Shuntianfu Yamen is destined to be a lively day.

After Zhen Shicheng brought back Changxing Hou Shizi and the two servants, he immediately went to the court to inquire about the case.

The Prince of Changxing knew that the situation was over, and he said nothing from the beginning to the end.

Fortunately, the two servants couldn't stand such a posture, and soon admitted the identities of the victimized women.

Six of the victimized women were from the capital city, three were from the surrounding counties, and two were outsiders. One of them was the daughter of Master Chi, and the other two young servants could not tell the origin of the victimized woman. He speaks with an accent in the Lingnan area. He was killed eight years ago, and there is little hope of finding the sufferer.

Marquis of Changxing can do this kind of thing that people and gods are angry with. It is not like people think that he will start when he sees beautiful women. In fact, he is extremely picky. Those women are attracted because of certain places that attract his heart. Murder.

Because of this, these women have all kinds of identities, and there is even a girl from an official family.

For Changxing Hou Shizi, these girls are his prey. Once he locks on the target, he will watch patiently, long or short, and there will always be a suitable time to bring people into the Hou residence.

This is also the reason why the two servants can remember the origins of these women. There are two girls who even followed each other's house for half a month.

The evidence was conclusive, and the signature was drawn and detained. Zhen Shicheng directly sentenced the Prince of Changxing and the two servants to be executed, making the people watching the fun applaud.

Of course, the so-called beheading decision is not to be executed immediately after the judgment is issued, but to be executed after the autumnal equinox this year.

The Marquis of Changxing vomited blood in the court, and shouted hoarsely: "Zhen Shicheng, how could you sentence my son to be executed without going through a court trial? My son is Hou Shizi!"

Generally speaking, officials are very cautious about the judgment of execution. For those who are still in doubt or who are sensitive to the identity of the other party, in most cases, they will be sentenced to be executed in prison.

With the identity of the prince of Changxing Hou, with Changxing Hou running outside activities, it is very likely that the death penalty will be avoided after a year.

Therefore, the difference between beheading and beheading prisoners is too great, one is determined to die, the other is determined to live.

Zhen Shicheng sat upright under a plaque with a "mirror hanging high", and his voice was like a bell: "The emperor violated the law and the common people were guilty. Cao Xingyu, the prince of the Marquis of Changxing, kidnapped, humiliated and killed ten women. The evidence is conclusive and the crime is unforgivable. If Marquis has any objection, you can go to the imperial court, and this official will accompany you to the end!"

"Zhen Shicheng, you wait—" The Marquis of Changxing seemed to have aged seven or eight years in an instant, and pointed at Zhen Shicheng with trembling fingers.

Zhen Shicheng has seen many threats. Even if he said this, he smiled slightly: "This official is waiting in Shuntian Mansion. Lord Hou, remember to go back to the mansion to prepare the money."

The Marquis of Changxing was stunned for a while.

What does this mean? Could it be ironic that he would bribe the emperor? Don't be kidding, he's not a fool, and it's almost the same person who can talk in front of the emperor with a little bit of control.

But these words shouldn't come out of the mouth of the surnamed Zhen.

For a time, the Marquis of Changxing had the illusion that the willows are dark and the flowers are bright.

Although he knew in his heart that this kind of thought was absurd, when a person reached a desperate situation, he had to grasp even a straw, how could he think so much.

Zhen Shicheng frowned: "Ling Gongzi killed ten innocent women, and their families will soon receive a summons from the yamen. Isn't the Houfu prepared to compensate these bitter masters?"

"What?" Changxing Houwan didn't expect this answer, and almost didn't catch his breath.

Onlookers applauded.

"Sir Zhen is great!"

"It's really Master Qingtian, we will feel at ease in the future."

"Yes, if a good official like Zhen Qingtian is bullied by someone like Changxinghou, let's sue the imperial court!"

The idea of ​​the common people is the most simple: what kind of good person can I be who can raise a son of a murderer like Changxing Hou Shizi?

The father's debt is paid by the son, and the son does not teach the father's fault. These are not empty words at this time, but the truth that everyone takes for granted.

These words plunged into Changxing Hou's heart like a flying knife, and his eyes darkened under the blow.

"Come on, send the Marquis of Changxing back to the Marquis' Mansion, escort the prisoners to the prison, and leave the hall!" Zhen Shicheng slapped the gavel and stood up slowly.

Countless rotten vegetables, leaves and fruit peels flew towards the Hou Shizi of Changxing.

The officers frowned.

It's been so many years, the people of the capital still have such reserved programs, I don't know how troublesome it will be to clean up later!

Marquis of Changxing, who came to Shuntian Mansion to listen to the case, rushed back to Marquis Mansion in one step.

"How is the prince?" Mrs. Changxing Hou asked impatiently.

"Your Highness... Your Highness was sentenced to be executed!"

Mrs. Changxing Hou shook her body, but did not faint.

No matter how weak a woman is, she will quickly toughen up when her children encounter big troubles.

"Where's Lord Hou? Lord Hou didn't do anything?"

"The governor of Shuntian said that he would not be afraid even if Lord Hou goes to sue the imperial court. Lord Hou was passed out of anger..."

Mrs. Changxing Hou's eyes were so fixed that she couldn't turn her eyes, and she muttered, "Zhen Li Jue, cut Li Jue... How can a good person be beheaded..."

Her unfocused gaze suddenly fell on Jiang Qian.

Jiang Qian stood with her eyes down, she hadn't spoken for a long time.

By this time, she didn't know what to say.

She has already won what she can win, and presumably her parents are also trying to find a way. She can only wait honestly for now.

Madam Changxing Hou suddenly rushed towards Jiang Qian like a mad beast, and slapped her face.

"Madam—" The maids and old ladies dared to persuade at this time, but they could only shout a few words.

"I killed you, a broom star, how did you become a wife? You never noticed that the prince did these things, and didn't you know how to discourage them?"

Jiang Qian grew up with her parents holding her in the palm of her hand, but since she married the prince of Changxing Hou, she has been beaten many times, and now Mrs. Changxing Hou's face is nothing to her.

She didn't fight back, didn't even hide, let those slaps fall on her face, and her delicate face quickly swelled up.

At this time, a maid hurriedly came to report: "Madam, there is a person from Dongping Uncle's Mansion."

After such a big thing happened, Mr. Jiang Er and his wife came together.

Mrs. Changxing Hou insisted: "My father-in-law and my mother-in-law are here."

"Mrs. Hou, we have heard about the prince, how could such a thing happen?" Xiao Shi wiped away tears.

Mrs. Changxing Hou was in tears.

At this time, a person suddenly rushed in, plunged into Xiao's arms and trembled violently: "Mother, save your daughter--"

Mrs. Changxing Hou suddenly changed color.

How dare this broom star come out and complain? Is the maid looking at her dead?

"Qian'er, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Jiang Qian's high and swollen cheeks, Xiao Shi let out an exclamation.

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