The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 979 How Do I Know It's So Edible? ! (Two In One)

Chapter 978 How do I know it's so edible? ! (two in one)

【It's ok. 】

Regigigas' "Rebirth Protection Period" is over, and Darkrai can finally sleep in it too.

In the dragging Haze, a pair of arms quickly rose.

A huge black hole emerges quietly, shrouding Regigigas, who was briefly stunned after a confrontation with Mega Beedrill.

"That is."

The black hole that suddenly appeared surprised Brandon and others.


When I saw the source of the black hole, the black shadow surging from behind Xia Yan, my heart suddenly settled.

Since it was Xia Yan who took the shot, it would definitely be no problem.

The shocking blow shown by Mega Beedrill has made everyone present, including Brandon, have a kind of blind trust in him.

They believe.

Xia Yan, who can cultivate such a strong Beedrill, will never do useless work.


He really got the idea of ​​making Mega Beedrill and Regigigas hard on their heads.

But even more outrageous.

The thoughts flashed through their minds subconsciously, they thought that Xia Yan really seemed to be able to do it?

If Xia Yan knew that they valued themselves so highly, he would probably say, whoever thinks they can go up on their own.

That is, now that Regigigas' recovery process has only just begun, he dares to touch it.

If it really did recover to the level of Groudon and Kyogre.

Top champion Steven can be drained to death.

He is still a little short of the championship.

Xia Yan was very hard at this point.

I see.

When the lofty super-ancient giant reappeared from the black hole that disappeared, this ancient god was unable to resist the "Dark Void" erosion of the "Nightmare God" Darkrai.

【Give me, sleep! 】

Darkrai's loud drink appeared in Xia Yan's mind.

The body trembled, and the movements of the body, the frequency of the flickering of the light spots, and the clanging sound gradually became slow.


boom--! !

In the dust that raised a large amount of dust, Regigigas smashed heavily into the ruins.

at the same time.

Brandon's Regice, Regirock, and Registeel finally regained their consciousness again, free from the forced control of Regigigas.

"It's done?!"

Looking at the three pillars of the gods who have recovered their sanity.

Brandon couldn't believe it, despite the fact.

Did they, really succeed in stopping Regigigas?

"We made it!"

Ash jumped up first.

"Pickup pickup!"

Pikachu jumped on Ash's head excitedly, took off Ash's hat and put it on his own.

"Quack! (As expected of Teacher!)"

The scallion soldier wore an eye that had been beaten into a panda eye, and shouted to Mega Beedrill while patting Regice's ice to signal it was okay.

Duolong Bart also made the Contest Condition a little decadent, and the Regirock seemed to be spit out from the dragon's energy after being corroded by something.

Infernape took Registeel's hand and pulled it off the ground.

a time.

The picture is actually somewhat harmonious.

【I can't hold on for long! 】

Until Darkrai's heavy voice resounded in Xia Yan's mind again.

Let Darkrai interfere with the existence of such layers as Groudon and Kyogre, and it can still be done.

But forcing a top divine beast into a long slumber, its "nightmare god" is still a little weak.

after all.

In any case, it is a slander of a god with divine authority.

Besides, Regigigas' authority is so special.

It is an existence that can "grab" a little bit of "creation" authority from the hands of the creator god Arceus.

Unlike Ho-Oh that resurrects the three holy beasts and empowers them.

Regigigas is really out of nothing, creating a set of three pillars, a living mythical beast, Pokémon.


Xia Yan nodded.

At the same time, he added in his heart, "Let it have a good dream and sleep a little longer."

Darkrai: .

After a long while, he choked out a sentence.

【I'm the god of nightmares! 】

Every time I let a "nightmare god" create beautiful dreams for others.

So what else does "Dream God" Cresselia do?

Xia Yan ignored it.

With the last experience, Darkrai is already a full-fledged "dream master".

It should learn to create its own dreams, not Xia Yan to weave.

He rushed towards Regigigas lying in the rubble while shouting, "Ash!"

"Yes! Teacher Xia Yan!"

Hearing Xia Yan's call, although Ash didn't know what the situation was, he still ran over together.

Looking at Xia Yan's hurried appearance, the people who were filled with joy suddenly realized that the matter was not over yet, and immediately surrounded him.

"What's the matter, Xia Yan?"

Brandon followed them to the sleeping Regigigas and asked.

"Regigigas just fell asleep for a short time, and its power recovery process has not been interrupted. So it must wake up its sanity before it wakes up again." Xia Yan's speech was fast, and he tugged while holding his neckline. Loosen your clothes.

"Wake up? How?"

"Ash." Xia Yan didn't answer the question again, just looked at Ash again.

"Teacher Xia Yan, what do you need me to do?" Ash was gearing up, his eyes swept back and forth on Regigigas, as if he was thinking about where to start.

Xia Yan's eyes twitched.

"The Power of Waveguide."

However, Xia Yan still reminded.


Ash was taken aback.

Looking at his expression, Xia Yan knew.

Clearly has the ability to be as buggy as the "wave guide power", and is still extremely talented Ash, who has hardly any training for the "wave guide power".

Such a good talent wasted in vain.

But on second thought.

With Ash's perverted physique, he's almost on par with Crimson's physique that he can take a shot from Deoxys, and it seems that he really doesn't need the power of the waveguide to strengthen his body.


Xia Yan closed his eyes.

The power of the waveguide exists in the heart!

next second.

When Xia Yan opened his eyes again, his palms were covered by Yingying's blue Cal.


With the help of the wave guide, Xia Yan clearly felt Regigigas's slow thinking fluctuations.

On the one hand, it is because of the influence of Darkrai's "Dark Void", and on the other hand, it is also because it has just woken up and is still in the stage of getting up.

Seeing the power of Xia Yan's waveguide, the eyes of Plantina, Brandon and others lit up.

turn out to be.

Teacher Xia Yan can actually guide this special ability.

Ash, on the other hand, looked stunned.

I see.

Immediately after.

Ash imitated Xia Yan's appearance, closed his eyes, stretched out his arms, and blushed.

She put it on hold for a long time, but nothing came of it.

Those who knew understood that he was trying to control the power of the waveguide, but those who didn't thought he was constipated.

"Ash, are you okay?" Dawn asked nervously, clutching his hands.

Regigigas, but may wake up at any time.

Xia Yan sighed silently.

He stretched out his hand and put it on Ash's hand, and the power of the waveguide slowly entered.


Xia Yan felt an extremely large wave guide from Ash's body.

The kind of waveguide power that has hardly been exploited.

It was immediately understood.

Why is Ash so popular with wild Pokémon and even mythical beasts?

It is possible that his extremely strong physical quality is abnormal, or it may be because of the power of the waveguide.

Ash, it's actually a treasure boy? !

and many more.

Does Professor Oak have a waveguide?


Ash himself was quite surprised by this.

Xia Yan shook his head, and quickly discarded some of the thoughts in his mind that were easy for Xia Yan, and said to Ash: "It's this power, send it to me."

"Oh!" Ash nodded again and again.

So far.

The two talents basically reached a certain degree of tacit understanding of the waveguide.

Xia Yan closed his eyes again as Ash's rampant chaotic waveguide power entered his body.

With the enhanced waveguide power, Xia Yan finally found Regigigas's real will that was gradually awakening from the huge and chaotic consciousness of Regigigas.


Xia Yan's voice echoed in Regigigas' consciousness space.


Far away.

Xia Yan seems to have received a response from Regigigas in Regigigas's consciousness space.

Seeing this, Xia Yan immediately showed joy.

did not expect.

So soon to find its true will in it.

Immediately after that, he shouted: "Regigigas, get up and eat!"


This time.

Xia Yan could feel the voice getting closer to him.


The voice seemed to keep getting closer.


Under the guidance of the power of the waveguide, Xia Yan looked for the trace of Regigigas, and Regigigas also appeared in front of him under the Captivate of "food".

And it is at this moment.

Xia Yan saw the real Holy Pillar King!

He held his head high, looking up at the huge existence that was many times taller than him.

Even in the consciousness space, Xia Yan seemed to see the stars that filled the sky, as well as the milky white spots of light like the Big Dipper twinkling in the stars.

Almost half of the entire body was submerged into the starry sky.

so big? !

Are you sure you are the Pillar King.

Not the gods?

[It's you, calling my name? 】

As soon as he opened his mouth, he knew that he was an old man.

This tone, this tone, is properly super ancient locals.

Xia Yan held on to his hat to avoid slipping down because his head was too high.



Regigigas is quite authentic, and he didn't pretend to be too forceful. After confirming that Xia Yan looked up at him, his figure quickly shrank.

It soon became about the same height as Xia Yan, allowing him to look up.

[I feel my breath on your body, even more than one. Weird. 】

Regigigas looked at Xia Yan suspiciously, and the seven light spots flickered irregularly.

Hearing this, Xia Yan grinned.

"I met Regigigas from another world, and we had a great conversation. It was a long-term friendship."

【Um? 】

Regigigas looked at Xia Yan.

Inexplicably, from a superior god to be an equal friend.

Regigigas, who has been admired since its birth, has never had such an experience.

【What do you call me for? 】

"Is such that."

Immediately, Xia Yan briefly told Regigigas what happened in Xuefeng Temple from beginning to end.

Regigigas was surprised when he heard that Xia Yan and his Mega Beedrill had successfully stopped the runaway self.


Regigigas was inexplicably polite, and after the accident, he also thanked Xia Yan.

【thanks. 】

Sincere thanks, in the most real place like the consciousness space, there is no way to cheat.

Such a polite beast is really rare.

Xia Yan quickly waved his hand.

"Actually, apart from that, I have one more thing I want to ask for your help."

[I try to listen to it. 】

Regigigas stretched out his hand to signal Xia Yan to talk first.


Xia Yan once again recounted what happened in the Hoenn Region, as well as Steven forcibly awakened and manipulated the super ancient giants in the Hoenn Region in order to protect the entire Hoenn. In the end, due to exhaustion and mental exhaustion, he fell into a deep sleep. Said it all again.

[Yingjie. 】

Regigigas praised Steven's behavior after listening.

It also forcibly dragged the continent in order to protect the life of the entire continent, and finally exhausted itself and had to fall into a deep sleep.

So I appreciate Steven's willingness to sacrifice himself for others.


It also has some doubts.

The Three Gods Column in the Hoenn Region, was it buried there at the time?

Can not remember.

At that time, I did too much, some strong and some weak, and some were asked to go.

For example, on the tree of Earl Dervish in the world, Mew is about to leave three, and the owner of a certain pyramid at the time seems to be leaving three.

According to the different production materials, the three pillars created have their own strengths and weaknesses.

But after sleeping for so long, Regigigas almost forgot.

"So, I implore you to help this 'Yingjie'." Xia Yan said solemnly.


Regigigas looked at Xia Yan silently.

And Xia Yan also looked at Regigigas flatly, his eyes were calm and not turbulent, but his entreaties were beyond words.

After a while.

Just when Xia Yan wanted to ask again, he suddenly heard Regigigas say:

[You just said, eat? 】

Xia Yan: "."

After a full circle, you still return to the starting point, right?


The heavy eyelids slowly opened with trembling, the soft milky white Cal did not make the eyes that had not been opened for a long time feel uncomfortable.

Blink again.

"Am I in hell?"

It sounded with a hoarse, dry voice.

"Ding dong! Congratulations, you got it right."

Some familiar, some unfamiliar voices sounded.

After a while, Steven finally found the owner of this voice from the many impressions.

Sit up suddenly.

boom! !

But before he could sit up straight, a seemingly weak palm pressed him back so hard that he almost couldn't catch his breath.


Audino, who studied with Nurse Joy and Blissey on the airship for a period of time, fully demonstrated the "professionalism" of a doctor.

The two tentacles on the head swept across Steven's body to determine his physical condition, and pressed him to prevent him from sitting up.

no way.

With just the power of an ordinary human, Steven, without the blessing of "money ability", can't make Audino.

He could only take the next step, turning his head to look in the direction from which the sound came from just now.


There, I saw Xia Yan, who was tinkering with a bunch of precision instruments to make energy cubes, and Darkrai, who was sitting next to him with a "fighting operation".

"Xia Yan, am I not dead?"

Steven was in disbelief.

"Well." Xia Yan nodded, then added: "But I'm dying."


Steven was taken aback.

Xia Yan pursed his lips, indicating the instruments on the ground.

good guy.

How did he know that Regigigas, who had been hungry for thousands or even tens of thousands of years, could eat so much?

On eating alone, Regigigas dumped Rayquaza hundreds of streets.

"you are"

Xia Yan rolled his eyes angrily.

"It's nothing, just prepare for the next battle."


"Well, Sinnoh disaster."

Hearing this, Steven's expression froze.

Why did the Hoenn disaster just end, and the Sinnoh disaster came?

After a long while, he said embarrassingly:

"That. Xia Yan, I just experienced the Hoenn catastrophe, and I feel that I need to recuperate."


Audino patted Steven on the shoulder with satisfaction.

very good.

After its careful care, even though Steven slept for a few days, his body is still alive and well.

And Steven, who understood what Audino meant, suddenly became a little embarrassed.

After looking at Xia Yan's eyes, it became even more embarrassing.

But Xia Yan's next sentence made him change his attitude in an instant.

"I heard that Team Galactic has collected a lot of strange ores. Among them are some precious ores from the universe, and the whole world may have only one of them."

Steven sat up immediately.

With a serious expression and a stern expression, he tidied up his bow tie and cuffs, showing his integrity as a champion.

"Xia Yan, elbow!"


PS: 1.2w today! Ask for a monthly ticket~~

(End of this chapter)

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