The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 963 PokéDex Owner, Xia Yan! (5K!)

Chapter 962 Pokédex owner, Xia Yan! (5k!)

"Go to the universe, the individual is waiting for you."

Rubbing the emerald in his hand, Xia Yan said to Deoxys who had regained his senses.

After being rubbed against the ground by Mega MewtwoY, the emerald embedded in Deoxys' chest crystal was also knocked out.

But it is.

Without the power of the emerald, Deoxys, as before, lost two transformable forms.


The crystal on its chest has fully recovered.

It's just that the color doesn't seem to go back, and it maintains the appearance of a green crystal.

Stamped with Rayquaza's mark.

The weak Deoxys did not leave directly, but silently looked at Xia Yan and the unconscious Crimson he was supporting.

Xia Yan knew.

All Deoxys cared about was the Meteorite on his body, and the crimson blood running through it.

"Wait until you fully recover and have a complete grasp of your own abilities, then come back." Xia Yan said again.


Deoxys nodded silently.

After looking at the arrogant Mega MewtwoY next to him, he rode Psychic into the sky and flew out of the planet.

in the universe.

It can continuously absorb the power of the universe, absorb some free universe viruses, and quickly recover its own Contest Condition.

Wait until Deoxys leaves.

Xia Yan looked at Mega MewtwoY, who was obviously petite.

I saw that the energy of the Mega Evolution on it dissipated like normal, and returned to the Mewtwo Mega Evolution stone Y.

This time, Mega Evolution did not assist Xia Yan's power. It simply relied on Mewtwo's own use of Mega Evolution stone energy, so it did not cause any burden to Xia Yan.

after all.

It was the first time that Xia Yan and the Mewtwo of this world met, not to mention the fetters.

Direct "Mega" is afraid of death.

The recovered Mewtwo still held a huge spoon in his hand, and the Mega Evolution stone lay in the spoon and was handed to Xia Yan.

Looking at the arrogant Mewtwo in front of him, Xia Yan suddenly felt that the newly born Mewtwo was a little cuter.

"I'm just keeping this thing for others."

Xia Yan smiled and put away the Mega Evolution stone.

【other people? 】

But this sentence has attracted the attention of Mewtwo.

It is certain that this Mega Evolution stone is the only one that can be used.

What does it mean for someone else?

Xia Yan waved his hand, "I'll tell you when the opportunity comes."


Hearing that, Mewtwo's head lifted.


Tsundere only lasted for three seconds, Mewtwo looked at the frowning Mega Alakazam, the Psychic on it was still fluctuating, and it showed a trend of getting stronger and stronger.

Mewtwo is both familiar and unfamiliar to Alakazam's Psychic.

Noticing Mewtwo's gaze, the smile on Xia Yan's face also slowly converged.

"Notice it, it has Mew's cells in its body just like you."

Mewtwo was silent.


Is it really a brother to Alakazam in terms of genetics alone?

【It is progressing? 】

After a while, feeling Alakazam's Contest Condition, Mewtwo asked.

Xia Yan nodded.


Alakazam has actually been at the Elite level for a long time.

At the time of the Masters, it was barely able to assist Mega Evolution to play beyond the Elite level.

And then when I came into contact with the newly born Mewtwo, Psychic ushered in a surge under the influence of Mewtwo, but still failed to cross the threshold of the Elite level.

this time.

The Mewtwo in the special chapter world evolved into Mega MewtwoY with the help of Xia Yan. In addition, in order to contact Xia Yan and Mewtwo in advance, Alakazam connected their Psychic, which was more affected.

Coupled with the accumulation and training of the previous period of time.

Xia Yan was not surprised at this time of progress.

【Are you its Trainer? 】

Mewtwo asked again.

Xia Yan did not hesitate, and affirmed: "Yes."

Looking at Mega Alakazam whose aura was constantly fluctuating, Mewtwo hesitated for a while before speaking again.

[I want to take it away. 】


Xia Yan frowned.

It seems that he realized another meaning in his words, and the arrogant Mewtwo actually explained it.

[I mean, its Psychic talent doesn't stop there, and the progression isn't over so quickly this time around, and I can help it. 】

Having said that, Xia Yan was a little surprised.

He raised his eyebrows with a slightly strange expression and asked, "Are you going to help Alakazam?"

Mewtwo turned her head away from Xia Yan's slightly playful eyes.

He just said to himself:

[For a long time, I have been troubled by questions such as 'who I am', 'where do I come from', and 'what is the meaning of my existence'. but.】

Mewtwo looked up in the direction Deoxys had left.

The complexion looks complicated, but also with a bit of relief.

[Thinking about it now, I also have a so-called 'kinship']

Deoxys is always looking for redness because of the red blood running through his body.

And it's Mewtwo, isn't it born from Mew's eyelashes?


Not only Mew, Mewtwo also met Alakazam, who shared part of Mew's genes.

This is also its kinship.

The presence of Mew and Alakazam made Mewtwo feel as if it was not alone.

"Alakazam, what do you think?"

After listening to Mewtwo's words, Xia Yan looked at Alakazam.

This matter ultimately depends on Alakazam's own wishes. If it is not willing to leave him temporarily, Xia Yan cannot force it.


At most, when he is with him, the Psychic transformation this time is relatively slow.


The Mega Evolution energy on Mega Alakazam also slowly receded, slightly opening a gap and looking at Xia Yan.

It starts at birth.

He has never left Xia Yan's side once.

But this time.

A rare opportunity indeed.

If you can quickly complete the transformation with the help of Mewtwo, and even learn a little bit, it can help Xia Yan better.


According to Xia Yan's plan after that, its help should not be needed in a short time.

After thinking about this rationally, Alakazam nodded slightly towards Xia Yan.

"Whoosh. (I'll be back soon)."

It has "Teleport", as long as Xia Yan needs it, it can appear beside Xia Yan at the fastest speed at any time.

Maybe even bring an extremely powerful helper.

The faster it progresses, the better it can help Xia Yan reach the peak their Pokémon hoped for.

"Is that so?"

Xia Yan finally made the decision.

Just let Mewtwo take Alakazam to practice for a while.

It will not only improve the relationship with Mewtwo, but also allow Alakazam to learn something from Mewtwo.

Most importantly, learn where Alakazam is going in the future.

Mewtwo should be able to inspire Alakazam a lot.

After obtaining the consent of Xia Yan and Alakazam, Mewtwo no longer hesitated.

Holding the spoon, the body rises slightly.

Psychic diffuse in orbit.

Together with Alakazam, the Rocket team stably docked on the square in front of the Joban Gym.

Then, with the transforming Alakazam, he dodged and disappeared from Xia Yan's sight.


Looking at the place where Alakazam disappeared, Latios seemed to be able to feel a trace of anxiety in Xia Yan's heart, and arched his cheek affectionately.

Xia Yan recovered and stroked Latios' neck with a smile.

He said softly: "No. It's just that there is an illusion that the child has finally grown up and wants to go out for a walk."

"Say more."

Xia Yan paused.

"It must be Alakazam who misses me more."


The Duck Duck Onion Ranger was stunned.

This crazy confidence?

Xia Yan glanced at it and said to Latios: "To eat roasted whole duck at night, you don't need to bring any seasoning, just bring tableware."

Onion Ranger: (ω)

"Teacher Xia Yan, he is red"

After the airship landed, Qinglu and others who were waiting outside finally saw Xia Yan who came out, and Crimson who fell into a coma.

"It's okay, I just passed out from exhaustion, just get some sleep."

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Silver and Xiao Huang, who saw Xia Yan for the first time, looked at this person who was respectfully called "Teacher Xia Yan" by the three seniors Crimson, Qinglu, and Xiaolan with curiosity.

Just now.

The reason why the airship did not crash seems to be because of him.

Xia Yan smiled and said hello to Silver and Xiao Huang.


It's just the wild king of Akin, right?

"Let go of me! I'm the next leader of Team Rocket! Let me go!"

Carr in Struggle yelled at the two Alliance cops who were holding him.

Completely stunned, immersed in the strange circle of the Rockets leader, unable to extricate himself.

"take away."

Towa, who flung the cape, waved his hand.

The credit for arresting Carr, one of the three top executives of the Rockets, will be counted on everyone present, including Xia Yan.

After dealing with Carr, Du also walked in front of a few people.

"Mr. Lance."

Crimson was in a coma, and Qinglu took the lead to say hello.

It's a Kanto Alliance Elite Four anyway, so there's still some respect.

Du also smiled and nodded.

Look at Xia Yan.

"Take a step to talk?"

Xia Yan did not refuse.

Immediately, the two walked towards the woods.

Looking at the backs of the two, Xiao Huang gently pulled the green clothes and asked in a low voice:

"Senior Qinglu, why do you call him 'Teacher'?"

speak up.

Qinglu is also half of Xiaohuang's Teacher.

Xiao Huang has the power of Vibrant, and her Vitality is not the same as Giovanni's Mikey.

Xiao Huang's Pokémon often look weak, but when she becomes serious and Rage, her Pokémon strength will also rise, and she will show unique and diverse fighting skills.

Hearing Xiao Huang's question, Silver also pricked up his ears.

He was equally curious.

Seeing Qinglu smiled naturally, glanced at the unconscious Crimson lying on his shoulder, and said slowly:

"Teacher Xia Yan, is a very powerful, tactical reserve far beyond ordinary people, Breeder's knowledge is unique, very friendly with Pokémon, and a very trustworthy person. Both I and Chi Hong have learned a lot from him, so we call him. He is 'Xia Yan Teacher'."

And to be able to describe a person like Qinglu with pride in his bones, Xiao Huang and the others have never seen it before.

Even his grandfather, Professor Oak, was once looked down upon by Qinglu, and he has only recently begun to slowly understand his grandfather.

Little Blue smiled.

"Anyway, it's right to be a fairly reliable and secure person."


Xiao Huang gently rubbed against his chin.

From Qinglu and Xiaolan's Pokémon, Xiaohuang felt their trust and love for Xia Yan.

Someone who can make everyone else's Pokémon like it, must be a very amazing person, right?

Silver also looked at Xia Yan's back, lost in thought.

Xiaolan told him that perhaps Teacher Xia Yan could resolve his doubts.

At the same time he was puzzled.

Why did Du get off the ship, but only caught Chuck LS Qi and Orm?

And what about Giovanni?

The woods next to Joban Gym.

Stepping on the yellow leaves, accompanied by the sound of "rustling".

The oncoming light breeze, with the fragrance of the forest, also brought the tranquility of the Viking Forest.

"Xia Yan. Can I call you that?"

After the two stood still, Du said with a smile.


Xia Yan also smiled back.

"Although it's not very polite, I have a few questions to ask you." Du showed a slightly apologetic expression.

Xia Yan motioned him to be casual.

"Cough. That's right. After investigation, we found that there is no information about you in Alliance's database."

I knew there would be such a part.

Xia Yan, who was ready in his heart, did not panic.

After just a short wording, he asked back: "So, in the Alliance database, there is information about the three beastmen of the Rocket team? Although my comparison is not very reasonable, I believe you understand what I want to express."

Watt nodded.

Not a very reasonable comparison indeed.

But he also had to admit that what Xia Yan said made sense.

Alliance has so many regions and so many people, it is impossible for every Trainer to have information about them.

It doesn't matter if it's just any Trainer.

Mainly, it was because of Xia Yan's strength that it was enough to attract Alliance's attention.

Staring at Xia Yan's eyes for a while, Du's expression softened.

Smile again.

"Sorry, routine."

He was a Investigator before he became an Elite Four, and that's what he said.


In the view of crossing.

In this incident, Xia Yan's role in Role Play is very positive no matter from which perspective.

If he really is a threat, there are very few people who will be able to survive this time.


Xia Yan also cast an understanding look.

Du then asked: "I saw Giovanni on Team Rocket's airship, and I heard about the other two Executive Sird and Orm of the Three Beasts, but in the end, only Carr was successfully captured. know because"

"Slowking, Ice Beam!"

Before he could finish the question, a very cold voice suddenly came from the air.


Following that, a Cianwood-colored extremely cold beam suddenly shot from above, and the sharp aura caused the temperature in the surrounding area to drop rapidly.

"Damn it! This old woman!"

Watari's expression changed instantly, "Dragonite, Flamethrower!"

boom! ! !

The extremely cold beam collided with the fiery flame, and a tyrannical airflow burst out.


Immediately after.

The late arrivals, Lorelei and Professor Oak, landed in front of Xia Yan.

Looking at Lorelei's frosty expression, Xia Yan's expression was weird.

Crossing the corners of his eyes.

"What are you crazy about?"

"Old woman?! You call me again? If I don't call you a dodo bird today, I will."

Not finished yet.

Du directly rolled over and rode on Dragonite's back, flying up.

Good men do not fight with women.

After half an hour.

Du, who was brushing his hair stained with ice crystals, cast a helpless look at Xia Yan and Professor Oak.

Lorelei folded his arms and gave him a sidelong glance.

Xia Yan can finally explain to Du at this time.

"I don't know where Giovanni went, as for Sird and Orm."

"Sird and Orm disappeared, suddenly disappeared out of thin air." Lorelei took over.

She left Jynx's Frost Breath at Sird's ankle and was able to track Sird's position all the time.

But not long ago, Sird suddenly disappeared.


Although Lorelei and Du have a bad relationship, the credibility of her words is higher than that of Xia Yan at present.

"I'm doing it on a routine basis, and I'm not targeting Xia Yan." Du looked at the indignant Lorelei and couldn't help saying.

"You said so?" Lorelei glared at him.

Du was directly defeated.

In this regard, both Xia Yan and Professor Oak could only smile.

"Professor, although it may be too much, I still want to ask, can I?"

"Pokémon Pokédex, right?"

Professor Oak seemed to see what Xia Yan meant.

He patted Xia Yan on the shoulder.

"Don't worry. Qinglu has already told me the whole process on the way to catch up with the Rockets." Professor Oak said again, looking at Xia Yan with admiration in his eyes.

Rescue Xiaolan's parents, treat Chihong's Pokémon, help Chihong get out of her own predicament, save him Professor Oak, take the initiative to take responsibility, fight against the Rockets, etc.

Any one of them is enough to get thanks from the three Crimson Reds and Professor Oak.


Xia Yan raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Just in time, I want to upgrade Xiao Huang and the others to Pokédex. I still have the old model. I'll give you the upgrade together."

It's that simple?

Xia Yan was very surprised by this.


In this world, Pokémon Pokédex can represent too much.

He was surprised that Pokédex could be obtained so easily.

But if he knew about the adjectives that Green sent to Professor Oak before, words like "tactician master", "approachable", "Breeder everyone", etc., he probably wouldn't be so surprised.


His first impression of Professor Oak was, indeed, good.

"Thank you." Xia Yan said sincerely.

"No, this time, we should thank you." Professor Oak smiled.

After obtaining Pokémon Pokédex from Professor Oak and having a legitimate Alliance orthodoxy status, Xia Yan's subsequent plans can continue.


He is, the Pokédex owner, Xia Yan!


PS: There were so many people doing an accounting in the evening, so I came back late, and the update was a little late, sorry.

1.3w today! Ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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