Jiang seemed to comb those keys carefully.

The tragic death of Mrs. Yongchang Uncle, the husband who slept by her side, the strange fragrance in the closet, the maid who committed suicide by throwing water, the housekeeper who burned paper money...

All this is like a mess, and when the target is not found along the identified path, people are suddenly confused.

However, Jiang Xi soon made up his mind.

No matter how deeply the murderer hides, the strange fragrance on his hair can't be removed. Since she didn't find anyone with a strange fragrance among these people, it only means that the person is not among these people.

Zhen Shicheng also thought of this.

In his opinion, as long as he has been to the scene, there will definitely be traces left, and there is no seamless murder case.

Is that person not among these people?

Zhen Shicheng took out the roster from his sleeve and looked at it again. The roster clearly stated that there were 72 people in the back house.

There are only four masters of the uncle's mansion, and the number of people who maintain the operation of the uncle's mansion's back house is dozens of times that. This number is only ordinary in the noble family.

Zhen Shicheng recruited a subordinate and whispered a few words.

This subordinate is good at counting, and after hearing Zhen Shicheng's instructions, his eyes quickly swept across the crowd in the courtyard. After about a cup of tea, he attached to Zhen Shicheng's ear and said, "Sir, not counting Yongchangbo and others, there are seven people at the scene. ten people."

Zhen Shicheng's eyes narrowed.

Two people are missing!

Jiang Xia saw that Zhen Shicheng's expression changed. Although she didn't know what happened, she understood that there should be a discovery. Unfortunately, she couldn't hear it and could only wait for Lord Zhen to reveal the answer.

"Steward, this official asks again, are all the people in the back house ready?"

The steward was a little nervous by Zhen Shicheng's seriousness, and said with an uneasy expression, "Everything is here."

They counted these people several times, and they even sent someone to call back those who were on leave. Could something go wrong?

Zhen Shicheng took a photo of the cover of the roster and sneered: "There are 72 people in the roster, but only 70 people came. Where are the other two?"

The steward was stunned when asked.

Zhen Shicheng didn't give the steward a chance to think about it, and shouted, "You don't show up without two people, are you covering up the murderer?"

The steward turned pale with fright, and hurriedly said, "Sir, you are wronged, even if you give a hundred courage to the villain, you won't dare to cover up the murderer!"

"Then tell me, who are the two young people?"

The steward couldn't help looking at a woman.

That old woman is in charge of the backyard, and she is considered to be an internal steward. When the steward sees it like this, she sweats down, and hurriedly said: "Sir, the servants from all the courtyards of the back house are here, but there are two people left in the inner kitchen. —"

"Two people were left in the inner kitchen?" Zhen Shicheng heard a move in his heart, and his face was extremely serious, "This official has repeatedly emphasized that everyone should be concentrated here, why don't you say that you left two people?"

The old lady in charge was so frightened that her face turned pale: "Sir, this old servant didn't intend to hide it. How can I leave the inner kitchen, I have to prepare food and drink for the masters, and also prepare things for worshiping the madam... The inner kitchen originally has Six people, leaving only two people is the minimum."

"Confused, why don't you call those two people over!" Uncle Yongchang was furious when he heard the old lady in charge mentioning his wife.

At this time, these bastards are still thinking about eating and drinking.

Uncle Yongchang forgot that for these servants, serving the master of a mansion well is the most important thing.

It doesn’t matter if the ground is dirty and no one is cleaning it. If the master is thirsty and hungry but can’t bring the food in time, he might lose his job, especially when the masters are in a bad mood.

The stewards are also good people. In order to prevent this from happening, they left two honest people to work in the kitchen. I don't think this will have any impact on the investigation.

Not long after, two women were brought over.

One of them was a middle-aged woman, dressed in blue cloth, her hair neatly combed, and wrapped in a towel of the same color, looking neat and clean. The other was a little maid who was covered in ashes and was probably on fire.

The two were brought in front of Zhen Shicheng, the middle-aged woman stood quietly with her hands down, the little maid was obviously panicked,

He clasped his hands and kept stirring, looking like he was about to cry at any moment.

Zhen Shicheng only glanced at the little maid, and his attention fell on the middle-aged woman.

The age of the woman was in line with the blood robe she had taken off.

Although the murderer can do the opposite and deliberately wear clothes that are not in line with his identity, this seems prudent, but it is actually unwise behavior.

For example, a middle-aged woman is walking in the courtyard wearing a teenage girl's dress, and being bumped into it is equivalent to telling others that she has a problem.

The best cover is to be yourself.

Zhen Shicheng looked at the woman without saying a word.

In such a tense silence, Jiang seemed to go around without a trace and approached the woman.

Although the woman was wearing a headscarf, Jiang Xi not only had an excellent sense of smell, but also learned a different technique from Elder Wu Miao, which strengthened her ability in this area. No smell.

Jiang Si's eyes lit up, and he nodded slightly to Zhen Shicheng.

Zhen Shicheng's heart suddenly let go.

Once the murderer has been identified, it is not difficult to pry open his mouth.

Zhen Shicheng winked at a subordinate, and the subordinate immediately came up.

"Quietly let someone lead you to the woman's residence to search for any abnormality, especially pay attention to the scented things and changed shoes."

"Yes." The subordinate replied in a low voice and stepped back silently.

There were so many people in the courtyard, and the yamen was blocked soon after he retired, and no one paid attention to his whereabouts.

"What errands are you doing in the inner kitchen?" Zhen Shicheng asked.

"The little woman makes desserts," the woman said.

"The maid, the maid is the fire girl." The little maid said tremblingly.

Zhen Shicheng took the kettle handed over by the yamen, took a sip of water to moisten his throat, and then asked, "Why did the two of you stay?"

This time, the little maid answered first: "I need a maid to set the fire."

From the little maid's point of view, it is only natural for the kitchen to keep people on fire.

Zhen Shicheng's eyes stopped on the woman's face: "What about you? There are six people in the inner kitchen, why did you leave the cook who makes desserts?"

Dessert is just an after-dinner embellishment, and it is unreasonable to leave the cook who makes the dessert.

The woman replied, "Masters like desserts made by little women, and the eldest girl often orders people to serve snowflakes."

Hearing the words "snowflake cake", Jiang Si immediately changed his face.

Just yesterday, she came to Yongchang Uncle Mansion as a guest. Xie Qingyao specially invited her to eat snowflake cake and complimented the chef.

Thinking of this, Jiang Si had a flash of light, and thought of another question: "Are you new here?"

In the spring, the Uncle Yongchang held a flower viewing banquet. At that time, she had not been reborn, and she had never tasted the soft and sweet ice cream when she went to the banquet.

She knew her friends, and Xie Qingyao was a person who was willing to share good things with others. If the cook was there at the time, there would be no reason not to bring out ice cream to entertain guests.

The steward looked at Jiang Si's eyes and couldn't hide his surprise: "The damselfly came to the house for three months."

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