There was a rustling from behind, and Jiang Shi quickly closed the window.

Erniu poked his nose on the window screen and poked a hole in the thin as cicada's wing screen, revealing his wet black nose.

Jiang Si turned back and saw that Xie Qingyao had just turned over, he was relieved and turned around again.

His swarthy nose moved, but it still stayed in the punctured hole.

The window screens blurred the outline of the big dog.

Jiang seemed to twitch the corner of his mouth and reopened the window.

The big dog looked at Jiang Si innocently, and seemed to know that he couldn't wake up the others, so he was very obedient and silent.

"I'll get you something to eat later, and then hurry back, you know?" Jiang Xi thought that Er Niu was a little distressed when he was hungry, and was afraid that it would be discovered, so he whispered.

"Asi, who are you talking to?"

Jiang Si hurriedly turned around and saw that Xie Qingyao had already sat up, his eyes swollen into walnuts, with a hazy haze that was not yet awake.

Er Niu cleverly hid under the window root.

Jiang Si walked back: "I see that the weather is good, so I'm talking to myself."

Xie Qingyao didn't have any doubts, he called the maid in and after washing up, he sat numbly at the table and had breakfast.

The breakfast in front of her was only a bowl of gruel.

According to the rules, my parents have just passed away, and within three days, I will not have this bowl of gruel, and I can only drink water. But rules are dead, people are alive. Not to mention that Xie Qingyao was a weak girl, even if a strong man didn't eat for three days and only drank water, and cried and mourned during the day and watched the spirit at night, I'm afraid it would be ruined after three days.

Meat and fishy can not be touched, and no one criticized the clear porridge to eat.

In front of Jiang Si, in addition to a bowl of gruel, there are two more vegetarian buns.

The vegetarian buns are only bigger than the children's fists. Two buns and a bowl of porridge would have been enough, but Jiang seemed a little worried when he thought of the Er Niu at the root of the window.

Xie Qingyao didn't have the slightest appetite. After two mouthfuls of porridge, he didn't want to eat any more. He took the spoon and stirred the porridge for a while.

"Asi, don't worry about me, eat it while it's hot, if it's not enough, let the maid bring some."

Jiang Xi was silent, and said cheekily: "Then bring ten more buns."

The maid who was waiting on the side lost her voice: "Ten?"

Xie Qingyao glared at the maid: "Speak up! Hurry up and serve it."

I didn't expect Axi to have such a big appetite. Sure enough, people will always change when they grow up.

Soon a plate of plain buns was served. The buns were evenly folded, with thin skin and large fillings, neatly lined up on a white porcelain plate.

The maid quietly glanced at Jiang Si, unable to hide the strangeness.

Jiang seemed to frown.

Staring so closely, how could she feed Er Niu?

"There are unfamiliar people I can't eat, you go down for the time being."

Seeing that Xie Qingyao did not object, the maid silently retreated.

Xie Qingyao was absent-minded when eating, and sometimes lost his mind. Jiang Si took this opportunity to throw a vegetarian bun outside the window, and when the plate of buns bottomed out, he was sweating all over.

She knew that Yu Qi was a mess!

"It's time for someone to come from the grandfather's family today." Xie Qingyao said softly on the way to the mourning hall.

Jiang Si patted the back of Xie Qingyao's hand and gave silent support.

In the mourning hall, Xie Yinlou was sitting on his knees and burning paper.

Licking the tongue of fire, the paper money turned into a gray butterfly and was swept away by the wind.

"Big brother—" Xie Qingyao burst into tears when he saw Xie Yinlou.

Xie Yinlou paused, raised his eyes to look at Xie Qingyao, then looked at Jiang Si and nodded in greeting.

Xie Qingyao knelt down beside Xie Yinlou, took the stack of paper money in his hand, lit it, and murmured.

"You and Jiang Simei go inside and sit first, and then come out when your relatives and friends come."

"Brother, I want to be with you."

Xie Yinlou looked cold: "Be obedient."

Xie Qingyao now has only one close relative left, Xie Yinlou, so naturally he would not refute his brother's words, so he silently got up and went inside.

During the day, people came to offer their condolences one after another.

Seeing that it was almost noon, the acquaintance shouted, "Hedong Zhang's uncle and uncle have arrived."

Hedong Zhang's family is Mrs. Yongchang's maiden family.

The local clan.

Soon a group of people poured in, crying.

Several women hugged Xie Qingyao and cried, and hugged each other into the next hall.

One of the women wiped away her tears and hugged Xie Qingyao tightly: "child, it's really hard for you, auntie is late."

A group of women, different from each other, surrounded Xie Qingyao with your sympathy.

In this case, Jiang seems to have to quietly reduce his presence.

"Who is in charge of the house now?" the woman asked.

Xie Qingyao was silent, crying blindly.

The woman exchanged glances with the others, thinking that she is just a little girl, how can she understand these mundane things.

"Qingyao, your grandmother passed out when she heard that your mother was gone. She was still chanting your name in her drowsiness. The old lady is worried about you." The woman wiped her tears and changed the subject. Don't be afraid, with me and your uncle here, you will definitely handle your parents' affairs well, and never let others bully you young and suffer a dark loss."

"I don't understand this, auntie go and tell my brother." Xie Qingyao said mutely.

The woman suffocated, and said warmly, "Well, when I turn around, my aunt will tell your eldest brother. It just so happens that your uncle also has something to tell your eldest brother."

Seeing Xie Qingyao's ignorant appearance, the woman stopped talking and continued to cry about the suffering of the Xie brothers and sisters.

At noon, Xie Yinlou urged Xie Qingyao to go back to the house to rest, but he himself was tired, and even his lips were dry and peeling.

Xie Qingyao wanted to persuade his brother to take a rest, but the uncle, who knew that he was so big, could only rely on his brother to support him. Even if she tried to persuade him, it would be useless. house.

She really doesn't understand many things, but she understands that following her brother's arrangement is the most sensible thing at this time.

Jiang Si quietly reminded: "Qingyao, I think my uncle and wife may have other ideas besides condolences, you should pay more attention."

Xie Qingyao nodded lightly, leaving a maid staring here.

The two went back to the house, washed their faces and hands, and after a short rest, the maid hurried over, with a heavy expression: "Miss, the uncle and the eighth wife are arguing."

The "eighth wife" in the maid's mouth was the woman who was talking to Xie Qingyao when Jiang Si came over yesterday.

Xie Qingyao moved his eyelids and his voice was indifferent: "What are you fighting for? Who are you fighting for our housekeeper?"

Obviously, Xie Qingyao didn't know anything when his uncle and wife asked questions just now, but it wasn't that he didn't understand anything.

She knew it in her heart, and it was precisely because of her knowledge that she realized how sad it was to rely on her parents' two mountains to rely on.

She really only has a brother now.

The maid looked strange: "No, the concubine and the eighth are arguing for the marriage of the prince, saying that the uncle's house is not like the mistress of the house, and taking advantage of the hot filial piety to close the marriage, there is no need to wait for another three years, which is also a consolation. Uncle and Uncle's spirits in heaven."

When Xie Qingyao heard this, his expression changed immediately.

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