"How long can you sustain with a spirit bow? How many arrows are left?"

"Not enough to kill you all, the question is who will use my life to consume my arrow?" Jiang Chen asked.

The disciples of Qingcheng sent behind the rocks were silent. They wanted to shoot back with arrows, but found that Jiang Chen's distance exceeded the range.

Xuan Pian Jiang Chen's Spirit Bow can shoot with full force.

"It's not good for anyone to stay this stalemate." After a while, Cao Song said again.


"How about a quick battle, no bow?"

Min Jiangchen dismissed: "Then let you give play to the advantages of many people?"

"You can't just let people here commit suicide because you're young?"

Min Jiangchen thought about it and asked, "Why don't you use a bow?"

"That's right."

Cao Song told people to throw out all the arrows, and at the same time asked a disciple in Qingcheng to stand outside the rock.

"You can now call someone to check if there are any arrows. If there is fraud, you will shoot this disciple."

The disciples of the Qingcheng School did not expect that they were called out to do this, and their legs were weak, but Cao Song was afraid to go back.

"Did you have a bow?" Looking at the arrows on the ground, Jiang Chen asked Xiangniu and others.

"They seized the arsenal first, no one except the sentry had a bow."

"No wonder they dare to throw their arrows out."

And the distance lost is very mysterious, it is impossible for Jiang Chen to pick it up easily.

A warrior from the Jiang family ran to the opposite side under the signal of a fire ox, examined it carefully, and shouted towards this side: "No arrows."

人 This person is very clever, without the name of Jiang Chen, without any name, so that his identity will not be revealed.

"How are you now?"

"What then?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It's your turn!"

The beacon ox shook his head immediately and said, "Master, we will die if we do this."

"No, none of you will die today."

Min Jiangchen gave the longbow to the fire ox and walked over.

既然 "That being the case, let's have a fair duel. As long as you win me, you will win the mine."


"Because I'm Jiang Chen."

The disciples of the Qingcheng School looked at each other, and Cao Song stood up from behind the rock and said, "It's Master Chen, I didn't expect to run out at your age."

"Without further ado."

"Are you duel? Then I will come with you."

Cao Song did not give him the opportunity to choose and stood in front of Jiang Chen.

"You are in the middle of Juyuanjing. My master is in the early stage of Juyuanjing. Is there such a bully?" Huoying shouted dissatisfaction.

"Who puts you at an absolute disadvantage? It is already my kindness to have a one-on-one duel." Cao Song said.

"Do you think you have an advantage?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Otherwise? Your people have already said that your realm is not in the early days of Juyuan Realm. They did not come out. It seems that you intend to sacrifice yourself. It is great."

"I don't plan to sacrifice myself." Jiang Chen chuckled.

"Oh?" Cao Song couldn't see what else he could do.

"I will kill you all," Jiang Chen said.

Pu Qingcheng disciples laughed aloud, and one of them was also a successful disciple in the early stage of Juyuan.

He stood in front of Jiang Chen and said, "How can you kill me? I can take you down."

"This way!"

Min Jiangchen spit out two words, Chixiao sword quickly cut out.

As soon as Xiaguang flashed, the Qingcheng disciple covered his neck in pain and fell to the ground.

"It is a spirit sword. He has a spirit sword. Come on together!" Cao Song was excited, and his eyes glowed with enthusiasm. He could not wait to get the sword.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

The flaming ox fired three arrows in a row to calm these excited Qingcheng disciples.

I looked at the corpse on the ground, Cao Song gritted his teeth and motioned for others to step back.

"After you die, I will throw your head into your house and let your family take a good look." Cao Song was so aggressive that he changed the previous show.

"Is it?" Jiang Chen sneered, and his sharp sword made him stand there like a **** of war, unshakable.

"Look at the sword!"

Cao Song pulled his sword out of the sheath, and the long sword flashed quickly and swiftly.

He is different from the **** hand butcher. Cao Song has learned his sword skill. Under the realm advantage, his sword points to his throat in a blink.

Min Jiangchen retreated sharply. In terms of speed, due to realm restrictions, he was in a disadvantage.

He hurried to run the spiral real element, holding the sword on the left, plus the red Xiao sword, the two swords collided, Cao Song's sword made an overwhelming and crisp sound.


Cao Song reacted wrongly, his eyes flashed.

"His sword is fast. If it is dangerous to fight, kill him before he can fully react!"

The battle between the Dai and the Lei people has accumulated a lot of experience for Jiang Chen.

At first glance at Cao Song's eyes, Jiang Chen knew it was an opportunity.

"Changhong Sword Technique Third Form: Arc-shaped Rainbow!"

This style of sword moves matches Chixiao sword very well. Under the dazzling sword, a crescent arc rises like a rainbow, covering a very wide area.

怎么 "How can he cast such an amazing sword!"

Cao Song's face changed greatly, he could feel the power of this sword.

He took a deep look at Jiang Chen, suddenly widening his eyes, and shouting, "No! He has mastery of the shape of the sword, quickly! Everyone picks up his arrows!"

He finally understood what Jiang Chen said, and he miscalculated!

I don't blame him, who would have thought that a terrible boy like Jiang Chen would appear in this one hundred thousand mountain.

It's too late to say anything now, the arrows on the ground were swept by Jianmang, all scrapped.

Cao Song looked back, only felt dark before his eyes, and then found that this was not only a mental shock, but also the body.

His chest was almost cut off ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Jiang Chen ’s sword only incidentally destroyed the arrow, he was the target.

"I'm not willing ..." Cao Song could be said to be unclear when he died in the hands of those who were successful in the early days of Juyuan Realm.


Another Qingcheng school disciple in the middle of Juyuanjing was a woman. When she saw Cao Song's tragic death, she jumped out in anger!

I could not find the opportunity for the fire ox and shot an arrow through her chest.

At this moment, Qingcheng's disciples were at a loss as to what to do.

Immediately, some people who were not very smart chose to run away, but they were stopped by Jiang Chen and killed by waving a sword.

I was so scared that others quickly lost their weapons and knelt on the ground for mercy.

Beacon Bull and others realized that they had won and were very excited to run over.

"Master Chen, you are so strong!" Fire Cow returned the spirit bow, full of admiration.

Qi Jiangchen nodded and motioned, and said, "Tie these people."

After disarming his disciples in Qingcheng, Jiang Chen came to a disciple.

"I only need to answer my question by myself. If there is any hesitation and hesitation, my sword will be stabbed." Jiang Chen said.

The disciples of Qi Qingcheng nodded.

"What do you guys plan to do after occupying the mine?"

Disciple Xun did not hesitate, and immediately said, "Go to Shancheng and break Jiangfu with one go."

"The other three forces are waiting for you?"

"No, the Fire Lion Gang and Blood Hand Gate are responsible for occupying Yaoshan."

"What a plan! I ask you again, how many people are there in Yaoshan?"

"At least twice as much as us, and the second head of the Blood Hand Gate is also here. He is in the late stage of Juyuan Realm."

Qi Jiangchen asked a few more important information, and then he was detained.

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