The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 949 I Want To Be A Good Person (Two In One)

Chapter 948 I want to be a good person (two in one)

"It was busy when I first arrived a week ago, and it hasn't stopped now."

on the phone.

Joe Anna's voice came.

Xia Yan gently rubbed a triangular pyramid-shaped pendant in his hand, feeling the patterns on it.

No matter how you look at it, you can't feel any peculiarity from the appearance of "DNA Splicers", as if it were just an ordinary pendant.


Zorua, who was lying on Xia Yan's lap, stretched out long.

Reaching out the soft meat pad, Xia Yan's hand was actively pressed on his head.

He narrowed his eyes, as if waiting to enjoy.

Looking at its begging expression, Xia Yan couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

But still following his will, he gently massaged his head.

Feeling the power brought by Xia Yan's warm palm, the stimulation of the acupuncture points revealed a comfortable and lazy posture.

At the same time, Xia Yan continued in his mouth:

"Send someone you can trust to stare at him 24 hours a day. Although Akroma is a mad scientist, he also has his own pursuits and obsessions. I don't want to see some not-so-good ones. Research results appear.

Of course, his ability is also worthy of strong support, but we just need us to give him a clear and correct direction.

Used well, he'll be a razor-sharp blade.

If you don't use it well, you're going to hurt yourself. "

For Akroma, a mad scientist, Xia Yan finally chose to keep him.

no way.

This guy is really talented.

It can almost be said that the upper limit of Team Plasma was forcibly raised by himself.

Team Plasma's various technological abilities even troubled him for a while.

If such a person can make good use of it.

Whether it is the identity of the Alliance Elite Four or the identity of the Hunter N, the highest seat of the Hunter Guild, it can play a great role.

But the premise is to use it correctly.

Instead of letting his talents disappear, or let him disappear directly.

It would be better to bring it to his own men, watch over him firmly, and play his greatest role.


Since Akroma will fall out with Ghetsis because of some conflicts, of course it may also fall out with the Hunter Guild because of conflicts.

But Xia Yan is more confident about that.

He can use the advantage of foresight to give Akroma some aspects that are more correct in his opinion, and can also play a good role after showing the results.

For example.

Now, he has asked Akroma to shift the research direction to Mega Evolution.

Doing a double or even triple Mega Evolution at the same time is a huge burden for the trainer, and only a few people can do it.

But Xia Yan knows that in a small country on the edge of the Kalos Region, there is one person who can perform double, triple or even more Mega Evolutions at the same time with the sight of ancient technology.

Since others can.

Akroma makes no sense.

The negative harm brought by such a research direction will undoubtedly be much smaller.

But it also gives Akroma a good subject to delve into.

After this research is over, Xia Yan can find some more directions for Akroma.

For example, it may be open soon, the giganticization of the Galar Region.


Akroma is a talent, and how to make good use of him is the key.

"I understand. The whole process is monitored 24 hours a day, from the three aspects of people, monitoring, and Pokémon to ensure that nothing goes wrong." Joe Anna also knew the horror of Akroma.

One did not see.

It is not impossible to develop a spliced ​​monster Pokémon later.


Xia Yan chuckled lightly.

"Don't be too nervous, just be appropriate."

After a short pause, he narrowed his eyes and continued: "After all, there are not many people in this world who dare to use him."

Xia Yan also believed that Akroma would not betray him.

Because he has something that no one else can give.

When they first sat down and had a good talk, when Xia Yan talked about the research directions that made Akroma stunned, Akroma's whole person changed.

Looking at Xia Yan's eyes is like looking at a golden mountain.

Before he hollowed out Xia Yan, it was impossible to leave.

After all, there is only one force in the entire Pokémon world today that can provide direction guidance, security protection, and resource support.

"Okay." Joe Anna replied.

After a little silence.

Joe Anna said again, "By the way, he said that the restoration of a Pokémon has been completed."

"Oh?" Xia Yan's eyes lit up.

So fast?

It can only be said that it is indeed Akroma.

"But he said that because of his own damage, some of the data could not be repaired. At the same time, he also cleared some of them, some caches? Memory?"

Qiao Anna also didn't know what Akroma and Xia Yan were messing with, so she didn't understand it very well.

"It's ok."

Xia Yan said slowly.

What he needs is only a part of the information, which is enough to deduce some tricks.

That is to say, Porygon-Z has lost its activity, so that Akroma can do this.

If it is Porygon-Z with a certain degree of autonomy, someone would dare to invade its database.

Maybe Porygon-Z came to the door directly along the network cable.

"And there is." Joe Anna hesitated a little.


Joe Anna lowered her voice.

"Akroma was very excited after giving me that Poké Ball, muttering that he found a new Pokémon, others can, he can create something."



Xia Yan gently rubbed against his chin.

It would be nice if Akroma could create the Porygon.

If the Hunter Guild's future member database, database, etc. can be protected by a Porygon, then the safety factor is no worse than the Alliance's database.

"Let him go, and remember to report it to me at any time."

"Okay, then I'll send you that Poké Ball."

After hanging up the communication.

It didn't take long for Xia Yan to receive the Poké Ball sent by Qiao Anna.

Don't say it.

Since Bill's Pokémon teleporter was developed, it's gotten a lot easier in many ways.

Among the parties that have benefited a lot, there is their Hunter Guild.


When the Hunter Guild catches wild Pokémon, they have to worry about rangers, Alliance police, Interpol, etc.


Much more convenient.

As long as there is a signal, carry a portable Pokémon transmission device with you, you can transmit Pokémon back anytime, anywhere, complete the task assigned by the guild, and then continue to the next task.

Efficiency is more than doubled.


The Hunter Guild is undoubtedly a lot more convenient on the way to trade.

It can be said.

The development of the Pokémon transmission device has greatly promoted the development of the Hunter Guild.

According to the reports of the heads of each Region.

During this time, more and more Trainers have registered as hunters, and there are even some Alliance Trainers.

Side business, and it is a side business whose risk has been reduced to a very low value, there are still many people who are willing to give it a try.

also caused.

The influence of the Hunter Guild is also gradually increasing.


Xia Yan, the highest seat in the Hunter Guild who has nearly half or even the majority of its power, also has the highest seat in all Regions. It seems that he is about to become another Dark World boss after Team Rocket.

In this regard, Xia Yan also expressed helplessness.

He didn't do anything.

They didn't even take over the dominance of the hunter guilds in Kanto, Sinnoh, Kalos, and other regions, because they were afraid that one day they would become a dark boss.


good guy.

Because of one of Bill's "Pokémon transmissions," the influence was inexplicably further expanded.

do not do well.

Now on the red notice inside the Alliance.

Number one is Rockets leader Giovanni.

The second place may be the actual controller of the Hunter Guild covering seven regions.

"The first day of being pushed as a boss - I want to be a good person"

He laughed self-deprecatingly.

Xia Yan put "DNA Splicers" on the table.

This thing can still play a role in the future.

Black and White Opelucid Reshiram and Zekrom have a very close relationship with him, and Kyurem's relationship with him has also gotten closer after this incident.

If this "Fusion Magic Card" is used in the future, it can still work wonders.


Xia Yan took out two more colorful feathers, one gold and one silver.

Marshadow gave him the "Rainbow Feather" belonging to Ho-Oh, and the "Silver Feather" belonging to Lugia with a little black at the end.

Two Mewtwo Mega Evolution stones, "X" and "Y".

I don't know if it is possible to use it in the future because of his relationship with Mewtwo.

Xia Yan, who was leaning against his chin, thought about it, and then took out another Kendama toy that looked a little old.

He looked at the things on the table, and then looked at the toys in his hand.

Smiling and shaking his head.

"Although the toys Mew gave are very memorable, compared to this pile of things, it's not even a single star."

He took out another dark green scale and a fist-sized dark red stone.

They are Rayquaza's scales, and a little bit of Primal Groudon's carapace is left.

Immediately after, a very ordinary looking piece of Meteorite.

But it contained the same cosmic virus as Deoxys.

Then came three more scales.

Scales of Giratina, Palkia, Dialga.

Finally, it is a palm-sized pure white ice crystal.

This is Kyurem's Present to Xia Yan after this event, which can provide a lot of help to the newly evolved Ninetales.

Careful glance.

Xia Yan couldn't help grinning.

"There are still a lot of good things, you can find a chance to share them."

Look at the colorful ones in front of you.

If you take it out to open an exhibition.

Guess it can scare a lot of people.

He's on the verge of becoming a collector of mythical beasts.

Feel good about yourself after a while.

A wave of the palm.

Everything was collected in one go.

Take out the Porygon-Z Poké Ball in hand.

Through the glass, you can see that the Porygon-Z inside has come back to life.


Orange eyes, looking a little dull.


Porygon2 is a Pokémon that Porygon evolves using a special "Up-Grade" and is within the range of understanding.

The Porygon-Z is that Porygon2 has added a less thorough program, and the existence of evolution that is not within the scope of prediction, the "Dubious Disc" used has certain problems.

Fortunately, Akroma extracted the data when he was in a coma.

And Akroma is not very interested in these complicated materials, but he is more interested in Pokémon itself like Porygon-Z.

Open Poké Ball.

Porygon-Z with dull eyes appeared in front of Xia Yan.

"Porygon-Z, retrieval data, keyword. Another world."


Porygon-Z's eyes began to emerge with a large amount of data.

Most of them are fleeting.

The retrieval speed of Porygon-Z is also very fast.

In just a few breaths, what Xia Yan needed was retrieved from the huge database.


Most of them were left behind by the original Akroma.

Xia Yan rummaged through the computer screen-like interface projected by Porygon-Z.

And Zorua, who was lying on his lap, saw Porygon-Z, and immediately became curious.

This Pokémon, it was only seen once that day on Melemele Island in Alola.

Zorua, no Pokémon that doesn't change is allowed.

Stepping on the soft pads, he landed beside Porygon-Z.

Looking at Porygon-Z, who was as dumb as a machine in front of him, Zorua tilted her head.


Carefully reached out and touched Porygon-Z.

It just feels like touching the metal.

But it is the metal that has never been touched so smooth and round.

The curiosity in his eyes was even stronger.

After a few laps around Porygon-Z, it seemed that I had a certain grasp.

Nodding to himself.

next second.

On Zorua's body, a lot of milky white mist rose up.

Immediately after.

Its appearance changes.

When the fog dissipated, it was a Porygon-Z that appeared again in Porygon-Z's sight.


Porygon-Z, who has been expressionless and even sluggish.

After seeing Zorua's Transform, there was a flash of surprise and surprise in his eyes.

This is also the first time Porygon-Z has seen a "similar".


Xia Yan's voice fell.

The Rollout text on the screen also stopped.

Ignoring the communication between Zorua and Porygon-Z, Xia Yan stared at the text on the screen, his eyes gradually widened, but his pupils were rapidly shrinking.

At the same time with shock on his face, there was a hint of enlightenment.

"So. So. So. The problem is here"

tuk tuk-

At this time.

There was a knock on the office door.

Xia Yan's complexion quickly recovered, and he nodded slightly towards Zorua.

Just for a second.

Zorua and Porygon-Z "disappeared" in the office.


The door was pushed open.

Weary Lucian pushed his glasses and strode in.

Seeing Lucian, even Xia Yan, who was as thick-skinned as a city wall, couldn't help showing a little embarrassment.

"Ahem, Lucian, sit, sit."

Xia Yan hurriedly opened a chair for him.

Even if it's a subordinate, they've already given him a freelance job, so what's wrong with being polite?

It fully reflects that it is the uncle who works part-time.

Lucian pushed up his glasses and gave him a sullen look.

"What happened over Unova's side, I just wrote the report and sent it up."

"Hard work, hard work."

Xia Yan ignored his eyes and looked relieved.

"Besides this matter, there is another thing that I want to report to you, to see if You'an is not arranging the itinerary." Lucian said again.

"Tell me."

Xia Yannu clenched his chin, motioning him to speak down.

Anyway, there is a high probability that no itinerary will be arranged.

But when Lucian spoke, Xia Yan knew he was wrong.

"An announcement from Kanto Region. In three days, Yulongdu and Lorelei will challenge Kanto's active Elite Four and invite you as a guest."



After Xia Yan was stunned, he showed a "natural" smile.

Pressing the hat and pressing down, covering the "ready to move" eyes.

"Go! Must go! Tell Kanto Alliance and I'll be there."


PS: Today's 1.1w, ask for a monthly pass~~

(End of this chapter)

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