The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter 153 Ruyu Juvenile

Er Niu ran in with his tail dangling, and saw his master sitting motionless, lying beside him, with his dog's mouth on his master's shoes and squinting his eyes comfortably.

Erniu's quiet and well-behaved made Yu Jin cast his eyes on it, reached out and rubbed its head, and muttered, "She's really not so angry that I won't give up..."

He had nothing else but to stay with the girl who had been in his heart when he was young. Why is it so difficult to achieve it?

Yu Jin never wanted to give up.

He had already given her a choice.

When he found out that she was engaged, he also resisted the urge to murder and set fire to him and silently blessed her, but her marriage didn't happen, and he couldn't just watch her marry someone else.

But what was her reluctance?

Yu Jin was confused.

He is not a wandering prostitute who walks among the flowers calmly, and he is not good at coaxing women into joy. He is only a persevering heart who approaches Jiang Siping again and again.

But now he has tasted what heartache is, and can't wait to cut out a heart and throw it in front of his sweetheart, let her see his sincerity, and ask why.

Even if you are married, you are not willing to marry him?

As long as Yu Jin thought that these words were said by Jiang Si, he felt that the whole person was sinking in the ice hole, in addition to the bone-chilling cold, there was also an overwhelming sense of suffocation.

Never see him again?

Yu Jin picked up the teacup and took a few sips of herbal tea. After drinking the tea, he threw the teacup to the ground.

The teacup didn't break, Gululu rolled towards the corner, was held down by Erniu's paw, and stuck out his tongue to lick the remaining tea.

The big dog had a sad expression on his face.

It's not good to drink, no wonder the owner is not happy.

Yu Jin stood up and paced back and forth in the house.

Sad to be sad, angry to be angry, he is still rare!

What does it mean to hear these words from Jiang Zhan's mouth? Even if he wanted to listen, he had to hear it from Ah Si's mouth before counting.

After walking around for a few laps, Yu Jin made up his mind: If Asi doesn't come to see him, then he should go to see Asi, it's better than tossing and turning alone and really suffering from internal injuries.

When really angry, no one is distressed.

Yongchang Uncle Mansion and Dongping Uncle Mansion are only separated by a wall, and the layout of the two mansions is similar.

However, Yongchang Bo is good at business. The title that was cut off by the original third generation because of his great achievements a few years ago continued. The entire Yongchang Mansion has been renovated, and it looks more vibrant than Dongping Mansion.

There are several pots of flowers in Xie Qingyao's boudoir, which also exudes a vibrant energy.

"Asi, are you listening to me?" Xie Qingyao talked, and seeing that his friend was absent-minded, he stretched out his hand and pushed her.

Jiang Si came back to his senses: "What?"

At this time, the second brother should talk to him, and I don't know how he reacts——

"Look, I've lost my mind again." Xie Qingyao suddenly leaned over and blinked, "Asi, tell me honestly, aren't you excited?"

"What nonsense." Jiang Shi glared at his friend and put away his messy mood.

Xie Qingyao sent the maid away, and said with a face of gossip: "Don't you hear that there is a young master Ruyu in the capital recently."

"What Ruyu Young Master?"

"It is said that the son is the son of the Yin family of Shuntian.

The son of the Yin family of Shuntian Prefecture?

The image of a middle-aged man with long beard and wise eyes suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Si's eyes.

Could the son Xie Qingyao mentioned be Lord Zhen's son?

"Since I just entered the capital, how can I get such a great reputation?" Jiang Si asked along Xie Qingyao's words.

Xie Qingyao couldn't help widening his eyes, it was incredible: "Asi, you haven't paid attention to what's going on outside these days?"

"I only heard that the Seventh Prince was crowned king, nothing else."

She only thought about Yu Qi's sudden disappearance in the past few days, and she didn't have time to pay attention to what Young Master Ruyu was.

Xie Qingyao covered his mouth and smiled: "What does the prince have to do with us? Of course, it's still interesting about Young Master Ruyu."

After listening to Xie Qingyao's talk, Jiang Xicai knew that another striking thing had happened in the capital in the past two days.

There is a restaurant in the capital called Zhuangyuan Building. In order to make a good luck, the students will go to drink as soon as they become famous. The owner of Zhuangyuan Building is also a good person. As long as the students who make amazing poems are free of the money on the spot, they will become the champions over time. The building has become a gathering place for scholars and writers.

The Yin of Shuntian was a Beijing official in his early years, and his children were actually born in the capital, and later took up the post with his father. If Young Master Yu returned to the capital, naturally some friends who played well when he was a child would take care of him, and the banquet would be placed in the Zhuangyuan Building.

Coincidentally, at that time, there were several Xiliang people dressed as scholars in the Zhuangyuan Building, who were provoking the Dazhou students who were drinking in the restaurant.

Adjacent to Dazhou, Xiliang used to be a vassal of Dazhou. Later, although Dazhou's culture and economy were prosperous, the army was ineffective. Xiliang's wings became hard, and Dazhou was gradually ignored.

Up to now, Xiliang has a tendency to compete with Dayu in terms of culture, and even believes that they are the source of the prosperity of all schools of thought.

This is amazing. The people of Xiliang quickly surpassed the people of Qi and Nanlan, and topped the list of people in Dazhou.

However, the two countries are separated by a strip of water, have similar cultures and customs, and have more exchanges than any other country. For example, it is common for students from Xiliang to come to Dazhou to study.

Students confrontation, of course, will not disdain to use fists, but poetry, poetry, chess, calligraphy and painting competition.

One of the several Xiliang people was outstanding in humanities, and he was so overwhelmed by the students of Zhou that they couldn't lift their heads. At this time, Young Master Ruyu appeared, from confrontation to poems and poems, which severely attacked the arrogance of Xiliang people. , so that they finally lost convincingly and slipped away.

The people of Da Zhou love to watch the fun, not to mention the elegant things that they give to their own parents. Soon, the story of Young Master Jade defeating the talents of Western Liang spread.

"That Mr. Zhen, I heard that he is already a scholar if he is not much older than us, and he has to participate in this year's autumn festival. Do you think he is serious?" It's a topic that little ladies love to talk about.

Jiang Shi nodded: "Amazing."

With a father like Lord Zhen, that Mr. Zhen must be a very smart person.

Seeing that Jiang seemed to be lacking in interest, Xie Qingyao didn't mention it.

It is human nature for an outstanding young man to attract the attention of young girls.

"Girl, the snowflake cake is ready." A maid in green came in with a lotus leaf-shaped porcelain plate with Xie Qingyao's permission.

The green lotus leaf plate is made into a flower-shaped snow-white pastry rolled with shredded coconut, which looks refreshing and delicious, and is mouth-watering.

Xie Qingyao smiled and picked up a piece of snowflake cake and handed it to Jiang Si's lips: "Asi, try it, the snowflake cake made by the chef in our house is a must, I eat two pieces every day, if I'm not afraid of getting fat, one piece The plate can eat it."

Ginger tasted like a taste, and it was really delicious, and I was immediately amazed.

Seeing that Jiang seemed to like it, Xie Qingyao pursed her lips and smiled.

Looking at the sweet smile of her friend, Jiang Sixin said that Mrs. Yongchang's troubles should be solved.

Who would have guessed that in the next day, a major event would happen in the Yongchang Uncle Mansion.

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