The Brilliant Fighting Master

Chapter 73: Linlang Peak

Linlang Peak is the shortest peak in the inner gate, but its victory is flat and wide. On the mountainside are two criss-crossed streets, next to which are palaces side by side, grand and magnificent.

This is the Chamber of Commerce of Tiandaomen, and it is also a martial arts market. The scale is not lost to the big cities outside.

Linlang Peak is also the most lively place in the inner gate. People come and go in the streets, and there are flying boats from time to time in the air.

Jiang Chen and Meng Hao walked to Linlang Peak and spent half an hour.

Not to say that the mountain road is rugged. With the ability of the Tiandaomen, the stone road leads to various places in the martial arts. The road is wide and flat, and the carriage can drive in.

It's just that the Tiandao Gate is too big. The distance between Linlang Peak and Chixiao Peak in the gate is not the farthest, but it will take so long.

"Looks like buying a flying boat."

Jiang Chen watched the disciples coming down from the flying boat.

Those flying boats are not small and small. Compared with the cloud-breaking boats Jiang Chen has taken, they can only be said to be small boats, but the speed is about the same.


Jiang Chen's eyes were attracted by a flying ship, which was a beautiful ship, well-maintained, and the disciples from the deck were all women, all with beautiful skin and outstanding temperament.

"That's Yunfeng's ship."

Meng Hao often comes to help Jiang Chen buy things and has a certain understanding of the inner door.

"Jade Girl Peak?"

"Yeah, the inner door is not the same as Tian Wangfeng's reputation. The owner of the mountain is a strange woman named Li Xianer. Many excellent female disciples in the door follow her." Meng Hao said.

Li Xianer?

Jiang Chen has an impression of this name and is the third disciple on the list of emperors.

At the same time, he also noticed that the female disciples of Yunvfeng were all proudly like peacocks who opened the screen, ignoring the fierce eyes of the male disciples, and soon disappeared on the corner of the street.

"There is a list of beauties in Huoyu, and Li Xianer is on the list." Meng Hao said.

"There are really many lists, there are beautiful lists, is there a beautiful list?" Jiang Chen laughed.

Unexpectedly, Meng Hao said to him: "It really does exist, but it is not called the Men's List, it's called the Boys' List. The requirement to be on the list is not only appearance, but the most important thing is personal experience, and then the wind evaluation. . "

After speaking, what Meng Hao remembered was hesitant, but he didn't dare to say anything.

"How? Can Ning Haotian be on the list?" Jiang Chen said casually.

As a result, Meng Hao really nodded, but quickly said, "Ning Haotian was famous on the list originally. Later, you joined Tiandaomen and he was no longer on the list."


Meng Hao said stubbornly: "Because of your fame, the matter that caused him to grab your veins has once again received attention. Under criticism, naturally, the boy list cannot be obtained."

"What time is it?" Jiang Chen asked.

"A month ago."

Jiang Chen showed a look of sudden realization, and said, "No wonder I just entered the heavenly gate, he bit it like a crazy dog. It turned out to be this."

At this time, Jiang Chen noticed Meng Hao's unnatural expression, so he put his hands on his shoulders and said, "Don't take too much into consideration in front of me. It is permissible to talk about the veins."

Meng Haosong breathed a sigh of relief, and found that he thought Jiang Chen was too stingy, but considering that Jiang Chen's father was still locked in Heilongyuan, he still didn't dare to talk.

Immediately afterwards, the two came to the Tianfeng Chamber of Commerce with a great reputation.

The gates of Tiandaomen are very strict, but there are few restrictions on the disciples. Allocate a mountain to let the disciples mess up, and you can also open a chamber of commerce in the gate to conduct transactions.

Of course, the Chamber of Commerce is not open to anyone. It must be of sufficient strength.

Most of the disciples want to sell anything, they set up a stall outside.

In the Skywind Chamber of Commerce, the lobby is very spacious, but there are no merchandise, but there are many pretty women standing everywhere.

When they see a guest coming in, they will take the initiative to greet them, ask the guests for their needs, and then bring them to the chamber of commerce.

It is with this kind of service that Tianfeng Chamber of Commerce has its current fame.

Moreover, the women who work in the chamber of commerce are not randomly found. They are all disciples who earn contributions here.

This is a big fat in the outside door, no one can't get in without any connections.

Among the female disciples, there was a girl named Wen Meng standing in the corner, thinking hard.

She was thinking about the past. In her small town, she was the daughter of heaven and her parents' pride. She was highly regarded by the city owner. She did not disappoint and entered Tiandaomen smoothly.

But when I came to Tiandaomen, I didn't know what a little witch was.

The talent she was proud of was not worth mentioning in this way, and the genius of the small town was reduced to mediocrity in the martial arts.

After accepting the facts, Wen Meng began to practice hard and strive to become an inner disciple as soon as possible.

However, the requirement of one million contributions is too horrible. To be achieved within two years, you must do a task or accomplish some kind of achievement.

She can enter Tianfeng Chamber of Commerce thanks to her girlfriend's help.

Her girlfriend is a fighting woman who has never been lax when she was outside. She has become an inside disciple for more than a year.

Later, I met a brother in the door and was the steward of the Tianfeng Chamber of Commerce.

So Wen Meng got this opportunity with the help of her girlfriend.

She also treasured it, because completing a transaction at the Tianfeng Chamber of Commerce, the commission is comparable to doing a few tasks outside.

At the beginning, Wen Meng was very excited, but immediately found that reality was cruel.

There are a lot of royalties. As a newcomer, it is almost impossible for her to get them.

Her gaze looked at the woman surrounded by people, and she was the only one sitting among the people.

Because she was the one who received the most commission among all the female disciples of the Skywind Chamber of Commerce, called Liu Li.

Wen Meng is very envious of her ability, but she can't do it herself, and laughs and laughs with strange men ~ ~ keeps that kind of special ambiguous, it feels incredible.

"Sister Lili, a guest is here," someone said.

"Did you come by boat or walk?" Liu Li asked casually.


After getting this answer, Wen Meng found that Liu Li looked towards herself, and she was not surprised.

"Wen Meng, you go to entertain."

"it is good."

Wen Meng sighed and walked towards the door.

Almost all the disciples who have come by boat have rich and powerful insiders, and they have a great chance to get a high commission.

As for walking, naturally need not say more.

Wen Meng soon saw the guests he was about to receive. Two young men of the same age, one was an insider disciple and the other was not, not even an outsider disciple.

"Brother, can I help you?" Wen Meng tried to make her smile look natural.

"I want to sell Lingtan."


Getting this answer, Wen Meng's smile was a bit far-fetched.

Inner disciples will receive a certain elixir every month, and some inner disciples will choose to sell in exchange for other things.

This kind of business is the most common and has the least commission.

Wen Meng can feel the playful eyes of other female disciples.

"Brother, please follow me."

In any case, the other party is an insider disciple, and Wen Meng dare not offend.

She led the two to the cubicle and poured them tea.

She suddenly noticed that the disciple was looking at her with interest. She touched her face and could not understand why.

"Brother, what's your name?"

Suddenly, where Wen Meng found her mistake, she didn't know her name yet.

Maybe it was seen as amateur, the insider disciple smiled.

"My name is Jiang Chen. Don't be nervous, little girl, I won't eat you again."

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