The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter one hundred and sixty-six will meet good talents

When Jiang Si said these words, it was like a thunderbolt thrown into the crowd.

The eyes of a group of people looking at her suddenly changed.

Especially after more and more people came to the courtyard to wait for inquiries, Jiang Si stood aside in a low-key manner and was not eye-catching. This opening immediately drew people's attention.

Isn't this the fourth girl from the Dongpingbo Mansion next door? This fourth girl has a high and cold temperament. What happened today, why are you talking nonsense about such a big thing?

Many people think so in their hearts.

Zhen Shicheng's eyes lit up when he heard Jiang Si's words, and immediately asked, "Can Miss Jiang explain the reason?"

He also doesn't think the murderer is Chaoyun, but this idea is inferred based on the small evidence found. What is the reason for this little girl?

Zhen Shicheng's impatience made everyone even more stunned.

It's amazing that this Lord Zhen takes Jiang Si girl's words very seriously.

Xie Yinlou looked at Jiang Si deeply.

He hadn't looked at her so carefully in almost years.

They can be considered to have grown up together since childhood, he has changed a lot, and her impression is completely different from the previous one.

Xie Yinlou didn't know why, but he felt a little sigh in his heart.

Xie Qingyao couldn't help urging: "Asi, why do you say that? The bloody clothes were found and buried in Concubine Yun's yard. Can't it prove that she is the murderer?"

Although she couldn't figure out how Chaoyun got into the main courtyard and hid in the closet of her mother's bedroom, the bloody clothes were the most direct evidence. Apart from Chaoyun, she couldn't think of anyone else who would harm her mother.

"Although the bloody clothes are buried in Concubine Yun's yard, they are not necessarily buried by Concubine Yun." Jiang Si said casually.

The maid who proposed to burn paper money in Chaoyun was so frightened that she knelt down: "The bloody clothes were not buried by the maid!"

Jiang was stunned.

She really just said it casually. Of course, this was not the reason why she believed that Chaoyun was not the murderer.

But Xie Qingyao became suspicious of the maid's reaction, and said with wide eyes, "Are you guilty of being a thief?"

At this time, the girl who wanted to find out who murdered her mother was already a soldier.

"I don't have a maid, I really don't have a maid—" The maid kowtowed desperately.

Xie Qingyao subconsciously looked at Jiang's reaction.

Before she knew it, her friend had become her most trusted person, at least more reliable than her father.

"Miss Jiang, tell me your reason." Zhen Shicheng couldn't bear to see how the little girl was making trouble, and said.

"Master Zhen, I want to talk to you alone."

Zhen Shicheng was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "Okay, Miss Jiang, please."

Watching the two go to avoid others, Xie Qingyao looked at his brother.

Xie Yinlou nodded to his sister soothingly, staring at the direction where Jiang Si was leaving, but he didn't look away for a long time.

In the corner, Zhen Shicheng stood still and smiled at Jiang Si very gently: "Miss Jiang can speak now."

Jiang Si smiled and said, "Actually, my reason is very simple. I deduce that the murderer is not because of Concubine Yun, but in her hair."

Zhen Shicheng's eyes lit up, and he couldn't hide his excitement: "I would like to hear the details!"

He thought that Chaoyun was not the murderer, also because of the two hairs found in the wardrobe.

Could it be that Miss Jiang went somewhere with him?

No, the hair was found in his clothes—

Thinking of this, Zhen Shicheng hesitated again.

Speaking of which, the little girl in front of her was the first to notice the abnormality in the wardrobe. Maybe she had already discovered those two hairs, but she deliberately turned a blind eye for him to find out.

Zhen Shicheng has never been so eager to hear others' opinions on the case.

This kind of feeling of meeting an opponent and meeting a good talent is really good, and it's a big deal!

Zhen Shicheng couldn't help touching his beard, and sighed in his heart: There was a day when he wanted to drag a little girl into the house, alas, the people he met in the past were too stupid, and he couldn't do anything about it.

"Master Zhen, remember my previous speculation, the murderer should have lit the incense in the closet."

As Zhen Shicheng nodded, Jiang Si's answer was beyond his expectations: "Since the long-lasting fragrance can be left in the wardrobe,

Then the murderer hiding in the closet will inevitably be contaminated with the same smell. Even if the murderer can take off his bloody clothes and put on clean clothes after killing people, his hair is too late to wash—"

Before waiting for Jiang Si to finish speaking, Zhen Shicheng touched his palm and said, "Yes! The crime happened in the early morning. From the description of the situation at that time by Yong Changbo and others and the conclusion of the autopsy, it can be inferred that the most likely time for the murderer was in the second half of the night, or even in the middle of the night. It is very likely that the murder happened soon after he left. At this time, he could change into his blood and even bury it, but it was too late to wash his hair, and he did not dare to wash it.”

Jiang Si nodded: "Yes, washing your hair in the middle of the night or early in the morning is equivalent to telling others that he has a problem."

Zhen Shicheng looked at Jiang Si's eyes and couldn't hide his admiration: "It's rare for Miss Jiang to think that the murderer's hair has a fragrance."

It was funny, the reason why he and this little girl deduced that the murderer was not Chaoyun came from the hair, but the reasons were completely different. And this makes it even more exciting.

What could be more exhilarating than finding out the murderer with blood on his hands hiding behind the clouds and mists?

Zhen Shicheng thought to himself: When this case is over, he will definitely invite this little girl for a drink.

"I just quietly approached Aunt Yun when no one was paying attention, her hair—" Jiang Si looked a little strange, and then continued after a pause, "It seems that I haven't washed it for a few days, it smells like sweat, but it doesn't That scent."

Zhen Shicheng's expression twisted.

This little girl, what's wrong with her hair? When he is busy, his beard still smells sour!

"Master Zhen?" Seeing Zhen Shicheng's strange expression, Jiang Si raised his eyebrows.

Zhen Shicheng hurriedly stroked his beard to suppress his shock: "Miss Jiang is right."

Jiang Si: "..."

"Did Miss Jiang find anything else?"

Jiang Si shook his head: "Not long after the people from the back house came to the courtyard, I only checked three or five people, and I haven't found anyone with this fragrance on their bodies."

"In this case, I will continue to interrogate Chaoyun to attract everyone's attention, and I will ask Miss Jiang to find someone with a special fragrance in their hair." Zhen Shicheng bowed to Jiang Si.

He is not a pedantic silly old man, there are shortcuts to take, of course.

The death of a family member of a big family is different from that of Uncle Yang. After a long delay, as the rumors outside have intensified, the family may not be able to bear it, and choose to randomly pull a scapegoat to calm the disturbance.

Even if it is the deceased, the world is always more mean to women than to men, so the sooner the case is solved, the better.

Jiang Si returned the gift: "I will definitely live up to the trust of adults."

As long as the murderer is indeed among these people, she will definitely find that person!

The two looked at each other and smiled, as if they had forgotten their friendship.

The people who looked at this place from a distance were stunned.

The dignified governor of Shuntian actually bowed his hands and salutes the fourth girl Jiang, this shock is no weaker than hearing that Madam died unexpectedly!

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