The night is full of fire and the streets are full of smoke.

Outside Zilan Pavilion, where the carriages were stationed, there were many dignitaries.

In the hall, the dancing girl is looking forward to her posture, her sleeves are fluttering, her hair is like ink, and accompanied by the rhythm of the piano, her dance moves people's hearts.

The owner of Zilanxuan had no intention of greeting the guests. He carried the food he carefully prepared to Zhao Shuang's residence.

But when she opened the sliding door, the room was empty and the windows were wide open.

Zi Nu shook her head, this little fat man was really elusive.

She put down the plate in her hand and walked to the window. The night wind blew, but there was a hint of chill in it.

Zi Nu raised her head and looked at the quiet night sky, dotted with stars.

"Is autumn coming?"

The beacon smoke has risen in the distance, but here it is extremely prosperous, as if falling into a dream.

Zi Nu shook her head, it seemed that Zhao Shuang would not be back tonight. She closed the window, took a look at the steaming food in the room, and then walked out in a loss of interest.

In the high tower in the distance, a white-haired boy stood holding a sword.

Beside him, stood a Snare Assassin, Sundanese Bee.

"Lord Wei Zhuang!"

As a guest in the Prime Minister's Mansion of Qin State, Wei Zhuang gained Lu Buwei's appreciation in a short period of time.

Because of this, Luo Wang was very polite to him.

"Recently, many spies hiding around important figures in Han and Wei have been eliminated."

Wei Zhuang smiled and looked at the brightly lit singing and dancing place in the distance.

"In such a short period of time, so many informants were eliminated at the same time. Either Luo Wang is no longer worthy of the title of the world's number one killer organization, or there is a traitor within Luo Wang."

Wei Zhuang's answer was very concise, but the snare killer beside him did not dare to make a conclusion at will.

Sunda wasp lowered his head.

After successive failures, Lu Buwei's trust in hiding the sun has gradually declined.

Therefore, for Wei Zhuang sent by Lu Buwei, Zhanri specially asked Xunfeng to come to help.

It's obviously to help, but there's also an element of surveillance involved.

"In fact, after the members of the network in Yan and Zhao were eliminated by Zhao Shuang, the organization had changed the passwords and contact methods on a large scale. But it turned out that they were still caught."

"Interesting!" Wei Zhuang smiled, "Is there a day when the assassin organization known as the most powerful assassin in the Seven Kingdoms is infiltrated?"

Wei Zhuang was not interested in what happened to Luo Weng at all. What he was interested in was the person who caused Luo Weng to suffer such a disaster.

"Have you found Zhao Shuang?"

"Since Zhao Shuang was kidnapped by Baiyue people that night, the last time we learned of his whereabouts was when Wang Sun Hanyu sent people to rescue Zhao Shuang in the mountains outside Yangdi."

"But news came not long ago that the Baiyue masters who had kidnapped Zhao Shuang had broken into the Snow Clothes Castle while the blood-clothed Hou Bai Yi Fei was away."

Can't even find it in a snare?

Wei Zhuang smiled, his heart filled with the desire to win.

"Sure enough, it's not in vain for me to come all the way."

"Lord Wei Zhuang, the top priority is to reshape the organizational order of Han and Wei, find out that force, and eliminate it completely."

If an organization like Luowang cannot maintain high pressure, it will inevitably collapse once the middle and upper levels collapse.

"Did you make a mistake?"

Xunfeng was stunned and heard Wei Zhuang speak slowly.

"I'm not here to wipe your ass. It's better for you to resolve your own affairs! But I can give you a piece of advice."

Wei Zhuang looked at the assassin beside him. Ruoyouruowu's power made him dare not raise his head.

"The unknown force you call it has actually already shown its traces."

"What do you mean, sir?"

"Who in the world needs to wipe out Qin's eyes and ears on such a large scale? Who can do it? And who disappeared from the sight of the net during this period?"

Wei Zhuang jumped off the tower and headed into the distance.

After listening to Wei Zhuang's words, Xunfeng felt a chill in his heart, because at the same time, a name came to his mind.

Zhao Shuang!

In the forest, Mo Ya looked at the somewhat embarrassed Baiyue quartet, smiled slightly, and threw down a bag of money.

"What does Zhao Shuang mean?"

Yan Lingji frowned, feeling like she was being given alms at this moment. Especially thinking that it was Zhao Shuang's charity made her even more uncomfortable and angry.

Facing the stunningly beautiful woman and three other strange-looking men in front of him, Mo Ya had no intention of explaining.

He turned around and walked away slowly, leaving behind a heartfelt message.

"What you have done is too conspicuous at this time. Take this money and hide until you wait for the end of this war that has nothing to do with you."

Mo Ya's warning made Yan Lingji's expression change. She turned around and looked at the three people behind her.

However, there were differences among the team.

"Bai Yifei is gone. This is a great opportunity for us to find the owner. We can't let it go."

The King of Hundred Poisons said, with a hint of unwillingness in his words.

The Exorcist remained silent while the Wushuang Ghost waited for the argument to end.

Yan Lingji, on the other hand, gave her own choice.

"We'd better hide and wait for the opportunity to act again!"

The exorcist raised his head and looked at Yan Lingji.

The King of Hundred Poisons was puzzled, his eyes flashing with luster.


The masters of Baiyue are unyielding and unyielding. And these strange people recruited by Lord Red Eyebrow are even the best among them.

"I believe in Zhao Shuang."

A very simple sentence, but the other three people were extremely surprised.

I believe these two words are very luxurious for those of them who have lost their homes.

And this luxury has only been given to one person from the past to the present.

Their master, Tianze!

Yan Lingji took a few steps forward, bent down and picked up the money bag on the ground.

"Also, I have already felt that things are not simple."

"They Chinese people are attacking each other, what does it have to do with us?"

Yan Lingji turned her head and looked at the King of Hundred Poisons. There was a hint of impatience in the other person's words.

"Once the war starts, it will definitely affect everyone. I thought you already understood this truth."

The Hundred Poison King remained silent for a moment. Everyone present has learned a painful lesson, which can only be resonated by those displaced by war.

In the end, Baidu King nodded and accepted Yan Lingji's words.

"I see!"

A small stall at the foot of the mountain.

Zhao Shuang was sitting at the table, eating breakfast.

Most of the porters were sitting around the stall, eating the food prepared by the stall owner.

Mo Ya appeared quietly and knelt on one knee beside Zhao Shuang.

"They've been accommodated."

"If these guys break in again, it will really cause a headache!"

"Since I have a headache, why don't I just kill him instead of saving him?"

With a soft word, Mingzhu's figure appeared in Zhao Shuang's sight.

Just now, Mo Crow appeared, and the people around him were still acting as usual.

But with the unexpected appearance of this charming woman, the expressions of the surrounding travelers changed, and murderous intent overflowed.

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