The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 863 I Am Elite! (Two In One)

Chapter 862 I am Elite! (two in one)

Bertha looked at Xia Yan and watched Duolong Bart rolled over and swept Ryujin Hoshino away with his own eyes.

It's really not ambiguous at all.

The appointment has not been officially completed.

It's already a bit like an Elite Four.

It's just that Bertha is more curious.

"Xia Yan, where did you get those information from?"

Xia Yan patted Duolong Bartto, who had returned from the destruction of the world, and said with a smile:

"Part of it was investigated a long time ago, and part of it was bluffing him."

Bertha's eyes widened.

"Fuck him?"

Xia Yan shrugged and looked at Bertha strangely.

"But he does, doesn't he?"

Did you admit it?

Didn't you recognize it?

Bertha thought it over in her head.

It seems that from the beginning to the end, Xia Yan didn't give Xingye Long a chance to really admit it.


Because of his various practices, people suddenly ignored this link.

It seems that what Xia Yan said is the truth.

Hear the cheers from the audience.

This time an exhibition match.

Xia Yan not only won the victory from Agatha's hands.

And because Hoshino Ryu really suddenly entered, further increasing his prestige.

Most of the people present have recognized his strength and ability.

"Don't underestimate the ability of our president, Bertha Elite." After Xia Yan said without a thought, he and Agatha disappeared from the arena.

Even after he disappeared from everyone's sight, the cheers continued one after another.

Xia Yan has been recognized by most people.

Bertha blinked.

Does this matter have anything to do with Alexander Conference Chief?

Enter the player channel.

Only Xia Yan and Agatha were the master and apprentice.

"Teacher, can you stop investigating me? What if he finds out something?"

Xia Yan immediately changed his appearance, with a sad face.

Agatha, with a cane, ignored him at all and walked right past him.

Seeing this, Xia Yan pouted.

Don't you just lose?

Strong old lady.

When Xia Yan caught up with Agatha again, she spoke slowly.

"I've noticed you over there. Du will calm down during this time. He should have been stimulated today. It's time to go back and prepare for the Masters."

Hearing this, Xia Yan raised his eyebrows.


The appearance of Doron Bartto should be more than just crossing.


Xia Yan shivered when he thought of how he would look when he was about to face them later.

He won't be beaten, will he?

Mortal Kombat kind.

Converging the divergent thoughts, Xia Yan said seriously: "Have you noticed me over there?"

"During this period of time, you also asked the Hunters Guild to restrain themselves and pretend to be cautious when facing the investigation. They should not start directly with you, but through other people or your subordinates."

Xia Yan remembered all these.

The biggest possibility is nothing more than Joe Anna.

But for Qiao Anna, Xia Yan is the most at ease.


Agatha stopped and turned to look at him.

Xia Yan was taken aback by her action.

Looking at Agatha, who was standing in the shadows, more and more infiltrating, she showed a shy smile.


"That Duolong Bartto is good. Although the tacit understanding, cooperation and system with you are not enough, it is very valuable for training."

As one of the pillars of the Kanto Region Elite Four, Agatha naturally knows a little about the Galar Region.

As a Ghost master, she may be able to see the potential of Duolong Bartto better than Xia Yan.


Xia Yan nodded solemnly.

Even if Agatha didn't say it, he knew the shortcomings between him and Doron Bartto, and what needs to be made up.

"I'll give this to you, I didn't expect it to be really useful."

Saying that, Agatha took out a gray stone out of nowhere.

After being stuffed into Xia Yan's arms, he disappeared into the shadows.

I don't know if he left or disappeared with Gengar's help.

When looking down at the rough stone in his hand, Xia Yan was stunned when he looked at the looming edges and corners.

Looking at the already empty shadow, I was stunned.

I see.

On the stone he was holding in his hand, there was a slight outline showing a triangle shape.

is a fossil.

The Fossil of Doron Messiah!

In the hands of Agatha, there is actually the fossil of the dragon Messiah?

Has she been to Galar?

Or, was it acquired in a different dimension of the Alliance?

But it doesn't matter.


If this fossil can be resurrected, then the "Dragon Darts" of Duolong Bartto will be alive!

This is definitely not a small strength improvement for Doron Bartto.

Carefully rub the fossil again.

"Perhaps. This was originally prepared by Teacher for himself?"

This teacher of my own is unsmiling and very strict in doing things.

But to myself, I really have nothing to say.

For Agatha.

Including Professor Oak, and Pryce, who split up not long ago.

For these teachers, Xia Yan is grateful from the bottom of his heart.

Each of them contributed their own strength to Xia Yan's growth path.

"Okay, Xia Yan, we don't even know that you are hiding such a Pokémon."

As soon as you enter.

I saw a few people in the lounge sitting on chairs, with a posture of asking for guilt.

Du slapped the table and asked sharply.

Xia Yan shrank his neck.

I knew there was such a reserved program.

After thinking about it, he said, "What, I'll treat you tonight?"

"Okay!" Lorelei immediately helped Xia Yan out of the siege.


Steven, who was sitting upright, coughed softly.

"Two meals, bring supper!" Du raised two fingers.

"No problem." Xia Yan replied cheerfully, patting his chest.

Steven blinked.

"No, that's it?"

Cynthia next to her covered her mouth and smiled and rolled her eyes.

Because the arena was badly damaged, the second exhibition match would take a while, and Cynthia didn't have to rush to play.

But she knew that the reason why Du had been clamoring the most before and had compromised so quickly.

In Baiyang Town, Xia Yan alone gave them a Mega Evolution stone.

This favor has not been repaid yet.

It seems that Xia Yan took advantage, but only Cynthia knew that it was actually Du taking advantage.

Ferry is shrewd.

Of course, she also took advantage of Cynthia.

Xia Yan pulled out the chair and sat down.

You said quietly: "Steven, I wanted to give you something, but now. It's a pity—"

"Something?" Steven's eyes lit up.

Duo and Cynthia looked at each other.

Seeing Xia Yan take off his hat and put it on the table, he continued to tut: "It's alright, you think I didn't say anything, you continue."

Steven saw that the three of them had compromised so quickly, and he had long known that there was no need to persevere.

He coughed and tidied up the cuffs of his small suit.

"This time, I'll let you go."

Xia Yan's smile grew brighter.

This is not.

Has a crisis been resolved?

It's actually not difficult to operate.

Tuk Tuk-

Xia Yan's index finger tapped the table in the lounge.

Look around the four.

"You know, a person's life can be summed up in one word, which word is it?" Xia Yan suddenly asked.

one word?

Several people suddenly showed a puzzled look.

Xia Yan sat up straight and said seriously, "Guess what."

They looked at each other a few times.

Lorelei was the first to speak and said cautiously, "One word, good?"

Human beings are inherently good?

Xia Yan shook his head.

Du also said, "Goodness must be too one-sided, there must be good and evil, and they coexist."

Lorelei rolled him a sullen look at him.

"Then say it."

"Benefit!" Du sternly said.


It also makes sense.

Several people looked at Xia Yan.

But they still shook their heads in response.

"Desire?" Cynthia also tentatively asked.

The origin of all pursuits is desire.

Somewhat interesting.

However, Xia Yan shook his head again.


Steven who spoke last.

Isn't life the most important thing in a person's life?

But Xia Yan not only denied it, but also had a weird smile on his face.

This smile made the four of them look a little "creepy".

"Then Xia Yan, what is it?" Steven couldn't help but want Xia Yan to announce the answer.

Xia Yan smiled without saying a word, just continued to tap the table.

It wasn't until the faces of several people turned a little bad that he lowered his eyes and his body trembled slightly.

"It's cheap!"

As soon as the answer was announced, Xia Yan couldn't help laughing.


A few people looked at each other.

Then get up at the same time.

Du rolled up his sleeves, "Don't stop me, I can't help it anymore."

Steven loosened the tie around his neck, "Who stopped you? Let me come first!"

"Senior Xia Yan, don't blame me." Lorelei held his glasses.

Cynthia tied the drooping strands of hair behind her head, "Add me."

Xia Yan's laughter stopped abruptly.

"Don't, don't, just kidding, have something to say, have something to say--!!"

Although long time no see.

But the relationship between them never faded.

On the contrary, as time goes by, it exudes a more and more mellow fragrance.

Bickering has become a habit for them.


There was a wailing and wolf howling in the lounge.

As a result, the staff who were guarding outside showed a dazed look.

"Let's keep you all waiting! For the second exhibition game, let's welcome first, Miss Cynthia!!"

After Host's voice fell.

Cynthia, tall, delicate in appearance, and graceful in temperament, walked out of the contestant passage.

Cheers all over the place.

Especially when they saw that Cynthia, who was originally beautiful but with a slightly distant temperament, had a little blush on her white face, the cheers were even more exaggerated.

Some young boys almost rushed down from the stands.

"Then, let's welcome the Dragon Elite from the Kalos Region, Drasna Elite!"


It's actually a Dragon Elite Drasna!

The audience originally thought that the battle between Xia Yan and Agatha today was exciting enough and was the pinnacle.

Watching Cynthia's exhibition game, is that watching the game?

No matter how wonderful the game is, does Cynthia look good?

But did not expect.

The second player to appear is actually Elite Drasna from the Kalos Region.

It seems that the level of excitement has been foreseen.

in the stands.

Hearing the words "Dragon Elite", Xia Yan, who looked a little embarrassed, turned his head to look at Du beside him.

"Why?" Du glared back maliciously.

Before Xia Yan could speak, Lorelei on the other side said faintly: "Someone, look at it, what is the Dragon Elite."

It also emphasized the word "Dragon".


Instead of arguing with Lorelei, Du gave Xia Yan an angry look.

This stalk was made by Xia Yan, and now it's completely untenable.


What Xia Yan actually wanted to say was not this.

He's already played this shit.

Not to mention.

What he wanted to say was.

"There is an insider, there is definitely an insider, Drasna and Cynthia are fellow villagers."

Drasna is also from Celestic Town in Sinnoh.


She also knows the "Dragon's Tomb" in Celestic Town.

"Just you, how dare you say that someone has an inside story?" Steven couldn't take it anymore.


You showed it to others like you were breaking up between master and apprentice, so you have the nerve to say that they have an inside story?

Xia Yan smiled.

That is, he can feel it.

Before Agatha didn't send out Trump Card, it really didn't contain any water.


The battle between Cynthia and Drasna was great.

At the same time, Xia Yan can also clearly feel the progress of Cynthia.


Definitely also eligible for the Elite Four.

The only downside may be that the main Pokémon has not yet reached the Elite level.


I believe that if you give her a little more time, it will not be difficult for all members to enter the Elite level.

And the cheers of the two fighting against each other were no less than the cheers when Xia Yan and Agatha fought against each other.

Although it may be a little less exciting.

But the two beauties, Cynthia and Drasna, supported the scene, and the difference was not far behind.

After these two exhibitions.

Xia Yan also felt the good intentions of Igor, the chairman of Sinnoh Alliance.

His Xia Yan's Rival is his Teacher Agatha.

Cynthia's Rival is her fellow, and perhaps blood-related, Drasna.

It took a lot of thought and a lot of money to send the two of them up.


After this battle.

Those who have bad intentions for Xia Yan and Cynthia may also have to weigh up whether they can get a bargain from them.


The wonderful show has come to an end.

The exhibition match between Cynthia and Drasna was not as twists and turns as Xia Yan.

It neither lost Drasna's reputation nor increased Cynthia's.

at last.

Igor, the president of the Sinnoh Alliance, came to the stage again in a wheelchair.

With him, there are now Elite Four Bertha, Kerwin.

"Let's welcome Mr. Xia Yan and Miss Cynthia to the stage!"

"Xia Yan Elite! Xia Yan Elite! Xia Yan Elite!"

"Cynthia Elite! Cynthia Elite! Cynthia Elite!"

The cheers of the mountain and the tsunami were all recognition of the two.

Prestige affirmation, strength affirmation.

Xia Yan is still relatively happy.

He chose Sinnoh Region.

If in Kanto.

Even with his current strength, he may not be able to become an Elite Four.

Didn't you see Bruno, who was rumored to be preparing to challenge the Elite position, has there been no news yet?

Competitive pressure in Kanto Region.

too big.


Under the watchful eyes of the audience, in the shooting of countless cameras.

Xia Yan and Cynthia, respectively, received the medals representing the Elite Four from Igor.

Although, the two are now only "agents" Elite in name.

But no one at the scene doubted whether they could take out the word "agent".

Perhaps, when the Masters is over, the word "agent" above the two of them will naturally disappear.

"Xia Yan Elite, Cynthia Elite, and Sinnoh in the future, it's up to you to work together."

Under the diffusion of the microphone, Igor's warm voice spread throughout the arena, and it also reached the ears of everyone in front of the computer and TV.

As the president of Sinnoh Alliance, his words officially finalized the identities of Xia Yan and Cynthia.

I don't know if it was intentional or not.

Igor also deliberately did not mention the word "agent".

And the audience tacitly agreed that no one raised any objection.

Is the true ending of Hoshino Ryu not representative enough?

From today.

The identities of Xia Yan and Cynthia are Elite Four!

While announcing the identities of the two, Igor also announced the affairs they need to be responsible for.

Xia Yan has no doubts.

The search department has been appointed.


Without Igor's explanation, Xia Yan knew what the first thing he wanted to do after he took over the search department.

All the families, forces, and gangs related to Ryuichi Hoshino and the two Elites should be investigated, cleaned up, and recovered.

And Cynthia is responsible for the research department.

Because of her status as an ancient scholar, she has experience in this area.

It's easier to start here.

From it, Xia Yan felt an obvious difference in treatment.

This may be. The poor raise children, and the rich raise daughters.


PS: The detailed outline is here. I will continue to organize it. If I have written too much in the past two days, I will make a small burst of 1.5w words today. I have already updated 37w words this month. I will reorganize the follow-up outline.

Thank you "Yan Ming", "Wu Sidisi" and "Xiaoyi Xiaolou" for their rewards, and thank you for all the rewards~~ Bow~~

(End of this chapter)

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