The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 922: The Ultimate Investigation Team (2 In 1)

"What should I do? All three Pokémon were captured by this Elite?"

James looked at Xia Yan who put away the three Ultra Balls and muttered.

"Bastard! Dare to rob the old lady, the old lady will let him know why the flowers are so red!"

Jessie was so violent, she rolled up her sleeves and wanted to rush to find Xia Yan desperately.

"No, meow!! That's Elite! That's Elite Four, meow!"


Meowth, the brains behind the trio, desperately holds onto Jessie to keep her from being a fool.

"Yes, yes! Jessie, don't be impulsive, that's the Elite Four!"

James also reacted.

Quickly hold onto Jessie.

"What about Elite Four?! Elite Four can stop us from ascending? Elite Four can. Mmmmmmm."

Meowth and James directly covered Jessie's mouth and dragged her away.

good guy.

Just head-to-head with the Elite Four, they don't want to enjoy the "so nasty" feeling.

It's just that they don't know.

The Elite Four in their mouths is the same person as the highest executive they belong to.

And these exchanges between them fell into Xia Yan's ears without a word.

At that time, Xia Yan felt that.

Well, it looks like Team Rocket has a mine to mine.

"How, how do you know?"

Zaobo looked at Xia Yan blankly, and blurted out subconsciously.

As soon as he said it, he realized that he had leaked his words.

Xia Yan stood up slowly, and the Psychic in his eyes flashed away.

Recorded in the "Sage Stone" given by Agatha, it is really good for Psychic's ability to suggest and influence the mind.

Assisting the chance he had just received three Type: Nulls, he took the opportunity to directly attack Zaobo's psychological defense, and he had almost no ability to resist.


This also has a lot to do with Zaobo himself not being a strong-willed person.

"Xia Yan Elite, let me explain to you."

At this time.

Lusamine, who came here because of Type: Null's rampage, also happened to hear this.

Xia Yan raised his eyes and looked at Lusamine who was walking.

behind her.

There are also two full teams of fully equipped Aether Foundation operations members, with decent combat effectiveness.

This is also one of the main armed forces of the Aether Foundation, which is the basis for the Aether Foundation to maintain a high degree of autonomy after the Alliance has settled in.

However, these people may be a threat to the previous Xia Yan.

But for the current Xia Yan.

Unless Aether Foundation's operations department dispatched nearly half.

In other words, there is some special power in the Aether Foundation that he doesn't know about.

Otherwise, the threat to him is not great.

Xia Yanxu squinted his eyes, and after taking a deep look at Lusamine, his smile returned to his face.

"it is good."

The two came to an office in Aether Paradise.

Sit at either side of your desk.

Lusamine wisely didn't ask how Xia Yan knew about her communication with Zaobo.

Xia Yan also tacitly did not pursue her reasons for concealing some things.

Both of them were as if nothing had happened.

But this time Lusamine showed enough sincerity. …

"Xia Yan Elite, you are the teacher of Glagio and Lillie, and the honorary professor of our Aether Foundation. You are our own people. We have always attached great importance to our own people.

So as soon as I got your message, I gave orders to all our Aether Foundation members to find your sister. "

At the beginning, there was still a gap between the two in terms of identity.

but now.

The two are almost equal.


Because of Xia Yan's status as Professor, his fame and his status in the Alliance, Lusamine couldn't really offend him.

after all.

It was their Aether Foundation who prevented Alliance from entering the Alola Region.

A lot of requests have been raised from this.

Now Alliance is here.

Lusamine can't guarantee that the Alliance will not cross the river and demolish the bridge to take the opportunity to Revenge.

If they can show their cooperation with Xia Yan on the bright side, it can at least avoid the suspicion of the Alliance to a certain extent, which can allow the Aether Foundation to develop better and more sustainably.

simply put.

It was the Aether Foundation who wanted to be Xia Yan.

To prove their Aether Foundation has merged with Alliance.

The model is equivalent to the relationship between Hoenn Alliance and Devon.

The difference is only.

The Aether Foundation has a greater impact on the Alola Region.

After all, the Aether Foundation has penetrated into almost every corner of the lives of residents in the Alola Region.


Xia Yan nodded slightly.


Lusamine pushed a document in front of Xia Yan.

"Some things, even our Aether Foundation, may not necessarily be involved."

Xia Yan flipped through it with a little doubt.

A little surprise and surprise flashed in his eyes.

I see.

"You, Aether Foundation, have made contact with the residents of Ultra Wormhole?" Xia Yan asked with raised eyebrows.

"It's us."

Lusamine first emphasized the sentence.

Then he continued:

"Yes, they call themselves the ultimate investigation team, from Ultra Space, and want to find what they have lost. And they have extremely high science and technology, and have cooperated with us at the Aether Foundation, which includes joint research and development. Polar Ball'."

"So, you mean, Ono entered the Ultra Wormhole? Because of this so-called Ultra Wormhole?"

talking room.

Xia Yan looked down at his phone.

In fact, he and Ono have always been in touch.

It's just that the time is not fixed, because Xia Yan sometimes runs to a different dimension or a corner, and can't be contacted.

So Ono would send him a message every once in a while to report the situation.

And the last piece of information was fifteen days ago.

Ono: Brother, I found a very interesting place. I'm going to see it. If you can't get in touch with me, don't worry (Han laugh.jpg).

Xia Yan was in a meeting at that time.

Didn't even notice.

There are also cases where there is no report every other month, so Xia Yan didn't think much about it at all.

After all, when Xia Yan determined that Ono could travel alone, she had already determined her mastery of the basics. …

And with the strength of her Kommo-o, a Normal or a Normal wild Pokémon can't hurt her.

Besides, Ono is someone who can live very well in the different space of Rayquaza, and his ability to survive in the wild is absolutely top.

Xia Yan was guessing before whether this "very interesting place" would be Ultra Wormhole.

It is now confirmed to some extent.

"It's not quite sure yet. But we did not find any trace of Ono in the Alola Region. But it's also uncertain, she may have entered some harsh environment, where there are few people."

Xia Yan nodded.


If Ono entered Mount Lanakila or arrived in the desert, the people of the Aether Foundation would not be able to appear in those places.

"I've asked Zaobo to contact those people and ask if they know anything.

The reason why I'm hiding it from you is that I don't want Alliance to feel that we, Aether Foundation, cooperated with the people at Ultra Space without authorization, so as to have a certain influence. "

Lusamine's honesty was somewhat beyond Xia Yan's expectations.

Almost everything related to the ultimate investigation team was told.

Why is she doing this?

Since it has already been discovered, why not hide it at all?


She just brought out some of Xia Yan's problems, and properly concealed some?

For example, does the cooperation project between the Ultimate Investigation Team and the Aether Foundation include anything other than "Ultimate Sphere"?


Since it was possible to investigate Ultra Wormhole and Ultra Space, Xia Yan felt that he had to go back to the UB Countermeasures Department.

"I see."

Xia Yan stood up.

"If there is a situation, feel free to contact me, I will go to the UB Countermeasures Department."

Lusamine also quickly stood up, "Then Type: Null."

Xia Yan froze.

"It will be returned to you, but I have to confirm their condition first."

If Silvally didn't burn the Attribute's disc, the combat power and the role it can play are actually the same.

The Attribute CD is still in the hands of the Aether Foundation.


When to return it to them, how many to return, and to whom it will be handed over, it is not their decision.

He never considered himself a member of the Aether Foundation.

He worked with Lusamine, and each had what he needed.

They are still working together now.

Even though Glagio and Lillie are Xia Yan's students.

But Lusamine, the real pervert, was unacceptable to even Glagio and Lillie.

Looking at Xia Yan's back hurriedly leaving, Lusamine stood there and didn't move.


Zaobo pushed open the door.


Not finished yet.

First interrupted by Lusamine reaching out.

A Mismagius wafted out of the wall.


Nodding towards Lusamine.

The situation in the office is determined.

Having already suffered a loss, Lusamine will not take it a second time.


Zaobo nodded again and again before continuing:

"Director, Dales has replied to the message. . . .

He said that Ultra Wormhole did open frequently during this period, some were controllable, but some were not, so for a while, it was really hard to be sure. Besides. The two groups of people in Ultra Space, you also know the situation.

Conservatives and radicals don't communicate. "

Lusamine pursed his lips.

"Tell it to Xia Yan truthfully."

"Yes" Zaobo lowered his head.

But soon it was lifted again.

"By the way, Chairman Lusamine, those three Attributes: full."

Hearing this, Lusamine glared at him.

"You can't watch Protect yourself, who's to blame?!"

"No no no—"

Zaobo waved his hands again and again.

"Their riot this time is an abnormal riot. Because... because"

Seeing his faltering appearance, Lusamine said even more indignantly, "Because of what?!"

Zaobo took a few steps and said carefully:

"I found out that there is an extreme beast beside Xia Yan. It is an extreme beast that has never been recorded in the book. Even the information provided by Dales and the others did not mention this extreme beast."

what he said.

Naturally, it was Little Nebula following Xia Yan.

As Zaobo who studies Ultra Wormhole and Ultra Energy, he still has this ability, and he can recognize that the small nebula is not an ordinary Pokémon.

"The ultimate alien beast you've never seen before?"

Lusamine's eyes suddenly lit up.

One of the contents of the cooperation between the ultimate investigation team and the Aether Foundation is to provide all the information on the ultimate monsters, which enriches and improves the database of the Aether Foundation.

"However, it seems that it is not very strong." Zaobo said, rubbing his chin.

But for Lusamine.

Whether the ultimate alien beast is strong or not is not the key at all.

But soon she thought that Little Nebula belonged to Xia Yan, so she could only quickly suppress the restlessness in her heart.

It's just that this gives Zaobo a good reason for the three Type: Nulls going berserk.

After calming down, Lusamine did not continue on this topic, but spoke again:

"You tell Theonilla again, I have found him the top trainer he wants, but how to operate it is his own business, let him figure out a solution.

The most important thing! We must not involve our Aether Foundation, that's their Ultra Space business. "

Hearing this, Zaobo grinned.


"If you're fine, you can go."

"There is one more." Zaobo said again.

Lusamine lifted his chin.

"Dalles said there could be a massive probe by radicals."

Lusamine's pretty face sank.

"You said something so important now?!"

"Don't worry, Ono is not in danger for the time being, she is just missing. If there is danger, 'Infinite Crystal' will give a warning. What we have to do is to find her before the danger comes to her."

Xia Yan comforted Latios.


Latios nodded, it understood what Xia Yan meant, but was a little worried.

"Besides, even if Ono does enter Ultra Space, don't worry too much. You forgot, where did we meet Ono?"…

Hearing this, Latios finally felt relieved.


Ono lives alone in the dangerous and unusual Rayquaza's alien space. Facing the powerful wild Pokémon, she is not only at ease, but even has a good life.

What she lacks is actually just some basic knowledge and communication skills.

But in these aspects, before Xia Yan allowed Ono to travel by herself, she had already supplemented her.

It is precisely because of her strong ability to survive in the wild that she is not even inferior to Xia Yan, so Xia Yan will rest assured to let her travel by herself.


Ono was abducted, and Xia Yan might still be worried.

But if you just enter Ultra Space, with Ono's ability to survive in the wild, you may be able to live very well in Ultra Space.

Latios is concerned about chaos.


Latios carried Xia Yan to the Laboratory before Melemele Island Samson Oak.

Now it has become the Laboratory of Kukuyin and his childhood sweetheart Barnett.

In the past, the Laboratory was used as the temporary headquarters of the UB Countermeasures Department, and the current UB Countermeasures Department is also next to the Laboratory.

"Xia Yan Elite, uh, police officer, are you here?"

As soon as he landed, Xia Yan met a handsome old colleague at the door.

"What are you... doing?"

Xia Yan swept around and found that many people in the UB Countermeasures Department were sorting out equipment, as if they might be dispatched at any time.

Hearing this, the handsome guy turned straight and hurriedly said:

"Professor Burnet found that there was an extremely large-scale ultra-energy change in Poni Island, and suspected that it might be a large-scale riot of the ultimate monster. For the sake of safety, we must arrive and station as soon as possible, just in case."

"Large-scale ultimate energy change?" Xia Yan pursed his lips.

What a coincidence.

Just came across this kind of thing.

"What about Minister Anabel?" Xia Yan asked.


When the handsome guy heard this question, his eyes dodged for a while, hesitating.

Seeing his appearance, Xia Yan frowned.

"Did something big happen?"

The handsome guy gritted his teeth, approached Xia Yan and said, "Anabel's vigilance won't let her say, she entered the Ultra Wormhole not long ago."

"Good guy."

Xia Yan cursed angrily.

Stepped in.

The handsome guy looked at Xia Yan's back and scratched the back of his head involuntarily.

Although Anabel's police officer's age is not very young, he is Xia Yan's superior anyway.


It seems that Xia Yan is now in the Alliance position, similar to Anabel, right?

Maybe even half a level higher?

At least about the same.

But in the entire UB Countermeasures Department, only Xia Yan could oppose some of Anabel's decisions.


PS: 1.2w today! Ask for a monthly ticket~~

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