The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 920 You Are A Divine Beast (5.5K!)

Chapter 919 You are a divine beast (5.5k!)

Celestic Town.

Dragon's Tomb.


Latios looked around curiously.

Look at the dragon-type Pokémon that passed by in the blink of an eye that day.

Could not help but widened his eyes.

I still remember that when it first hatched, it seemed like it was yesterday.

But it's actually been a long time.

When it was just born, it was very lethargic. Obviously, it was not very impressed with "Dragon's Tomb".


Sylveon patted Latios on the back with a "take it easy" look.

Don't look at these dragon-type Pokémon, all of them seem to be strong.

But not what Sylveon boasts.

Not a single one can hit.

'You, Latios, are the fattest! ’

Hearing Sylveon's words, Latios hurriedly covered its mouth nervously.

Don't say anything else.

In the dragon-type Pokémon that flew just now, it felt the breath of several Elite-level dragon-type Pokémon.

Sylveon said this to those quasi-Elite dragon-type Pokémon, if it is a bit reluctant to fight against Elite-level dragon-type Pokémon.


Covering his mouth, Sylveon quickly brushed Latios' hand away and stared at it.

"Buyi! Buyi~ Buyi~"

He puffed out his mouth, looking unhappy.


On the other hand, the little Vulpix next to him insisted.

'Bowtie is right, there is none that can be hit. You are the fattest! ’

Latios looked at the arrogant Sylveon, and then at the innocent little Vulpix.

have to.



A Sylveon isn't enough for a normal Elite Dragon Pokémon, so adding a little Vulpix should be enough.

no way.

Who made them a Fairy-type Pokémon and an Ice-type Pokémon?

It's just so strong, it's so tough.

Most of the Dragon Pokémon moves are the same for Sylveon as Tickle.

Most of the Dragon-type Pokémon often have the Flying-type Attribute, or they have the Ground-type, and they are restrained four times by the Ice-type.

"Bu Ying! Bu Ying~"

Sylveon nodded again and again.

'Small shaved ice feels right. ’

Latios twitched the corners of his eyes as they called each other.

Obviously, whether it is "bow knot" or "little shaved ice", it is the masterpiece of the genius named Togekiss.

And its nickname of Latios is simpler, just two words "younger brother".

Or a little more complicated "My Stupid Otto Beans".

In short.

No matter who he is facing in the team, as long as he is called by a nickname, Latios will naturally be half of his seniority.

Also has no temper.


'Besides, it's really impossible to beat, isn't there still a big sister to cover the bottom? ’

Sylveon held his head up, looking confident.

Latios looked around again.

The problem is, Togekiss Xia Yan didn't summon it either.


'That's right, the dragon-type Pokémon here, what's there to be afraid of? ’

Little Vulpix echoed again.

It has been known from Xia Yan's mouth, and after it evolves, it will become a Pokémon of the Ice and Fairy systems.

At that time.

In front of it, the dragon-type Pokémon you don't know are all younger brothers.

Listening to their exchange of words, Cynthia couldn't help but smile.

The three little guys are so cute.

Xia Yan just smiled and shook his head.

Although the two little guys said so, they would still show enough courtesy and respect when a dragon-type Pokémon appeared in front of them.

They were just used to Xia Yan's words from time to time, and they learned badly.

Besides, Sylveon and little Vulpix did it because it was their daily comfort to Latios during this time.

Garchomp, who was following Cynthia's side, just tilted his head and pretended not to hear.

It's all so familiar, it won't take the little guys' hilarity seriously.

It won't fail to hear such obvious comfort.


If Garchomp is not real, it doesn't mean that there are dragon-type Pokémon here, after hearing it, it is not real.


A temperamental Pokémon full of Cianwood, riding a pair of scarlet moons, rolling air waves, appeared in front of Sylveon and little Vulpix.


And with the appearance of Salamence, an intimidating atmosphere of terror burst out, making the communication between Sylveon and little Vulpix abruptly stuck.

The sharp eyes swept across Sylveon and little Vulpix.

The extremely strong sense of oppression shows that this is an Elite-level Salamence, and its status in "Dragon's Tomb" should not be low.

If it's another dragon-type Pokémon, you may have heard it and considered it not heard.

But a grumpy Pokémon like Salamence is not Mikey.

Seeing Salamence, Garchomp of Cynthia frowned.


Yelled at Salamence.

But facing Cynthia's Garchomp, this Salamence didn't have the slightest sign of stage fright, and stared back without hesitation.

Xia Yan suddenly felt a little strange.

Garchomp of Cynthia, isn't the offspring of Garchomp in charge of "Dragon's Grave"?

So insignificant?

Seemingly seeing Xia Yan's doubts, Cynthia explained:

"The dragon-type Pokémon here are also divided into ethnic groups. The Garchomp clan is the strongest here, but the Salamence clan is not weak. Moreover, their tempers are relatively short-tempered, and their relationship with other clans has never been very harmonious."

Xia Yan was stunned.

He immediately took off his hat and said to Salamence:

"Sorry, Salamence, these two little guys didn't mean it, they were just joking, and I apologize for them."



Sylveon and little Vulpix also realized that the way they spoke was a bit hurtful, and hurriedly nodded towards Salamence to admit their mistake.


But in response to them, it was Salamence's roar again.


In this roar, a move was used.

Hyper Voice!

It's not stupid.

Knowing that Dragon-type moves and Flying-type moves are not a big threat to Sylveon and Little Vulpix, I used the Normal-type move "Hyper Voice".

However, its unhesitating attack made Xia Yan frown involuntarily.

This time, the two little guys didn't do it well.

But the original intention of the two little guys is actually good, just want to encourage Latios.

Besides, I have already apologized.

To launch an attack would be a bit too much.

Or use the strength of Elite-level Pokémon to attack two quasi-Elite-level little guys.

The reason why the two little guys encouraged Latios actually dates back to the Masters.

In the Masters, Latios wasn't very good.

Although Xia Yan thinks that it has just entered the Elite level, it has performed well enough.

But Latios still felt that he was not strong enough and that his role was not big enough.


With Alder dropping water, there is a chance to win.

If, like Beedrill and Alakazam, it can have champion-level strength after Mega Evolution, Xia Yan's probability of winning will be much higher.

Therefore, Latios occasionally blames himself and feels guilty.

If only it could be stronger.

If only it could try harder.

If only it could evolve like other Pokémon.

So during this period of training, it works harder and trains as hard as it can.

So in order to appease it and encourage Latios, it became the spontaneous behavior of some of Xia Yan's other Pokémons.

Xia Yan also talked to Latios several times.

The little guy is very stubborn at heart.

I just feel like I'm not doing well enough.

This is, of course, one of the reasons why Xia Yan did not hesitate to choose "Soul Dew" when choosing the rewards of the General League.

Unexpectedly, today's daily encouragement will arouse Salamence's dissatisfaction.


But before the sound waves of Salamence swept in, Latios was right in front of Sylveon and little Vulpix.

The surging dragon energy burst out from Latios' mouth, and the Psychic halo in his eyes flickered brightly.

A "Soul Dew" on the chest exudes a glowing Cianwood halo.

Dragon Pulse!

boom--! !

The "Hyper Voice" shouted by Salamence quickly shattered under Latios' resolute attack.

After the two energies collided and tore apart, Latios' attack still had enough power, and slammed into Salamence's body.


Latios glared at Salamence, his eyes sharp and aggressive.

The surging aura and the aura of being a divine beast made Salamence's ferocious eyes flash with surprise.

This Latios is strong!

This was Salamence's first impression.


Sylveon looked at the back of Latios in front of him, his eyes shining brightly.

Such domineering Latios is really rare.

But have to admit.

Latios now.

very handsome!


Little Vulpix bit his tail and looked adoring, feeling the firmness of Latios' attitude.

Isn't this what they often see on TV, the drama of a hero saving beauty?


Latios' eyes remained firm.

Shaking his head slightly towards Salamence.

Flying a few steps forward again.

Seeing Latios come forward, the alert Salamence subconsciously took two steps back.

It doesn't matter how they fight, Latios can feel the encouragement from Sylveon and little Vulpix, and he feels warm in his heart, and he understands the intentions of Xia Yan and his companions.

It just blames itself, it's just stubborn, it just wants to protect everyone.

It doesn't mean it's cowardly.

In the face of Salamence's attack, it can top it without hesitation.

Even if the opponent is an Elite Pokémon.

Even if the opponent is a quasi-god Pokémon.

But wants to bully its companions.


Xia Yan was stunned for a moment, feeling the Contest Condition of Latios conveyed by the "Power of Waveguide", with a delicate mood.

Immediately, he opened his mouth and shook his head.

Training or something is really just laying the foundation and increasing the background. If you really want to make Latios adjust its mentality, it is better to give it a hearty battle and let it feel its own strength.

It is estimated that only in this way will it truly realize how strong it is now.


At this time.

Another roar came.

It was Garchomp who took big steps and stepped on the sand, and it was Garchomp who was responsible for guarding the "Dragon's Tomb".

Feeling it coming, Salamence took two steps back, glared at Latios, turned his head and flew away.

Xia Yan stepped forward.

Gently stroked Latios' back.

Its tense body finally slowly stretched.

"Oss." He called softly.

Xia Yan looked serious.

"Latios, do you know how strong that Salamence was just now?"


Latios was taken aback.

Immediately, his expression also became a little serious, and he nodded silently.

Of course it knew, otherwise it wouldn't have stopped Sylveon from talking in the first place.

But Xia Yan's serious appearance gradually loosened, and a smile climbed onto his face.

Continue to stroke Latios' back.

"But, just now, you scared it."


Hearing that, Latios was stunned again.

Looking at Sylveon and the little Vulpix, the two little guys were deeply impressed by the domineering scene of Latios just now, their little heads were like garlic.

You, scared that savage Salamence?

Latios looked down at his hands in disbelief.

"Latios, you are a divine beast." Xia Yan said word by word.

Mythical beast?

Latios' eyes gradually brightened, slowly becoming brighter.


It is a beast!

What if you can't evolve?

That's because it doesn't need evolution at all!

Since he was in the Masters, he felt his own inadequacies.

Then try to be stronger!

Try to get stronger, Latios!

Effort will not fail it.

Feeling the emotional change from the waveguide on Latios, the smile on Xia Yan's face became even bigger.

I haven't been able to find a chance to really enlighten Latios, but I didn't expect it to be a coincidence this time.

He continued:

"I think Sylveon and the others are right. Compared with you, there are no dragon-type Pokémons here that can be beaten! If anyone is not convinced, then beat him!"

Xia Yan also rarely showed a bit of domineering.

Latios nodded vigorously.


'Beat it! ’

The corners of Garchomp's eyes twitched when he heard the arrival.

When you communicate, can't you pay attention to whether there are other Pokémon around?

It's easy to accidentally injure allies.

Fortunately, Cynthia's Garchomp comforted and explained, and it didn't get angry.


Garchomp shouted at Xia Yan and Latios.

"Uh, sorry, I forgot there was you here."

Garchomp's sharp scythes rubbed against each other, screeching loudly.

Besides, this knife can go down.

Glancing at them angrily.

He didn't say anything more, turned around and left, signaling them to follow.

"Cynthia, I'll apologize later." Xia Yan said to Cynthia with a smirk.

Cynthia shook her head slightly, with a smile on her face.

"Don't worry, it won't take it to heart. It's Latios."

She looked towards Latios.

I just feel that although Latios has not changed in strength and momentum, he can still feel the difference.

That's a change in mindset, brought about.

Xia Yan briefly explained the influence of the Masters.

Cynthia immediately found inspiration.

Not only Xia Yan's Latios, but also her Lucario and Gardevoir were affected by the Masters, and she also blamed herself more or less.

After all, this is the Pokémon world. Pokémons have their own independent thoughts and consciousness, and they also generate various emotions.

And regulating the emotions of Pokémon, isn't it an important part of Trainer in the process of cultivating Pokémon?

Take inspiration from Xia Yan and Latios.

Cynthia felt that it might be necessary for her to increase the number and frequency of discussions with Daye and Lucian, so that Lucario and Gardevoir could regain their confidence.

Of course that's another story.

Following Garchomp, it was not long before a steep cliff surrounded by a thick purple mist.

The dragon energy is very strong

On the mountain wall shrouded in purple mist, a huge "Dragon Crystal" was inlaid, exuding a dazzling purple halo.


It can be seen that there are many small "Dragon Crystals" around the "Dragon Crystal".

The "Dragon Crystal" that Cynthia gave to Xia Yan during the Masters was one of them.

These are all "Dragon Crystals" condensed because the surrounding dragon energy is too strong.


The invisible Doron Bartto showed his figure involuntarily.

Garchomp glanced at Doron Bartto, but said nothing.

However, Xia Yan could feel that as he got closer to this mountain wall, the surrounding dragon energy became stronger.

Excessive dragon energy is not a good thing.

Because there is a limit to everything, and it is too much to go too far.

Even a dragon-type Pokémon may not be able to withstand excessive absorption of dragon-type energy.

Therefore, this mountain wall is a forbidden place for the dragon-type Pokémon in the "Dragon's Tomb". Except for Garchomp and Reggie Elech, who was guarding here before, they are not allowed to enter or even approach.

Xia Yan watched as Garchomp frowned and pushed aside the pure dragon energy, and climbed up the mountain wall, a thought flashed involuntarily.

If, with the dragon energy here Captivate Dragon God Pillar Regidorago, will it be moved?

So Xia Yan asked: "Garchomp, maybe I have a way to help you dilute the excessive dragon energy here, what do you think?"


Garchomp on the cliff replied.

'Can! ’

Xia Yan and Duolong Bartto glanced at each other.

They both understood what Xia Yan meant.


Garchomp is back.

There is something in the mouth.

Seeing the thing, Latios' eyes froze for a moment.

Xia Yan couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

I saw that what Garchomp was biting in his mouth was a colorful crystal about the size of a fist, and Cal in it was constantly flickering and undulating, as if foreshadowing something.

"Infinite Crystal?" Xia Yan murmured.

He took this crystal from Garchomp's mouth.

He is very familiar with this crystal, because once in the different space of Rayquaza, Xia Yan collected the "infinite crystal" condensed by "infinite energy", and finally turned it into Latios' Mega Evolution stone.

At this time, the one in his hand was definitely not Latios's.

Its owner is.


That is. Ono!

Unexpectedly, the "infinite crystal" of Latias is actually hidden in the "Tomb of the Dragon".

Latios was born in "In the Meteor", and Latias' "Infinity Crystal" was in "Dragon's Tomb".

In fact, "Meteor's Village" and "Dragon's Tomb" were originally one.

Is there any unknown connection between them?

Xia Yan looked at Garchomp, "Why is this 'infinite crystal' flashing?"


'Description, its owner, Contest Condition is abnormal. ’

Hearing this, Xia Yan's pupils shrank.

"Os? Os!"

Latios next to him asked anxiously.

Although, it has forgotten the memory of the previous life, but seeing this "infinite crystal" and hearing that its owner Contest Condition is abnormal, I don't know why, and my heart is agitated and anxious.

Xia Yan put it on Latios' neck, soothing its emotions.

Continue to ask: "When did it start?"


'When I asked Xiaona to come to you, there was already something strange, but the specific strangeness appeared about ten days ago. ’

Xia Yan nodded slightly.

It has been more than ten days, and no bad results have appeared, which means that Ono is relatively safe for the time being.

"Xia Yan, what's wrong? Need my help?" Cynthia also felt the Contest Condition of Xia Yan and Latios, and couldn't help asking.

Xia Yan nodded and did not refuse.

"But, you have to leave here first."

After saying that, he greeted Garchomp with thanks, and strode away with the Pokémon.

Cynthia is close behind.


To find the trajectory of Ono's actions.

She is going to challenge the Alliance competition, and it shouldn't be difficult to find her activity track.


PS: Today's 1.2w~~

(End of this chapter)

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