"You can't catch my son, you let him go!" Mrs. Changxing Hou looked weak and weak, but at this time, she burst out with amazing strength, and slammed into the yamen with force, causing the yamen to stagger.

"Prince, isn't that true? You're talking—" Jiang Qian took the opportunity to hug the prince of Changxing Hou and shouted in a low voice, "I have—"

Changxing Hou Shizi's somewhat dazed eyes suddenly became clear, and he stared at Jiang Qian.

what did she say? pregnant?

Jiang Qian nodded desperately.

Believe it, as long as she believes in her, he can't do anything to the mother who is pregnant with his child and let her be ruined with him.

"take away!"

No matter how the female relatives of the Marquis of Changxing cried, Zhen Shicheng was unmoved and ordered his subordinates to take away the son of the Marquis of Changxing and the two servants.

As for those corpses, they can't be cleaned up in a while, and the flowery Houfu Garden has become a temporary mortuary, which makes people avoid it.

Mrs. Changxing Hou ran after her: "My Yu'er is a good boy and won't hurt anyone. You must be mistaken—"

"Master Zhen, please be merciful, this Marquis only has such a son!" The Marquis of Changxing lost his previous calmness, and he was about to kneel down on Zhen Shicheng's hand.

"There may be only such a daughter in other families." Zhen Shicheng handed over his hands expressionlessly, "maybe you will be sent to the court for questioning later, and I hope that the Marquis will cooperate at that time. Farewell!"

The Marquis of Changxing staggered back, his face bloodless.

Zhen Shicheng turned around neatly and took two steps forward. Suddenly, he turned around and looked past the Marquis of Changxing and fell beside the flowers and trees not far away.

There were two young girls standing there, one of them was a white shirt and a red skirt, and the person was Bi Hua Jiao.

Of course he couldn't turn a blind eye to that little girl.

Why is she here? What does it have to do with this murder?

Zhen Shicheng had countless thoughts in his mind, but it wasn't the occasion to talk, so he could only glance at him from afar, so that the little girl knew that he had seen her.

The little girl has a lot of courage and a lot of heart. If she doesn't take this meeting seriously now, she might ask whether she will admit it in the future.

Unexpectedly, the girl in the white shirt and red skirt just smiled and bowed her knees gracefully at him.

Zhen Shicheng was stunned for a moment, and the corners of his lips twitched involuntarily, and he turned and left with all the yamen.

Seeing such a thrilling scene, Jiang Qiao, as bold as Jiang Qiao, had already turned pale with fright, she just regained her breath and grabbed Jiang Si's hand and asked, "Fourth sister, that Mr. Zhen just... was she watching? you?"

Jiang Shi pretended to be stupid: "No, I definitely won't look at me specially, and we don't know each other."

Jiang Qiao rolled her eyes: "Then why are you salute?"

Jiang Si continued to pretend to be stupid: "I'm a little excited to see that Mr. Zhen who has judged the case like a god."

Well, when dealing with someone, my face seems to have thickened a lot.

"What are we going to do next?" Jiang Qiao asked as the garden was full of chaos, crying and discussions intertwined, making people uncomfortable.

Jiang Si glanced at the direction where Jiang Li and Jiang Pei were: "Let's go to Wumei and the others first."

The gate of the Hou Mansion was wide open, and the crowd was crowded with people watching the fun.

This news has already spread to the outside world, and now everyone knows that the Prince of Changxing killed people, and ten corpses were dug up in one breath in the Houfu garden.

Ten corpses, what is this concept? Many people have never seen so many dead people in their lives, how can they miss such a lively event?

Those aunts and aunts who have quite a lot of experience have already prepared rotten vegetables, leaves and egg shells, waiting for the brutal murderer to greet him when he comes out.

What? Why are there no rotten eggs? Just kidding, eggs are expensive and stinky, they can still be eaten by pigs, how can such a person be cheap?

"Ice candied haws, candied haws—"

"Ice powder, delicious ice powder, eat a bowl to watch the fun and you won't get heatstroke—"

For a while, it was even more lively outside the gate of Changxinghou Mansion than going to the market.

Among these people stood a woman with a numb expression, saying that her expression was numb, but if you look closely,

You can see that a storm is brewing in the woman's eyes.

"Come out, come out!" There was a commotion in the crowd.

Seeing the prince of Changxing being held by the yamen, someone exclaimed, "It's really the prince of Changxing!"

The little people have the wisdom of the little people. In their opinion, such a noble person is being held by the messenger. It must be that the murderer has not escaped.

The woman rushed up like a whirlwind, slapped the face of the prince of Changxing Hou Shizi, and then used both hands and feet, wishing to use every inch of her body as a weapon to kill the person in front of her: "Beast, you give my daughter's life back! Niuniu give it to me. How could you kill her to buy sweet-scented osmanthus cake, she is my life—"

"Auntie, calm down—" the yamen advised.

Madam Xiu couldn't listen to anything, and there was only one thought in her heart: she would kill this beast even with her mouth and avenge her daughter.

Zhen Shicheng sighed: "Sister-in-law, please stop, ten corpses were dug up in the garden, and there are nine families who lost their daughters just like you. This official will give you justice."

Madam Xiu stepped back, covering her face and crying bitterly.

Even if she gets justice, her daughter will never come back——

"Beasts, you have lost your conscience!" The onlookers couldn't help scolding, and the rotten vegetables, leaves and egg shells were thrown at the Prince of Changxing.

"Stop it all, you are not allowed to insult my son--" Mrs. Changxing Hou desperately stopped in front of Changxing Hou Shizi.

The onlookers paused, and then more rotten vegetables flew away: "Your son is a heartfelt heart, and someone else's daughter was brought by the strong wind?"

Seeing that the scene became more and more embarrassing, the Marquis of Changxing hurriedly ordered people to pull Mrs. Marquis of Changxing away.

"I'm not leaving, I want to protect Yu'er—" Mrs. Changxing Hou rolled her eyes and fell down softly.

In the garden, the sixth girl, Jiang Pei, was so frightened that she leaned against the scarlet column and remained motionless.

Although the fifth girl Jiang Li's face was not very good-looking, she could still say hello when she saw Jiang Si and the two walking over: "Third sister, fourth sister—"

Among the four sisters, Jiang Qiao is the eldest. At this time, she is very self-conscious as a sister, trying her best to remain calm: "Go back to the manor, everything will be discussed when you return to the manor."

By this time, Jiang Pei had already lost the shrewdness of running against Jiang Shishi, and only knew that a chicken nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

She wants to go home and quickly escape from this terrible place.

"Second, second sister—" Jiang Li's face became even paler, her eyes staring straight ahead.

Jiang Li turned her head and found that Jiang Qian came over at some point, and stood behind a few people with no expression on her face, as if waiting for the opportunity to choose someone to bite.

At this moment, Jiang Li was struck by an indescribable fear, and she couldn't help but let out a scream.

Jiang Qian's eyes fell coolly on Jiang Li's face.

Such a humble and lowly person who has survived till now by pleasing his mother, how dare he yell at her?

"Sixth sister is afraid of me?" Jiang Qian asked gloomily.

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