The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 941 The Missing Champion (4.5K!)

the next day.

Xia Yan and Cynthia left the Alola Region at the same time.

The matter was almost over, and the two of them were no longer needed for the rest.

Xia Yan went to the Unova Region.

And Cynthia went back to Sinnoh to debrief.

Anyway, the two went back to the same report, and Xia Yan entrusted it to Cynthia.

Who let him have a secretary?

Lucian can temporarily stand for him.

Euphemistically called it: adapting in advance to Elite's duties and obligations.

Lucian, Daye, and Aaron are all valued by Sinnoh Alliance.


It is the person whom Sinnoh Alliance President Igor and Bertha Elite value, who will be able to take on the responsibilities of the Elite Four in the future.


Although Bertha grabbed Xia Yan and criticized him on the phone, he did not force Xia Yan to go back.

And Xia Yan went to Unova because of something.

First, because of the black and white Opelucid thing.

When the Necrozma incident broke out in the Alola Region, Xia Yan summoned Black and White Opelucid in advance because he predicted this incident.

How do you know.

Opelucid was delayed by the incident and could not make it to the Alola Region in a short period of time.

Although it seems that the matter is not very serious, Xia Yan thinks it is better to look at it in the past.

after all.

Among so many divine beasts, Ponytail and Black Stout are the closest to him.

Second thing.

For Akroma's Porygon-Z.

If you want to fix it, it is definitely impossible to do it with the technological capabilities of the Hunter Guild.

Alliance may be.

But now inside the Alliance, Xia Yan didn't dare to trust all of them except for a few people.

As for the Rockets.

The boss of Giovanni continued to lose contact, not only Xia Yan, but even the real bird who was Giovanni's secretary could not find him.


The Rockets are a very mature force, and even if Giovanni isn't there, there won't be any problems in the short term.


Xia Yan finally set his target on Akroma of Team Plasma.

He felt that, with Akroma's character, he would not refuse the challenge from another world.

Moreover, starting with Team Plasma, information security can also be guaranteed.

Not really, there is black and white Opelucid.


How to contact Akroma and get the opportunity to communicate with him alone is also a troublesome problem.

But with Joe Anna around, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Third thing.

Inside the Alliance that Agatha and Xia Yan were waiting for, there was a connection with the former Tom Lunch, or the person who led Tom Lunch to leave and defect from the Alliance finally got in touch with Qiao Anna.

As one of the highest seats in the Hunter Guild today.

Yan Xia, who has already mastered most of the power of the Hunter Guild, should also come forward to get in touch with this group of people.

Although Xia Yan has roughly guessed their identities.

But still have to prove it.

Unova Region.

Opelucid City.


Looking at the cute Pokémon with a bulging mouth in front of him, even the voice he made when he was angry sounded soft and sticky.

Xia Yan raised his hands to announce his surrender.

"Yes, yes, it's my fault, it's been so long. No matter what the reasons and excuses, it must be my fault."

In the face of Stephanie's son, regardless of whether he is dominant or not, there is absolutely no problem in admitting his mistake first.

When Stephanie's anger subsided a little, it was time for reassurance.

Xia Yan hurriedly took Meloetta into his arms and gently touched its head.

She whispered softly: "Our little Meloetta has worked hard, and we have to stay behind Unova to watch two strong men who may lose their temper at any time. It's really hard work."



Seeing Xia Yan's honest confession, Meloetta's bulging mouth suddenly laughed a lot, and even put down her akimbo.

Although there was still a bit of anger in his voice, it was much better than when he saw Xia Yan just now.

"Gah? (Who is this pretty Stephanie?)"

in the courtyard.

The onion wanderer arched Togekiss with his elbows and looked into Meloetta's eyes with a little curiosity and appreciation.

Well, appreciate it.

Togekiss gave it a sideways glance.


It is indeed beautiful.

But I'm afraid that the Meloetta Transform will scare you to death.

However, Togekiss rolled his eyes, and his sly color flashed, and he immediately remembered.

"Just ya~~ (Meloetta, a very friendly and well-behaved Pokémon. Also has a strong fighting technique.)"


Fighting? !

The onion soldier's eyes suddenly lit up.

It likes Fighting the most.


Since Togekiss said that he is strong, he definitely has a strong strength.

Thinking of this, the onion wanderer took a long onion and a shield, strode forward, and walked in front of Xia Yan and Meloetta majestic.

He bowed slightly and performed a very standard knight etiquette.

"Quack! (Beautiful lady, I want to challenge you!)"

After all, his eyes glowed.

Meloetta, who was still with Xia Yan Charm, was suddenly interrupted, and her expression became a little unfriendly at the same time.


The onion soldier did not realize the seriousness of the matter at all.

The long onion slapped the shield, and at the same time as the sonorous sound sounded, it was also filled with a little Taunt.

Xia Yan slightly raised his forehead.

Decided to save it.

"Cough, duck, have you completed your training today?"


The onion wanderer patted his chest, indicating that not only has it been completed, but it has been over-completed.

Xia Yan's mouth twitched.

have to.

We want to save you, but you can't live up to it.

Meloetta looked at Xia Yan.

"Melomelo? (Xia Yan, do you have food reserves?)"

Stock up on food?

The corners of Xia Yan's eyes flickered, and he glanced at Duck, who was unconscious.

"That's it."


Meloetta understood instantly.

Leaving Xia Yan, he grabbed the green wavy hair like a staff with both hands, and gently twisted it up.

at the same time.

He suddenly hummed an ancient song full of rhythm and momentum.

At first glance, it seems like a war song.

And the scallion soldier who was closest to his mouth also felt the power from the singing, and became more excited and excited.

As expected of an excellent female warrior, she even sang the battle song before the competition, which made her blood boil.

next moment.

Meloetta's singing fades away, and its appearance also changes, switching from "singing form" to "dancing form".


The green soldier swayed the long sword in his hand slightly, and hooked his fingers towards Meloetta, saying come on.

see you.

Meloetta's expression became solemn, and she tapped light dance steps. It didn't look like she was fighting, but more like dancing?

This shoulder just flashed in the mind of the scallion soldier.

next second.

Meloetta's speed suddenly accelerated, and in the blink of an eye, she appeared in front of the onion wanderer.

A swirling, fierce kick, before the soles of the feet touched the onion wandering soldier, the fierce wind blew his face aching, and the white hair on his body became abnormally messy.

The speed is so fast that Ya Ya can only barely raise her shield to resist.

At the same time, my heart was turbulent.

boom! !

Meloetta kicked Ducky's shield, and in an instant, the shield burst, and the onion trooper flew out.

Onion Rangers: =????=????(●???●|||)

Rest of Pokémon: (*/ω\*)

boom--! !

The fence of the yard burst in an instant.

Just outside the collapsed wall, there happened to be a few people standing, with stiff expressions and dull eyes.

The line of sight slowly moved from the fence on the other side of the road to the onion roaming soldiers, mechanically and bluntly earning it.

Just now.

Just a little while.

In addition to the onion wandering soldiers, they will be added to the ones that are posted on the opposite wall.

"Cough cough."

Xia Yan hurriedly waved towards Meloetta.

With a kick, Meloetta, who was in a better mood, immediately returned to her "singing form", wiggled her hair lightly, and disappeared from sight in a single turn.


Although its kick looked ruthless, it actually controlled the force.

In addition, the Onion Ranger itself is a sturdy Fighting-type Pokémon, so he did not suffer any substantial damage.

It just looks exaggerated.

After Xia Yan coughed lightly, he looked at a few people.

Eyebrows raised slightly.

"Mr. Drayden, Officer Jenny?"

Among the crowd, Drayden, the gym owner of Opelucid City, was headed by him, who had also communicated with Xia Yan.

Xia Yan's Latios can be considered to have learned something from Drayden.

His arrival in the Unova Region was not very secret, and with the abilities of Drayden and Jenny, it was not difficult to find and determine his location.

"Xia Yan Elite, you are."

Officer Jenny glanced at the scene in front of him and said embarrassingly.

Xia Yan hurriedly smiled and said: "I was training just now, a little accident, a little accident."

Then a few people came in from outside.

It was the wall that was smashed by the onion soldiers.

"Quack!! (I get it! I get it!!)"

At this time.

The onion wanderer across the road immediately jumped off the wall, and with the rustling debris falling, he happily ran back across the ruins like nothing.

Don't say it yet.

The onion wanderer really understood something from Meloetta's kick.

About the move "Meteor Assault".


Xia Yan suddenly felt.

How come the addition of Duck Ya seems to have caused such an unexpected change in his entire painting style?

"Cough, look, it's training."

Xia Yan ignored the excited onion wandering soldiers and led a few people into the living room.

Audino politely poured them a glass of water each.

"Mr. Drayden, Officer Jenny, I wonder if you're here this time?"

After a few people sat down, Xia Yan finally asked.

"That's right, Xia Yan."

Drayden, as the person who once pointed Xia Yan, and his seniority is there, no one feels wrong to call Xia Yan's name directly.

After a short speech, he slowly talked about the reason why they came to Xia Yan.

"Mr. Alder, the champion, is missing."

After listening.

Xia Yan, who was holding the water cup, stopped in the air, his eyes narrowed slightly, with a little surprise and disbelief.

The voice was a few degrees higher.

"You said, the Alder champion, is missing?!"

The champion of a dignified Region, the veteran Trainer, and the master-like Alder, has actually disappeared? !

A bitterness crossed Drayden's face.

"I know it's a bit unbelievable to say it. The Alder champion does go out a lot, but this time, it's missing."

Next to Officer Jenny added:

"Usually, even if the old man Alder didn't report to Alliance for two or three months, there would always be some complaints against Alder in our Jenny internal group, but this time, we haven't heard any news about him for more than two consecutive months. "

Along with him is Nurse Joy at the Pokémon Center in Opelucid City.

"The situation here is similar. I usually hear complaints from the sisters in the group about Mr. Alder, but I haven't seen him for a long time now."

"It's not normal," Drayden concluded.

First, the Alliance couldn't reach Alder.

But this is not the case.


Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy hadn't heard from Alder in a long time, so it was unusual.

after all.

Alder is a person like Xiaogang in the original book, who can't walk when he sees beautiful women.

Coincidentally, the Jenny family and the Joy family are all beautiful women.

Xia Yan pressed his chin and rubbed lightly.

Lift your head slowly.

"Your group, pull me one?"


The three were stunned.

Xia Yan couldn't help but smile.

"Just kidding. However, Mr. Alder is a champion anyway. I just played against him some time ago, and he is outrageously strong. I don't think there is any danger?"

That's Alder!

Even if Alder is not very prominent among the future champions, at least he is not at the bottom.

How can someone who can become a Region Champion be in danger?

Not to mention in the Unova Region.

In the game, Alder did lose to N in the championship battle where he finally bet on faith.

But that was because Alder hadn't fully recovered from the grief of the loss of his companion Pokémon, and hurriedly responded.

it's here.

Xia Yan had played against Alder.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Alder doesn't release the water, Xia Yan has no chance of winning, only the qualification to escape.

Such a person, even if Team Plasma comes out, can't keep him.

"It's not impossible." Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy whispered at the same time.

Drayden pretended not to hear.

After coughing, he said again: "Xia Yan, you may not know that much about the Alder champion."

He paused for a while, as if thinking about whether to say it or not, but finally said it.

"You don't know, the Alder champion sometimes falls asleep halfway through his walk, halfway through a meal, and halfway through a battle."


Xia Yan suddenly remembered.


There seems to be such a small bug.

"Yeah, Xia Yan Elite, you don't know. Once again, that old man Alder fell into a ravine while walking, and we sent someone to rescue him." Officer Jenny said.

"There was another time when I fell asleep after eating, and when I woke up, I forgot what I was eating. As a result, a huge fish bone got stuck in my throat, which one of my sisters personally took out for him."

Nurse Joy also added.

Sweat slowly appeared on Xia Yan's forehead.

good guy.

He just called the good guy.

It's a miracle that Alder has survived until now, right?

"But this time. Neither Nurse Joy nor Officer Jenny have ever heard of the Alder champion again, and Alliance can't get in touch with him, so."

Drayden's expression was also embarrassed.

It's a bit embarrassing to say the appearance of my own champion.

"So, we want to use your strength at Interpol to help expand the search area and see if we can find Alder's information."

Xia Yan gently wiped his forehead and let out a long breath.

"Okay, I see. I'll say hello there, but I can't give any guarantees about the specific results. Anyway."

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and a bold idea emerged.

Alder, shouldn't he run to Xicui to be an ancient hero?

Shaking his head, discarding the unrealistic thought.

Breathe out a little.

The color palette is right: "Mr. Alder's strength, I absolutely believe that he will not encounter any danger."

Several people looked at each other.

They all nodded silently.

When they left, Xia Yan took out his mobile phone with a grin.

good guy.

The champion of a Region can really play and disappear.

I was about to make a call to Interpol headquarters.

After all, the disappearance of the champion, no matter how many people believe it.

He spoke, the weight was a little heavier, and the credibility was higher.

Suddenly, a few messages popped up on the phone.

【Ding! Opelucid City Officer Jenny invites you to join the Unova Alliance Jenny internal group! 】

【Ding! Opelucid City Nurse Joy invites you to join the Unova Alliance Joy internal group! 】

Xia Yan couldn't help but grinned.



PS: 1.2w today! Continue to wish you all the best of luck! Ask for a monthly ticket~~

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