Anyi, the former capital of Wei and today the capital of Hedong County, no matter from which angle you look at it, its loss is not an easily bearable price for the Qin army.

The news from Wei Zhuang was half an hour ahead of the Qin Army's military report. When the military report was placed on Lu Buwei's desk, a group of staff from the Prime Minister's Mansion had already gathered.

A group of people gathered in front of the huge sand table, studying the countermeasures at this moment.

Lu Buwei sat aside, looking at the staff walking around in the hall in front of him, flipping through the files, making calculations, and felt a little headache.

Anyi's geographical location is important, but more importantly, the grain and grass stored there have now been acquired by Pang Nuan.

No matter how powerful the general is, no matter how elite the soldiers and horses are, if there is no food and grass, they will not achieve anything.

Lu Buwei didn't care before. That was because the five countries were united and a large amount of grain and grass were shipped to the main coalition force at Hangu Pass. No matter how elite Pang Nuan's partial army is, the food path is too long.

As long as the Qin army defends the two important towns of Anyi and Puban and maintains this bottom line, then Pang Nuan's army is equivalent to being locked in the east of the river. It will retreat and cannot enter Guanzhong.

The staff finally completed their calculations and presented the results to Lu Buwei's desk.

"Xiangbang, the food and grass Pang Nuan's army has received can last at least twenty-three days."

Lu Buwei was not satisfied with the result and looked at the staff in front of the desk.

"What about the many?"

"More than a month!"

Lu Buwei looked unhappy and angry, slapping the table with one hand. The heavy voice echoed in the room, frightening all the staff to immediately kneel down and bow to apologize.

"Are there more than a month? How much is left?"

For Lu Buwei at this moment, an accurate number is crucial, because one more day or one less day may affect the current situation.

"Xiangbang forgives me, but the information on the coalition's food and grass is unknown, and we cannot estimate the specific time."

Lu Buwei waved his hand and shouted loudly.

"Everyone, get back!"

After hearing this, all the staff felt like they were being pardoned, and they were on tiptoe, not daring to make a sound.

Everyone knows that the Prime Minister of Qin is in a bad mood at the moment. If you offend him at this time, what is the difference between that and seeking death?

The room became empty, Lu Buwei knocked on the table, thinking in his mind.

With the power of the five-nation coalition, Pang Nuan's army would have at least fifteen days of food and grass left by the time they left the prison.

Five days later, we went to Anyi. If Pang Nuan sent troops to plunder grain and grass in the surrounding towns while capturing Anyi, then there would still be at least ten to twenty days left.

Based on the worst-case scenario, Pang Nuanjun's offensive can be maintained for at least another two months.

Two months, when thinking of this number, Lu Buwei's expression became even worse.

The appearance of Zhenri made Lu Buwei turn his head and asked.

"How's it going?"

How Anyi was lost was a question that worried Lu Buwei more than the immediate trouble.

"Pang Nuan ordered a thousand Zhao army vanguards to dig trenches in front of Anyi City and prepare to attack the city. The governor of Hedong County thought it would be profitable and led his troops out, hoping to annihilate this vanguard and severely weaken the coalition's momentum. Who knew that Pang Nuan himself would Supervise the formation, kill the governor of Hedong County in front of the formation, and directly take Anyi away."

"Greeting for merit!"

Lu Buwei said these two words angrily, but Zhi Ri didn't take it seriously.

Which general of the Qin army is not greedy for merit?

With a huge advantage, the governor of Hedong County did not lead his troops to attack, but watched Zhao Jun complete preparations for the siege. He would be a fool.

It’s just that the skills are not as good as others!

Lu Buwei scolded his pig teammate and expressed his resentment, but when he calmed down, he had to face reality.

"Defeating the Anyi garrison with a thousand soldiers, this Pang Nuan is really surprising!"

It has always been a strategy to lure the enemy, but if you are not careful, you will end up dying.

Pang Nuan, as the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, carried out this dangerous strategy, but the way of using troops was second to none. The dangerousness of his methods and his eagerness to achieve success really made Lu Buwei feel a little chilled.

This is a life-threatening person!

"Luo Wang organized several operations to burn down the coalition's food and grass, but Pang Nuan took strict precautions and failed."

"The truth is known."

Lu Buwei has become increasingly disappointed with Luo Wang's recent performance.

"One more piece of information is that Zhao Shuang is not in Pang Nuan's army."

"Zhao Shuang?"

Lu Buwei wanted to talk about the next topic, but when he heard this name, he was paused for a moment.

"where is he?"

"Before Pang Nuan conquered Anyi, Zhao Shuang separated from Pang Nuan. Since then, their traces are unknown."

Lu Buwei felt a little irritated for no reason and waved his hand.

"No matter what, as long as Pu Ban is still in his hands, Pang Nuan will not be able to enter Guanzhong. Go and tell Huan Jue that his ten thousand troops cannot be moved. Even if he fights to the last soldier, he will hold on for two months and Pang Nuan will be defeated." Nuantu is in the east of the river."

As long as Pu Ban is still in the hands of the Qin army, Pang Nuan's army will not be able to get around this nail. If he dared to cross the river to attack Guanzhong, his food routes would be cut off and his entire army would be wiped out.

"In addition, you personally go to the east of Hedong to help Huan Jue defend the city with the help of the net. If Puban is lost, the net does not need to exist anymore."

Lu Buwei, with the power of the Great Qin Prime Minister, would not dare to disobey easily even if he covered the sun.


"No need!"

A gentle voice came over, and Wei Zhuang appeared in front of Lu Buwei and Zhan Ri.

"Weizhuang, what do you mean?"

Zhanri looked at Wei Zhuang and questioned, with a hint of dissatisfaction in his words.

"Zhao Shuang led a partial army and galloped two hundred miles day and night, crossed Xia Yangjin, and captured Linjin Pass. Before the Puban defenders could react, he and hundreds of his men disguised themselves as Qin soldiers. The army's grain transport fleet deceived Huan Jue, and teamed up with Pang Nuanli to capture Puban."

Wei Zhuang told the military situation ahead word for word. There is no rhetoric, but anyone can feel how fierce the battle is raging ahead.

"Pang Nuan! Zhao Shuang!"

After reading these two names, Lu Buwei stood up. Nothing could make Great Qin's Prime Minister so eclipsed, but this time, it was different.

One move kills the chess piece, and it comes back to life in the blink of an eye.

Lu Buwei finally understood the power of these two people.

I also understood that these two people were a serious problem that had to be eliminated.

The moment he stood up, Lu Buwei's figure was a little unstable. He tried to support him, but Lu Buwei reached out to stop him.

"It turns out there's nothing wrong!"

In just a few days, Anyi and Puban were lost in succession. Lu Buwei knew very well what this meant for today's Great Qin.

Not long ago, the defenders from Hexi rushed to Shangjun. In other words, for Pang Nuan's army now, the door to Guanzhong was wide open, and he could enter the hinterland of Guanzhong without any effort.

However, the more critical it was, the calmer Lu Buwei became.

He straightened his clothes, his face returned to calm, and he called the attendants outside the door.

"Immediately summon the civil and military forces in Xianyang City and gather in the Xianyang Palace to discuss the military situation."

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