroying collision.

Soaring in the sky, as if leaning.

Ground, seems to be cracking.

Wang Yang seems to be boiling.

Xia Yan had seen the sight of Normal at the end of the day.

It was in the special memory of Alakazam's special spoon.

Beedrill and they are tightly guarding around Xia Yan.

With their current strength, as long as they don't get close to the main battlefield, there is no problem in protecting themselves.


If the whole world collapses, they are useless no matter how strong they are.


Giratina and Palkia join forces, even if Palkia's power is limited by the Red Chain, even if Dialga is blessed by some kind of power, it is not their Rival.

Falling back.

It has reached the edge of the crack in time and space.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yan forcibly suppressed his unease.

If that's what he guessed, they must not be over-consumed here!

Want to understand this.

Xia Yan immediately turned over.

On Doron Bartto's back, surrounded by Beedrill.

Build up your strength and wiggle your tail.

Straight towards the sky.


The three mythical beasts, who have been red-eyed, can't take care of Xia Yan who is approaching.

The aftermath of the hedging of arrogant energy is not so easy to bear.

"Roar of Time" by Dialga, "Spacial Rend" by Palkia!

The collision of these two energies alone has completely collapsed all the time and space above the entire Soaring in the sky.

Coupled with Giratina's antimatter ability, the space-time after the collapse was instantly annihilated, leaving only a huge gap.

And under the surging of the special power that spilled out of the space-time crack, it collapsed continuously.

"Doron Bartto, Phantom Force."

Fortunately, in the face of the aftermath of the spread, Xia Yan still has a trick to deal with.

Duolong Bartto was surrounded by Haze, and with his tail swaying, he took Xia Yan and a group of Pokémon around him, and plunged into Distortion World.

After Giratina's personal teaching, Doron Bartto has become more and more proficient at this move of shuttle and destroy the world.

Passing through the space Barrier, Distortion World is in sight.

next second.

After Doron Bartto galloped for a distance, he drilled out of Distortion World again.

When Xia Yan and his Pokémon reappeared in the Pokémon world, they were already in the center of the three mythical beasts.


With their red eyes, they didn't realize Xia Yan's sudden appearance.

Roar--! !

Roar of Time!

The original form of wrath The blue time gem on Dialga's chest was several times larger, stepping on the time flow like a normal tide, surging out.

the other side.

The original form of Palkia did not have any timidity because of the limitation of his own strength. The space gems on the two front feet were shining brightly, and a crimson beam suddenly shot out of his mouth.

Spacial Rend!

Palkia felt the change in space and noticed Xia Yan's appearance.

It's just that its moves are already prepared, and it's too late to organize.

【Oops! 】

Palkia's eyes are miniature.

It can almost see the picture of Xia Yan standing in the middle of the two hedging energies, his body has no resistance and is instantly annihilated.

[You kid looking for death? ! 】


Or Giratina's response was a little quicker.

Giratina felt it when Xia Yan entered the world of destruction with the help of Doron Bartto.

A little earlier than Palkia.


When he saw that Xia Yan suddenly appeared in the middle of them, he immediately gave up the attack that he had saved and prepared to hit Dialga heavily. He could have used Palkia as a bait when Dialga and Palkia were hedging, and waited for the opportunity to end the battle this time. .


When she saw Xia Yan appear, Giratina herself didn't know why it gave up the attack so decisively and rushed towards Xia Yan.

The "big fat worm" responded early and quickly. So he finally appeared by Xia Yan's side before "Roar of Time" and "Spacial Rend" arrived.

But so.

It's the limit of what it can do.


Giratina's eyes were red and she roared wantonly.

Thick Haze surged from its body, and antimatter energies ran wild with these Hazes.

boom! ! !

A violent roar.

Giratina whimpered in some unbearable pain.

[You boy, owe me a huge favor! ! 】

Why is Giratina better than Dialga and Palkia?

Stronger body is only part of it. For divine beasts like them, this difference can affect the battle, but it is not enough to decide the battle.

It is strong because antimatter has a certain restraint ability to time and space.

But more, because it can use "Shadow Force" to freely enter and exit Distortion World, which can evade their attacks.

But this time.

Giratina actually suffered such two shots.

It doesn't seem to remember when was the last time Dialga and Palkia got hit like that.

Xia Yan did not expect such a situation.

But in fact, even if Giratina can't come, he still has a way, otherwise he is not Zhiye, and rushed into the two divine beasts to seek death for Poli. If the protagonist Halo Jiapi God was officially conferred a god, Zhiye probably would not have been able to. .

see you.

When the aftermath of the hedge dissipates.

Giratina looked at Xia Yan dissatisfiedly with a look of pain on her face.


When it saw another figure appearing beside Xia Yan, it couldn't help but stunned.


Regigigas, the lights flicker.

to be frank.

In this wave, Xia Yanyou was moved by Giratina.

Giratina can still be dealt with, you treat her with sincerity, and she dares to treat you with sincerity.

"You, are you okay?" Xia Yan looked at Giratina, who was a little embarrassed, and couldn't help asking.

Giratina rolled her eyes angrily.

do not want to talk.

It's okay, can't you see with your eyes?

If I had known that Xia Yan was still hiding a hand of Regigigas, it would not come.

A precious opportunity wasted in vain, and an injury was exchanged for himself.

Regigigas looked to the left at Dialga, the furious origin form, to the right at Palkia, the silently relieved origin form, and then looked at Giratina, who was unhappy beside him.

Immediately just felt.

Xia Yan's bold plan doesn't seem to be a little bold, does it?

When Dialga and Palkia hedged just now, it may not feel as good as Giratina, even if it has made certain preparations.

What, let's quit this plan now, is it too late?

Regigigas soon got his wish, though.

Because it can't fly at all.

After the time-space turbulence of the hedge gradually dissipated, it had no place to stand.

It landed heavily on Mt. Coronet, head up.

Xia Yan comforted Giratina.

just stated his purpose.

"Cough, stop first? I don't think things are right, why don't you all give me Xia Xia's face?"

Palkia stepped out and came to Xia Yan's side.

Giratina took a few sharp breaths, and the pain in her body was barely relieved.

Bad breath:

【To give you face? Who gives me face? Do you think that guy can listen to you? 】

Saying that, he squinted at Dialga, who was in rage.


At this time, Dialga couldn't listen to anyone.

Palkia and Giratina had tried to awaken it more than once, but to no avail.

Xia Yan pursed his lips.

"I have a bold plan."

[Don't talk nonsense, hurry up. 】

Directly interrupted by Giratina.

It's so angry, and now wants to vent all the Rage on Dialga.

With it teamed up with Palkia, it was only a matter of time before Dialga was defeated.

Although this could lead to massive destruction in the Pokémon world.

But if it would care about the little things, it would not be a Giratina.


Xia Yan found Regigigas, the toilet king.

Three-on-one, don't rub the Dialga on the ground?

Only Giratina, who has been bullied with more and less, is the first to enjoy the joy of bullying with more.

Glancing at it angrily.

Xia Yan didn't say anything anymore.

Just open your arms.

All the power of the waveguide was continuously spread towards Dialga under the blessing of the gloves of the "Brave of the Wave".


He guessed right, Dialga was really affected the same way as Mew and Lugia, so the power of the waveguide would work.

Can Dialga's current Contest Condition, just rely on the power of Xia Yan's waveguide, it is like an oyster shaking a tree.

Although Togekiss immediately gave help after Xia Yan used the power of the waveguide, it was a drop in the bucket after all.

"The power of the waveguide, yours."

Xia Yan said intermittently.

Palkia and Giratina looked at each other.

They naturally have the power of waveguides.


Can Xia Yan bear it?

Even if you can bear it.

Dialga won't just leave them in place.

"Regigigas, please stop Dialga!"

Regigigas: "."

That's not what's in the plan.

In the plan, didn't the three of them beat Dialga?

How come it's all that's left?

"bring it on!"

A joke is a joke, now they can all feel Xia Yan's seriousness.

Palkia didn't hesitate the most, and poured the strong waveguide power into Xia Yan's gloves.

Giratina did so after hesitating for a while.

click! !

This is the waveguide power of the beast!

Even if they are restrained, this pair of gloves alone cannot sustain them for a long time.

In just a moment, the blue crystal on the glove appeared cracked.

at the same time.

Xia Yan also felt a huge pressure.

Huge pressure from all aspects of body and spirit.

However, he still tried his best to drive the power of the huge waveguide, and approached Dialga with a friendly atmosphere.

Can't speak.

Can only clip Doron Bartto.

Doron Bart, carrying him, flew towards Dialga.

Roar--! !

Feeling the approach of the power of the waveguide, the fierce light in Dialga's scarlet eyes became more and more surging.


The power of time converges again.

Beedrill, Alakazam, Togekiss, Aegislash crossed in front of Xia Yan.

If you want to hurt Xia Yan, at least you have to wait for them all to fall.

Bang! ! !

There was a huge roar on Mt. Coronet, accompanied by the cracking of the ground of the entire Sinnoh temple, and the continuous breaking and falling of the Rock.

Regigigas jumped up.

next second.

The moment Dialga shot.

Regigigas hugged it!


But "Roar of Time" finally came out.

Although, thanks to Regichka's efforts, most of them were withstood.

But there was still an energy that rushed towards Xia Yan, who was concentrating on controlling the power of the waveguide.

Facing the incoming "Roar of Time", Beedrill and Alakazam had serious expressions at the same time, and stepped out.

Immediately after.

Beedrill Twineedle repeatedly picked, highly concentrated, concentrated all the energy at the end of the long needle, and pierced out in the face of the layered roar.


Above the wings, thunder light burst out.

The powers of cyan and purple, Buzz Plate and Toxic Plate were also brought into full play at this moment.

Faced with the moment of life and death related to Xia Yan's safety, Beedrill performed exceptionally and stabbed the needle with the strongest control, destructive power and penetrating power since he followed Xia Yan.


The power of Mega Evolution suddenly appeared in Beedrill.

The long needle that had undergone evolution and transformation in an instant and was compressed back up again without hesitation.

at the same time.

Alakazam also burst out with Mega Evolution energy, transforming instantly.

Five spoons, under its control, were wrapped around the long needle pierced by the Mega Beedrill.

While spinning around the long needle, the surging Psychic doesn't want to pour out all the money.

A Psychic like a drill, with the power of the Mega Beedrill.


The power of the Mind Plate, is also driven.

Even compared to Beedrill, Alakazam is more familiar with the power of slate.

With the growl of Mega Alakazam and Mega Beedrill.

That little piece of "Roar of Time" is finally starting to split.

With the long needle of Mega Beedrill as the center, it is divided into two sides.

A little "fish that slipped through the net" washed over Aegislash's shield, and after the clanging sound, it couldn't make it back half a step, let alone hurt Xia Yan.

This should be the first time for them to face the beast of this level of strength.

And not only did they not fear, but they persevered.

This will definitely be of great benefit to their further development in the future.

At least.

When Xia Yan wants to challenge the beasts in the future, they will not be afraid.

This heart alone is enough to surpass most Pokémons.

And the upper limit in the heart is enough to affect their future upper limit.

What about Xia Yan?

Always keep your eyes closed.

With the power of the powerful waveguide and the simultaneous double Mega Evolution, his complexion has long been as pale as paper.

But he still insisted.

The power of the waveguide does work on the Dialga.

It's just that in Dialga's consciousness space, that dark energy is like a thick fog Normal, layer upon layer.

He tried his best to clear the fog.

Finally, in the real Haze, I found that Cianwood-colored halo, and saw the unyielding beast standing wading in the water, eyes closed, and brows furrowed.


A low, hoarse voice suddenly sounded.

Reverberates in Dialga's consciousness space.

The power of the waveguide spreads layer by layer.

Thick Haze is gradually being squeezed out of the space of consciousness.


this moment.

Dialga opened his eyes suddenly.

Haze is like a normal tide, fading quickly.

But Xia Yan noticed.

On the surface of the water Dialga was stepping on, a dark shadow was being reflected.

As Haze dissipated, the shadows also gradually became lighter.

Moreover, Xia Yan also found that although the outline of this shadow is similar to Dialga, the details are very different.

outside the space of consciousness.

Regigigas, who was struggling to hold Struggle's Dialga, slowly let go of his arms and fell toward Ground again.

And Dialga, finally restored the Smelling Salts.

Giratina and Palkia simultaneously reclaimed the power of the waveguide.

Xia Yan's reluctantly maintained "Brave of the Bird" gloves finally completed its final mission.

Two blue crystals shattered one after another, like starlight, scattered on the top of Mt. Coronet.

Xia Yan, who was pale, also slowly opened his eyes.

Unspeakably tired.

But he grinned.

Looking at Giratina.

"Let's beat the alpaca."


PS: Today is 1.2w, ask for a monthly pass~~

(End of this chapter)

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