The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 887 Norman's Journey Begins With Courage (Three In One)

Chapter 886 Norman's Journey Begins With Courage (Three in One)

the next day.


The entire City of Silver is still immersed in the fiery fighting atmosphere.

Today is a day when Xia Yan has no games.

So he sat in the box upstairs, tweaking Pokémon's Contest Condition and doing some low-impact training.

At the same time through the glass windows overlooking the stadium.

Thanks again to Steven for spending the money to upgrade the lounge.

Not only is the room large enough, but there are also several separate small rooms.

There are lounges, dining rooms and training rooms.

Xia Yan now occupies a training room.

Mainly carried out.

Is the control of Pokémon's energy and will.

By condensing the energy of the two moves "Sheer Cold" and "Ice Beam" by the little Vulpix, Xia Yan gained a lot of inspiration.

Larvesta, for example, can try to combine Fire of Life with the rest of the Fire-type moves.

Another example is Infernape, which combines three completely different Attribute moves into a move similar to "Precipice Blades".

The fragments of Primal Groudon's carapace, which Infernape had once absorbed, played no small role.

Let Infernape's ability to control the energy of the fire and ground elements have a lot of blessings.

It was purely the result of chance.

No other Pokémon can learn it.

Xia Yan didn't want to let all Pokémon learn this trick of Infernape.

But that doesn't mean there's no place for reference.

What he wants is for Infernape to teach everyone the ability to enter the Contest Condition with absolute concentration, and to teach the feeling of entering the "Enthusiasm" Contest Condition.

at this point.

At present, among Xia Yan's Pokémon, only Infernape can do it.

In fact, Xia Yan knows that there are also moves such as "Outrage", "Rollout", "Petal Dance", and "Ice Ball", which can also allow Pokémon to enter the "Enthusiasm" Contest Condition with a higher probability.


In the end, what it takes to "enjoy" a Contest Condition is absolute Pokémon focus, a passion for a move.

Since it is Contest Condition.

That is naturally Mimic and learnable.

But the trick is the key.


Infernape is also ignorant of the "enthusiasm" Contest Condition, and all it can teach is the feeling at the time.

At this time, Infernape was like a little Teacher.

The Pokémon below sat in rows, all listening intently.

Only, this "concentration" refers to individual Pokémon.

For example, Beedrill, Alakazam, Aegislash.

And some less serious ones.

Just like the little guy Togekiss.

Although he looks like he's standing on the ground obediently.

But a pair of small eyes are dripping, looking around.

I didn't listen well at first glance.

Every time Xia Yan's gaze passed, he pretended to be serious, and nodded in agreement from time to time.

No idea what it's approving.

And the little Vulpix.

Six snow-white tails extended from the back of the head to the front, dangling.

In fact, Xia Yan knew.

Vulpix's hair is so crystal clear that when combined, it can form a small mirror.

It's surreptitiously looking in the mirror and tidying up its bangs.

This little guy from Rebecca.

The most naughty.

That's Sylveon.

It was lying on the ground, as if serious, and its limbs were neatly arranged.

But in fact, its flexible and active satin fluttered from time to time, its head was also shortened in time, and the streamer slid down the corner of the mouth.

It was followed by a whisper of his mouth.

It's stealing energy cubes.

Looking at the little actions of these little guys, Xia Yan didn't mean to dismantle it, he just found it funny.

I just think back to the things I thought no one knew when I was in class.

In fact, the teachers standing on the stage are all Qingmen, but they are too lazy to say it.

Now see this scene in these little guys.

Just feel a little warm, with some memories.

He wasn't in a hurry anyway.

Once most Pokémons have mastered absolute focus, the little ones like Togekiss won't be able to stand it either.

They are naughty, but also smart enough.

Even if you do your best in the late game, you can catch up with other Pokémon.

It was the seriousness of Latios and Zorua that surprised Xia Yan a little.

"Dragonite, Dragon Rush!"

On the field, he looked handsome and confident, with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

The plump but not slow Dragonite quickly fell from the air, clothed with surging and rich dragon energy, giving Rival's Machamp a fatal blow.

"Player Bain's six Pokémons are all incapacitated! So the winner is Ferry from Kanto Region—!!"

Immediately afterwards, cheers erupted one after another.

Du's cloak swung again and bowed slightly towards the surroundings.

"Alas, it's another round that was easily won."

Xia Yan smacked his mouth and shook his head secretly.

Rival's strength is not enough, so he didn't force much of the hidden things out.

Completely with absolute strength, it was crushed.

Xia Yan recalled Steven's battle not long ago.

The posture is more elegant than Du, and the result of the battle is not too surprising, but Steven won a lot of cheers.

"Isn't that what I expected?"

The thoughts in Xia Yan's heart became stronger and stronger.

After a few passes, what you get is definitely the "simple mode" script.

And what he got was most likely a "hard mode" or even a "hell mode" script.

"Really, it depends on who the next Rival is."

Looking at Du who was standing on the field, enjoying the cheers, Xia Yan stopped hiding this time and shook his head again.

"If I had known, I wouldn't have given him a cape, this pushy guy."

speak up.

It seems that the powerhouse with the top strength has some problems more or less.

Watana likes to be in the limelight, especially after putting on a cape.

The last time Xia Yan went to the Yulong family, he heard that there was a whole closet of cloaks in the cupboard in the crossing room.

And the style is still the same.

It was the one that Xia Yan gave him at the beginning.

The only difference is that the material is better.

And under Lorelei's appearance like a royal sister fan, there is actually a girlish heart hidden.

I like dolls and comics the most, especially those about sweet love.

She has a cute Eevee sticker on the cover of her intelligence-gathering booklet.

Not to mention Steven.

Dignified Devon is a young owner and likes to collect stones.

Bruno loves Rage Candy Bar.

Agatha likes Oak cough. This can only be thought, not spoken.

Cynthia loves it.

Xia Yan shook his head quickly.

Get rid of divergent thoughts in your head.

"Cough! Togekiss, Sylveon, Vulpix, listen carefully!"

"Chucky~~" Togekiss stuck out his tongue.


Sylveon hurriedly covered his mouth and nodded.

Little Vulpix flicked his tail and scattered a few ice crystals, with a serious expression on his face.

See them like this.

Xia Yan couldn't help laughing again.

Another day passed.

The seventh day of the Pokémon Alliance World Masters Championship.

The third round of the game.

It finally started in full swing.

The scene of the game was very lively, and the seats were packed.

Looking at his Rival displayed on the big screen, Xia Yan's expression was dull.

The rest of the people also cast expressions of "sympathy".

Steven patted Xia Yan on the shoulder.


Lorelei closed the booklet, pursed his lips, and cast a sympathetic look at Xia Yan.

"That. Xia Yan Senior, I believe you can do it."

Sitting on the sofa, Cynthia bent the corners of her mouth, put down her folded legs, and covered her mouth with a smile.

"It's not like there's no chance."

Only Du had a "sorrowful" look on his face.

"Xia Yan, I won't miss you, will I?"


Xia Yan directly punched him in annoyance.

Eyes swept over the crowd.

"Okay, just laugh if you want, I won't eat you."

next second.


Cheers sounded from inside this luxurious box.


The sound insulation of the box is good enough that people outside can't hear it.

Otherwise, I thought something funny happened in this box.

Hearing their wanton laughter, Xia Yan twitched the corners of his mouth.

Once again, he looked at the big screen in the sky.

Next to his handsome avatar, after the "VS" letter, is a face that looks very ordinary, almost indistinguishable when thrown into the crowd.

Even so, Xia Yan and the others knew this person.

That is not lush hair, warm sunny smile, and determined eyes.

Isn't that the owner of the Petalburg Gym in Petalburg City, Hoenn Region, Norman!

The gentle man who could replace anyone in the Hoenn Region except Drake Elite at any time if he wanted to.

Norman's strength, even in Elite Four circles, is well known.

If it wasn't for being too family-oriented, it is estimated that he would have a chance to sprint for the championship.

It is said.

The original president of the Hoenn Alliance had approached Norman more than once and suggested him to compete for the Elite Four.

And Drake is old, Glacia and Sidney are good, but they're not as good as Norman.

So Norman is the guy with the best chance of competing for the Hoenn title right now.


Every time it was rejected by Norman.

But although he takes care of his family, it doesn't mean he doesn't want to be strong.

He was called "the man who pursued great power".

But only for power, not for power, fame, wealth.

is a very pure person.

Norman has his own unique insights and excellent training methods in training Normal Pokémon.

It is said.

He has a Slaking that is not affected by the "lazy" ability.

That's his Trump Card, and one of the main reasons President Hoenn feels he has a chance to compete for the championship.

This man, like Xia Yan, can ride Rayquaza in the future.

Although this world is a combination of animations, special chapters and theatrical versions, Xia Yan doesn't know how far Norman's strength is, but he will definitely not be weak.

But with the current timeline.

Even if Norman is strong, it won't make Xia Yan unable to deal with it.

Glancing at the big screen again.

In the third round, the top sixty-four is almost about to be decided, which is two games away from President Igor's minimum goal of the top thirty-two.

Well, probably worse.

How can there be so many people participating in a Masters?

The point is.

Why is he this kind of Rival every time?

The whole person is a little bit bad.

Watching Lucian easily win the game, Xia Yan walked out of the lounge with a sullen face.

But when he just walked out of the lounge, he saw that Norman was waiting for him outside.

Xia Yan quickly adjusted the Contest Condition.

"Mr. Norman."

He didn't think that he would definitely lose, but he just thought that there might be some cards that could not be hidden, and they could hide it, which was a little unsatisfactory.

As for the victory or defeat, you have to fight to know.

"Xia Yan, together?"

Norman said with a smile, a pure smile.

"it is good."

The two walked towards the player's channel.

"Mr. Norman, you seem to be in a good mood."

Looking at the smile on Norman's face, Xia Yan couldn't help but ask.

"Hahaha - is it obvious?"

Norman scratched the back of his head.

Xia Yan gave a "what did you say" look.

"Okay. The two kids in my house called me just now and said they were surprised and proud of seeing my game on TV," Norman said truthfully.

The joy of a successful man is that simple.

It may be his greatest happiness to make his wife and children happy and proud.

Xia Yan was also infected by his smile and said sincerely:

"Then Mr. Norman will do his best this time. I won't let you win easily."


Norman's expression became slightly more serious.

Looking at Xia Yan seriously, he said solemnly:

"Of course, this is the greatest respect for Rival. I was originally worried that Xia Yan, you have two very expensive battles in a row and the Contest Condition is not good. Now it seems that I am overhearted, and I will definitely fight with all my strength."

Xia Yan's expression stiffened.

I almost couldn't help giving myself a big mouth.

It's okay to be so polite, what are you doing?

Originally, Norman may have been in the water.

it's good now

The water was blocked by Xia Yan himself.

Norman continued speaking, with a rather embarrassed look on his face.

"Actually, Xia Yan, I have another thing to do with you."


Seeing that Norman's expression became more and more helpless, he said bluntly:

"The two little devils in my family are your fans. I know that my Rival this round is you, so I hope I can ask you for an autograph."

Xia Yan: "."

Xiao Yao and Xiao Sheng?

In the future, Xiao Yao, who is known as the "Hoenn Dancer", and Xiao Sheng, who is quite talented as a researcher?

Xia Yan is still a little unclear. Is Norman's son and daughter Xiaoyao Xiaosheng, Xiaoyou Xiaoyao, or Lubi?

But it doesn't matter anymore.

"Wait until the battle is over?" Xia Yan said.

At the same time, I thought fiercely in my heart: 'Damn, if you lose, you won't give anything, the account book and the faucet stick are wrong, and if you lose, you won't give a signature! ’


The two separate.

Go to their respective player channels.


Under the guidance of Host, the audience stood on the battlefield amid the cheers of the audience.

For Xia Yan, even some people who were not familiar with Xia Yan already knew him.

The man who pierced the defensive barrier.

His fights were fantastic.

Norman became famous earlier. Although his reputation was not obvious, he won the previous two rounds very simply, and many people remember him.

The remote Hoenn Region Petalburg City.

"Sister! Mom! Come and see! Dad is on TV again, Rival is still Xia Yan Elite!"

The milky Xiaosheng shouted loudly.

Although he is young, he is particularly precocious, and he cannot be treated as an ordinary child.

"I'm coming!"

Xiao Yao quickly ran to the TV, and when she saw the two figures on the TV, she couldn't help showing an excited smile.

on TV.

One is her father and the other is her idol.

This is like a success in chasing stars, how can you not be excited?

Although it is his father who is chasing stars on behalf of the female.

But about the same.

The gentle Caroline wiped the water stains on her fair hands with her apron and walked over with a smile.

Looking at the appearance of her husband on TV, her smile couldn't help but be a little sweeter.

"Sister, who do you think will win?" Curious baby Xiaosheng asked with blinking eyes.

"Xia Yan Elite!"

Xiao Yao didn't even think about it, she just sold her dad.

Hearing this, Xiaosheng snorted.

Although he also likes Xia Yan very much.

But for him, his father was the strongest man in his mind, and he would not be happy to see his father lose.

"Mom, what do you think?"

Caroline's smile didn't change. After thinking for a while, she hesitated: "It should be your father."

"Should?" The clever Xiaosheng caught the word keenly.

"Stupid." Xiao Yao couldn't help rubbing her brother's head, "Have you forgotten what time it is?"

"It's now" Xiaosheng was reminded by Xiaoyao, and he suddenly reacted, jumping up from the sofa, "Yes, it's Slaking's breeding season now, so Dad he"

Norman's not-lazy Slaking is his Trump Card, which is terrifyingly powerful, as most top trainers know.

But Slaking like that was cultivated by Norman through many coincidences.

He has always wanted to replicate.

The best way is to choose from the descendants of that Slaking.

Therefore, during the breeding season, Norman Normal will not use that Slaking, trying to reserve more energy for it to reproduce.

That's one of the reasons he doesn't compete for the Elite Four or even the championship.

Compared to these positions, he wants to study the Breeder method of Slaking, the drawback of Pokémon Ability.

"I have a belt, but I don't know if he will use it," Caroline said.

Xiao Sheng suddenly sat back and stared at the screen.

Will Dad use it?

I don't know why, but Xiao Sheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief after knowing the news.

If this caused Norman to lose to Xia Yan, he seemed to have such a hard time accepting it.

after all.

He is also a fan of Xia Yan.

"Please both summon Pokémon!"

Under the referee's signal, Xia Yan and Norman need to call Pokémon according to the rules.

Speaking of which, Xia Yan noticed that the Pokémon under the referee was no longer Charizard, but Aegislash.

Just like the future world championships in the Galar Region.

It's just that Charizard was the one who took the ride last time.

Xia Yan paid too much attention to this detail. He needed to focus all his attention on this game.

Norman put him under no less pressure than Du, Steven, and Cynthia.

And this time, it was not Xia Yan who first summoned Pokémon, but Norman on the opposite side.

After walking on the battlefield, Norman's expression became very serious and serious.

He bowed his head and pondered for a while before throwing out his first Poké Ball.

in red light.

Appearing in front of Norman was a Pokémon similar to baboons and gorillas, but not standing, but lying on the ground, with one hand on his head, a lazy look, even He also hit Yawn leisurely, with two tears squeezed from the corners of his eyes.


Norman's signature, Slaking!

Although it looks lazy and relaxed, the pressure on Xia Yan is not small at all.

Especially when Slaking's intentional or unintentional eyes swept across Xia Yan, Xia Yan could clearly feel a lot of oppression.

And this Slaking gives Xia Yan the feeling

Elite level.

Although it is not the feeling of ordinary Elite level, at least it is the kind of Elite level that is only one or two steps away from the championship level.

But as long as you think about the characteristics of Norman, the Slaking that will not be affected by "lazy", and considering that Slaking is not inferior to the Species Strength of the divine beast, if it fully explodes, its strength will really not be weaker than Normal's champion-level Pokémon.

It's just Norman at this time.

Another year or two or three or four years.

Once this Slaking becomes a champion Pokémon, it's a blast

It's not like there's no chance for an arm wrestle with Groudon.

Xia Yan's expression became more serious.

The Norman in front of him is definitely the strongest one of the Rivals he has fought so far.

"Xia Yan Elite, it's your turn."

Seeing Xia Yan unmoved, the referee reminded.

Xia Yan took a deep breath and threw out two Poké Balls one after another.

The first to appear was naturally his Beedrill.

Beedrill's strength is not weak now, and he is sprinting towards the championship level. It may be a little bit worse than Norman's Slaking, but with his extremely fast speed, it is not that he has no chance of breaking his arms.

The second is just Alakazam.

This is the absolute core of Xia Yan.

Norman's Pokémon are all Normal-type Pokémon, and Xia Yan doesn't know what tactical system he uses.

But a lineup that is all Normal-type Pokémon is definitely not good for building a system.

This time, he may have to start from a tactical point of view, and the probability of winning will be higher.

Seeing Slaking on the opposite side, Beedrill and Alakazam's expressions also turned serious.

This Slaking is also the strongest Pokémon they have encountered so far in this Masters.

On the opposite side of Norman's Slaking, after seeing Xia Yan's Beedrill and Alakazam, especially when he saw Beedrill, the lazy expression on his face gradually disappeared.

Lying on the ground it slowly sat up.

Changed to a reclining posture with one hand on the knee.

Between the eyebrows, a bit of seriousness was revealed.

Norman noticed Slaking's Contest Condition and understood that Slaking felt the pressure from Beedrill and Alakazam.

He was very happy.

He felt that this kind of battle was what he wanted.

Then two Pokémons are summoned.

It looks like a dinosaur, but it has a pouch in its abdomen, and one of them is a light purple little guy with a curious head sticking out of it.

"Boss" Kangaskhan! (Note 1)

Seeing Kangaskhan, Xia Yan is thankful that Mega Evolution was not announced.

If Norman can give his Kangaskhan a Mega Evolution in this matchup, it will be really tough.

The Mega Kangaskhan of the "Parent-Child Love" Ability, coupled with the "Power-Up Punch" move, will dominate the sixth generation!

The other is a flexible and active ape Pokémon, covered in white hair.


The former form of Slaking.

Ability has only one kind of "motivation", which is completely contrary to Slaking's "lazy".

In fact, for many Trainers who have Pokémon like Vigoroth, their Normal will not let Vigoroth evolve into Slaking.

Although evolution is very attractive, Slaking's Species Strength is also too good, but the disadvantages of "lazy" Ability are too great.

While Norman's Vigoroth has not evolved, it also has Elite-level strength.

Deterrence is not small.

'Three attack type Pokémon? ’

Xia Yan lowered his head for a little thought.

Throw the Poké Ball.

In front of him were Togekiss and Aegislash.

Ghost-type Aegislash can be immune to Normal-type moves to a certain extent, and Aegislash is the most defensive in Xia Yan Pokémon, so there will be a lot of room for play.

And Togekiss.

Its ability to control is likely to have unexpected effects.

And none of Norman's three Pokémon can fly, which also gives Togekiss a lot of opportunities to play.

But seeing Xia Yan's three or four hands, Norman smiled knowingly.

Summon two Pokémon again.

Brutal-! !

Loud and high-pitched roars, gusts of wind rolled up.


And a raccoon-like Pokémon whose body is slender and streamlined as a whole, covered with light brown hair mixed with a few dark brown lines.


These two are also Norman's more signature Pokémon.

In the special, Norman's first encounter with Rayquaza is his Staraptor.

And don't let yourself completely lose air dominance.

And his Linoone once became a nightmare for many game parties.

"Belly Drum" opens and pushes directly with speed.

to this point.

Xia Yan has nothing to hesitate anymore.

His last two, Latios and Infernape.

Six first-tier Pokémon, neat and tidy.

After glancing at Xia Yan's Pokémon again, Norman's last Pokémon came out.

in red light.

A mighty buffalo that looked very strong appeared in the field.


Look at the normal attacking Pokémon from Norman.

Xia Yan couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.

He absolutely believed that Norman had studied him well.

And read the comments of many so-called "experts" on the Internet.

If you beat him Xia Yan, you have to rush to attack and then take it away in a wave.

These six Pokémon, if you take out any one, can be used as the main attacker of a team.

And those who can also put on this stance will only see the transition.


Du can have a good chat with Norman, and the two can definitely have a common topic.

"Both parties choose to replace the Pokémon."

Norman raised his hand, giving up.

But Xia Yan moved.

He takes out the Poké Ball.

Under everyone's astonished eyes, he took back Infernape, which had been brilliant in the last match.

Infernape's explosiveness is not weak after entering absolute concentration.

But in the face of Norman's lineup, it's just too irrational to fight him head-on.

So after Xia Yan took back Infernape, the one who replaced him was.


With a high-pitched dragon roar, the huge dragon Bartto appeared in the field.

The sparkling scales show beautiful colors under the sunlight.

The momentum that followed, also made Norman's Pokémon look serious.

Especially that Slaking.

It was sitting in a sitting position, but it has stood up.

Frowning, he stared at Doron Bartto.

This replaces a Pokémon.

The battle became more and more interesting in an instant.

This Duolong Bartto, in terms of level alone, is probably even higher than his Slaking.

But level does not mean strength.

Who is stronger or weaker, you can only know after playing.

"Doron Bartto!"


Dan Di exclaimed when he saw the Duolong Bartto summoned by Xia Yan, his eyes burning.

"Xia Yan's pressure is not small." Du slapped his mouth and couldn't help saying.

"The other side, but Norman of 'The Journey of Norman Begins With Courage'."

Also as Hoenn people.

Steven knows best how special Norman is in the Hoenn Region.

Lorelei and Cynthia next to them also sat upright.

In other words, everyone in the lounge took a serious attitude.

Xia Yan summoned Dolong Bartto for the first time in the competition.

What is he hiding behind, everyone is looking forward to it.

Norman's advantage is obvious, and his Pokémon is stronger overall.

Almost every one of them is at the top of the Elite class, with no obvious weaknesses.

Among Xia Yan's Pokémon, although there are a few Pokémon that are not weak, overall, they are still weaker than Norman.

He should start from a tactical point of view to increase his win rate.

Norman's tactics, which have been famous for a long time, are also not weak.

Can Xia Yan seize the advantage in this regard?

"Battle begins!"

The referee stepped on the Aegislash, and the flag fell in his hand.

"Linoone, Belly Drum, Extreme Speed!"


When Norman came up, he attacked, and it was still an unreasonable attack.


PS: I like Norman, so I’m a little more verbose and detailed, this chapter is 7.5k, and I’ll finish this game today~~

Note 1: The reason why Kangaskhan is called "Boss" is because when the sixth generation of MEGA first came out, the "Personal Love" Ability was too perverted. The friends who played the battle at the beginning should all know that it was because Bag **, or join, although "personal love" was weakened later, but UB is still very high. At the same time, this is also the boss of a female Pokémon who is a mother.

(End of this chapter)

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