Looking at the two rooms that he hadn't noticed for a long time, Uncle Yong Chang suppressed all kinds of emotions and said, "This is Lord Zhen, Yin of Shuntian Prefecture. What is Lord Zhen asking you, you must answer truthfully, do you understand?"

Tongfang Chunmei, who had a mild temperament, gave Yong Changbo a greedy look, and bowed his knees to greet Zhen Shicheng and Yongchangbo, saying "understood", with a well-behaved look.

Chaoyun didn't look at anyone, and followed Chunmei to salute with a blank expression and didn't say a word.

"Where do you two live?" Zhen Shicheng asked.

"The concubine lives in the East Cross Courtyard." Seemingly knowing that Chaoyun would not say a word, Chunmei took the initiative to say, "Chaoyun lives in the West Cross Courtyard."

"When did you fall asleep last night?"

"The concubine fell asleep as soon as she arrived at the beginning of Hai." Chunmei's tone was somewhat self-deprecating, "There is nothing left or right."

Day after day, long nights, with neither children nor men, what do you do if you don't sleep?

Chunmei thought so, she couldn't help but glanced at Yong Changbo from the corner of her eye.

When the wife was pregnant, she heard that she was going to choose a marriage room for the uncle. She could not help but be overjoyed. Even if the uncle and the wife had already made it clear that they would not allow the marriage to have children, she still asked her parents to push the marriage that was under discussion. If you wish to become the uncle's woman.

When I was young, I always refused to admit defeat. I thought that with a bit of beauty and a considerate temperament, I would warm my uncle's heart sooner or later. In the future, there will be one man and half a woman, and her children will also be masters.

But it took a long time to realize that the uncle closed the room because he had a bed warmer when his wife was inconvenient.

Years have passed, and that little heart has been worn away long ago, and there may be unwillingness, but there is no regret.

The sisters who married the servants in those days were not as comfortable as her, and there were many who were beaten by men every day or worried about their livelihood. She lived quietly in the big mansion, at least she had no worries about food and clothing, and her parents and brothers also got a lot of light...

"Where's your maidservant?"

Soon two maids stepped forward to greet Zhen Shicheng.

"Did you wait for your aunt to sleep last night?"

A maid in green said, "Last night, the maid was on duty at night, so I rested at the feet of my concubine."

Uncle Yongchang has never carried his concubine to the two passers-by, but his son has grown up. No one takes offense when the servants mention Uncle's two passers-by as a concubine.

"Has there been any movement in the middle?"

The maid in Tsing Yi said without hesitation: "No. The maid sleeps lightly, and sleeps at the feet of the aunt. If there is any movement, the maid will know. The aunt slept until the morning and woke up. It was the face wash that the maid and Taohong gave to the aunt."

The other maid nodded immediately and said yes.

Zhen Shicheng opened the roster and flipped through the roster, and knew that the two maids serving Aunt Mei were named Tao Hong and Liu Lu. Both maids were transferred to the East Cross Court to serve Aunt Mei three years ago.

three years ago--

Zhen Shicheng couldn't help but look at Yong Changbo.

This is the time when Chaoyun got pregnant and then had an abortion, which is no coincidence based on experience.

Uncle Yong Chang glanced at Chao Yun and said in a low voice, "At that time, I felt that the hearts of the back house were floating, so I replaced all the maids who served them."

Chao Yun was inexplicably pregnant, and Uncle Yong Chang suspected that she had bribed the maid to replace Bizi Tang. In order to avoid such a thing happening in the future, he simply changed all the servants he served.

He no longer wanted to experience the heartbreak of personally ordering the bloodline to be depleted.

"The two maids were chosen by my wife, and they are all family children. Their words should be credible."

Zhen Shicheng listened and nodded.

Since the two maids were the children chosen by Mrs. Uncle, their family members must be useful in front of Mrs. Uncle, so it is extremely unlikely that they would help Aunt Mei murder the mistress, or conceal crimes for Aunt Mei.

Zhen Shicheng looked at Chaoyun and asked the same question: "When did you fall asleep last night?"

Chaoyun was silent for a long time before he said, "Hai Shi."

There are also two personal maids serving Chaoyun, but the two maids couldn't help but look at each other when they heard Zhen Shicheng asked about serving the aunt to sleep.

Yongchangbo snorted coldly.

The two maids lowered their heads and said in unison, "My aunt slept alone last night."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes on Chaoyun became subtle, and many people even thought of Chaoyun's abortion three years ago.

The two couples stayed silent for many years. As soon as the news of Chaoyun's pregnancy came out, everyone in the house was talking about it. They thought that Chaoyun had finally made it out. An aunt couldn't run away. Who would have guessed that his wife was sick. Afraid that his wife would be disturbed, he ordered Chaoyun to have an abortion without hesitation.

Tsk tsk, after the fight, Chaoyun's cries were heard from time to time in the Xikuanyuan. She must have held a grudge, so she killed his wife.

Xie Qingyao was very sensible three years ago, but now he can't help thinking of this, he stepped forward and asked, "Mother Yun, did you really kill my mother?"

Chaoyun looked at Xie Qingyao expressionlessly and said nothing.

"You talk!" Xie Qingyao raised his voice, "My mother has never been mean to you, and now she died so tragically, don't you even want to say a word?"

"I didn't." I don't know if it was Xie Qingyao's words that touched Chaoyun, or if she knew that it was impossible to avoid it under the eyes of the public, and finally said.

The short three words fell into the ears of everyone and seemed a little powerless.

"Has Auntie been sleeping alone all the time?" Zhen Shicheng asked again, unaffected at all.

A maid said, "My aunt has been sleeping poorly for the past two years and doesn't like our company."

Zhen Shicheng stroked his beard: "So, you don't know if your aunt has been sleeping in the house last night?"

The two maids looked at each other, and the maid who just replied shook her head: "The maid doesn't know, but I didn't hear anything."

She was always fast asleep and could not hear thunder, let alone anything else.

The other maid hesitated.

"What, what did you hear?" Zhen Shicheng asked immediately.

"Maid—" The maid quickly glanced at Chaoyun.

Uncle Yongchang immediately shouted, "Just tell me what she has to say and see what she does? Could it be that Aunt Yun gave you moon silver?"

The maid knelt down involuntarily and buried her head very low: "Auntie... Auntie should be burning paper at night..."

"What kind of paper are you burning?" Yong Changbo was full of anger.

The maid's head hangs even lower: "Paper for the unborn young master..."

It turns out that since Chaoyun lost his child, he burns paper for the unborn child every year on the day of the abortion. This maid met in the first year. Although I didn't hear anything last night, I found a little bit left in the corner of the yard this morning. ash.

"When did you see your aunt burning paper in the first year you went to the Western Interchange?"

The maid recalled and said, "At the beginning of the 1990s."

An old woman exclaimed: "Oh, this old slave remembers, that child of Concubine Yun was born every year at the 90th of today!"

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