The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 890 Boss Giovanni, Please Tap (Two In One)

Chapter 889 Boss Giovanni, please tap (two in one)


Seems to be someone from the Johto Region Region who won the competition a few years ago.

This is the data collected by Lorelei.

Regarding the fact that Rival is stronger, Xia Yan and his group did not show any frustration, but were very excited.

Because of this Masters, everyone's position is very low, and their position is very positive, that is, they are facing the top trainers of the old brands in the attitude of challengers.

The stronger Rivals they encounter, the more they will know their position in the entire Alliance.

Every time Xia Yan encountered a powerful Rival, to be honest, they were all sour.

But this time

Du's elbow arched Xia Yan.

"Xia Yan, you always say that we are in 'simple mode' and you are in 'hard mode', are you swapping now?"

But Xia Yan murmured:

"It's wrong, it's all wrong."

Du raised his eyebrows.

"It's good to know that it's wrong, why are you so stunned?"

Xia Yan squinted at him, his cheeks trembling slightly.

"I'm not taking the 'Hardmode' script."


"It's 'Hell Mode'."

Du: "Huh?"

Xia Yan looked at the picture on the screen next to his avatar and said that he was very speechless.

This Nima is Jianwu?

That's Giovanni, okay? !

Although Xia Yan didn't know how Giovanni pretended to be like this, he didn't know why he wanted to participate in this Masters.

But there is no question.

When Xia Yan was training Infernape at Mt. Silver before, the person who met him once and gave him reminders and advice was undoubtedly Giovanni, and he was exactly the same.

Neither of them said anything.

This is the tacit understanding that belongs to Xia Yan and Giovanni.

But Xia Yan never imagined that he would actually meet Giovanni at the Masters.

He just felt that the game was playing him.

I didn't want him to take part in this Masters well at all.

The difficulty of crossing them against each other has increased.

But Xia Yan's difficulty simply skyrocketed.

Too lazy to explain to Duo.

The heaviness in his heart was simply beyond what Du could have imagined.

The only thing that makes Xia Yan more fortunate.

It is the boss of Giovanni, no matter how daring and domineering he is, it is impossible to reveal his identity in front of so many top trainers in Alliance at the Masters.

Otherwise, no matter how strong Giovanni is, without Mewtwo as a backup, it would be difficult to escape from the City of Silver.


His Beedrill, who can be said to be the number one in the world at present, cannot be seen.

that means

There was bitterness on Xia Yan's face.

"This Rival is 'Earth Giovanni'."

Giovanni's signature is Beedrill, no doubt about that.

Even Xia Yan cultivated his own Beedrill, in some ways, borrowed the way Giovanni cultivated Beedrill.

He still has the booklet Giovanni gave him.

But for most people, Giovanni's real name is "Giovanni of the Earth".

Its training and tactical capabilities for Ground-based Pokémon are unmatched by most trainers in the entire Pokémon Alliance.

"Don't Boss Giovanni let Landorus out?"

Xia Yan couldn't help thinking to himself.

If Giovanni really did his best, no one would be his Rival without his Beedrill.


Unova champ Alder can wrestle with him.

But to be honest, Alder is not very high among all the champions in the entire Alliance.

The fully grown Dragonite will be pressed and beaten by Giovanni.

There is still a bit of a gap between Alder and the strongest Contest Condition.

'I don't know, because of my intervention in this world, whether I will be able to split with the boss of Giovanni in the future. ' Xia Yan murmured in his heart.

"Then let's go first."

At this time, Cynthia, who was sitting on the sofa, put down her slender legs and slowly stood up and said.

It seems that the Contest Condition is very good, and the momentum is also very strong.

On the other side, Da Ye, Contest Condition is not as good as Cynthia, and even he who has always been enthusiastic and active, is a little sluggish at this time.

The first game of the day is the Sinnoh civil war between Cynthia and Da Yeh.

Xia Yan put away his thoughts and nodded to Cynthia: "Come on."

Cynthia showed a confident smile, brushed her golden waterfall-like hair, and nodded.

Da Ye, who squinted and lowered his head, stepped out of the lounge with a crisp sound, stepping on his leather shoes.

Xia Yan walked towards Daye and patted him on the shoulder.

"Fight well and don't embarrass the Sinnoh search department."

Then another sentence was added.

"Don't get shaved and win."

Daye was a little moved just now, but when he heard the following words, his whole person was not feeling well.

He listened to it as if the footsteps had gone far away.

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, he swept away his dejected appearance.

With his hands in his pockets, he raised his explosive head and pouted, as if there were no tigers in the mountains and a monkey called the king.

"Hmph - don't look down on people, sooner or later you will have to overturn the Sinnoh Elite Four, starting with today's Cynthia."

Once again, he returned to that enthusiastic young man.

Xia Yan gave him a "pity" look and patted his shoulder again.

"Bless yourself."

When Daye heard this, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his fists beat his chest.

"Xia Yan, I tell you, the flames burning here will make you"

"Would you like to go?"

Cynthia's clear voice came from outside the door.

Da Ye's expression froze for a moment, and he looked towards the crowd.

Only then did I understand why they had that expression before.

Turning his head slowly, he saw Cynthia leaning on the back of the door, looking at him indifferently.

Da Ye immediately burst into tears.

"Hey, here we come."

The attention of this battle is actually very high.

Mainly Cynthia alone has enough fans.

Everywhere she went, all the boys and girls who watched the game became her supporters.

For Xia Yan and the others, this battle is also worth watching carefully.

What kind of cards Cynthia will hide, everyone is very curious.


The battle begins.

It was Daye who made Xia Yan's eyes shine.

"Da Ye's 'Rizhao' Ninetales is very interesting." Steven couldn't help but sigh.

Sunny team.

It was the answer sheet that Daye took out.

Facing Cynthia, he really had no reservations.

Ninetales, Infernape, Magmortar, Flareon, Arcanine, Rapidash.

This is Big Leaf's lineup.

"It's a pity that the two-handed defense is missing, and it's too passive against Cynthia's Garchomp and Gastrodon."

Xia Yan summoned Infernape to watch the game together.

Infernape's eyes immediately fell on Infernape of Da Ye.

What it has to admit is that Da Ye's Infernape is indeed a little stronger than it.

However, the two Infernape are also different in what they are good at.

Daye's Infernape Ability is an "iron fist", best at melee combat, and even in the case of a full explosion, he temporarily suppressed Cynthia's Garchomp.

Xia Yan's Infernape Ability is "Rapid Fire", which is better at bursting. The instant destructive power that bursts out after the "Rapid Fire" Ability is triggered is something that Da Ye's Infernape does not have.


Take Big Leaf at the cost of Cynthia losing two Pokémons.

Her Garchomp was so terrifying after going berserk, one pressed Daye and three Pokémons, causing Daye's situation to collapse completely, and the sunny venue could not be rescued.

Played wonderfully.

But a pity.

Didn't let Xia Yan see what he wanted to see, Cynthia played very well, but he didn't show his cards.

The two finished the game.

Xia Yan bid farewell to everyone and left the lounge.

It's him next.

in the player channel.

I happened to meet Cynthia, who came back with light steps, and seemed to be in a good mood.

"I'm in a good mood."

Seeing the smile on Cynthia's face, Xia Yan's heavy heart was much better.

I have to admit that seeing beautiful women does make a person feel happy. It is no wonder that some old and eighty uncles in the original world would bluntly say that they want to see beautiful women every day.

Live long.

Cynthia just finished playing, because Da Ye did put a little pressure on her, so pretty blushed.

Seeing Xia Yan, he smiled and rolled his almond eyes.


The cat's voice is cat-like, like a queen ragdoll cat stepping on a slender step.

It seems to have noticed Xia Yan's Contest Condition.

Cynthia asked softly:

"Rival is strong?"

Xia Yan smiled helplessly.

"You'll find out later."

How strong is it.

Yesterday, Norman, Xia Yan thought he had reached the top.

Who knows that the strength can be upgraded to Giovanni again today.

Also no one.

Cynthia pursed her lips, not knowing how to comfort her.

He could only say warmly, "Come on!"

As he spoke, he clenched his pink fist with a serious look.

Xia Yan grinned.


After all, stride towards the direction of the arena.

As Giovanni's boss, it is naturally impossible to wait for him in the player tunnel.

"Thanks to Cynthia Elite and Mr. Oye for showing us a great showdown!"

The high-pitched voice of the Host can already be heard clearly.

"Next, let's go to the next game! First of all welcome, our Xia Yan Elite!!"

In the cheers, Xia Yan walked out of the aisle with his hat on.

He could clearly hear the shrill cheers of some girls who were sitting closer to the players' passage.

When Host saw Xia Yan, he wiped his forehead a little vacantly.

Whether from the point of view of explanation or from the point of safety, Xia Yan put too much pressure on him.

"Everyone, please rest assured, this battle, the enchantment strength has been raised by a level!!"

In order to appease the audience, Host had to explain.

Immediately turned to look to the other side.

"Then let's welcome, the wonderful Trainer from Goldenrod City, Johto Region, Kenwu Player-!!"

An ordinary-looking man in a black suit with steady steps slowly walked out of the player passage.

Jianwu himself is not well-known and has not many supporters.

But he has performed very well in the previous three rounds.

Coupled with his steady aura as if Mount Tai collapsed in front of him without changing his face, and his invisible temperament, he gained a large number of supporters in just three games.

It turns out.

With the temperament that Giovanni showed, even if he changed his appearance, he was still Giovanni.

Looking at Giovanni who walked calmly across from him, with a confident smile on his face, Xia Yan really didn't know what to say.

But he didn't say it.

Giovanni on the opposite side spoke first.

"not bad."

Giovanni nodded in agreement.

Xia Yan thought for a while, but asked, "Why are you here?"

However, Giovanni raised the corners of his mouth and looked at him with a little playfulness.

"Want to know? Win me."

To others, this seems to be an ordinary communication between two people who originally knew each other.

Xia Yan was seriously suspicious.

Giovanni came to the Masters because he won in a small test between the two last time.

win him?

Afraid not to be remembered more deeply.

Xia Yan moved his lips, but did not make a sound, but expressed two words.


"Please Xia Yan Elite be the first to summon Pokémon."

Under the referee's signal, Xia Yan pondered for a while, and then started with Beedrill.


Seeing Xia Yan's first Pokémon, the smile on Giovanni's face was even bigger.

Flip two Ultra Balls at will.

The red light flickered, and the venue rumbled and vibrated.

Garchomp, a ferocious beast covered with purple scales, appeared in the field, with a fierce face and a tall and straight upper body, a deafening roar erupted.


"Oooh-!! It's actually Garchomp! Kenwu player has never shown this Pokémon before, it seems that he has prepared a special 'Present' for Xia Yan Elite!"

Compared to Cynthia's Garchomp.

Giovanni's Garchomp is bigger and more oppressive.

After all, the focus of Giovanni and Cynthia's training must be different.

Whoa-! !

The audience burst into cheers.


Although Jianwu performed fairly well in the first few games, most of the audience still believed that there was almost no suspense in Xia Yan's victory.

But when they saw this terrifying aura, and even through the barrier, they could still feel the oppression coming from their faces, everyone's views were slightly loosened.


Will this show be interesting?

The conference room on the top floor of the Silver Arena.

clap clap-

Many stools rubbed, and some people subconsciously stood up, looking at the Garchomp in the field in disbelief.

The black-haired middle-aged man sitting in the first seat with his hands on his chin, saw this Garchomp, and there was a glimmer of light in his dark eyes.

"Championship Garchomp, interesting."

The future president of the Johto Region Alliance is also one of the people standing up, his brows furrowed.

"There is no such Garchomp in Jianwu's records."

Champion-level Pokémon, Alliance will take it seriously, but it won't attract their gaffe.

after all.

It hasn't happened in the last few games.

But Jianwu, who has never recorded a Garchomp, pulled out a champion Garchomp, then the meaning is different.

Opposite Giovanni, Xia Yan's eyes twitched, "championship level"

Giovanni looked down on him so much.

And with Garchomp, there is a Pokémon who is a bit bigger than Garchomp, and Xia Yan has also encountered it before.

Rock and Ground Rhyperior!

But this Rhyperior is obviously stronger than Dandi's.

Just standing there, there are strands of yellow sand and dust surrounding it.

And the presence of Garchomp alone puts enough pressure on Beedrill.

The arcs on its wings kept flickering and jumping, and the vibrations of the wings were accompanied by the faint trembling of the air.

After Xia Yan took a deep look at Giovanni, whose face had not changed, he summoned two Pokémon again.



Alakazam and Doron Bartto.

As soon as he came out, Doron Bartto's attention was completely attracted by the opposite Garchomp, his narrow eyes narrowed slightly.

And Giovanni's Garchomp gently waved the shark fin blade, showing a hideous and excited smile.

Two champions!

They're all champion quasi-god Pokémon!

This battle has not yet started, and the smell of gunpowder and topicality are directly full.

Giovanni glanced at Xia Yan's Duolong Bartto, of course he knew it.

With a low laugh, he threw two Ultra Balls again.

Appearing in front of him is an equally domineering purple Pokémon, Nidoking, one of the signature Pokémons of "Earth Giovanni"!

Along with it was a huge scorpion flying in mid-air. Black's wings spread like a cloak, making it look a bit like a bat.


sin has been committed.

Xia Yan looked at Giovanni's boss's configuration for a long time without saying a word.

Shouldn't it be building the Sandstorm team?

Earth Sandstorm Team?

Don't be the last to get your hands on Tyranitar.

Na Xia Yan said that he didn't want to fight anymore.

Immediately, Togekiss and Infernape were summoned.

With so many Ground-type Pokémons, Togekiss can defend against one-handed Ground-type moves.

And Infernape, Xia Yan has already thought about it, just keep "Earthquake".

Giovanni's last two hands, Pokémon, made Xia Yan feel relieved, but at the same time he raised his heart.


Because there is no Tyranitar.

It is a desert hippopotamus, Hippowdon, with a sand river flowing all over its body.

And Krookodile, who also stepped on the sand, as if wearing sunglasses, with a rebellious face.

mentioned again.

It's because it's really Team Sandstorm.

And Team Sandstorm without the "Sand-Pulverizing" Ability Pokémon.

Don't give Xia Yan the opportunity to copy the "Sand Push" Ability to Beedrill, making Beedrill invincible.

With Hippopotas as the core of the Sandstorm team, Xia Yan is under great pressure.

no solution anymore.

Xia Yan's last one can only be Latios.

The opposite Pokémon is significantly stronger overall, and has a fixed Sandstorm core, and maybe other configurations.

For example, "intimidate" Krookodile.

When the strength is not as good as the opponent, all Xia Yan can rely on is the core advantage.

It's almost the same as when facing Norman.

The difference is that Norman's attacking system is obviously not as powerful as Giovanni's Sandstorm team, because the system and the core stability factor are not at the same level.

At the same time, facing this Sandstorm team, Xia Yan's biggest weakness was also exposed.

There are not enough water Pokémons.

If Milotic also has Elite-level strength, Xia Yan thinks it will be a lot easier to fight.

"Please choose to replace Pokémon." The referee standing on Aegislash finally signaled.

Xia Yan touched his waist.

Grabs Zorua's Poké Ball, hesitates.

It's not that he doesn't want to send Zorua. With his current system and Zorua, the number of cores will definitely be more.

But there was one thing he couldn't avoid.

That is, whether it is now barely acting as a Duolong Bartto as one of the cores, or Zorua to be summoned, the degree of running-in with the entire system is too low.

Agreed is not enough.

If you play it well, you may be able to explode the strength of the five cores.

But if it doesn't work well, even the originally stable system response may be destroyed.

After some Struggle, Xia Yan chose to give up.

Raise your hand slowly.

But when he raised his hand, he saw Giovanni on the opposite side replacing Pokémon.

'What was taken back was. Krookodile? That replaces.'

Brutal-! !

A high-pitched beep was heard.

Along with it, there are countless golden streamers raging.

The thick terrifying electric current from the mouth of the bowl hit the protective barrier, and a crisp sound burst out.

Whoa-! !

The audience stood up and stared at the wild Pokémon in the field.

Xia Yan also stared, and his mouth moved slightly subconsciously.

He murmured in a voice that only he could hear:

"Shin, Zapdos?!"

The SanDisk, the SanDisk, is the SanDisk of the Zone Defense Gart.

Boss Giovanni, do you want to understand the Sandstorm team so thoroughly?

Those Alliance high-rises in the top-floor lounge.

If it just felt wrong before, it's almost 100% sure now.

This person is definitely not Jianwu.

"I'll send someone to investigate immediately." The president of the Johto Region Alliance said solemnly.

The black-haired middle-aged man, who had always seemed very calm before, also stood up from his position at this time.

There was a gleam in the dark eyes.

is it you?

Igor pushed his wheelchair to the window and looked at Xia Yan, who was facing Giovanni far below, with a little worry on his face.


PS: Thank you "Yan Ming" for the reward! Become another ally of this book!

1.2w today! Ask for a monthly pass! It is said that there is a 2.5w event on the 15th?

(End of this chapter)

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