"I will finally accuse you!"

In the Xianyang Palace, in front of a pool of clear water, Duke Heng was kneeling on the ground.

Duke Heng fought bloody battles with the Zhao army for two days and nights. In the end, due to the small number of troops, he was defeated and Yueyang was lost.

At this moment, he had just rushed back from the front line. He still had his armor still on, and he didn't even have time to clean up the blood on his face before he was summoned into the palace by King Qin.

This was the first real battle between the Qin Army and the coalition forces. Although it was hasty, the Qin Army also put in effort.

All the civil servants and generals present knew that Duke Lu was not to blame for the loss of Yueyang, but they still wanted to know the true strength of the coalition forces from this veteran general.

After all, in the previous battles of the coalition forces, except for the battles of Anyi and Puban, Pang Nuan spent a lot of thought on them, but he did not spend much effort on the rest.

But even in the battles of Anyi and Puban, the victories were won by cleverness and mostly by surprise.

This time, it was the first official battle between the coalition forces and the Qin army.

"How did Yueyang lose it?"

King Qin's voice came from the throne. Duke Qin lowered his head and spoke truthfully.

"After receiving the military order, I rushed to Yueyang to rest and prepare the camp and defense to wait for the coalition forces."

"I originally thought that the coalition forces would arrive at Yueyang at least one day ago, but who knew that Zhao Shuang led three thousand elite cavalry to surprise our troops. Our army was unprepared, and Zhao Shuang's elite cavalry demolished all the strongholds outside the city of Yueyang. Pang Nuan Lead the army behind and storm Yueyang City."

"What do you think of these two people?"

"If the guilty minister leads his army against these two men and has no choice but to defend the base, he will be defeated in the field."

When Duke He said this, the whole hall was shocked.


Duke He seemed to have something to say. King Qin saw it and asked.

"And what?"

"The last general made a mistake!"

Duke He handed over his hand, did not continue speaking, and bowed his head to confess.

"Demoted to one level of rank, condemned to join the army!"

No matter what, losing Yueyang City was a serious crime, and all the generals present were convinced by King Qin's punishment.

Duke He kowtowed, feeling grateful in his heart. Although the 20th level military meritorious title of Da Qin is more and more difficult to upgrade as you go up, and you don’t know how many military merits you have to achieve to make up for falling one level, but this is a light punishment anyway.

"Sin will thank the King for His grace."

After Duke Hei retreated, Lu Buwei stood up.

"Your Majesty, Yueyang has been lost at this moment. The military situation is urgent. I'll wait."

Before Lu Buwei had finished speaking, an urgent horn sound suddenly sounded outside the palace.

The ministers were horrified and turned around, only to see a sentry galloping from outside the palace gate and rushed outside the palace, shouting.

"Your Majesty, urgent military situation."

"Go to the temple."

Lu Buwei waved his sleeves and robe and summoned this man into the palace.

"what happened?"

"After the coalition forces captured Yueyang, they moved down the Ju River. Now the vanguard of the coalition forces has arrived."

"What did you say?"

"Pang Nuan mobilized large and small ships near Yueyang, demolished the palace timber, and built rafts and pontoons. Now ten thousand pioneers have arrived in Wucheng."

"So fast!"

Even with Lu Buwei's maturity, it was difficult to conceal the surprise in his heart at this moment, let alone the civil servants and generals present.

Only King Qin, who was sitting on the throne, remained calm with no expression on his face.


This is a small city on the south bank of the Wei River. Compared with big cities such as Yueyang, it is really inconspicuous.

However, this small city blocked the only way for the coalition forces to pass, and it was also the key to the victory or defeat of the Qin army at this moment.

"How many times has this happened?"

Pang Nuan stood outside Qicheng, looking at the dangerous city pass in the distance, frowning slightly.

"Since our army arrived here and launched an attack half a day ago, this is the third attack."

"General, this city is dangerous and requires time."

Pang Nuan nodded and answered in a deep voice.

"I am waiting here. I must capture this city before Qin's reinforcements arrive, so that I can gain an advantage in the upcoming battle."

Seventy miles to the west from here is Xianyang. Once outside this city, you can reach the capital of Qin in one day and night.

The Qin army deployed heavy troops in Gaoling, north of the Wei River, but now, Pang Nuan turned his troops around, bypassed the place where the Qin army was heavily stationed, and penetrated into the heart of Qin.

Under the most advantageous situation, after the coalition forces captured Qicheng, they headed straight for Xianyang. Before the Qin army had assembled, Pang Nuan's army took Xianyang in one go and captured all the Qin clan members, ending the war.

The worst situation is that before the coalition forces capture the city, the Qin army has already gathered here, bringing the war to a stalemate.

Pang Nuan has never underestimated the Qin army, and he also knows that Lu Buwei is not an ordinary person. Therefore, he made up his mind from the beginning. After capturing the city, he defeated the Qin army in a field battle.

Take Xianyang!

"This city must be captured within three days."

There was a flame in Pang Nuan's eyes, and he made great contributions to the world. This battle was the key.

He stood in front of the formation and personally supervised the army.

The beacon smoke has started, and many of the battlements on the city wall in the distance have fallen off under the attack of the coalition's siege equipment.

The coalition's offensive was fierce, and under Pang Nuan's order, no room was left at all.

In the midst of the war, the originally silent mountain town looked like a wounded female beast.


Pang Nuan did not personally supervise the previous two sieges, but this time, he looked at it from the beginning and noticed something unusual.

"General, what's wrong?"

"The reason why we cannot capture this city is not only due to the terrain."

Pang Nuan touched his beard, and his whole body calmed down. His emotions, which were originally flamboyant, became deep again.

"Who is the guard of this city?"

When Pang Nuan's question came, the generals on the side looked at each other in confusion, and no one could answer it.

A general shouted in a low voice at the captain behind him.

"Go check it out!"

Pang Nuan ignored the noise around him and looked into the distance, seeing a Qin general standing on the wall of Qincheng.

His face could not be clearly seen, but he could be vaguely seen wearing black armor, holding a spear in his hand, and his figure was as tall and tall as a mountain.

This Qin general was supervising the battle on the city wall, and he was like taking a leisurely step in the beacon fire.

The coalition's offensive seemed fierce, but under the command of this Qin general, he resolved every crisis one by one.

It really shouldn’t be underestimated.

Just as the siege battle came to an end, the coalition's offensive was once again frustrated by the Qin army. The captain who had been ordered just now turned around and brought back the information.

The general next to Pang Nuan held the bamboo scroll recording the prisoner's confession and spread it out to search.

"General, according to the prisoners of the Qin army we captured, the guard of this city was originally an attendant of the King of Qin. He was transferred here not long ago. He is an unknown person."

"It seems to be called Wang Jian!"

At this moment, the black-armored general who was standing on the wall of the city seemed to be aware of the situation here. His eyes looked at Pang Nuan under the banner.

At this moment of slight eye contact, Pang Nuan seemed to have felt something. He touched his beard and said a serious word.

"Wang Jian!"

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