"Wang——" Er Niu called out softly again, full of flattery.

Jiang seemed to soften a little.

Forget it, for Er Niu's sake - she patted Er Niu on the back and returned to Aman's place: "Aman, give me a snail."

In a big family, such as Aman, the personal maid will always carry Dailuo, fat powder and other items with them, which are delicate and small, and they are enough for emergency makeup for girls.

Ah Man hurriedly took out the Dailuo from his purse and handed it to Jiang Si.

The girl is naturally beautiful, what do you want Dailuo to do? Hiss - do you have to draw a pair of eyebrows for Er Niu?

Ah Man hurriedly shook his head to drive away this nonsense thought and remained silent.

Talk less, do more, and follow the girl.

Jiang Si returned to Erniu, wrote a simple word "thank" with Dailuo on the back of the note, and put it back into the kit, put it back on Erniu's neck and rubbed its lush hair: "Go ahead."

The big dog was not reconciled, so he opened his mouth and bit Jiang Si's skirt and tried to pull it back.

The host had said that if the hostess was brought back, she would be rewarded with two pots of meat and bones.

"Let's go, it's inconvenient for me to go there now." The word "thank you" has already shown her attitude. She can't go to him if she has something to do, right?

Er Niu opened his mouth and stared at Jiang Si blankly, his round eyes were black and bright, and he looked pitiful.

"Really not." Jiang Si sighed, silently telling himself not to be soft-hearted.

Er Niu simply sat down and raised one front paw to block one ear.

Jiang Si: "..."

"Wang Wang." Erniu strikes while the iron is hot.

Jiang Si lost his temper: "Okay, come over when it's convenient for me."

Afraid that Erniu wouldn't understand, she waved her hand to explain, "Not now—"

Er Niu had already stood up refreshed, shook his fur and ran away.

Jiang Si pursed his lips.

Er Niu even learned to pretend to be pitiful! Is this what a dog should do?

The crooked-neck jujube tree in front of Quezi Hu is still full of jujube flowers, and a big dog passed by and skillfully raised its front legs to pat the door.

The door opened a crack, and the big dog nimbly got in.

Yu Jin was sitting at the stone table with a cup of tea, waiting impatiently.

If Er Niu doesn't come back, the meat and bones will be punished.

"Wang Wang." Er Niu put his two front paws on the stone table.

Yu Jin stretched out his hand and pinched the dog's face: "Looking at the way you are asking for credit, what did you bring me back?"

Erniu has been with him for a long time. In the past, he only felt that the fight was fierce and he was a good helper on the battlefield. Since he returned to the capital, he seemed to be getting smarter and smarter for some reason.

The second cow of his family is probably fine.

Yu Jin didn't have any unease or excitement as the owner of the dog spirit, on the contrary, it was the kit hanging around Er Niu's neck that made him nervous.

How much would she give him a little response?

Yu Jin opened the bag and took out the note, staring at the hastily written word "thank you" and couldn't help laughing.

It doesn't seem like an ordinary ink, and it's a little fragrant.

Seeing Yu Jin lowered his head and sniffed the note lightly, Long Dan was speechless and looked up at the sky.

Shame, he decided to pretend he didn't see it!

Er Niu anxiously tugged at Yu Jin's sleeve.

Yu Jin reacted and instructed Long Dan: "Bring a bowl of meat and bones to Er Niu."

The two cows cried out in dissatisfaction.

Um? Yu Jin frowned.

The two cows barked again.

Yu Jin laughed: "Do you want two pots of meat and bones?"

The two cows nodded quickly.

"This can't be done, you didn't invite anyone, you can only have a pot of meat and bones."

Although it was a pleasant surprise to him to receive a few words from her, but he couldn't get used to Erniu, or he wouldn't be so easy to handle next time.

Erniu shouted a few times in dissatisfaction, ran to the gate of the courtyard and ran back. After running back and forth a few times, Yu Jin gradually came back to his senses, and couldn't hide his surprise: "She promised to come?"

"Woo-" Er Niu must have called out.

Yu Jin was overjoyed: "Long Dan, give Er Niu another pot of meat and bones!"

After Long Dan was busy, he saw Er Niu happily eating meat and bones, while the master touched his chin from time to time, showing an unbearably stupid smile, and couldn't help saying: "Master, you and Miss Jiang have only met a few times.

Should not be ah. "

You shouldn't have been hooked away by the eldest girl, the master is not such a superficial person!

"Shouldn't be what?" Yu Jin asked with an eyebrow raised.

Because the growth experience is different from that of other princes, Yu Jin does not have a high attitude towards Long Dan and Leng Ying.

"I think you don't know Miss Jiang when I'm young. You don't even know what her strengths are, so it's not like—"

Yu Jin glanced at Long Dan lightly: "You don't know the strengths of Miss Jiang?"

"I don't know!" Long Dan grinned.

I don't dare to say it if I know it, what should I do if the master is angry?

"Looks beautiful."

"What?" Long Dan rubbed his ears, suspecting that he heard it wrong.

Yu Jin frowned: "You can't see such an obvious advantage?"

Long Dan was silent for a while and asked, "So you just because Miss Jiang is beautiful—"

"Is that not enough?" Yu Jin asked back.

Do you want him to admit that he was sold into a brothel as a girl because of an accident when he was young, and that he took her to heart after being rescued by A Si?

Don't say such a shameful thing to others, even if you kill Ah Si.

He is willing to give everything to be kind to her, what is the importance of what is the idea of ​​Dependent Origination?

When the wind blows, the acacia flowers like a small fan are rolled up. Yu Jin squinted and leaned against the reclining chair, feeling contented.

He is not in a hurry, he will take his time, and ask her to marry him sooner or later.

Long Dan silently looked at the sky.

He was wrong. The master is not yet eighteen years old, so he is still a teenager. What's wrong with being superficial?

What man was not superficial when he was young!

When Jiang Si was about to go back, he saw the horse carriage of Bofu approaching from far to near.

Ah Man hurriedly bit his ears: "Girl, it's the second master and the second wife. The maid previously heard that they went to the Marquis of Changxing."

While talking, the carriage had stopped, Jiang Er and his wife got off one after another, and Jiang Qian was the last to come out.

Ah Man couldn't help widening his eyes, yanked Jiang Shi's sleeves, and said in a low voice, "Girl, the second girl actually came back!"

"As expected." Jiang Shi said calmly.

I am afraid that only she knows how much Jiang Qian participated in the torture and murder of the woman by the Prince of Changxing, but one thing is clear, she is definitely not innocent.

Her father is Uncle Dongping. Considering the reputation of the entire uncle's mansion, she won't say much at this moment, but since Jiang Qian dares to come back, she will wait and see.

"Second uncle, second aunt, second sister." When the three passed by, Jiang Si politely greeted them.

Mr. Jiang Er and his wife paid no attention, nodded perfunctoryly and walked by, but Jiang Qian stopped and stared straight at Jiang Si.

The girl was wearing a white shirt and a red skirt, and the peony flowers in the garden of the Hou residence were not as delicate and beautiful as her.

Jiang Qian clenched her fists hard.

In just a blink of an eye, she became the wife of a murderer from an honorable wife of a prince. Even if she has no intention of raising her head from now on, the people in front of her are still clean and promising.

At this time, Jiang Qian had long forgotten her contempt for Jiang Sihui, who had only one thought in her heart: why?

"Qian'er—" Xiao Shi shouted.

Jiang Qian lowered her head, took her skirt and stepped over the threshold of Bo's Mansion, and said softly, "I'm here."

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