The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 874 Xia Yan And The Truth, Yan Xia And Ideals (Two In One)

Chapter 873 Xia Yan and the truth, Yan Xia and ideals (two in one)

Outside Yuanzhu City.

In the dense forest between Goldenrod City and Yuanzhu City.

A man with short light blue hair, wearing a white suit, with a fiery red "R" sign engraved on his chest, one hand behind his back, the other holding a communicator, and a vaguely veiled expression on his face. smile.

Beside him, followed by a Hypno.

There are also many people dressed in the elite Black Rockets costumes moving around.

It can be seen that they are arresting and gathering a group of people in different clothes.

"Master Archer, not a single one falls, all of them are caught."

One of the captains of Team Rocket, who looked like a leader, came to the man and said respectfully.

This person is the Rockets' commander-in-chief in the Johto Region, the head of the four generals, Archer.

He was communicating with a big man though, so it was just a Solaceon wave.

"Boss, did you hear that?"


There was a calm voice on the phone.

"Suicune has already left, and this group of people is really bold. Don't you want to worry about Ho-Oh's Revenge? It doesn't have a big heart. The other two sides don't seem to be optimistic." Archer muttered.

turn out to be.

The reason Suicune appeared in Enju City without incident was because Giovanni asked Archer to help.

Hearing Archer complain about Ho-Oh's heart, Giovanni couldn't help but chuckle.

"Enough," said Giovanni flatly.

"However, boss. I think this kind of thing is more suitable for Ariana. I like big scenes."

Archer has absolute loyalty to Giovanni, and has also gained Giovanni's absolute trust.

So it's easier to communicate.

While speaking, he also looked up in the direction of Yuanzhu City.

There, even from a long distance, you can still feel the grandeur of the fire.

"Yuanzhu City can't be completely destroyed, but this time the movement can't be small, you won't be able to stop it." Giovanni said.

Archer grinned, "Yes."

Continuing: "But when this incident broke out, Alliance couldn't sit still at all, right?"

"That person and us, each has what we need."

Giovanni's voice came again.

"Unfortunately, my identity is more sensitive, otherwise I might be able to help the leader fight for a spot for you." Archer bundled his hands, tsk tsk.

"Get ready."

Giovanni didn't say anything about Archer's words, but his voice gradually became more distant and full of meaning.

"The Johto Region Region is about to change."

Ho-Oh, who came from afar, saw the burning tower burning violently at first sight.

And Naomi, who stepped on the Hydreigon and flew in front of it.

He even noticed the sycamore tree he was holding in his hand.

The main thing is.

Ho-Oh also saw Entei and Raikou, who were obviously not quite right in the Contest Condition below, and also felt Marshadow's weakness.

a time.

Ho-Oh, who has a bad temper, has a fire in his eyes.

I remembered a lot of bad things.

Legend has it that the Burning Tower was struck by lightning and began to burn, and three Pokémon were trapped at the bottom of the tower to their death. Ho-Oh finally appeared, summoned the rain, extinguished the burning flame, and resurrected the three trapped at the bottom of the tower. Pokémon.

Give Entei the fire that burns the tower, the lightning that strikes the tower to Raikou, and the water that extinguishes the fire to Suicune.

So far, people have been full of reverence for Ho-Oh, and they also respect and love the three holy beasts of the Ho-Oh Guard.


They are all widely circulated legends in Yuanzhu City, and they are also the most popular versions.

However, these are abridged versions.

The reality is.

When the original humans saw the resurrection of the dead Pokémon, the first thing they felt was not a surprise but an Astonish.

No matter what ability is used, but under the circumstances and cultural level of the time, all humans can feel are Astonish and fear.

Therefore, people are more repulsive and fearful of Ho-Oh, who resurrected the three holy beasts.

They denounced Ho-Oh's behavior.

It is precisely because of this that Ho-Oh has never returned to Yuanzhu City since then, and the Bell Tower has never appeared again, and Lugia moved directly to Whirlpool Island.

Otherwise, the Ho-Oh at Bell Tower would land every once in a while, and if everyone here is in awe and adoration as much as it is now, how could it not come back even once for so long?

So, this place is not a good place to remember for it.

The same goes for Entei, Raikou and Suicune.

That's why Entei and Raikou are so easily affected by dark energy.

They don't necessarily follow Naomi's orders.

But instinctive repulsion and disgust made them try to destroy Yuanzhu City.

That is, Suicune, because of Giovanni's intervention, is not affected by the dark energy, and still maintains his sense.

but now.

Entei and Raikou encounter.

The flame of the burning tower rekindled.

Forced call.

Naomi's Taunt.

All became the anger built up in strands of Ho-Oh's eyes.

Brutal-! !

With a high-pitched long cry, Ho-Oh flapped its wings faster, and at the same time, a pure golden flame gushed out from its mouth.

Sacred Fire!

A golden pillar of fire stretched across the void, hitting Naomi directly.

But in the face of this situation, instead of showing fear, Naomi was excited.

He raised the sycamore tree in his hand and greeted the golden flame.

a time.

The seemingly surging flame was absorbed by the sycamore wood in Naomi's hand.

The sycamore tree, which was originally only a bright red section but was like a dead tree, was now like a dead tree in spring, pulling out its tender shoots.

It is full of surging breath of life.

of course.

Ho-Oh's "Sacred Fire" wasn't absorbed so easily, and Naomi, along with the Hydreigon under his feet, was knocked into the air at the same time.

smashed into the rubble.

However, the purpose of his trip was already over here.


Just looking for an opportunity to escape.

So as not to be burned by Ho-Oh, who was furious by Ho-Oh.

Xia Yan on the ground twitched the corners of his eyes.

He just heard An Ci's words, and he didn't have time to do anything, and Ho-Oh cooperated very well to let Naomi get its fire of life.

That thing, Larvesta to Xia Yan.

Also very good stuff.

It's just that the trouble right now

Ho-Oh, who had left Rage, felt Taunt from humans again.

"Hey, Suicune, can you stop it?"

Suicune didn't answer.

Just a sideways glance at Xia Yan.

That look is like looking at a fool.

Let's not say that I can't stop it, even if I can stop it, as someone's subordinate, is it appropriate to do this?


It's impossible to stop it.

It's almost enough to let it stop Entei, and Raikou is enough.


The people who were crawling on the ground also felt the strangeness.

Seems like Ho-Oh isn't here to rescue them?

Seems like Ho-Oh has Rage in his eyes?

Seems like Ho-Oh sees them as accomplices of Naomi's gang?

At this moment, in their hearts, it is not that the sky is falling.

But the whole piece of Soaring in the sky, completely torn apart and disintegrated.

"Gudong——" Whitney swallowed, and she could clearly feel Ho-Oh's anger, "Ho-Oh. Seems mad?"

Song Ye's face was full of bitterness.

"It obviously took us and the group of people who set fire to the tower as a group."

"Try to explain to it." Jasmine rubbed her skirt with her fingers.

If the appearance of Entei and Raikou brought a sense of oppression at the first level, then the sense of oppression brought by Ho-Oh was at the tenth level.

In the face of Entei and Raikou, maybe they still think about Struggle, but in the face of Ho-Oh, they can't think of it.

"If it can hear it, Xia Yan Elite and Suicune will not show that expression." Falkner pointed to Xia Yan and Suicune in front of the burning tower in the distance.

this moment.

As the masters of the gymnasium, their hearts are also full of helplessness.

Even if they believed in Xia Yan and the strength of an Elite Four, when facing Ho-Oh, the name of the Elite Four still seemed so insignificant.


The top veteran Elite Four can do short-term confrontation.

But to stop the current Ho-Oh, a short-term confrontation is definitely not enough.

What's more, Xia Yan doesn't have the strength of those old elites.

"Xia Yan Elite." Whitney muttered.


But this time.

Standing on the top of the burning tower, Anlu looked directly at Ho-Oh without any fear.

He folded his hands together and performed a Buddhist ceremony.


Finally got to meet Ho-Oh.

As a monk in Bell Tower, meeting Ho-Oh, rather than talking about Zen, can be said to be his dream.


He successfully summoned Ho-Oh.

"Brother An."

An Ci also stopped controlling Gengar, put his hands together, and saluted.


In the face of Anlu's call, he responded.

But it was the golden flame that spit out from the mouth of Ho-Oh, who was getting closer.

a time.

The burning tower, which had been extinguished a little because of Suicune's appearance, was burned by Ho-Oh's flames.

In an instant, it completely turned into fly ash.

As for the Burning Tower and An Lu's encounters, those who were still lucky were completely shrouded in despair.

What is the destructive power brought about by completely breaking away from the first-level god of Rage?


The destruction of Yuanzhu City was considered a minor one.

And after a fire burned the Burning Tower, a place that made Ho-Oh's unfavorable impression, Ho-Oh's eyes shifted to Naomi who had fallen into the ruins before.


The crowds that are relatively close to Naomi are also all within its target range.

Xia Yan sighed silently.

"Suicune, help me reassure Entei and Raikou," he said.

Hearing this, Suicune glanced at him.

Just to appease Entei and Raikou?

What about Ho-Oh?

Seemingly seeing its doubts, Xia Yan pressed down on the hat and said in a calm tone, "Leave it to me."

【you? 】

Suicune looked Xia Yan up and down.

But I saw Xia Yan walking in the direction of Ho-Oh step by step.

Look up at Soaring in the sky.

"Tsk, what a beautiful and sunny morning. At this point, you should have a nutritious breakfast and start training." He muttered to himself.

As he walked, everyone's attention was drawn to him.

Xia Yan Elite, what are you going to do?

This is the first thought that flashes in most people's minds.

Immediately after.

Xia Yan Elite is going to stop Ho-Oh alone?

do not know why.

People's hearts trembled.

Is this what the Elite Four do?

Is that what the Elite Four do?

Is this Xia Yan Elite?


The fear in people's hearts, the invisible sense of oppression, seems to be less intense.


People don't feel fear, maybe it's not because there's no fear, it's just that someone is in front of them, looking at all the pressure and moving forward.

There is no such thing as a quiet time in the world, but someone is carrying the burden for you.

"Xia Yan Elite!"

Suddenly someone shouted loudly.

Slowly, more and more voices were heard.

"Xia Yan Elite!"

They screamed hysterically.

Perhaps, just calling Xia Yan's name now can completely dispel the fear and fear in their hearts.

With his back to them, Xia Yan waved.

He was not so calm and optimistic at this time.

The heart is also beating drums.

'You guys, are you here? ’

And Xia Yan's behavior, as well as people's shouts, made Ho-Oh focus on him.

A look of surprise flashed in Rage's eyes.

This group of people, like they used to be, aren't Mikey anymore?

But this thought was only for a moment, and it was swallowed up by anger again.

Xia Yan looked at Ho-Oh.


Loudly said: "Ho-Oh, give me a face for Xia Xia."

Brutal-! !

What answered him was Ho-Oh's high-pitched chirping.

And the pure golden flame that followed.

The flames came straight to Xia Yan's face, and the scalding high temperature even distorted the space.

Everyone stared at this scene, clenching their hands and pulling their hearts.

boom--! !


At the critical moment, before Ho-Oh's "Sacred Fire" was about to devour Xia Yan, a cyan flame shot from the horizon.

Block Ho-Oh's flames.


In the surging explosion, a pure white figure, bathed in cyan flames, passed by Xia Yan's side.

Take it away from the center of the explosion.

The pure white dragon of truth.


Xia Yan, who sat on Reshiram's back, held onto the collar on his neck tightly and let out a long breath.

Just a little bit, and if I want to, I will call out to Giratina.

I saw Reshiram pursed his mouth with a smile, and took Xia Yan to the sky, turned his head and said:

【scared? 】

Xia Yan glared at the double ponytail angrily.

"Did you enjoy watching the play?"

Reshiram blinked innocently.

【Don't you want to leave your legend behind? You just now. Super handsome! 】

Xia Yancai didn't believe Reshiram's nonsense.

This guy just wanted to see if he would make a fool of himself.

"As a real dragon, you have also begun to talk nonsense, and you have been led astray by your brother."

In the case of Reshiram Normal, Xia Yan was almost immobile.

Only when facing the mythical beasts like Ho-Oh.


Both Reshiram and Zekrom agreed to help him leave a legend.


It is not qualified to involve "legendary" behavior, and they will not participate.

That's the bottom line.

"That's... the real dragon, Reshiram?!"

"Yes! Xia Yan Elite, he is still a true hero!"

"Only heroes can gain the favor of the true dragon!"


Seeing that Xia Yan was safe and sound, the crowd boiled again.

this day.

They have seen more than one miracle from Xia Yan's body.

And this time.

Xia Yan can also do it.

Just blindly trusting.

Brutal-! !

When Xia Yan was bickering with Reshiram, Ho-Oh, who was opposite, saw Xia Yan being rescued and Reshiram's appearance, but he didn't give a good face.

Reshiram's expression froze.

Shen Sheng

[Come on, Ho-Oh. 】

Ho-Oh gave it a stern look.

【Reshiram, this is not Unova! Do you think you can stop me? 】

【What if you add me? 】


There was another dragon roar that shook the heavens and the earth.

The dark ideal dragon.


To everyone's astonishment.

On Zekrom's back is the Rockets' top executive. "Yan Xia"!

The real hero, and the ideal hero.

Appear at the same time!


PS: Xiaobang 1.5w, how about a monthly pass?

(End of this chapter)

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