The madness and hatred in the damselfly voice made Uncle Yongchang stunned, and said angrily, "Don't be rude, what can my wife and I do to you, and let you be so vicious?"

Everyone's eyes on the body did not make the damselfly panic, but made her laugh out loud: "Hahaha, even if you don't ask, I have to make it clear, so that the world can know what kind of filthy Yong Changbo is. man of!"

"Don't insult my father!" Xie Qingyao turned pale with anger.

Yong Changbo pulled his daughter back: "Let her speak!"

The damselfly raised her hand to wipe the tears from the corner of her eyes, and said bitterly, "Seventeen years ago, Mrs. Uncle was pregnant, and let out the wind to pick a room for Uncle Yongchang. At that time, many maids were eager to move, and I was one of them. one."

Speaking of this, the damselfly laughed at herself: "Who does not know that Uncle Yongchang has a lot of respect and love for his wife. He is gentle and courteous on weekdays, and keeps himself clean. Except for his wife, let alone a concubine, he has never even been a concubine. How many maids would not be tempted by a young man with good character, distinguished status and a young man? But—"

The damselfly choked for a moment, and looked at Uncle Yongchang with hatred: "But who would have thought that this uncle, whom everyone praised, would be so filthy, clearly coaxing and occupying my body, but turning his head and not recognizing it. , I pretended that nothing had happened and let the uncle arrange Chunmei. Hehe, I was too stupid to figure it out when I was young. What is the loss for a man to sleep with one more woman? I am not reconciled, run I went to Mrs. Bo to argue, but Mrs. Bo accused me of unscrupulous efforts to climb up to Bo Yong Chang, and ordered me to be kicked out..."

"That's why you killed Uncle Madam and framed Uncle?" Zhen Shicheng ignored Uncle Yongchang's increasingly ugly face and said lightly, "Hate can make people lose their minds and do impulsive things, but hatred often changes with time. It gets lighter as time goes by, you choose to take revenge after seventeen years, could it be that something has changed?"

The damselfly pursed her lips tightly, trembling like leaves in the autumn wind.

Zhen Shicheng clapped his hands: "Yes, the accident should have been caused by the death of your son and man two years ago!"

After hearing Zhen Shicheng's words, the damselfly couldn't help but take two steps back, looking at him like a ghost.

Could this Lord Zhen have the ability to read minds?

By this time, the damselfly had lost the will to hide it, and instead had the urge to not spit it out, and sneered: "Yes, but the root cause has to start from seventeen years ago! I had no relatives and no support in the mansion, and after being driven out of the mansion, I was desperate. I chose to throw myself into the river in desperation. Maybe God didn't see me leaving so comfortably, but I was rescued by a passing trader. At that time I Feeling disheartened, I was grateful for the life-saving grace of the merchant and married him, and returned to his hometown Nanhe to live with him..."

Looking back on the past, the damselfly had a brighter look in her eyes, and it was obvious that those days with the merchant were not lacking in joy.

But soon the damselfly changed her tone: "Who would have thought that I would be pregnant soon after marriage!"

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but look at Bo Yong Chang.

Under such circumstances, the first reaction of almost everyone was that the child in the damselfly belly belonged to Uncle Yong Chang, only Uncle Yong Chang had a cold expression on his face, and he couldn't tell what he was thinking.

The damselfly trembled violently: "Although I was rescued by the trader and soon became married to him, the child is not his at all. Sure enough, eight months after we got married, I had a seizure and experienced After three days and three nights of dystocia, I finally gave birth to my son. As my son's brows and eyes grew wider every day, there was nothing similar to my man at all. I could no longer deceive myself with the idea of ​​luck. Fortunately, my man thought that My son was born prematurely, and I have no doubts. I thought about having children for him again, and caring for him for a lifetime would be considered to make up for my guilt. Who would have thought that I would never be pregnant again. The doctor who invited me said that I hurt my body during childbirth, and that I will never be pregnant again. Can't get pregnant. I really hate it!"

The damselfly stared at Yong Changbo with wide eyes, and said in a trembling voice, "It was his picture that caused me a calamity for the rest of my life.

Should I not hate it! "

Zhen Shicheng was noncommittal and continued to ask, "What does the death of your son and man have to do with this matter?"

Just because she can't bear children for her husband, this kind of hatred is not enough to make a woman who is living a decent life deliberately seek revenge for murder.

Hearing Zhen Shicheng's question, the damselfly tugged at her messy hair, and the pain prevented her from falling into madness because of the pain when she recalled the past: "This secret has been hidden in my heart for too long, it has been too long, Seeing my son grow up day by day, with a completely different appearance and temperament from my man, I became more and more panicked, until one night—"

As the damselfly paused, the courtyard fell silent.

Everyone wants to know what terrible thing happened that night.

"I had a nightmare that night and couldn't help but tell the secret in my dream!"

There were bursts of exclamations in the crowd, obviously not expecting the secret exposure to be like this.

A strange color flashed in Jiang Xi's eyes.

Talking in your sleep and telling your secrets sounds unbelievable, but it's actually not surprising.

A terrible secret is kept hidden for too long, and it will become heavier and heavier in that person's heart. One day, because he can't bear it, he will find an outlet, either actively or passively.

"When I heard this secret, my man went mad at the time, and his red eyes forced me to tell the story, and then—" The damselfly opened her mouth, tears streaming down the corners of her dry eyes, "he rushed to my son's house, In a fit of rage, he strangled my son to death!"

"Hey—" Everyone gasped, and looked at the damselfly with sympathy.

Anyway, the only son was strangled to death by his own man, it was too tragic.

"You didn't stop him then?" Zhen Shicheng asked.

"I was beaten by him, and when I realized that my son was dying. My man calmed down, tied a stone to my son and threw it into the river, making the illusion that my son was playing with drowning and didn't even catch the corpse... …”

Zhen Shicheng was silent for a moment, then asked, "Then how did your man die?"

The damselfly also fell silent. Just as everyone held their breaths and waited for her answer, she smiled and said word by word, "I killed him."

Looking at the damselfly's smile, everyone suddenly felt a chill down their spines, and no one made a sound.

"From then on, he would beat me every night, pumping the soles of my shoes, scalding with tongs, and using any means of torture. I knew that I would be beaten to death by him in the long run, but I I'm not reconciled, it's not that I'm not reconciled to being beaten by him, it's what I owe him. I'm not reconciled that I was hurt so badly by Uncle Yongchang, but the person who harmed me is still living a rich and happy life, it's not fair! "

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