The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter 145: Long Dan's Wife Book

Although Er Niu didn't understand what Long Dan said, but his master didn't come back to make him feel uneasy instinctively. At this time, the comfort of the hostess is particularly important.

Erniu gave Jiang Si a low "woo woo" twice.

Jiang Si rubbed Er Niu's head and asked Long Dan, "Is Young Master Yu taken away by the messenger of Shuntian Prefecture?"

Long Dan hesitated: "Ah, I don't know which yamen's official is the young man. There are too many yamen in this place in the capital."

"Since that's the case, I'll ask my brother to inquire."

Long Dan waved his hand hurriedly: "No need, just ask the little trustee."

Jiang Xi was silent.

In that case, why did Long Dan tell her so much?

Long Dan secretly observed Jiang Shi's expression, and thoughtfully said: "Miss Jiang, our son is helpless in the capital, the youngest is busy running to save the son, and no one cares about Er Niu for a while, you see— "

The doorman Lao Wang silently hid in the corner pretending not to exist.

"No one feeds Er Niu, it will starve to death."

Er Niu seemed to understand, and lay down on the ground, looking like he was unlovable.

Ginger like veins jumping on the forehead.

Long Dan said anxiously for a long time, just to let her take care of Er Niu?

Wait, does this mean that Yu Qi has nothing to do with it?

Jiang Si gradually regained his composure, annoyed by the uncontrollable worry just now.

She didn't care about his life or death!

"Well, let Erniu follow my brother for a few days."

"No, Erniu can't sleep in a different place."

"Wang——" Erniu called out, expressing his agreement.

Jiang Si glanced at Er Niu.

She never knew Erniu had this problem.

Er Niu raised his dog's face, cocked his nose to please Chong Jiang, and his black eyes were watery, as if she could cry if she didn't agree.

Jiang Xi sighed silently.

Forget it, no matter what, Yu Qi must have encountered something, so she should take care of Er Niu for a few days.

"Then I'll take time to come here every day. What's going on with Mr. Yu, remember to tell me when you find out."

Long Dan nodded again and again: "Don't worry, Miss Jiang, I will be the first to tell you when I hear the news, so you don't worry."

Jiang Si pursed the corners of his lips.

She is not worried...

"Aman, go."

As soon as Jiang Si left with Ah Man, Long Dan immediately ran to the wing.

After all, the master is a prince, and there should be no danger to his life, but if you want to find out about the master's situation, you can't open the way. Fortunately, he has a lot of money in the bottom of the box.

Long Dan ran to the place where the money was hidden, and when he saw the messed up clothes, his intuition was not good.

Nothing was touched at the bottom of the box.

Long Dan's face changed instantly, he simply turned the box upside down, and poured out a pile of messy things, but the money bag was nowhere to be seen.

"Pharaoh!" Long Dan screamed.

Old Wang stood at the door with his hands behind his back: "What's wrong?"

"Is there a thief at home?"


"Then why is the money bag at the bottom of the box missing?" Long Dan's voice became louder.

Pharaoh took out his ears and pointed at the two cows: "Then you have to ask the two cows."

Long Dan forced himself to calm down and stared at Er Niu.

He had an ominous premonition!

"Er Niu, where's my purse?"

"Wang Wang." Er Niu raised his eyes to the sky.

say what? It doesn't understand.

Still Lao Wang couldn't see it, and exposed: "The Er Niu gave it to Miss Jiang."

After a short silence, Long Dan roared heart-to-heart: "That's the money I kept in the bottom of the box to marry my wife, Erniu, you bastard, I'm going to peel your skin—"

Erniu gave Long Dan a disdainful look, and ran away with a flick of his tail.

Jiang Si returned to Haitang Residence, and Ah Man exclaimed, "Girl, there's a lot of money in there!"

A lot of money?

Jiang Si raised his eyebrows.

"Look, girl, there is a stack of banknotes."

"Put it away, wait for Young Master Yu to return.


"Ah." Ah Man responded and put away the money bag, "Girl, what did you say Young Master Yu did? Why did he get jailed?"

Jiang Si said coldly, "It's nothing strange about his temperament."

She was obviously a prince, but there was nothing he dared not do, she had been taught in her previous life.

"Girl, don't worry about it." Ah Man advised thoughtfully.

Miss Jiang is like a cat whose tail has been stepped on: "Don't talk nonsense!"

Aman quietly rolled his eyes.

These days, people are not allowed to tell the truth, and it is not easy to be a big maid.

After a while, Jiang Si instructed: "Let Lao Qin inform Ah Fei and see if he can find out about Young Master Yu."

Aman: "..." Girl, can you hold on for a while before opening your mouth?

"Go!" Jiang Si felt embarrassed and glared at Ah Man.

"Yes, the maid is going right now." Aman endured a smile and walked out.

Jiang Si got up and took a few steps, walked to the bed and sat down, holding the soft pillow and sighed deeply.

It will probably take her a while to put that bastard down completely.

After waiting for a long time, Ah Man sent back Ah Fei's words, but naturally he didn't know about Yu Jin.

Although Yu Jin's being crowned king has caused a sensation, it is only between the harem and well-informed ministers, and the news has not yet spread to the outside world. Of course, even if the news got out, no one would have thought that the seventh prince and Yu Qi were the same person, and Ah Fei, who was all about inquiring about Yu Qi's situation, would not have noticed this.

So Jiang seems destined to be disappointed.

Yu Jin took Leng Ying with him when he went out, and Long Dan finally got in touch with Leng Ying after half a day.

"Lord, the master has been crowned king?" Long Dan's eyes widened, his chin almost dropped.

"Yeah." Leng Ying said succinctly.

Long Dan poked Leng Ying: "Can you tell me in detail."

This person can't make a fart with a stick, and he is anxious to death.

"I don't know the details. Those people locked me up first, then released me, and then congratulated me. Only then did I know that the master was named a king by the emperor."

Long Dan wiped his face: "This is a bit weird, have you seen the master?"

"No, the master was directly taken away by the guards, and then he was taken to the sect's mansion. These are what those people said."

A prince's personal guard like Leng Ying is very flexible without the clear instructions above.

Because Emperor Jing Ming's order only mentioned the princes, and he didn't care about the guards who followed, so there was Leng Ying who was locked up at the beginning, and I heard that the seventh prince was released immediately after being named king.

Realistically speaking, this can be regarded as one person's success.

"Then what do you know?" Long Dan said angrily.

"Master will be released in three days."

Three days later, the news that the seventh prince was crowned king finally spread throughout the court and the opposition.

Jiang Si has been unable to get any news about Yu Jin, and it is inconvenient for Ah Fei to inquire about the prince, so he finally couldn't help but go to Jiang Ancheng to inquire: "Father, is there anything new outside recently?"

"What's new? There's something new in Beijing every day."

"What about the court?"

Jiang Ancheng thought for a while: "There is really one case, the seventh prince raised outside the palace since childhood was crowned king."

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