The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 859 Surprise? Astonish! (Two In One, This Volume Is Over)

Chapter 858 Surprise? Astonish! (two in one, this volume is over)


Sinnoh Alliance headquarters.

Gorgeous fireworks bloomed proudly in the sky, and the colorful ribbons quietly dragged in the air.

The entire headquarters of Sinnoh Alliance has been greeted with this grand scene after a long absence.

One Latios, one Garchomp.

Row across the Sky from the town.

The lively crowd below couldn't help cheering when they saw the two Pokémons and the people who were riding on the backs of the two Pokémons.

It added a bit of hustle and bustle to the already lively town.

And sitting on the backs of the two Pokémons are naturally Xia Yan and Cynthia.

Because of Arceus' mission, Xia Yan had to return to Xicui, and experienced some things that modern people can never experience, and also saw the hardships of living in the cracks that modern people can never see.

Cynthia wasn't idle during this time either.

She entered the "Dragon's Tomb" again, and came out with a confident smile on her face.

Listen to the cheers below.

Cynthia has grown accustomed to it.

On the contrary, Xia Yan pressed his forehead a little unaccustomedly.

Because of President Igor's plan, the popularity of the two in the Sinnoh Region has been boosted to an unprecedented level.

But it also gave Xia Yan a lot of inconvenience.

Just seeing Xia Yan's headache, Cynthia laughed even more heartlessly.

Ushered in Xia Yan's unhappy white eyes.

With two Pokémon slowly falling.

The crowd, who had been waiting for a while, immediately greeted them.

Headed by the Elite Four Bertha.

And standing next to her, a woman in her thirties who looked as warm as water.

She is another Elite Four of Sinnoh today, Flying Elite, Kerwin.

"Fortunately, I wasn't late." Seeing Xia Yan, Bertha breathed a sigh of relief.

"Bertha Elite, Kerwin Elite." Xia Yan and Cynthia greeted them.

Bertha nodded.

"It's good to come. There is still a period of time to start, you can adjust the Contest Condition."

After speaking, he turned around and left to prepare to go.

It is very important for the Elite Four of each region to take office. Elite Fours and even champions of each region will be invited to attend the appointment ceremony.

However, Xia Yan and Cynthia are only agents of Elite, so the scale is not so large.

Of course, in order to reduce the impact of the mess left by the two Elite Four, Ryuichi Hoshino, it will not be small.

The liveliness of the town outside Sinnoh Alliance headquarters this time is the best proof.

After Bertha Elite and Kerwin Elite left, a few people who were looking forward to it finally gathered around.

"Xia Yan! Cynthia!"

Wearing a blue-purple outfit and a red cloak, Du walked in the front, and when he came up, he gave Xia Yan a big hug.

The goals of several of them are Elite Four and even champion.

Now, because of some special circumstances, Xia Yan and Cynthia are at the forefront.

Du is still very happy for these two good friends.

Came here from Kanto Region on purpose overnight.

Of course, the pressure will not be small.

"Senior Xia Yan, he's going to be an Elite Four."

Lorelei, who has become the trend of Xia Yan's Lostelle girl, is holding her glasses with a little admiration.

She came with Duo.

He quarreled with Du, but after seeing Xia Yan, his mood was the same.

"Here's a little Present for you."

Steven hands over two boxes.

Xia Yan and Cynthia looked at each other and opened the box without being polite.

But when they saw what was inside, both Xia Yan and Cynthia were speechless.

Twisted a red-purple quadrilateral prism and picked it up, placed it in the sun, reflecting the gorgeous brilliance.

When others saw this thing, they also showed surprise.

"Good guy, Steven, your present is really worth a million points." Xia Yan sighed.

It's actually a "Super Z".

And Cynthia got a "Groundium-Z".

This matches Xia Yan's Alakazam and Cynthia's Garchomp Attribute.

Cynthia was apparently also surprised by this Present.

As expected of the young owner of Devon Corporation, Alola Region has been open for less than a year. As an extremely scarce resource, even the Alliance is still collecting Z-Pure Crystals, although Steven gave away two of them.

Pokémon is the world's richest and most handsome, not a vain name.

"A little expensive." Cynthia whispered.

Steven waved his hands again and again.

"Knowing the test you will face next, that's all I can do. I hope I can help you."

These two "Z pure crystals", even if he wants to get them, the price is not small.

But he knew better what Xia Yan and Cynthia would face afterward.

So this makes Steven feel a little "little flesh" Present, but he didn't give it away at all.

"Okay, Steven, you secretly prepare the Present, what do you want us to do?"

A young man with his hands in his trousers and a flaming explosive head came to the midst of several people at the same pace that he did not recognize his six relatives.

It is big leaf.

"What are you afraid of, didn't we send it away?" Du said teasingly.

"You are quite frank." Xia Yan scolded him angrily.

Towa shrugged nonchalantly.

He was already lying flat.

Never compare your financial resources with Steven.

In Steven's capacity, it can be said without hesitation.

Everyone here is rubbish.

Looking at Du and Xia Yan who were bickering, a young man in a straight suit with long purple hair pushed his eyes and closed the book in his hand.

"Benevolent overtime is necessary."

I don't know if I'm comforting myself, or if I really feel that way.

"Senior Xia Yan! Who are you going to have an exhibition match with later?"

Aaron, with green hair and a vest, looked even more excited than Xia Yan.

"I don't know, Bertha Elite didn't tell me."

Xia Yan looked at Cynthia.

Cynthia also shook her head slightly, expressing that she did not know.

Xia Yan didn't take it to heart.

In short.

It won't be particularly strong or particularly difficult to deal with.

After all, those veteran Elite Fours also want face, and it is not good to spread the reputation of bullying the juniors.


The veteran Elite Four ended up. It was right to win, and if they lost, it became a stepping stone for Xia Yan's reputation.

Although it is only an exhibition match, in the eyes of the truly powerful, the exhibition match is just a game.

But the general public doesn't know.

For Xia Yan and Cynthia, what they need now is ordinary people, and what they need is the support rate among the grassroots.


The prestige of the two gave them enough foundation.

While chatting, the group walked towards the venue prepared by Alliance.

This time, Sinnoh Alliance really made a lot of money.

It was originally prepared for the Masters Championship, the World Pavilion Main Event, the Attribute Expert Tournament, and the World Championship, but it was taken out for Xia Yan and Cynthia to play an exhibition match.

It can be seen from this.

At this time, the Sinnoh Alliance really attached great importance to Xia Yan and Cynthia, and gave them enough support.


In order to make Xia Yan and Cynthia secure the positions of these two agents, Sinnoh Alliance's resource tilt will continue.

in the lounge of the arena.

Basically, the younger generation that Xia Yan and the others are familiar with are all here.

"Xia Yan, you don't know, I have collected another very reliable piece of information during this time."

Standing beside the huge floor-to-ceiling window in the lounge, Du put his elbows on Xia Yan and said cautiously.

Seeing his posture, Xia Yan's thoughts moved slightly.


Du got closer again and whispered:

"I heard that the 'Hunter N' is not only in charge of multiple areas now, but even the original contradictions within the Hunter Guild have been resolved by him.

Although the current Hunter Guild is not completely unified internally, the factions are very clearly divided.

This 'Hunter N', which has only emerged in recent years, has a faint trend of becoming bigger. "

Looking at his serious appearance, Xia Yan's eyes twitched.

Du continued: "I also heard that."

"Cough," interrupted by Xia Yan's cough, "Du, Cynthia and I are under a lot of pressure today, let's not talk about this for now."

good guy.

He's here to take over the Elite Four position, and Du almost slapped his old bottom over there.

As expected of a good brother.

Hearing this, Du patted Xia Yan on the shoulder.

"I have confidence in you." He looked sincere.

Xia Yan turned his head and didn't look at him.

We have no confidence in ourselves.

"However, after you become an agent of Elite Four, you absolutely need sufficient merit to hold the bottom. This time, this 'Hunter N' is definitely a great opportunity. Grab him! The Hunter Guild is not far from falling apart."

Xia Yan: "."

I catch myself?

It's really yours, Torito.

"I also heard that the General League seems to have noticed it, and there may be some action in the near future." Du said again.

"General Union?"

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows.

"Although it is a bit awkward, the Hunter Guild is an illegal organization covering various regions, and it is understandable for the General League to take action."

Probably not unexpected.

Xia Yan flashed the sad face of his cheap Teacher Agatha in his mind.

Maybe Agatha is behind the scenes.

Let Xia Yan enter the sight of the black man behind the scenes as soon as possible.

Xia Yan was speechless.

A close friend, a teacher, desperately pushed him to the tip of the knife.

Although they have valid reasons.


After a while of silence, Xia Yan suddenly shouted.


Du blinked his eyes twice.

Seeing Xia Yan turning his head to the side, he said with a little deep meaning: "I recently figured out a new tactic, do you want to try it?"

New tactics?


Hearing this, Du's eyes lit up instantly.

Just kind of weird.

Usually, he was unable to invite Xia Yan to fight.

Why is the sun coming out of the west today?

Are you still going to take the initiative to fight?


For crossing.

None of this matters.

Being able to fight against Xia Yan is the most important thing.

So he grinned and said, "Okay."

Xia Yan also smiled.

Unexpected gain.

Du didn't expect to have such an unexpected harvest, and after chatting with Xia Yan for a while, he went to ponder tactics.

Although he agreed to Xia Yan's appointment, he didn't mean to refuse at all.

But he was still very serious.

Based on his understanding of Xia Yan, the so-called "tactics" are definitely not simple.

So he must take it seriously.

at the same time.

He also wanted to see what kind of strength he has now, his close friend who stepped into the Elite Four position ahead of him.


Letting Xia Yan see his progress and his tactical planning is also one of Du's goals.

Looking out the window, the noisy arena, and the crowded heads, Xia Yan sighed and sighed in his heart.


The little person and character who was struggling at the bottom of Saffron City Struggle has finally come to this point.

The grief and hardships, only he himself understands.

He also took advantage of the experience of the previous life to get to the present.

And those who are really at the bottom of Struggle may not be able to break free from the quagmire of the bottom in this lifetime.

Compared with the difficulty of surviving through the cracks in the Xicui era, those living at the bottom of the modern age are actually even more difficult.

At least.

Although the people of the Xicui era were suffering and dangerous, at least they could see hope.

And those who live at the bottom of the modern age may not even have the moment to look up at the sun.

in their eyes.

There will always be cramped corners, narrow spaces, and shadows that fill the field of vision.

"You seem to be feeling emotional?"

Cynthia didn't know when it came to Xia Yan.

Xia Yan shook his head slightly, "A little bit."

"Pressure from identity change?"

"All." Xia Yan said ambiguous.

Cynthia pursed her lips.

She gave him a complicated look.

In Xia Yan's heart, there is always something hidden that they can't understand.

Sometimes, these good friends of them are very worried that the pressure in his heart is too great.

So always talk to him about some happy things when there is nothing to do.

Tuk Tuk-

"Xia Yan, Cynthia, it's your turn to play."

At this time.

Elite Four Kerwin pushed the door and walked in.

"Come." Xia Yan and Cynthia said after looking at each other.

"Let's go, let's cheer you on together." Daye stood up.

"This is a step we must take in the future, let Xia Yan and Cynthia show us a sample." Lucian pressed his glasses.

that's it.

The group walked out of the lounge.

Xia Yan and Cynthia followed Kerwin to the high platform.

And Du, Steven and others went to the auditorium.

"Kerwin Elite, can you tell us about our Rival this time? So that the two of us are somewhat prepared." Xia Yan suddenly said.

do not know why.

He always felt that President Igor, who had arranged everything well, didn't tell them about the Rival of their exhibition game in advance, and he didn't give them the information about the Rival of the exhibition game, which was a bit abnormal.

Of course it's not that kind of malicious abnormality, it just feels abnormal.

Hearing this, Kerwin smiled and said mysteriously, "You will find out later."

talking room.

They have come out of the tunnel.

boom--! !

With their appearance, fireworks were lit in the audience, and countless colorful pieces of paper fell from the sky.


The cheers of the audience were like a normal tide, one wave after another.

Xia Yan and Cynthia immediately showed professional smiles and waved to the surrounding auditorium.

On their way from the exit to the high platform, Host began to introduce the two.

Xia Yan's titles were stunned by the host, who muttered for half a minute.

When Xia Yan and Cynthia came to power.

Igor Alexander, president of the Sinnoh Alliance, was waiting for them in a wheelchair with a smile on his face.

"I believe everyone present is clear, what is the purpose of this conference today?" Host spoke passionately.

Xia Yan and Cynthia came to Igor.

"Don't be nervous, it's just an exhibition game. Whether you win or lose, it won't have much impact on the final result. Of course, winning is the best." Igor reassured.

Host continues:

"Next, will be one of the highlights of this Conference, the Elite Exhibition Tournament!"

Whoa-! !

Elite exhibition match? !

Only Xia Yan and Cynthia participated, but they have not been awarded the position of Elite Four.

After the fight, though, they might just be.

"The first game is our 'tactician master' Mr. Xia Yan! And his Rival is"

Host also deliberately sold a pass,

Aroused everyone's curiosity.

This exhibition match is weird.

In most exhibition competitions, the names of the people participating in the competition are used as gimmicks, but this time it went the opposite way, giving enough suspense.

All you know is that Rival is an Elite Four.

In the passage directly opposite the high platform, a figure slowly walked out.

Seeing the outline of this figure, Xia Yan's pupils shrank suddenly.

Cheeks twitched slightly.

Look at Igor.

Play so big?

"She is the Kanto Elite Four, Agatha!!!"

Whoa-! !

Is it the veteran Elite Four Agatha? !

More importantly, this is Xia Yan's Teacher.

Hearing Agatha's name, not only Xia Yan was stunned.

Du and the others in the stands were also stunned.

It's dying.

And the rickety figure who walked slowly out of the opposite passage was not Xia Yan's Teacher Agatha, but who could it be?

I saw Agatha raised her head sullenly.

The turbid eyes just meet with Xia Yan.

How could Agatha, who protects the shortcoming, not participate in such a thing as his proud disciple was appointed to the Elite Four?

I just didn't expect it to be waiting here.

Xia Yan is really suffering and can't tell.

He understood that Igor was trying to surprise him.

But he felt that it was more Astonish.

(End of this volume)


PS: The sixth volume is over here, and a summary should be written later. Then tomorrow will be the double monthly pass. Everyone vote for the monthly pass. I will try my best to do more. After all, I have already updated 33w words this month~~

(End of this chapter)

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