The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter 151 Coincidence

Jiang Xi has never denied his feelings for Yu Jin.

It is precisely because she is very aware of this that she is even more afraid of getting involved with him.

She doesn't want to be a substitute for any woman in her life, nor does she want to become a short-lived ghost inexplicably. At least until her father, brother and elder sister are safe, she must live well.

She was still happy with him, but she didn't want to be with him anymore.

This was Jiang Si's true thoughts, but she couldn't make it clear to her brother.

She couldn't say that she and Yu Qi had already been married. He was fine with everything, but he had someone else in his heart.

"Go home with me." Jiang Zhan grabbed Jiang Shi's wrist and wanted to pull her away.

"Second brother?"

"When I go back, I will tell my father about this, and let my father investigate the seventh brother Yu, if—" Jiang Zhan was very reluctant, thinking of his sister's heart, he still endured his heart and said, "If father approves, let Yu Seventh brother's elders come to propose marriage early."

Speaking of this, Jiang Zhan became more and more annoyed: "I can't watch you young and ignorant, and one day you will be taken advantage of by that kid!"

He is purely for the consideration of the fourth sister, and he is cheaper than the seventh brother Yu.

Jiang Si didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Second brother, you really misunderstood, I don't want to get married so soon."

Jiang Zhan frowned, rarely looking very reliable: "First get married, of course you can't marry so quickly and worry about it."

"Second brother, what I mean is that I don't want to marry Young Master Yu."

"You don't like him?" Jiang Zhan was startled.

Did he think too much?

It shouldn't be, he has even visited the brothel, he has experience!

Jiang Xike didn't know where his brother's experience came from, and said firmly: "Anyway, even if I get married, I don't want to marry him."

Seeing that his sister didn't look like a fake, Jiang Zhan was not sure: "Really?"

"Really." Jiang Si nodded.

Jiang Zhan was embarrassed.

It turned out that he really thought about it too much, so he just said, the fourth sister has only met with brother Yu Qi a few times, how could she be coaxed.

Although Brother Yu Qi looks good, he is not bad. Fourth sister looks at such a handsome brother every day, so she definitely can't be tempted by a man because of his appearance.

That's right, that's it, his sister is not such a superficial woman.

Thinking about the big-tailed wolf who was still thinking about his sister, Jiang Zhan's face turned positive: "Fourth sister, since that's the case, you have to promise me that you won't be allowed to go to Brother Yu Qi again in the future."

Jiang Zhan's heart is like the bright moon, clear and clear, but he also has amazing intuition.

He vaguely felt that Yu Jin was the kind of person who would never give up until he achieved his goals. If the fourth sister was happy with him, it would be fine. If the fourth sister did not have this heart, it would be better to stay away from that person.

"Yeah." Jiang Xi nodded without hesitation.

She was not proper these two days. In the final analysis, taking care of Er Niu is one thing, and being unable to control her own heart is the most important thing.

When Hao Duan Duan was gone, she couldn't help but worry...

In the dead of night, Jiang seemed to have no idea how many times he scolded himself for being unpromising.

"Don't meet Brother Yu Qi again." Jiang Zhan felt angry when he thought of Liangpi who fell on Yu Jin's place.

Since the fourth sister doesn't like it, of course, it must be strictly guarded. Even the best friend can't let the sister in.

Jiang Shi hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Okay."

Listening to the second brother, as long as you meet that person, it will cause waves in your heart. It is not like when you just came back from the rebirth, and you only want to solve the troubles in front of you.

"Second brother, let's go back."

Jiang Zhan was walking halfway, looking expectantly Ai Ai.

"Is there something wrong, brother?"

Jiang Zhan smiled dryly: "Is the fourth sister rich?"

Jiang Siyan smiled and motioned Aman to give Jiang Zhan the purse.

"Are these enough?"

Jiang Zhan opened it and glanced at it, his ears were slightly red: "It doesn't seem to be enough."

Jiang Si looked at Jiang Zhan's expression, frowned and said, "Second brother, shouldn't you go to Bichun Tower and spend a lot of money?"

She asked Ah Man to carry around ten taels of silver in his purse, which was enough for a meal in a good restaurant.

Jiang Zhan blushed instantly and said angrily, "What did the fourth sister say?

I am that kind of person! "

If he went to the brothel, would he have the face to ask his sister to borrow money, then what kind of person would he be?

"How much does the second brother need?" Jiang Shi was not going to ask Jiang Zhan what he wanted the money to do, but when he thought about the death of his past life and the group of playboys, his heart froze.

No, she still has to ask clearly, in case the second brother took the money and got involved with those people, she must not agree.

Hearing Jiang Si ask the reason, Jiang Zhan confessed: "I want to go to Heqitang to buy a high-quality wild ginseng for Brother Yu Qi. Isn't he injured?"


"Yeah, he suffered a serious internal injury."

Jiang Si: "..." No wonder the second brother didn't fight Yu Qi but came to settle the account with her. It turns out that the bastard is talking nonsense again!

Taking advantage of her and asking her to take the blame, why is he so cheeky?

The image of that person flashed in Jiang Si's mind involuntarily. Sometimes he was gentle and careless in his past life, and sometimes he was cunning and rascal in this life. In the end, the two overlapped, causing her to blur the boundaries between past and present life in an instant, and the faint pain came from her heart. Spread out little by little.

To completely let go of a person who lives in your heart is like digging out the corner where he lives with a knife. The pain is always painful.

"What's the matter, Fourth Sister?"

Jiang Si reluctantly smiled: "It's okay, anyway, Heqitang is not far from here, I'll go with the second brother. Speaking of which, there is still a bag of silver bills in Aman."

Ah Man gave Jiang Si a surprised look.

Didn't the girl say that she would return the money when she saw Mr. Yu, so she still carried it with her. Today, she forgot what happened between the girl and Mr. Yu. Now the girl will use the money. Buy ginseng?

Jiang seems to have no guilt at all.

Since that bastard coaxed the second brother, then use his money to buy wild ginseng.

"Second brother, is it enough?"

Jiang Zhan opened it, and his eyes were straight.

No reason, they were all born by the same father, why is the fourth sister so rich, and he still owes a lot of debt?

The two brothers and sisters went to Heqitang together, picked out a good mountain ginseng and wrapped it, Jiang Zhan returned the money bag to Jiang Si: "Fourth sister, I will pay you back when I save enough money."

Jiang Shi didn't take the money bag: "No need, the second brother will even send this to Young Master Yu."

Jiang Zhan was confused.

"Seventh brother Yu is the savior of the second brother. Since he suffered serious internal injuries, I know it's not good to remain indifferent, but it's not appropriate to say goodbye, so it's practical to send some medical expenses. It's practical and doesn't make people think too much."

Jiang Zhan couldn't help nodding.

Fourth sister really makes sense, after all, it is the girl who is attentive.

The two brothers and sisters walked back when they heard a surprised voice: "Asi, such a coincidence!"

Jiang Siwen looked around and saw a young man and a woman standing not far away.

The young girl was about the same age as her, with a pair of dimples on her sweet apple face. It was Xie Qingyao, the eldest girl from the Yongchang uncle who lived next door, and the Leng Jun boy standing beside Xie Qingyao was her brother Xie Yinlou.

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