The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 959 Giovanni's Contest Condition (5K!)

Chapter 958 Giovanni's Contest Condition (5k!)


Giovanni raised his eyebrows.

Slightly surprised.

According to what he knew.

The "Teacher Xia Yan" in front of him has unknown identity and origin, but his strength is not bad. Being able to become the teacher of Crimson Red and Qinglu must also have something special.


The red and green Teacher actually wanted to make a deal with him, the leader of the Rockets.

Interesting for Giovanni.

Xia Yan nodded.

Giovanni in the special is the scariest.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at Beedrill, who was hovering beside Giovanni ready to go.

Confirmed eyes.

Truly unbeatable.


Although he couldn't beat him, if he wanted to escape, Xia Yan believed that he would be fine.

So he wasn't very shy.

"Yes, a deal."

Giovanni smiled.

"Tell me, what deal do you want to do?"

Xia Yan did not shy away, and said bluntly: "I want to join the Rockets."



Rao was Giovanni, who had already made some psychological preparations, and seemed a little stunned.

with what he knows.

Even if Xia Yan's strength is in the talented Alliance, he can get a place, and maybe he can challenge the Elite Four and replace it.

Apparently he said he wanted to join the Rockets?

In the face of Giovanni's surprise, Xia Yan continued: "Of course, I'm talking about joining in secret. Or it's okay for you to be the leader of Giovanni as a cooperation."

Looking at Xia Yan's calmness, Giovanni felt that this person was very interesting.


I don't know if it was an illusion, but Giovanni always felt that this "Teacher Xia Yan", who had never dealt with him before, seemed to know himself very well.

This feeling is vague and inexplicable.

But Giovanni felt that this almost delusional intuition was very accurate.

"Then what can you give?"

Giovanni didn't refuse, but asked instead.

Xia Yan pressed his hat.

"a lot of."

After a brief pause, he added: "For example, I can help you find the traitor in the Rockets."


Giovanni chuckled lightly.

"You mean Sird?"

This time, it was Xia Yan's turn to be surprised, and raised his eyebrows to look at him.

"I dare to use it, of course I have my reasons."

Giovanni did not explain to Xia Yan.

He also didn't have to explain anything to anyone at all.

Sird's relationship with many underground forces is entangled, does Giovanni know this?

Do not.

he knows.

Even choose to open one eye and close the other.


Obviously landed in Meteorite in the Hoenn Region, how could the Rockets be able to get it so easily and bring back two Deoxys?


Some of Sird's little tricks and tricks are good.

For example, the capture plan of Deoxys this time, only two people know the complete plan content, that is Giovanni and Sird.

Even, only Sird knew that Giovanni had captured Deoxys in search of his son.

Giovanni was confident that as long as he was there, even if Sird and those forces were unclear, she would not dare to do anything that would harm Team Rocket's interests.

"Then how do you know that Sird is alone?" Xia Yan restrained his expression.


Giovanni frowned.

He knew about Sird, but he didn't point it out.

But what does Xia Yan mean when there is another traitor?

For the Rockets' control, although due to the mixing of Masked Man, Giovanni's control is not as perfect as it used to be.

But unexpected things are not acceptable to Giovanni.

"Specifically, I believe we will find out soon." Xia Yan did not explain.

Because explanations don't necessarily convince Giovanni.

The two looked at each other, but remained silent.

A long time passed.

Giovanni laughed suddenly.

"I'm actually more curious, what do you want to do with the power of the Rockets?"

This sentence is equivalent to opening the skylight and saying something bright.

If Xia Yan really wanted to join the Rockets, he wouldn't say "make a deal".

That's not the attitude you should have in joining the Rockets.


Giovanni saw that Xia Yan wanted to assist the Rockets to do something.

and what to do.

That's what Giovanni was really curious about.

Xia Yanxu narrowed his eyes.

It's easy to communicate with Boss Giovanni.

"It's not a big deal. I just want to confirm some things. It is very likely that the Rockets' strength will be used."

To determine the identity of the gang.

Xia Yan is ready to do both.

The Alliance has to investigate and prepare.

Team Rocket, or the underground forces in this Pokémon world, also need to make certain preparations.

Starting with the Rockets is obviously a very good choice.


Even Giovanni failed this time.

After the "RR" incident, the Team Rainbow Rockets appeared, which was a huge force that even the Alliance had to deal with carefully.

"Just based on these words, you want to make a deal with me?"

Giovanni was amused.

Although he felt that Xia Yan seemed to be familiar with him, he did not reject Xia Yan's mutual use of trading methods.

But no matter how you look at it.

Such a trade, it seems that the Rockets and Giovanni suffer.


The current Giovanni is really not the previous Giovanni.

No longer the Giovanni who wanted to dominate the world and overthrow the Alliance.

Of course there is still the hegemony.

But that's him now.

First a father, then the head of the Rockets.


Giovanni scratched his chest without a trace.

He doesn't have much time.

That's right.

Giovanni is now suffering from an unknown terminal illness, and there is not much time left.

Speaking of which, Giovanni, who possesses the power of Vibrant, is actually terminally ill, which is actually quite outrageous.

It is very likely that he has a certain relationship with his excessive use of the power of Vibrant to cultivate Beedrill.

But it is precisely because of this that he is eager to subdue Deoxys and use it to find traces of his son.

"Forget it, I'll give you a chance."


Giovanni throws two Poké Balls.


It is a purple and a blue two powerful Pokémon with burly stature and sturdy feet.

Nidoking and Nidoqueen!

Stand with Aggron.

Three Pokémon can be said to form a huge wall.

They not only represent attack, but also the best interpretation of defense.

"Beat them and you're the Rockets' top executive. You can't win"

Giovanni narrowed his eyes, a cold light shining in them.

"Just die."

The voice fell.

Giovanni didn't hesitate, and didn't mean to wait for Xia Yan to summon Pokémon. It was the most ferocious attack, and the target was directly at Xia Yan himself.

Xia Yan's expression changed slightly.

Assist threw Poké Balls one after another while Psychic quickly backed away.

Aggron, Nidoking, Nidoqueen.

Among them, Aggron has champion-level strength, while Nidoking and Nidoqueen are slightly inferior, but they also have Elite-level top hard power.

One champion, two Elites, it seems to be holding hands, but how many people in this world can really beat the three Pokémons of Giovanni?

Can beat these three.

The strength is estimated to be much stronger than Carr and Orm.


Xia Yan did not give up, after a certain distance.

Three red lights shot out from his waist.


The first to appear is Infernape.

As soon as he appeared, his whole body was covered with hot dark red flames, and the flames on his head shot straight into the sky, rendering a large piece of the night sky.

But after Infernape appeared, he didn't dare to stop.

A clenched fist means a hard punch.

boom! boom!

I don't know when Nidoqueen has appeared in front of Infernape, and the movement is not as slow as it appears.

This can be used as a Ground-type and Poison-type Pokémon to perform the Fighting-type move "Double Kick", and the existence of Charizard is seconds away.

With two punches from Infernape.

Infernape's feet plowed two charred marks on the ground amid the constant blast of sparks.

Of course, Nidoqueen was not feeling well either, leaving two dark fist prints on the soles of his feet, staggering back.


While Nidoqueen was retreating, a purple figure held a fierce fire fist, stepped on the rumbling Ground, passed Nidoqueen in a flash, and went straight to the door of Infernape.

But this time.

Infernape's figure is distorted and blurred.

In its place is an Alakazam with a transparent "Reflect" with spoons crossed.

Ally Switch!

Seeing this, Giovanni raised his eyebrows involuntarily.

From the instant interaction between Alakazam and Infernape, it can be seen that Xia Yan's Pokémon are quite tacit in the connection and coordination of tactics.

after all.

Giovanni's Nidoqueen and Nidoking are also a perfect pair.

Kaka-! !

a time.

With the crisp sound of glass shattering, Alakazam successfully resisted the fist from Nidoking.


Psychic continued to flicker in Alakazam's eyes.


Thousands of strands of Psychic quickly extended from Alakazam's body, and under the rapid weaving of countless Psychic threads, the "Psychic Terrain" was condensed and formed in the blink of an eye.

And, the Alakazam spoon is waving gently.

The Psychic threads that spread out from the "Psychic Terrain" are intertwined, and a sharp Psychic condenses and forms.

The sharpness of Psychic, the surging of spiritual power.

With a combination of "Psycho Cut" and "Psychic", he touched Nidoking's neck.

Boom! !

But right now.

A khaki-yellow rock pillar suddenly rose from the ground. The sharp rock pillar containing Rock energy not only successfully blocked Alakazam's counterattack, but also under the constant roar and vibration of the Ground, another rock pillar was about to come out of the ground. Alakazam shot out from under his feet.

But the speed of this "Stone Edge" move is enough to see how skilled Aggron is.

However, Giovanni was a little surprised.

It was Alakazam's attack that didn't stop, he waved the spoon resolutely.

It was just at the moment when the rock pillar burst out, Alakazam's figure quietly blurred.

In the instant transformation, it was replaced by a hazy giant dragon whose whole body was covered in pitch-black mist.

At the moment when "Stone Edge" was about to hit, it quietly escaped into another dimension.

And Alakazam, who didn't stop attacking, appeared behind Nidoking.

click -

The sharp and pressed spoon on the Attribute cut through Nidoking's thick back armor, in exchange for the bright red gushing out.

"Ally Switch" again!

Among the three Pokémon summoned by Xia Yan, two are proficient in the "Ally Switch" move, and the only Infernape who doesn't know how to do so is also very familiar with this tactic.

And, the Pokémon that finally swapped places with Alakazam.

Giovanni's eyes swept around in his sockets, and the keen perception given by the power of Victory allowed him to finally catch the traces.

"Aggron, right!"

Hearing the words, Aggron's expression instantly became serious.

On its right hand, a pitch-black hole opened quickly.

Immediately afterwards, a dragon-type Pokémon, bathed in the energy of black and purple interwoven, jumped out, tearing apart the space, and at the same time, it was just a stone's throw away from Aggron.

Doron Bartto!

"Dragon Rush!"

Giovanni waved his hand.

And Aggron, who received Giovanni's prompt early, did not let Doron Bart's sneak attack succeed.

On the contrary, it also condensed the energy of the dragon element and fought back.

boom! ! !

The collision of the two terrifying energies caused the ground to shatter into four pieces in an instant, the cracked fine cracks spread rapidly, and huge pits appeared.

in the pit.

Doron Bartto and Aggron give each other.

But it can be seen.

Aggron, who has participated in a round of battles before, is obviously not the best Contest Condition.

In the wrestling with Doron Bartto, he also fell behind.

at the same time.

While Alakazam's attack caused damage to Nidoking, Nidoqueen, who was already behind Nidoking, finally caught up.

The sharp horns on the top of its head glowed with dark awns.

Throat Chop, go with you!


After Alakazam made a move, he didn't stop for a moment, ignoring the attack from Nidoqueen, and his figure blurred again.

Instead, it was Infernape, whose eyes were full of fire.

Great indignation!

The raging flames surround Infernape's side like a vortex Normal, and the stirring energy condenses on his arms.

"Enthusiastic" Contest Condition!

Facing the attack from Nidoqueen, Infernape not only did not dodge, but instead put on a stance to resist.

Just a punch, slammed hard to Ground.


all of a sudden.

The Birth Island, which had been shaken violently by the collision between Dolong Bartto and Aggron, was almost torn apart by the punch from Infernape.

an island.

It was smashed by a punch!

Of course, also because this island has endured a lot of baptism.

But this result is enough to make many people speechless.

But certainly not including Giovanni and Xia Yan.

But what happened next surprised Giovanni.

A huge flaming red rock pillar that was several times more exaggerated than the "Stone Edge" Aggron cast before, and the shattered crack, surrounded by magma, burst into the ground.

The terrifying power and power pushed Nidoqueen, who had finally attacked Infernape, into the air.

boom! !

Immediately afterwards, the tip of the rock pillar erupted with a combination of three attributes, like a splendid firework.

boom! !

Nidoqueen slammed hard on the disintegrating island.


Incapacitated to fight!

"Precipice Blades?" Giovanni couldn't help but say.

The switching system brought by Xia Yan's dual "Ally Switch" made Giovanni's eyes shine, but he didn't lose his temper.

Doron Bart's "Phantom Force" and then "Dragon Rush" Sucker Punch suppressed Aggron, and Giovanni didn't lose his temper.

But when he saw this attack that was very similar to "Precipice Blades", he finally couldn't hold back.

Infernape slid off the ground.

It landed at Xia Yan's feet.

Nidoqueen's outbursts were strong, and the "craving" Contest Condition ignoring defense also caused Infernape to take more damage.

But it won't kill it in seconds.

On the contrary, it made Infernape's flames more surging, and the fighting spirit even higher.

The "Rapid Fire" Ability exploded!

Xia Yan smiled and did not explain.

Just reached out to stop Infernape and Alakazam, and took a step forward:

"Chief Giovanni, real conditions."

Looking directly into Giovanni's eyes.

"I have a way to cure you."

Giovanni: "!!!"

this matter.

He didn't tell anyone.

But Xia Yan's speech now is completely different from the feeling and meaning he gave when he came up.

Showed enough strength first.

Then use this as the real quid pro quo for the "deal".

It is obviously more convincing and convincing than Xia Yan saying that it can cure diseases.

and this.

It was he who really dared to come to Giovanni and looked directly at his best chance of making a deal.

Regardless of whether the previous negotiation went well or not, what attitude of Giovanni, Xia Yan knew that a fight was inevitable.

The big difference is whether Giovanni will go all out.

Looking at Xia Yan with a sincere face, Giovanni stopped, and the light in his eyes kept flashing.

【Um? 】

A vigorous figure galloping on the sea suddenly stopped in mid-air.

Look in the direction of Sevii Islands.

Somewhere, it seemed to sense a familiar aura from the island.

The kind of breath that only Mew could feel.

After a brief pause and hesitation.

It no longer hesitates.

The body shot out, rolling up milky white air waves, and shot towards the Sevii Islands.

Surging Psychic.

Let all the Flying Pokémon in its path, and the Pokémon in the ocean, retreat.


PS: 1.2w today! Ask for a monthly ticket~~

(End of this chapter)

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