The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 866 Dark Feather (5K, Guarantee The Monthly Pass!)

Chapter 865 Dark Feather (5k, Guarantee the Monthly Pass!)

"Infernape, Close Combat!"

"Latios, Dragon Pulse!"

boom--! !

Accompanied by a loud roar.

In front of him, a seemingly primitive building with a certain age became fragmented during the attack.


Ordinary people watched this scene outside the bar pulled up by the Alliance police.

Point to this.

"It's really Xia Yan Elite."

"As expected of Xia Yan Elite, the Mountain View family, they have been powerful enough for a long time, but I didn't expect to secretly collude with the defecting Elite."

"I heard that the Shan Shan family originally wanted to win over Xia Yan Elite, and the old man Shan Shan even wanted his granddaughter to marry Xia Yan Elite."

"Bah! Just the granddaughter of old man Shan Shan, how can she be worthy of Xia Yan Elite?"

"Actually, that girl looks okay, but it is said that she was directly caught by Xia Yan Elite. She is really selfless."

"However, since Xia Yan Elite took office, the crime rate in the town has dropped significantly."


Listening to these comments, Xia Yan twitched his eyes without a trace.

No idea.

The granddaughter of the old man Shanshan did indeed have a fox-like face, that figure, that curve tsk tsk.


After Ryuichi Hoshino and Blaise betrayed, Igor launched a massive purge of the large and small family forces that colluded with him.

The Mountain View family, who has inherited a long history, is one of them.

"Xia Yan Elite, all Mountain View people, all captured successfully."

Officer Jenny, who was in charge of one of the missions, saluted Xia Yan and said.

His face was full of respect.

There was even a hint of admiration in her eyes.

Just one month.

Xia Yan's reputation for being resolute and decisive has spread in Sinnoh.

"Okay, hard work."

Xia Yan called back Infernape and Latios, smiled and nodded to Officer Jenny.

Officer Jenny saw Xia Yan's gentle smile, and his face flushed a little.

His chest was raised, and the things that could not be completely concealed under the neat uniform shook.

"Then I, I'll go check if there are any omissions."

"it is good."

Until Officer Jenny leaves.

Two more people came to him.

One had an explosive head and hung his hands in his trouser pockets.

One has green hair and wears a black carapace vest.

These two were actually Daye and Aaron.

"Xia Yan, get it done."

Daye gestured towards Xia Yan.

"Senior Xia Yan, how do you know that there is still a secret library underground in this mountain view family?"

Aaron looked curious.

And they.

Now they are all Xia Yan's subordinates.

That's right.

After Xia Yan became an Elite Four and took over the search department, he immediately called Daye and Aaron into the search department.

Euphemistically, it allows them to get more exercise.

the most important is.

They all believed it.

Now he has become Xia Yan's two capable officers in the search department.

"Obviously, Xia Yan's information channel is much larger than we thought."

at the same time.

A young man in a red suit with long purple hair, holding glasses and holding a book in his hand also came over.



Lucian was not called into the search department by Xia Yan, but recruited him as a secretary!

cough cough.

Say something.

Since Lucian became Xia Yan's secretary, he no longer has to worry about those big and small things.

And after getting the help of these three people.

Xia Yan finally got out of the "quagmire" of Elite Four.

His plan is good.

Later, Lucian was responsible for handling the documents, while Daya and Aaron were responsible for the combat.

As long as it doesn't involve the Elite level, he will soon be able to return to the "leisure" days of throwing hands at the shopkeeper again.

of course.

Recruiting them is not purely to squeeze their labor force.

This matter was approved by Igor.

Now Xia Yan and Cynthia have become Elite Four, Lucian, Daye, and Aaron's talents are not weak, and they are worth cultivating.

This is already paving the way for them.

at the same time.

Xia Yan also promised them that every once in a while, they could accept their challenges.

Only then did the three agree to take up their current positions.

"How about it?"

Xia Yan looked at Lucian.

Lucian pushed his glasses again and opened the document in his hand. There was a large list of lists, nearly half of which had been erased.

The Mountain View family is the one that was just erased.

Lucian said slowly: "In one month, you received a total of twenty-four Presents, rejected thirteen marriage requests, and arrested fifteen young Stephanies."

"so much?"

The big leaf next to him was surprised.

Xia Yan's forehead was covered with black lines.

"You counted this?"

What's this all about.

"Besides, I took the Present and said it as if I didn't give you any points. Da Ye, give me back the Fire Stone. Aaron, give me that Elite Poison Barb, and Lucian, give me back the Dawn Stone. I."

However, his words were ignored directly.

Aaron snapped his fingers and suddenly looked surprised.

"Wait, that's not right, obviously he just refused thirteen marriage requests, why are fifteen Stephanies arrested?"

Xia Yan: "."

Lucian gave him a sidelong glance and said in a flat tone, "Because there were two times, it was twins."


So exciting?

Aaron was suddenly stunned.

But say no.

In the eyes of the Sinnoh family, Xia Yan is really a fragrant bun.

Young, handsome, powerful, high in status, and talented in research. It is said that he has passed the professor application. In the eyes of any big family Stephanie, he is definitely a golden tortoise son-in-law.

"Are they all caught?" Daye expressed incomprehension.

"These are the ones who knew they were going to be investigated, so they acted more blatantly. There are too many people who are not worried about being investigated. I didn't count them."

Lucian stroked his hair and said, "Also, including this time, we have worked overtime eleven times this month."

Xia Yan took a deep breath.

"What are you counting?"

Lucian closed the file.

"These are all recorded by me deliberately, and the rest, which do not need to be counted at all, are all here."

Saying that, he pointed to his head.

One of Lucian's great advantages as a secretary is his superb memory.


Xia Yan was angry.

Recruiting the three of them will save trouble.

But because they are too familiar, they have no self-consciousness as subordinates.

Xia Yan also doesn't take the shelf of Elite.

That's what caused it now.

Friendship is more important than subordinate relationship.

"The Mountain View family has a total of seven violations of discipline, including secretly colluding with the defected Elite, colluding with the Hunter Guild, secretly with Team Galactic, illegally capturing wild Pokémon, and privately abusing the power of the Alliance."

After listening.

Xia Yan nodded with satisfaction.

"There is also a message from Bertha Elite just now, saying that because of the recent movement, some families have been unable to sit still and are trying to leave Sinnoh. Let us move faster." Lucian reported again.

Hold up the hat.

"I see. We will let Daye and Aaron lead a team of search teams and act separately. Lucian, you are in charge of the center."

Been taking them for a while.

Xia Yan felt that the three of them could already act alone.

Daye is impulsive, passionate, and easy to do things.

Aaron is simple and honest, stubborn, and sometimes likes to be sharp, and is not good at flexibility.

But if Lucian is the most powerful brain in the center of the command and dispatch, he can be completely relieved.

"Then what are you doing?" Daye blinked.

"Me?" Xia Yan pressed his hat, "Of course there are more important things."

After working so hard for so long, it's time to go back to sleep and rest.

Although the training of the Pokémons did not fall off.

But he felt he should take a break.

Even if it is an Elite, it is necessary to combine work and rest.

Da Ye wanted to say something else.

Suddenly, an ordinary member dressed in the costume of the search department strode over.

In his hand he was holding something wrapped in special oiled paper.

"Xia Yan Elite, when we were counting the secret vaults of the Mountain View family just now, there was one thing we couldn't identify." The inspector said respectfully.

Xia Yan nodded slightly, motioning him to open it and take a look.

The man didn't hesitate.

An object about the length of a slap, but narrower than a slap.

Wrapped in four or five layers of oil paper.

After slowly opening it, the appearance of the items in it was revealed.

It was actually a black feather.

As soon as it was opened, the thick dead aura and the energy of the Ghost system immediately dissipated.

And seeing this, Xia Yan's pupils shrank suddenly.

"What is this?" Daye was a little curious and wanted to grab it and take a look.

But Xia Yan stopped him.

"What's wrong?"

Only then did Daye see Xia Yan's extremely ugly face.

Lucian frowned.

"This feather is full of Ghost-type energy. But as I recall, among the Ghost-type Pokémon, there is no Pokémon with feathers, right?"

Lucian can also be regarded as a mobile encyclopedia.

But he also couldn't recognize what the feather was.

"Senior Xia Yan, do you know him?"

The eyes of several people fell on Xia Yan.


At this time, Xia Yan's face was extremely solemn and extremely ugly.

He took a deep breath again.

To the three people: "The next action, just follow what I said, Lucian, you are responsible for the overall planning."

Say it.

He grabbed the feather.

It was seen in his hand, wrapped in a thin layer of Psychic.

But the Ghost-type energy tainted on the feathers kept trying to erode his Psychic, making a "hissing" sound from time to time.

"Where is the Mountain View Rongshu?"

He looked at the investigating officer.

"Yes, still in the house."

Xia Yan strode towards the mansion that was mostly in ruins, leaving Daye and the three to look at each other.

what's the situation?


Xia Yan came to the innermost room of the dilapidated house.

The current old patriarch of the Shan Shan clan, Shan Shan Rongshu was tied up and thrown here, waiting for the incident to be over, and then escorted back to the Alliance headquarters.

"Go out first."


The investigators who were still searching in the room withdrew one after another.

Xia Yan squatted directly in front of the old man in Shan Shan Rongshu.

This guy was also a good trainer when he was young.

The Mountain View family existed before Sinnoh Alliance settled in.

However, now that the Sinnoh Alliance is in charge of Sinnoh, they use the old-fashioned methods of the past, and they are still out of date.

Xia Yan squatted in front of Shan Shan Rongshu without talking nonsense, took out the feather, and said solemnly, "Where did you get it?"

Shan Shan Rongshu looked withered, raised his eyelids with some difficulty, and glanced at the feathers in Xia Yan's hand.

In the cloudy eyes, there is a little look.

He barely raised his eyelids, looked at Xia Yan with a heavy face, and grinned, revealing sparse teeth.


"I don't have time to listen to your nonsense. If you want to say it, hurry up. If you don't want to say it, I have a way for you to say it."

It seemed that he finally felt Xia Yan's tough attitude.

Shan Shan Rongshu opened his mouth and said hoarsely: "Leave a fire for our Shan Shan family, she can serve your daily life, she can be at your mercy, yes."

"Oh shit!"

But at this moment, Xia Yan's temper was extraordinarily irritable.

Some are not quite like his usual calm appearance.

Those who are familiar with Xia Yan know that he only shows this expression when his Pokémon, or his few good friends, are in trouble.

"Aegislash." Xia Yan shouted.

next second.

A strip of purple satin jumped out of Xia Yan's shadow and wrapped around the old arm of Shan Shan Rongshu.

Immediately after.

Shan Shan Rongshu's complexion was distorted, and his expression became dull after a while.

"Where did you get this feather?" Xia Yan asked again.

"We will deliver to the Johto Region in Blazeto." Shanshan Rongshu said intermittently.


Xia Yan narrowed his eyes.

"Why didn't she deliver it herself?"

"No, I don't know."

"Where did she escape to?" Xia Yan asked again.

"Sea, sea."

"Did you have a way to contact her?"


Blaise was very careful, Xia Yan couldn't get any useful information from the mountain of Rongshu in Shanshan.

However, now his mind is not actually on Blaise, the Elite Four who defected.

Stare at the feather in your hand.

Lucian didn't know this feather, but Xia Yan knew it.


Even Xia Yan knew the strong Ghost-type energy on it.


He never imagined that he would encounter this feather in this seemingly ordinary cleaning mission.

Xia Yan stood up.

Looking in a direction to the south.

Eyes seem to be able to penetrate through thick walls.

murmured: "Marshadow"

It was "Rainbow Wing", Professor Oak once gave him one, but when Larvesta hatched, Xia Yan reluctantly took it to feed Larvesta.

It stimulated the rich life energy in Larvesta and contributed to its fire of life.

And that dark feather.

It's almost identical to the "Rainbow Wing" silhouette he got before, the only difference is the color.

But the rich Ghost-type energy wrapped around the feather is not Marshadow, but who else could it be?

"'Rainbow Brave' assessment?"

Xia Yan, who was sitting on Latios' back, murmured.

Rather than calling it the assessment of the "Rainbow Hero", Xia Yan was even more willing to believe whether Marshadow was in any trouble.

After all, the Elite Four Blaise who defected, went to sea.

And the misty island where Marshadow is located is also at sea.

It's just because the misty island is isolated from the signal, and because it's a weak space between the Pokémon world and the world of destruction

"Distortion World? Giratina?!"

Xia Yan suddenly reacted.

Although Marshadow is not Xia Yan's Pokémon.

But he has a good relationship with Marshadow.

In a way, Marshadow had saved his life.

So having a hunch that Marshadow might encounter something unexpected, Xia Yan decided to rush over to take a look.

"Sorry, I haven't seen you for so long." He blamed himself a little.


Take the time to meet Marshadow early and tell it about Giratina, so Marshadow won't have to stay on the Misty Isle all the time.


The communicator on Xia Yan rang.

It is Bertha.

"Xia Yan, where are you going?"

Bertha should have obtained Xia Yan's information from the three Lucian who went back to report.

"There is something to deal with. It's no problem to leave it to Lucian for the investigation department." Xia Yan said briefly.

Bertha on the other end of the phone was silent for a while.

After a while, he slowly said:

"You got information on Blaise?"

"No." Xia Yan denied it, but quickly added: "Maybe it may have something to do with it. I have to investigate before I can get specific information."

"Don't be impulsive."

"Don't worry, I know what to do, and I won't do stupid things." Xia Yan interrupted Bertha.


The impression Xia Yan left on Sinnoh Alliance over the years also flashed in Bertha's mind, and he felt that he was a calm person.

No longer discouraged.

"Okay. Then be careful. In short, no matter what happens, get back to us as soon as possible."


After speaking, Xia Yan put away the phone.

"Giratina may not know about the Misty Island. After all, the destruction of the world is so big, and there are many places that intersect with the Pokémon world space. It may be faster to fly over."

Xia Yan took out the Key Stone.

"Latios, continue to raise the Flying height."


As a "jet", Latios' straight-line Flying speed may not even be faster than some Elite-level Pokémon.


Mega Latios!

Blue-purple hair, more three-dimensional streamlined jet structure.

After completing Mega Evolution, the speed of Mega Latios was instantly raised by more than one grade.

at the same time.

After such a long period of training and fighting, Latios is now barely able to step into the Elite level after Mega Evolution.

It's not far from the Elite class!

on the vast sea.

Dim light.

There seems to be some terrifying beast hidden in the thick dark clouds, sinking to the sky.

The faint hazy mist grew thicker.

There is nothing but the unknown.

Xia Yan and Mega Latios plunged into the thick fog.


Just as soon as you enter, Mega Latios feels a little disoriented.

These fogs not only block the signal, but also seem to obscure the Pokémon's sense of direction.

Fortunately, Xia Yan came in once.

Gently stroke Latios' neck to reassure him.

"Keep going in this direction."

Xia Yan raised his hand.

This is where Mega Latios has its backbone.


As it approaches.

The dark outline of an island slowly appeared in their sight.

Seen from a distance.

The islands don't seem to have changed.

But when he got close, Xia Yan's complexion suddenly sank.

The quaint houses at the entrance of the island had turned into a pile of scorched earth.

"Sure enough, there's something wrong with Marshadow."


PS: I wish everyone a happy Labor Day~~ The first chapter at the beginning of the month is here, please guarantee the monthly pass~~ As long as I don’t have a card, there will be no less updates tomorrow~~

(End of this chapter)

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