The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 952 Question Mark (Three In One)

Chapter 951 Question Mark (Three in One)

The road to Mt. Silver is much harder than Xia Yan imagined.

Rugged mountain roads, dense woods and bushes, and wild Pokémon that may appear at any time, have caused a lot of obstacles to the road.


In most cases, defeating a Wild Pokémon will be accompanied by a larger round of Wild Pokémon.

And the most troublesome situation is nothing more than encountering a powerful wild Pokémon group.

Just like Xia Yan is now.

Unconsciously, while avoiding the pursuit of other wild Pokémon, he entered a huge Pokémon group.


It is also because these Pokémons who are used to living in the wild and adapt to the harsh environment in the wild have a strong camouflage ability.


It is also because Xia Yan did not summon the main Pokémon and chose to push it horizontally.

at this point.

It was explained by Agatha.

There are many wild Pokémon in the Mt. Silver vein, and although the existence of champions is rare, it does not mean that there will be no more.

Once an overly powerful individual Pokémon appears, it is very likely that these powerful individuals will be vigilant or even hostile.

After all, territory is the most important thing to wild Pokémon.

Territory represents the living environment, resources, and status.

He's in a place that might be the domain of a strong, like Nidoking, but it could also be the domain of a more powerful champion Pokémon.

A powerful Pokémon who suddenly enters may be considered a kind of Taunt, a challenge to its authority.


In fact, there is a more important reason.

That is Alliance's monitoring and control of the internal Mt. Silver vein.

Especially after the riots within the Mt. Silver vein during the last Masters, the Alliance did more surveillance on those powerful wild Pokémon in the Mt. Silver vein.

Xia Yan originally sneaked in.

If you fight those powerful champion wild Pokémon, there will be a lot of noise, even if Alliance wants to ignore it.

Therefore, Xia Yan is more restrained.

Unless absolutely necessary, try not to provoke those champion-level existences, and don't send them out, the more powerful main Pokémon.

This leads to.

Now that he has entered a large group of Pokémon, the situation is slightly awkward.


Shelgon had already taken off his simple and honest mask, and looked around with a fierce look.

In the dense bushes around them, slender but tough vines were waving wildly, declaring their territory, showing their strength and fangs.


A grass-type and poison-type Pokémon that looks like a pitcher plant that has been magnified dozens of times.


Their massive size and large mouth pockets have allowed them to go beyond the petite Bug Type Pokémon.

They will prey on any prey that invades their territory or is lured by their camouflaged traps.

And the more food they eat, the stronger the aroma of nectar in their bodies.

With this nectar, more wild Pokémon can be attracted.

This is a Pokémon with an extremely violent and vicious personality.

If it wasn't for the aura shown by Shelgon, Sliggoo, and Volcarona, they were a little hesitant, I'm afraid they would have chosen to pounce the first time they saw Xia Yan.

"The closer you get to the central area, the stronger the wild Pokémon will inevitably be."

Xia Yan looked down at the navigation on the phone.

Judging from the coordinates displayed by Porygon-Z, it is not far away.


Once you get out of Victreebel's territory, you can reach the central area.

"If it's so close to the center, there's a little bit of movement. Even if Alliance notices it, it won't be able to come over in time, right?"

Xia Yan gently rubbed against his chin.

I didn't take this group of Victreebel too seriously.

And while he was thinking.

The Victreebels who were waiting for the opportunity finally couldn't sit still with Captivate from the food. Under the unknown command, Qi Qi launched an attack.

a time.

Countless leaves fluttered wildly, like a huge green Twister Normal, completely obscuring the sight of Xia Yan and the Pokémons.

Leaf Tornado!

Then, as the leaves flew, countless purple powders Spit Up from their huge mouths.

Driven by the rapid speed of the blades, they quickly merged into one.

The center of the cyan and purple interweaving storm.

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows unexpectedly.

"'Leaf Tornado' plus 'Poison Powder'? The discipline of these Victreebels is a little too good."

In the Pokémon group, Xia Yan has not encountered in the Mt. Silver vein before.

It's the same Pokémon that get along with each other day and night, and it's inevitable that they cooperate with each other and cooperate well.


The cooperation shown by this group of Victreebels is not just "not bad".

If they have Trainers, and they are also Alliance Trainers, then he won't be surprised to have such cooperation.

But apparently it was a bunch of wild Victreebels.

"Volcarona, Fiery Dance and then Fire Spin."

However, such a scene did not make Xia Yan panic.

Under calm command.

Volcarona also remained calm enough.


While shaking the wings, golden flames instantly soared.

There are still benefits to walking and fighting in the wild.

For example.

At this time, Volcarona has always maintained the Contest Condition with full buffs, and the special attack has been added to the extreme under the superposition of "Quiver Dance" and "Fiery Dance" early.

Just in terms of attack burst ability, Volcarona at this time is not inferior to Normal's Elite-level Pokémon.

Along with a huge butterfly bathed in golden firelight, countless smaller golden butterflies appeared beside Volcarona.

If you look closely, you can see that the center of these petite butterflies is a patch of tiny scales with bright colors.

Driven by Volcarona, these butterflies began to rotate rapidly around Xia Yan.

In the center of that cyan and purple storm, a no-nonsense Fire Spin emerges.

The terrifying high temperature and fiery flames made it impossible for the blades and Poison Powder driven by the Victreebels to approach Xia Yan at all.


Because of the burning of the rising flame, it also ignited some of the leaves, expanding the power of its own flame.

The wanton spread of the heat wave made many Victreebels look sluggish and uncomfortable.

Volcarona's flames are too strong for their restraint.

"Shelgon, Flamethrower. Sliggoo, Dragon Pulse."

The Victreebels were afraid of the flames and did not dare to approach, but it did not mean that Shelgon and the others could not attack.

The burning of the flame destroyed most of the leaves, and the blocked sight was restored to a certain extent.

In the spiral vortex, a turbulent column of fire spurted out.

Directly swept three Victreebels.

After the "Fire Spin" blessing, the flame temperature became higher, and the destructive power became more ferocious, directly knocking three of the Victreebels who were not very strong in the large group to kill them in seconds.

Immediately after.

The blue-purple dragon shadow is also vacated in the flames while dragging, and its hideous appearance is lifelike, like a real roaring dragon.

While whizzing by, it hit two Victreebels, knocking them out as well.

and this.

Just the beginning of the Shelgon's counterattack.

With the protection of Volcarona flames, the Victreebels were too shy to approach.

Their huge numbers have become a living target for Shelgon and Sliggoo.

When more and more Victreebels fell under the attack of Shelgon and Sliggoo, the Victreebels who were afraid of Volcarona's flames finally couldn't sit still.


A roar came from the lush woods.

The Victreebels seemed to have received an order, Normal, and began to charge forward.

And the group of Victreebels who rushed in front fell directly under the flames of Volcarona.

But their collision is not without effect.

With the increasing number of Victreebels rushing forward, Rao was Volcarona's flames, which were quickly consumed.

The power of "Fire Spin" plummeted, and the thick flame wall became thinner. The Victreebels finally saw Xia Yan and the Shelgons in the flames.

His eyes suddenly turned red.

Roaring to encircle and suppress.

But Xia Yan's attention was on the source of the commanding voice just now.

Victreebel Boss!

Catch the thief first catch the king!

Xia Yan's eyes flashed slightly, and the Poké Ball slipped from his hand.

"Duck, it's your turn."

In the red light, the scallion soldier holding the scallion long sword and the scallion leaf shield appeared in front of Xia Yan with a serious face.

The quickest and best way to deal with a clan is to quickly deal with their leader.

And this time, Onion You Bing will be Xia Yan's sharp sword.


The onion soldier growled excitedly.

Cheer yourself up.

The stories that Xia Yan usually tells are not less heard.

One of them made the onion troopers very fond of and even keen.

In ancient times, Zhao Zifeng rode the Savior seven in and seven out on Changbanpo alone.

And Changshan Zhao Zifeng is its Teacher.

This time.

Just let it be, Beedrill's number one disciple, Changshan Congzi Duck, has seven in and seven out.

Seeing the onion wandering soldier in a daze, he imagined himself there.

Xia Yan couldn't help but patted his forehead.

It must be imagining some kind of role again.

In recent times, the story seems to need to be told less.

Everything else is fine.

That is, the onion wanderer always likes to substitute some special characters it likes.

Simple description.

That is, Duck Duck has a two-dimensional heart.

Shelgon couldn't see it, and kicked it directly.

Duck Duck reacted.

Grab a fallen Victreebel, and give the other tough vines extending from their heads to Shelgon and Sliggoo.

Then it was like drawing a bow Normal, and it looked like the arc of a full moon.

next second.


Hearing the slack vines tremble slightly, the onion wandering soldier directly ejected with his spear.

Under the fierce wind and the sound of breaking the air, the onion wandering soldier was like an arrow with extremely fast speed.

On the way of Flying, the speed not only did not decrease, but it got faster and faster.

As if the air was rubbing against Normal, dark golden energy rose from the tip of the green sword held by the onion wanderer, and instantly enveloped the whole body.

Meteor Assault!

boom! !

In the violent roar, large tracts of woods were overwhelmed.

Huge movement.

In particular, the presence of the center of movement made the Victreebels who were following one after another slowly stop their movements.

One by one, they turned around and looked at the center of the explosion.

in the dust raised.

A moving figure slowly walked out.


Do not!

It was the scallion soldier holding Victreebel, and walked out slowly with a serious and serious face.

And that Victreebel was naturally the leader of the Victreebel group.


Already in a coma.

"Duck Ya's 'Meteor Assault' has become stronger again." Xia Yan thought thoughtfully.

After joining the team.

The onion wanderer showed enough perseverance and talent.

It is familiar with Xia Yan's tactics and the process of fighting rhythm, much faster than Xia Yan imagined.


Even if it is fast, it will take a long time.


In addition to the improvement in his tactical understanding, the talent in Fighting skills and Fighting-type moves shown by Cong Youbing is what really surprised him.

I thought it would be a good choice for Infernape to serve as Infernape's sparring partner even if the onion trooper was slow to integrate.

How do you know.

The hard-working onion trooper meets the hard-working Infernape.

They have become the hardest combination in Xia Yan's team.

Practicing each other's fighting skills and confronting each other's fighting moves are almost becoming a daily performance item.

But don't say it.

With the stimulation of onion wanderers, Infernape's progress has also been greatly improved.

The two Pokémon's knowledge of Fighting skills is also steadily improving.

Infernape usually "makes up lessons" for Onion Rangers, on the tactical level.

It can be said.

Except for the occasional 2:00, the change of Onion You Bing surprised and delighted Xia Yan.

do not do well.

It's not necessarily that Onion Rangers can really integrate into his team system.

At least.

It should be able to integrate into the legion system that Xia Yan is planning.

The scallion soldiers holding the Victreebel leader, let the Victreebel tribe throw the mouse, and they all made way and dared not stop.

The onion wandering soldier walked up to Xia Yan with his head held high.

"Gaga? (We count, carry the emperor to command the princes?)"


Xia Yan, who was just about to compliment, was dumbfounded.

This is a middle school duck, no doubt.

Nodding his head and smiling, "Forget it. Forget it."

With Xia Yan's affirmation, Cong Yubing became even more excited.


"Gah! (Let's go!)"

In this way, the onion soldiers opened the way, and Xia Yan and the others were unimpeded in this Victreebel's territory.

And this piece of Victreebel's territory far exceeded Xia Yan's expectations.

When he came to the place where Porygon-Z was pointing, he still hadn't been able to get out of Victreebel's territory.

That is to say.

"This group of Victreebels, is it possible that someone deliberately arranged them here?"

Looking at the dark cave in front of him, Xia Yan narrowed his eyes.

"Then the moment I entered Victreebel's territory, does it mean that the group of people already knew?"

Xia Yan had to have such doubts.

after all.

The cooperation of that group of Victreebels is indeed beyond the scope of the cooperation of the Normal Pokémon group.

"It seems that you have to move faster, and leave after the investigation."

Let the onion wanderer throw the "Son of Heaven" at the mouth of the cave, and Xia Yan led the Pokémons directly into this not too small cave.

The tunnel in the cave is not shallow at all.

And the further you go, the closer the coordinates displayed on the phone are.

When the sight in front of him suddenly became open, and a huge cave appeared in front of him, Xia Yan couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

I see.

Under the light of Volcarona's fire, a special altar was built in the cave.

And in the center of the top of the altar, there is a thick and huge stone tablet inlaid with a special symbol.

question mark!

With a little curiosity, Xia Yan stepped up to the altar under the protection of the Pokémons.

It was not attacked.

There seems to be no wild Pokémon inhabiting this tunnel at all.

The words written on the slate were also incomprehensible to Xia Yan.

If it was before.

He could only be helpless in this situation.

but now.

After owning the huge database of Porygon-Z, Xia Yan directly asked Porygon-Z to scan the content on it.

With the experience of Akroma's visit, Porygon-Z's database seems to have retained some translations of these words.


I don't know if it was because Akroma was not able to complete the translation, or because the Porygon-Z database was lost, resulting in incomplete translations obtained after scanning.

The ancient characters themselves were jerky and difficult to understand, lacking some key text descriptions, which also caused Xia Yan to be unable to understand the above content for a while.

"Take a picture and send it to Cynthia, she should be able to read something."

Xia Yan took a photo at the slate with his mobile phone.



The flash light flashing on the phone lights up, but the slate changes.


at the same time.

The two Poké Balls on Xia Yan's body shook slightly.

Feeling this, Xia Yan's thoughts moved.

Summoned the two Unowns who had not come out to breathe for a long time and had been sleeping all the time.


And with the appearance of Unown, some tiny powder fragments actually began to fall off from the slate.

The two Unowns looked very excited, spinning around the slate.

The text on the slate has also changed.

It seems to be a special way of hiding.

Xia Yan, who had just taken the photo again too late to take a closer look, found out that the "question mark" on the slate actually fell off the gravel.


That "question mark" actually came to life directly.


When looking at the "question mark" Unown, which was completely freed from the package of debris and showed drooping eyes, Xia Yan couldn't help showing surprise.

There are twenty-six Unowns in total, representing twenty-six letters.


In fact, there are two special Unown, they are the symbol "question mark" and the symbol "exclamation mark".


Unown is a very large group, so "question marks" and "exclamation marks" are not in this group.

They are unique, special cases.

at the same time.

Possesses special abilities far beyond all other Unowns.

Xia Yan had tried to find these two.

But from the rest of Unown's mouth, even they don't know where the "question mark" and "exclamation mark" are.

In the end it was over.

did not expect.

In the depths of the Mt. Silver vein, in a cave that obviously hides a special secret, I saw this special Unown.

No wonder the two Unowns looked so excited after seeing it.

The drooping eyes of "Question Mark" were scanning Xia Yan up and down.

Xia Yan tried to use Psychic to contact the "question mark", but the result was nothing.

Then I tried to use the power of the waveguide, and the feedback was that I didn't feel the presence of Pokémon at all.

All kinds of strange signs further illustrate the speciality of this "question mark" Unown.

And his behavior seems to have finally caused a "question mark" response.

see you.

A beautiful and twisted multicolored halo rose from its body.

When the line of sight is cast, it seems that the line of sight is absorbed by the halo, and only the feedback of dizziness can be obtained.

Xia Yan couldn't help holding down his temples.

After he became a Psychic, it was the first time that he saw the signs of Psychic fading quickly just by looking at it.

It seems to feel Xia Yan's Contest Condition.

Lei Youbing, Volcarona, Shelgon, and Sliggoo stood in front of Xia Yan together, staring vigilantly at this special Unown.

The other two Unowns who were summoned by Xia Yan also showed a little panic.

Trying to explain something around the "question mark".


The "question marks" are indifferent to their behavior and actions.

I saw that a special energy flowed out from the two ordinary Unowns and injected into the body of the "question mark".

And the multicolored twisted halo it emits is also wider, and at the same time it expands rapidly, it wraps Xia Yan and his Pokémon in it.

"and many more."

Xia Yan pressed his temple with one hand, frowned and said.

But the "question mark" remained indifferent.

It can be seen that its body is gradually twisted and folded under the halo.

When its body was twisted to a certain extent, the multicolored halo suddenly flickered and jumped.

Xia Yan and his Pokémon on the altar actually disappeared out of thin air.

The debris, gravel, and rock flakes that were scattered from the slate were like turning back time, returning to the slate again.

The text recorded on it has also returned to its original appearance.


Even the "question mark" on the slate is exactly the same as before.

The entire cave has returned to its previous calm again.

As if nothing had happened Normal.

Don't know how long it took.

Two figures stepped on the darkness and appeared in the cave.

Four sharp eyes scanned everything in the cave under the black robe.

A frivolous voice sounded.

"Strange, the Victreebel tribe was attacked, and the leaders of the Victreebel tribe were left outside the cave."

The voice of the other figure was sharper, obviously it was a woman.

"Maybe, some Pokémon in Mt. Silver. Mt. Silver is so big after all."

"But the situation here."

"Nothing happened, did it? We didn't get any applications to enter Mt. Silver. Besides, there's no exact way, do you think anyone can activate this altar?"

The woman's words successfully persuaded the man.


The activation conditions for this altar are too harsh.

"However, it's better to be sure."

Saying that, the man threw the Poké Ball and summoned a Pokémon.


Xatu has an incredible ability to see the future, but also has some ability to capture traces of the past, just needs enough training.

And when Xatu's Psychic scan ended, he didn't get any strange feedback.

This result finally made the man breathe a sigh of relief.

"Let's go."

A silver-white figure appeared beside the woman, and the calamity beast Absol nodded towards her.

The man nodded slightly and said a little irritably:

"They should be stationed here."

"Are you stupid? Stationed? Isn't that telling others that there is a secret here?"

"Every time I run in vain, it takes two people to ensure the situation."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by a woman.

He waved his hand and said a little lazily:

"Forget it, let's come to Victreebel territory to harvest the 'fruit'. I haven't harvested it for a while, so I should have accumulated a lot, right?"

"Tsk" the man smacked his mouth.

two people.

Slowly disappeared into the cave.


Two figures appeared in the cave again.

"It seems that there is no situation."

The man looks around.

This time, the man's words seemed much calmer than before, and there was no trace of irritability before.

"Then go collect the fruit, I don't know how long it will take to accumulate enough life energy."

"It's been planned for so long, and it's not that short of time. Just treat it as a necessary process."


This time.

inside the cave.

It was finally back to its former serenity.

(End of this chapter)

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