The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter 185 pretending to be a ghost

Aunt Eight rubbed her swollen face and sneered: "How do I know how to remedy it?"

Eighth Uncle glared: "Stupid lady, there is no one to protect such a big piece of fat in the uncle's house. Do you want to miss the opportunity that finally came?"

"But now that it's like this, is it possible to force the prince to marry?"

The eighth uncle touched his chin, and his eyes flashed with greed: "If this road doesn't work, think of other ways, don't you women have many ideas. Old lady, if you can take this opportunity to manage the uncle's house, you will be worried. How many boys can't marry a good wife?"

Aunt Eight sat down, took a few sips of herbal tea, and threw her previous fears out of the sky: "Let me think about it."

How can I interfere in the affairs of Bofu? The old man was right, if she missed such a great opportunity, she would regret it for the rest of her life.

Aunt Eight's eyes rolled around, racking her brains to think of ideas.

Uncle Eight knew that Aunt Eight had many ideas in this regard, so he drank the tea without saying a word, staring at Aunt Eight's slightly swollen profile with a bit of annoyance.

Should be lighter.

Aunt Eight suddenly slapped her thigh: "Yes!"

"What?" Eighth Uncle came to the spirit and put the bottomed teacup on the table.

Delicate white porcelain teacups cost a lot of money for such a set. The cost of eating and drinking in the uncle's house is really not comparable to that of Zhuangzi.

Uncle Ba thought of this, and his heart was hot.

Yongchangbo's line has always been thin, and has been passed down for several generations. Now there are no close relatives in the same family, and they are separated from the eighth uncle by a few rooms.

Fortunately, Uncle Yongchang is a kind person, and he has taken good care of his family for many years.

It's a pity that people are not enough to swallow elephants. Seeing that for many years, a lot of money has been scattered from the uncle's mansion. For people like the eighth uncle and eight aunts, they only think that the uncle Yongchang is made of mountains of gold and silver. Where can I still remember the affection of Yong Changbo and his wife.

From their point of view, Bo Mansion is rich, and it is appropriate to take care of the clansmen, and they even feel that they are giving less. Now that the master of the house has passed away, how can such a huge family business be handed over to a child who is still underage and defeated.

The eighth aunt looked out, closed the open window, and said in a low voice, "I saw that Shizi is a thoughtful person, and we still have to start with that girl."

"What do you think of a good way?" The eighth uncle thought of Xie Qingyao's aggressiveness in the mourning hall, and shook his head, "That girl is not easy to mess with."

Eight aunts pouted: "You men don't understand, dogs that can bite don't bark, and those who make a lot of trouble are half a bucket of water."

"Okay, tell me your idea now."

"If the girl is ill, there is no elder in the mansion to take care of her, so in all likelihood, she will go to her grandfather's house to recuperate?"

"Maybe that uncle and wife will stay and take care of it."

The eighth aunt smiled disapprovingly: "What if the uncle and wife stay? Although they can talk about the marriage of the prince, but as long as they can't put the girl in, this uncle's mansion can't be managed by outsiders, right? This is everywhere. It's untenable. As long as that girl is sick, we are of the same clan, and in the name of the patriarch, isn't it only natural to take care of the back house for the uncle? thing?"

Uncle Eight couldn't help but nodded.

"As long as the housekeeper of this uncle's mansion is in his hands, even if the girl turns back and recovers, he can still drive us out? It's easy to get rid of the gods, but before the uncle's mansion welcomes a proper hostess, we can The uncle is the master of the house. Even if the eldest son gets a wife in the future, at that time we will all straighten out the relationship in the house, and it will not be so easy to move us. Old man, do you think this is the truth?"

"That's what I said, but although the girl is sad, I look in good spirits."

Aunt Eight rolled her eyes at Uncle Eight: "I've lived for a long time, and I can even scare out hysteria in the mourning hall. That girl is a little girl, and she's not scared to get sick when she encounters an unclean thing?"

Eighth Uncle's eyes lit up: "You mean—pretend to be a ghost?"

Eight aunts are happy,

Quite complacent: "It's just pretending to be a ghost. At night, a female ghost with disheveled hair swayed in front of the girl, and she didn't seem to frighten her to death."

Uncle Ba thought he was more rigorous than Aunt Ba in this regard, and said: "Since you want to pretend to be a ghost, you have to do it all at once, but it's not safe to lose your hair. If you want me to say, if you paint your face white, it's best not to see it. The five senses come..."

The two were eager to study the details of the costumed ghost, and finally looked at each other and smiled.

"That's it." Eighth Uncle poured himself another cup of tea, rubbing the delicate white porcelain teacup.

This teacup feels really comfortable, and it's all money.

Aunt Eight's eyes flashed: "But who is going to pretend to be a ghost?"

Uncle Eight was stunned when asked.

The eighth aunt said to herself: "The people we brought are unreliable, and the people who temporarily bought the uncle's residence are too late..."

As she said that, she met Uncle Eight's gaze, and saw a bit of meaning in the other's eyes: "Old man, won't you let me come?"

The eighth uncle smiled: "Old lady, you are the most suitable. As you said, others are not at ease. This matter has to be done by yourself."

The eighth aunt opened her mouth and suddenly thought of the cold hands in the mourning hall and the thunder that almost fell on her body, she couldn't help but shuddered: "I can't!"

"Why not?" Eighth Uncle stared.

Not to be outdone, the eighth aunt stared back: "Why don't you go?"

"I'm a big man. Isn't it easy to be discovered by sneaking into the girl's house?" Eighth Uncle instinctively resisted getting involved with ghosts and gods.

"Wouldn't it be more eye-catching if someone saw it dressed as a female ghost?"

Uncle Eight was speechless.

"At the moment, most of the servants in the mansion are busy at the Ling Peng. They are exhausted from exhaustion all day long, and they will surely fall asleep at night. Besides, they are scared away when they see a female ghost. Who would dare to lean forward? ." Eight aunt pinched eight uncle, "I don't care, I won't go alone anyway!"

Uncle Eight had no choice but to agree to go with him.

In the evening, the rain had stopped, and the cool wind blew in through the window, making the bed curtains drift back and forth in the house.

"Asi, aren't you sleeping yet?" Xie Qingyao asked aloud after seeing Jiang Si standing by the window for a while.

Jiang Si finally glanced out the window, then closed the window and walked back to Xie Qingyao: "Sleep."

Erniu should have left here, she didn't smell its breath.

However, the rain and wind today will affect her judgment.

If the two cows were still there, they would be hungry.

Er Niu, who was worried by the hostess that he was hungry, ran across the garden towards Xie Qingyao's yard with a fat chicken in his mouth, stopped at the gate of the yard, and flashed behind the flowers and trees on the side.

Let's go in after eating the fat chicken.

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