Seeing that the master who was still alive just now turned into a delicate flower in an instant, Long Dan opened his mouth so wide that he could put an egg: "Master, master—"

What are you doing!

"Stop talking!" Yu Jin warned in a low voice.

Leng Ying is a gourd with a saw-mouthed gourd. He is most worried that the kid Long Dan is talking too much.

Long Dan didn't dare to ask any more, so he supported Yu Jin and shouted, "Pharaoh, open the door."

The ordinary black lacquered wooden door opened with a creak, and Er Niu pushed Old Wang away and rushed out, surrounding Yu Jin and calling.

Yu Jin thought it strange that he hadn't seen Er Niu for three days, but Er Niu was not as important as his future daughter-in-law, so he quietly pinched Long Dan and motioned for Long Dan to help him in quickly.

Long Dan was still stupid here, but Leng Ying held Yu Jin's other arm with a blank face and walked in.

Old Wang jumped in horror: "What's wrong with you?"

Jiang, who was sitting under the tree in the courtyard, seemed to have already stood up.

She didn't expect to collide with Yu Jin.

At this time, Miss Jiang's mood was a bit complicated. On the one hand, she was curious about what happened to Yujin, and on the other hand, she felt that she came and met him every day, which might cause this person's wild thoughts.

I knew it would be a different time.

Jiang Sizheng thought about it, and saw Yu Jin, who was in a state of embarrassment and bloodstains all over his body.

At this moment, the entanglement was suddenly forgotten in the back of his mind, Jiang seemed to take a few steps quickly and asked, "Why are you injured?"

The corners of Yu Jin's mouth twitched quietly.

He seemed to see concern in Ah Si's eyes!

Hehe, he just said, it's right to use the bitter trick.

"No, it's fine..." Yu Jin was weak, and urged Long Dan with a white face, "Help me sit down first..."

Long Dan also entered the play at this time, choked and said: "Master, please slow down, don't pull the wound..."

"What's going on?" Jiang Shi frowned.

Didn't Yu Qi seal the king of Yan? It was when he was proud of the scenery, how could he come back with bruises all over his body?

Without the emperor's will, who would dare to abuse the emperor's lynching?

Yu Jin raised his head and smiled weakly at Jiang Xi: "It's not a big deal, it's just that I offended someone with a background. That person bribed the people in the yamen and made me suffer a lot. But I have rough skin and thick flesh, these are all skin injuries. , don't worry..."


Jiang Xi's eyes narrowed.

Why did she sound wrong?

Wasn't Yu Qi imprisoned in the Zongren Mansion because of gang fights? Will the people of the Zongren Mansion be bribed to make a prince who is immediately crowned king suffer from flesh and blood?

Although she didn't know what happened to Yu Qi at first, she also found out from her father after three days.

What Yu Qi said was completely different from what his father said, but his injury obviously didn't make sense logically.

Of course Jiang Xi is not stupid. At first, when he saw Yu Jin's miserable appearance, he was a little concerned and confused. After he regained his composure, after a little pondering, he understood what was going on.

This bastard actually played a trick on her!

Miss Jiang's face was calm, but she had already begun to sneer in her heart: It's really promising, and if you use a beauty trick on her, it will be considered that the other party has the capital, and it's shameful to use a bitter trick?

"Those people tortured you?"

Yu Jin nodded with difficulty: "It's just a few whips, it's nothing to a martial artist like me, cough, cough—"

"Then why are you so weak?" Miss Jiang put on a concerned look.

Yu Jin was proud: Ah Si was soft-hearted, and it was not wrong to pretend to be weak, but fortunately he was thick-skinned.

"Cough, cough, it's not a big deal at first, I haven't eaten for the past three days, and it's a little uncomfortable to suffer from some wind..."

"Why don't you give me food?" Long Dan said in a side voice, "It's too much. You already have the problem of dizziness when you starve, and now you're going to suffer!"

Jiang Si's mouth twitched.

This is really true, who can't be dizzy when starving! The two masters and servants had agreed to act in front of her, but she wanted to see how she would act next.

"Long Dan, don't talk too much." Yu Jin reprimanded, showing a look that doesn't want to provoke Jiang's worry.

"But Master, you have to eat,

Let's cook porridge for you. "

Yu Jin frowned.

Long Dan patted his forehead: "By the way, the small craftsmanship is too poor, you will definitely not be able to eat if you are not healthy now-"

As he spoke, he aimed at Jiang Si.

Yu Jin was quite satisfied with Long Dan's response, but although he really wanted Ah Si to cook a bowl of porridge for him, he couldn't talk to Ah Si when Ah Si went to cook the porridge.

In comparison, it is better to talk to Ah Si more.

"It doesn't matter, you can go make porridge. I'll take two bites to restore my strength. Leng Ying, go to the medical center and grab a pair of medicines to reduce swelling and stasis." Yu Jin sent Long Dan and Leng Ying away, raising his hand. He supported his forehead, "The sun is still strangely shining, can Miss Jiang help me into the room to rest?"

"Okay." Jiang Si smiled and stretched out her hand.

The young girl's wrist beats the snow, and she can smell the refreshing fragrance as soon as she gets close.

Yu Jin's heart skipped a beat, and her feet fluttered, feeling like she was in a dream.

I don't know how many nights he would dream of being with A Si, sometimes he was praying to heaven and earth, sometimes he was entering the bridal chamber——

Ahem, I can't think about it anymore, how could a gentleman like him always think about such beautiful things.

The window in the house was bright and bright, Yu Jin slowly sat down against the chair, showing a weak smile: "Thank you Miss Jiang."

"No need." Although Jiang Si really wanted to expose the bastard's face, she felt that once it was exposed, it would definitely lead to confusion, so she said, "Young Master Yu, rest well, I've been out for a long time, it's time to go back."

Yu Jin didn't want Jiang Si to leave now, coughed a few times, and said pitifully, "Miss Jiang, can you pour me a glass of water?"

Jiang Si's eyes fell to Yu Jin's lips.

The thin lips with beautiful lines are moist and glossy, and the chin like a knife is cut, which gives an inexplicable feeling of coolness and coldness, and this coolness seems to attract a woman's heart throbbing.

She didn't see the other person's thirst at all.

Even so, Jiang Si silently poured a glass of water and brought it over.

She wanted to see how long this guy pretended to be.

Yu Jin raised his hand to pick it up, and suddenly let out a muffled groan, with a painful look on his face.

Jiang seemed to be holding the water glass in his hand.

Yu Jin smiled helplessly: "There is an injury on the arm—"

Jiang Si raised her eyebrows: "Do you want me to feed you?"

"I'm really sorry, then I'll bother Miss Jiang." The young man's ears slowly turned red, looking at Jiang Si with a gentle smile.

Jiang Shi put the teacup on the table and sneered, "How long will you keep it?"

"What?" Yu Jin looked innocent.

He knows what an injured and weak person looks like, and it is impossible to reveal flaws.

Jiang Si pursed her lips and stared at the unrepentant man.

No matter how like this person pretends to be, there is one thing she can't think of: she has long known his true identity.

That's all, no matter how much you look like, you'll be able to wear it.

Miss Jiang stretched out her hand to lift Yu Jin's sleeve, and said coolly, "Young Master Yu, the wound on your arm was just drawn, right?"

Yu Jin looked down at his arms, and then looked up at the girl with a tight face. There was only one thought in his heart: It's over!

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