The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 882 Counterattack And Restraint (Two In One)

Chapter 881 Counterattack and restraint (two in one)

Psychic Terrain!

A powerful Psychic centered on Alakazam quickly spread out.

The site belonging to Psychic spread to cover Ma Zhishi's Electric Terrain in an instant.

Just like the weather, the only thing that can deal with the venue is the venue.

The "Psychic Terrain", which Alakazam had been deliberately asked to exercise since he was still Abra, is no longer used often.

It doesn't mean that Alakazam didn't train for this move.


Now Alakazam can release "Psychic Terrain" all the time, but the scope is only limited to its body.

And once Alakazam let go of the control of "Psychic Terrain", it was able to complete the suppression on the field in an instant.

Ma Zhishi's face sank.

"Raichu, Electric Terrain!"

With Raichu plus Magnezone, the two Pokémon unleash "Electric Terrain" in an attempt to reclaim the field advantage from Alakazam.


The price of this is that Ma Zhishi has two Pokémons who must be distracted in the control field.

Even so, between "Electric Terrain" and "Psychic Terrain", it is only equal.

And Alakazam, who had almost become a habit, was free to do other things, but Magnezone and Raichu were held back.

This was originally intended for Tom Yuqi, but it was not used later, but it was "cheap" for Ma Zhishi.

The competition for venues is just the beginning.

Om-! !

In the previous second, relying on his own speed advantage, he avoided Beedrill, who had suddenly increased the speed of the Electivire sneak attack, and once again vibrated his wings and rushed to attack.

It was just a test before, so I still have a hand.

But now, after receiving the order of Xia Yan's comprehensive counterattack, he no longer has any reservations.

The speed of Beedrill exceeded the naked eye ability of 99% of the audience at the scene. If it wasn't for the sensible director who deliberately slowed down the speed of the broadcast, it is estimated that many people would not know what happened.

see you.

Twineedle glowed a khaki color, and the thread-like ground energy spread from the tip of the long needle to cover Beedrill's entire body, causing its entire body to spin.

Drill Run!

I just don't know whether it was "Drill Run" that caused Beedrill to spin, or whether Beedrill applied the Shield of Counterattack technique to it, enhancing the penetration of "Drill Run".

Even if it is Electivire, which relies on speed to eat, it is naturally not comparable to ordinary audiences.

It immediately noticed Beedrill's Flying trajectory and offensive.

And Electivire, as Ma Zhishi's first striker, has never been afraid of this kind of conflict from the front.

After shouting loudly, he bathed in golden thunder light all over his body.

Spark kept pouring out of the two black tentacles that looked like wires on his back.

Wild Charge!

Two figures.

A ray of light radiated in all directions.

A loess surrounds.

The most powerful collision in this battle broke out.

boom--! !

The defensive barrier in front of the audience in the front row shuddered slightly, and the staff guarding the barrier held Poké Balls in their hands one by one, waiting in a serious manner.

The audience also exclaimed.


But when the roar of the explosion and the dust from the collision dissipated, the audience exclaimed again.

Whoa-! !

I see.

Electivire, who was no less imposing than Beedrill, was kneeling on one knee with his stomach covered, staring in disbelief.

And not far from it, Beedrill hovered in the air as if he was nothing, with a bright red color in his eyes.

The only difference.

Perhaps it was the fine electric current that was only wrapped around Beedrill's wings, but now it completely covered the whole body.

Not only is Beedrill's wings rendered golden, but its body is set off exceptionally.

Xia Yan's Beedrill has the Electric Attribute?

This is almost the first thought that flashes in most people's minds.

However, although Ma Zhishi was also full of surprise at this time, his eyes were not staring at Beedrill, but fell on Alakazam who had appeared behind Beedrill at some point, and crossed the Psychic in his spoon eyes.


Ma Zhishi instead stared at Beedrill.

And Beedrill, who was bathed in thunder, shook his wings again.

Om-! !

Between the trembling of the air, the sound of the arc jumping became clearer.


Ma Zhishi's heart immediately sank crazily, and a bad feeling hit his heart instantly.

in the lounge.

"Tsk, sure enough, Alakazam, who is relied on by Xia Yan as the core, is not just a starting point for field hands and defense."

Du shook his head.

Only those who are familiar with Xia Yan know how difficult his "infinite defense switching" system is. It is definitely not just simple defense switching.

"Xia Yan's knowledge of Pokémon is too good, it seems that no Pokémon can escape his observation."

Steven couldn't help but sigh.

Regarding the knowledge of Pokémon, it is simple and simple to say, it is only the restraint between the eighteen attributes.

But if it is complicated, it is really complicated. There are hundreds of thousands of Pokémon, thousands of abilities, countless moves and their respective effects, and Xia Yan can actually understand them.

This is not enough, but it can also be used in actual combat in a timely and flexible manner.

This alone makes more than 99% of Trainers unable to Mimic his tactics.

Ninety-nine percent of the remaining one percent were unable to command and operate this tactic.

"He, too, has worked hard for this," Cynthia murmured.

Also a Sinnoh Elite Four, only Cynthia knows that he has clearly become an Elite Four, and Xia Yan, who is a high-weight, is still working hard every day to train, improve Pokémon, and improve himself, and he has never stopped.

Coupled with his own talent, if such a person is unsuccessful, who succeeds?

Lounge on the other side.

Giovanni shook his head secretly.

"This is the flaw of a single attribute, lose."

"It turns out! It was Xia Yan Elite's Alakazam who used 'Role Play' and 'Skill Swap' at the last moment of the collision between Beedrill and Electivire to copy Electivire's Ability, so that Beedrill's Ability at this time also became an 'Electrical Engine' !"

After listening to the professional reminder from the headset, Host suddenly woke up and reminded all the audience.

And the audience also exclaimed.

I see!

No wonder Electivire looked seriously injured, but Beedrill felt nothing.

"Wild Charge" is a simple collision without the blessing of the Volt current, which poses no threat to Beedrill at all.

However, Beedrill's "Drill Run" had a fatal blow to Electivire.

Xia Yan was actually shaking his head secretly.

‘Unfortunately, if Beedrill was a Snipe Shot hand ability, it should have been instantly killed just now. ’

However, 'Snipe Shot' and 'Electrical Engine' are two abilities. You can't have both, and Xia Yan can still understand the situation.

at the same time.

Beedrill, who has acquired the "Electric Engine" ability, turns the "Wild Charge" of Electivire into its own speed.

As a result, its already exceptional speed has been blessed again.

the most important is.

With the "electric engine", Ma Zhishi has so many electric-type Pokémon, it is difficult to pose a big threat to Beedrill.

It can be said.

At this time, Beedrill, with his "electric engine" and his own speed, has become a "Bug" existence on the field at this time, and he cannot handle it!

Attack the Beedrill of Electivire again and it's about to end it.


Although Ma Zhishi was caught off guard by Xia Yan's hand, he had enough combat experience after all. He was an Executive who climbed up from the Rockets step by step, and he was hit by real guns, and his ability to adapt is still outstanding.

He gave up the fight for the field with Alakazam for the first time.

At the same time, Electrode rolled back quickly with a rounded posture, blocking the middle of Beedrill and Electivire.

It's too late to cast a move, but Electrode doesn't need to cast any moves.

Trying to bounce damage with the "Detonate" Ability!


Beedrill's offensive was unabated, and there was no hesitation.


Just as Electrode was waiting, Beedrill suddenly disappeared in front of Electrode, replaced by Togekiss who was waving his wings and cutting out a sharp blade.

And behind it, Alakazam, where the spoon is bent, and the Psychic is raging!

Bang-! !

It seems that Electrode would appear long ago. Togekiss and Alakazam used long-range moves, which made Electrode's "detonation" ability a decoration.

And Beedrill, who swapped places with Togekiss, just happened to meet the "Zap Cannon" that Ampharos released.

After realizing that Beedrill was difficult to handle, Ma Zhishi not only summoned Electrode to defend against the attack, but also had Ampharos attack Togekiss.

Trying to cut in from another angle, first kill Togekiss, whose Attribute is restrained, and try to reduce Xia Yan.

Then solve the quasi-Elite-level Infernape, forming a six-on-four, with more and less situation, maybe it can reverse the status quo.


Xia Yan's "infinite defense change" made Ma Zhishi's attempt to be in vain.

Instead of taking any damage, Beedrill in the terrifying "Zap Cannon" spread his wings and stared at the electricity and charged towards Ampharos with increasing speed.

It not only cracked the influence of Electrode's Ability, but also solved the offensive of Ampharos, killing two birds with one stone.

Before Electrode was chasing Infernape.

Such behavior by Electrode undoubtedly gave Infernape a chance to be free.

For Ma Zhishi, the quasi-Elite Infernape may not be a big threat, but for Xia Yan, the existence of Infernape is very important.

Seeing himself being ignored, Infernape didn't have any mood changes.

It knows that its strength is insufficient and cannot attract the attention of the other party.

Then in its own way, earn the respect of Rival.

Step out.

The ground roared violently, and the ground was firmly scattered and cracked, and the ground was densely covered with fine cracks in an instant.


And Infernape's Earthquake has no effect on Xia Yan's Pokémon side, but on Ma Zhishi's side, it is a group injury.

Or the large-scale group damage restrained by Attribute!


The sudden appearance of Earthquake caught all of Ma Zhishi's Pokémon by surprise.

Don't think the "Earthquake" of this kick affects Normal.

Not to mention the damage of Ground-type moves to Electric-type Pokémon,

The damage to the Ground surface caused by "Earthquake" alone caused Raichu, who originally ran in the direction of Ampharos, to try to stop Beedrill's Raichu with the "Static" Ability.

Aegislash, who seized the opportunity to drill out of the shadow, slashed the fierce virtual blue sword shadow.

And Raichu's "Static" is densely guarded under the "Safeguard" that Latios has dropped.

Raichu is blocked, and as a last resort, Magnezone and Jolteon can only provide support to Ampharos.

Magnezone used "Flash Cannon" while Jolteon could only use "Iron Tail".


At the current speed of Beedrill, after obtaining two "electric engine" blessings, they are no longer able to easily capture the trajectory.

Under Feint, he forced three Pokémons on his own, and Electivire and Electrode on the other side were not so lucky.

Beedrill pulled back a distance, then blurred again.

Togekiss completes the exchange again with it.

And Beedrill, who appeared again, is already in .

Electivire on the side!

Fell Stinger!

puff--! !

As the last sharp thorn sank into Electivire's body, this Ma Zhishi's number one attacker fell heavily to the ground.


Also gives Beedrill a very impressive power bonus!

Ma Zhishi's Pokémon, the first one to fall.

And all this.

It's just a few short breaths from the moment Beedrill's Ability turns into an "Electric Engine".

Seeing Electivire fall, Ma Zhishi's eyes flashed fiercely.

Viciousness filled his face.

"Electrode, Explosion!"

Ma Zhishi has already seen that Beedrill and Alakazam are the two most crucial Pokémons for Xia Yan.

As long as these two can be dealt with, even with the loss of Electivire and the loss of two Pokémons from Electrode, in a four-on-four situation, he still has a chance of winning.


Xia Yan couldn't help but chuckle.

Here, he would like to thank his Teacher Agatha.

If it wasn't for the last exhibition match, when Agatha almost used "Explosion" to make Xia Yan overturn the car, he might not be so defensive about this move.

But now.

When he saw Ma Zhishi's Electrode and Magnezone, two typical "Self Destruct Pokémon", he was ready.

Beedrill flashed and appeared behind Raichu.

The one that appears here and replaces it is naturally Aegislash.

Chong——! !

The sonorous shield smashed the Ground, and the huge virtual shield stood horizontally.

Wide Guard!

boom--! !

A terrifying explosion suddenly sounded, accompanied by a violent roar, scattered Rock rubble, and a continuous flow of dust.


"Drill Run" smashed Raichu into the Ground, and Infernape "Earthquake" made up for the damage.

Another lightning strike!

And, it was done at the time of Electrode Self Destruct.

a time.

Ma Zhishi lost Electrode and Raichu two Pokémon, plus the previous Electivire, a total of three.

The melee of six Pokémon went to three.

Victory and defeat!

Although Ma Zhishi wanted to try again with Magnezone's "Explosion", it was in vain.

Infernape's fire-type moves also played a big role in Magnezone.


Ma Zhishi underestimated Infernape, but Infernape played a big role in several collisions.

And Jolteon was also beheaded by Latios and Togekiss.

Latios "Luster Purge" weakened Jolteon's special defense, Togekiss got "Nasty Plot" bonus, "Air Slash" had no misses, and Jolteon couldn't counterattack at all when he couldn't get support.

In the end, there was an Ampharos with thick armor, which was placed last by Xia Yan.

But also the most helpless.

Ampharos of the pure electric system was very helpless when facing Beedrill at this time.

Just as Giovanni predicted.

After Beedrill acquired the "Electrical Engine" Ability, with Xia Yan's "Infinite Defense" system, Ma Zhishi could no longer pose much threat to Xia Yan.

And the electricity-type team without electricity-type moves?

Like a tiger without teeth and claws.


boom--! !

The match ended when Ampharos kicked down the red-eyed Infernape, triggering Earthquake.

"Mr. Ma Zhishi's six Pokémon are all incapacitated, so the winner is - Xia Yan Elite!"

Zero to six.

Complete victory!

Whoa-! !

The audience, who held their breath for fear of missing a minute and a second, finally burst into cheers again.

If it weren't for a professional commentary, they might not even understand this battle.

Not to mention that Xia Yan's tactical system is so unpredictable, this Pokémon from time to time, and the Pokémon from time to time, is dizzying.

If you don't get dizzy, it's already great.

Host, who was holding the microphone, was also a little collapsed at this time, his forehead was covered in sweat, and he wiped frantically.

He stood on the Flying device and looked at Xia Yan, who was calm in the field, outside the barrier, and let out a sigh of relief.

Xia Yan's game is difficult to explain, which is already recognized by their commentators.

As a special professional commentator of Kanto Alliance, he has no ability to say, and there are many people in the background who are helping to analyze, but he also broke out in a cold sweat.


Just a little bit, his signboard was also smashed.

But okay.

He made it through.

He could even have a hunch that this battle would be played back by countless people, and his incisive commentary would also allow him to earn a wave of prestige.

Ha, ha - Xia Yan Elite's game isn't that hard to explain, isn't it?

I felt a little guilty in my heart, but I cheered myself up vigorously.

in the venue.

Ma Zhishi put away all the Pokémon and glanced deeply at Xia Yan.

Without saying a word, he turned around and walked towards the player passage.

Xia Yan shrugged, not too concerned.

What he was thinking was

How to argue with Giovanni boss?

Xia Yan's first battle ended in this tsunami.

Compared with the first battle, which was more thoroughly crushed, this second battle was undoubtedly much more exciting.

At the same time, Xia Yan also sent a message to the audience and those young trainers.

Pokémon's strength is not all, sometimes good tactics and excellent command, so that Pokémon can maximize their own strength, maybe the strength on paper is more important.

He has five Elites, one is a quasi-Elite, but he completely beat Ma Zhishi's six Elites.

After all, this is the advantage of tactics.

Xia Yan returned to the lounge and greeted his companions with smiles and congratulations.


Really played well.

In the lounge of the highest room in the arena.

Those who can sit here are the real high-level leaders of the Alliance, the high-level leaders of the General Alliance.

"Igor, how long has that little guy named Xia Yan been an Elite? It constitutes a three-core tactic. You Sinnoh have found a treasure."

There was a sound in the room.

"Pseudo-three-core, pseudo-three-core." Igor said modestly.

But the unstoppable smile on his face didn't seem to be modest.

"Even if it is a pseudo-three-core, it is very powerful. Ma Zhishi's system, single-core is not like single-core, dual-core is not like dual-core, but it is indeed not weak."

"Heh--to be restrained too severely."

"But don't think about it. Since his system can perfectly restrain Ma Zhishi's lineup, how many of the other more common systems cannot be restrained?"

The rain team, the Sandstorm team, were beaten to death.

Listening to the discussions of his colleagues, Igor's smile grew stronger.

But he is happy, and naturally some people are not too happy.

Such as nonsense.

President of Kanto Alliance.

Xia Yan is from Kanto.

But now.

The president of Kanto Alliance is not willing to offend Igor.

Because the Kanto Alliance at this time is on the cusp of a critical wave.

Tuk Tuk-

Everyone's voices stopped because a dark-haired and cold middle-aged man sitting in the first seat tapped his fingers on the edge of the table.

"He's not bad, but he'll come out and talk about it when he forms a legion. Now discussing the Johto Region Elite quota. Ma Zhishi?"






PS: 5.5k, nearly 1.7w today! To meet your requirements, I finished writing this scene~~ Checking the information, I am exhausted.

Push an old author's book, "I Can See Pokémon Script" by Lao Cen!

(End of this chapter)

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