Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the monk clearly pointed to one person, and it was Jiang Zhan who had not had time to evacuate.

Jiang Zhan was stunned for a while.

What's the matter, what's the matter with him?

Originally if it had been a female corpse, he had a guilty conscience and a female ghost had given him a dream, and it was considered a close relationship. Now it is a male corpse, and he can't fight him.

"Master, at noon today, the disciple saw this man sneaking to the back mountain!" The monk who identified Jiang Zhan reported to the middle-aged monk.

The middle-aged monk's name is Xuanci. Because the abbot of Lingwu Temple is old, he can be regarded as a temporary abbot.

When Xuanci heard the words, he immediately asked, "The back mountain is not open to the public. Since it was discovered at that time that pilgrims were sneaking in, why didn't we stop it in time?"

The monk who was reprimanded showed embarrassment: "The disciple saw that this donor was eager to help Junior Brother Sikong to fetch water, so he didn't come forward to evict him. Later, Junior Brother Sikong was found dead, and he just thought it was an accident. Retrieved from a well with a rock-bound body—"

The monk looked at Jiang Zhan like a vajra: "When the disciple sees this, he thinks about the noon thing. Uncle, the disciple thinks that the murderer must be this person. He first killed the young donor, and he was afraid that the younger brother of Sikong would find out when he was fetching water. I had a clue, so I pretended to be a warm-hearted person and went to help Junior Brother Sikong to water, and took the opportunity to kill Junior Brother Sikong as an accident!"

Following the monk's accusation, the monks silently surrounded Jiang Si and his group.

Across the wall of people surrounded by monks, heated discussions came.

"The murderer was caught so quickly, where is he from?"

"It doesn't look like he's from all over the country, so if Jun's brother is nearby, who wouldn't know." A woman said regretfully.

The people around nodded.

It really makes sense.

"But what's the purpose of killing such a handsome brother?" More big girls and little daughters-in-law mixed in the crowd were puzzled, and the men around them rolled their eyes.

Are you talking like that, there's no reason to kill someone if you look good? Could it be that only ugly people take revenge on their neighbors?

"Sir, these people are the pilgrims who stayed this morning, and nine out of ten the murderers are among them!" The reprimanded monk said to Xuanci, fearing that Jiang Si and the others would be released, and immediately said to the county magistrate.

Jiang Zhan sneered: "It's just nonsense. If I were the murderer, I heard that a group of people came to the well of Lingwu Temple to collect corpses. If they didn't run quickly, would they come to watch the fun?"

When everyone heard it, the discussion was stagnant.

What this handsome boy said seemed to make sense.

At this time, a person next to the county magistrate suddenly said, "That's not necessarily true. It is said that many murderers like to return to the scene to watch the fun after killing people."

The county magistrate looked at Jiang Zhan, but couldn't see any clues on his face: "Well, since this young man is suspicious, let's stay at Lingwu Temple tonight. By the way, including the pilgrims who stayed in the past two days, I hope you The temple provides a list. If these pilgrims are invited out in the crowd, don’t worry, it’s just a question, and this official can assure you that innocent people will never be wronged.”

After the county lieutenant said this, the crowd was silent, and no one came out.

The county lieutenant touched his beard and said solemnly, "It doesn't matter if the pilgrims who stayed in Lingwu Temple have already left. Anyway, there is a roster, and tomorrow the yamen official can still invite someone to come over."

This remark suddenly discouraged the pilgrims who were hiding in the crowd and planning to have nothing to do with themselves, and several people came out.

"I don't know if Lizheng is in Qingniu Town?"

Soon a gray-haired old man came out and gave a deep bow to the county captain: "I have seen your lord, the old man is here."

The county captain secretly twitched the corners of his mouth.

Sure enough, the common people's nature of watching the lively is the same, it is estimated that all the neat people in the town are here.

That's fine, it's easier to investigate.

"Let's stay in Lizheng too, and leave two more clever young people." The county captain said lightly.

For Lizheng, Tingchang and others who have served the county government, there is no need to be too polite.

"Okay, folks, let's go back for the time being, this officer will investigate the case all night, and will call you to correct me if necessary.


After the county magistrate spoke, the people watching the excitement reluctantly left, and the mountain behind Lingwu Temple suddenly became empty.

At this time, the sun had already set, and even the remaining rays of the sun had disappeared, and the entire sky showed a grayish-yellow color.

The county lieutenant glanced over the faces of the people who were left behind, and finally looked at Xuanci.

Xuanci recited the Buddha's name: "Sir, please move to the living room."

The county lieutenant did not refuse, but pointed out a few people: "Everyone, please come with this official."

Among these people were Jiang Shi and his party, the Li family brothers and sisters in Dayang Town, the pilgrims who stayed there, and the Lizheng in Qingniu Town, and of course the monks from Lingwu Temple. Here comes the autopsy.

From the empty and dark back mountain back to the brightly lit hall, the atmosphere was a little subtle for a while.

The county captain was the first to break the silence: "I don't know what to call this master?"

The monk who was reprimanded hurriedly said, "Poor monks from all over the world."

"What about this boy?"

Jiang Zhan glanced at Jiang Si and said in a gloomy mood, "Just call me Jiang Er."

He deliberately changed the tone of the word "Jiang", which fell into the ears of others and became "Jiang".

The county lieutenant nodded and asked Sihai: "When did Master Sihai find out that Jiang Er went to Houshan, and when did he see him leave?"

Si Hai thought for a while and said, "The lunch in the temple is always scheduled. The poor monk remembers that it was not long after lunch, that is, around noon. As for when he left... The poor monk saw Jiang Er went back and forth to help Sikong Junior Brother several times. The water went to work and didn't notice when he left."

When he said this, he glared at Jiang Zhan: "But he is the only outsider who has entered the back mountain. Junior Brother Sikong must have been killed by him! He is the murderer who killed the corpse of the man in the well!"

Jiang Zhan jumped in anger: "nonsense! Which eye of your bald donkey saw me killing?"

Yu Jin patted Jiang Zhan's shoulder lightly, motioning him to calm down, and after Jiang Zhan calmed down, he chuckled: "Master Si Hai's words are unfair, the only outsider who enters the back mountain must be the murderer? In comparison, it’s easier for people in temples who can run around the mountains to kill people? County Lieutenant, don’t you think so?”

"Buddha Amitabha, don't insult my Buddhist disciples, Buddhist disciples pay attention to the equality of all living beings. Even livestock, ants, and ants won't harm them, so how can they kill people?" The four seas were filled with righteous indignation.

Jiang Si said at the right time: "Actually, whether my brother appeared in the back mountain of Lingwu Temple or not is simply irrelevant."

Everyone suddenly looked at Jiang Si with different expressions.

Although Si Hai is a monk and has a violent temper, when he heard Jiang Si's understatement, he immediately said dissatisfied: "Now we are talking about murder cases, so please be careful about the female benefactor!"

Jiang Si raised her eyebrows: "Does Master mean to shut me up?"

Si Hai didn't say a word, apparently tacitly acquiescing to Jiang Shi's rhetorical question.

Jiang Si smiled lightly: "It's interesting. Just now, Master was talking about the equality of all beings. Now just because I'm a woman, he told me to shut up. It shows that Master doesn't know enough about his own heart."

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